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That's your opinion Spats. In relationships forgivness and understanding are often qualities that will support that relationship and make it stronger. Certainly the majority of people agree with you but also most certainly all do not. So what difference is it to you what's between two people that have been together and remained together for so many years? At any time each party could have chosen to bail but didn't. Because they LOVE each other even though they have human flaws and aren't perfect.

If two people loved so much they wouldn't cheat on each other.

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26 years now!!! From 2002:

The Bonos 20th Anniversary...

Bono and Ali have a love greater than Bogart and Bacall, Romeo and Juliet, Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara and even Bertie and Celia.

Next week is the 20th wedding anniversary of Ireland's real first couple Bono and Ali Hewson.

Hard to imagine that Bono was only 22 when he married a very young Alison Stewart in Dublin on August 21st 1982.

Showing his naivety, 1982 was also the same year Bono backed the electoral campaign of the then Fianna Gael leader Garrett Fitzgerald!

He won and Bono has been winning ever since.

Last week Bono and Ali were pictured in the tabloids enjoying a romantic holiday in Florence, Italy. Ali and the couples four children have spent the summer in the families summer house in Eze on the French Riviera.

Bono has been up and down throughout the summer but the couple is due back for their anniversary but not solely to celebrate their wedding.

Few know this but the date of the couples wedding anniversary is also the same date that Bono's father Robert Hewson died last year from Cancer.

Bono and his older brother Norman are expected to both be in Dublin for their father's first anniversary.

Robert (Bob) Hewson is buried in Howth.

There has been some celebrating also for the Hewson family this month as the couple's son Elijah Bob, who was partly named after Bono's father celebrated his third birthday.

Pics from 2006:







more recent:


Edited by ~tangerine~
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Life happens. How two people cope with events is not as black and white as you may think. All married couples go through hard periods. At times it is not easy but, nothing worthwhile ever was. I know that I personally would not be too concerned about what anyone else thought if I was faced with being cheated on. Of course I would be hurt and angry but, to say that there was no reason to continue my marriage well I think anyone who has been in a longterm relationship would understand that it takes two to tango. Maybe I wasn't doing my part either. Sometimes people lose each other, and sometimes they rediscover each other

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Life happens. How two people cope with events is not as black and white as you may think. All married couples go through hard periods. At times it is not easy but, nothing worthwhile ever was. I know that I personally would not be too concerned about what anyone else thought if I was faced with being cheated on. Of course I would be hurt and angry but, to say that there was no reason to continue my marriage well I think anyone who has been in a longterm relationship would understand that it takes two to tango. Maybe I wasn't doing my part either. Sometimes people lose each other, and sometimes they rediscover each other

Those are excuses. Married couples should not have to go through hard periods (other than illness) if you are meant to be together. Marriage does not have to be hard. If it is then there is something wrong.

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Those are excuses. Married couples should not have to go through hard periods (other than illness) if you are meant to be together. Marriage does not have to be hard. If it is then there is something wrong.

Your right, marriage does not have to be hard but life is a journey and as much as we like to think it, nothing is written in stone. Couples make decisions everyday that have an effect on they're lives and those of they're family. It's not alway's about me, and it's not alway's about her. It's usually about both of us.

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Those are excuses. Married couples should not have to go through hard periods (other than illness) if you are meant to be together. Marriage does not have to be hard. If it is then there is something wrong.

There you go again Spats, just rienforcing the reasons why you will probably die single. Marriage is NOT always easy! People rarely look at the same situation in exactly the same way so comprimises must be worked out. That is work and requires DEDICATION!! You have to be dedicated to each other in order to work through hard times. You think life is a fairy tale. I'm here to tell you...it is not.

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Life happens. How two people cope with events is not as black and white as you may think. All married couples go through hard periods. At times it is not easy but, nothing worthwhile ever was. I know that I personally would not be too concerned about what anyone else thought if I was faced with being cheated on. Of course I would be hurt and angry but, to say that there was no reason to continue my marriage well I think anyone who has been in a longterm relationship would understand that it takes two to tango. Maybe I wasn't doing my part either. Sometimes people lose each other, and sometimes they rediscover each other

Very nicely said Ally. It's how you react to life that is important....

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Very interesting thread...really does take a special partner to withstand the other woman...music being the other woman haha

I often wonder how much understanding and compromising goes into rock marriages

Sometimes it seems if the match was made early in the career it stands the tests of time

The next generation has...

Jon Bonjovi and Dorothea (childhood sweethearts)

Simon Le Bon and Yasmin (married since 1985)

Sebastian Bach and Maria (childhood sweethearts)

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Very interesting thread...really does take a special partner to withstand the other woman...music being the other woman haha

I often wonder how much understanding and compromising goes into rock marriages

Sometimes it seems if the match was made early in the career it stands the tests of time

The next generation has...

Jon Bonjovi and Dorothea (childhood sweethearts)

Simon Le Bon and Yasmin (married since 1985)

Sebastian Bach and Maria (childhood sweethearts)

I'd like to know how Maria Bach does it. After watching their TV show awhile back, I don't think I could stand to be around him for more than 5 minutes. Argh.

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Those are excuses. Married couples should not have to go through hard periods (other than illness) if you are meant to be together. Marriage does not have to be hard. If it is then there is something wrong.

You obviously have never been married or had children. Maybe you should not be speaking on this subject unless you have walked in someone else shoes. For you I assume that would be high heels! :o

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I think Spats is right. That's how a marriage is supposed to be. Of course, most of the times it isn't, but if you marry a person it means that your love him/her with all the flaws and you are ready to spend your entire life with that person, good or bad times. But the love should always be there.

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I've been married since 1981. Being married is hard work if you do it right. I know people who are married but not monogomos. I know people who had affairs and yet remained married. Everyone is different and imperfect but if you can stay married and in love with your partner the rewards are great.

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I don't really like Bon Jovi or Sebastian Bach, but that's besides the point. I think that it's wonderful they are still married to their childhood sweethearts.

When I watched VH1's Supergroup, the one thing I loved about Sebastian was how he genuinely loved his wife so much. It was funny how he nearly ate her face off when she arrived at the house but it was touching to hear him say how hot she was and how she was the love of his life. Evan Seinfeld recalled how he told him he gets a boner just talking about her! After 20 or so years together, that's pretty good going :D

Jon's wife Dorothea hasn't had it all roses with him...I read quite a candid interview with Jon a few months ago, where he said he had been less than saintly in his marriage. They worked through though, and seem to still be strong.

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When I watched VH1's Supergroup, the one thing I loved about Sebastian was how he genuinely loved his wife so much. It was funny how he nearly ate her face off when she arrived at the house but it was touching to hear him say how hot she was and how she was the love of his life. Evan Seinfeld recalled how he told him he gets a boner just talking about her! After 20 or so years together, that's pretty good going :D

I think Maria & Sebastian will be together forever. They're from Toronto and I was at a house party at a mutal friend's years ago, and Sebastian and Maria showed up. It was around 1am or something like that, and Maria wanted to go to the store with a girlfriend, and Sebastian was saying to her to be careful since it was so late. He wasn't sure he wanted her to go outside since she was also dressed rather provocatively. That Evan comment was funny... but I think he gets a boner over anything! :lol:

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