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Jimmy Page Arrives In Toronto


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Sorry --- the answer is negative. So far.

What do you mean by Y-tube ?? Is there a trailer I don't know about ??


No... I meant all the YTuber video with Jimmy/Jack/Edge in Toronto is typically crap quality. I want to see something else without going blind.

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No... I meant all the YTuber video with Jimmy/Jack/Edge in Toronto is typically crap quality. I want to see something else without going blind.

Unfortunately I must confer.

Even my own filmed events are blurry and believe me I am kicking my ass for not buying a better camera prior to all the proceedings here.

To think that I was in a Best Buy on Thursday saying this to myself ...... agh !!!

I call it the curse of the 70's bootlegger ----- lol. Courtesy of 8mm productions.


I suppose professional photography from the night is the best so far.

And some great images were captured.

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Tighter security for Jimmy only?Well so many celebrities in Toronto this weekend.This is what makes it so great. Toronto aint an armed camp,very open society and hopelfully it remains that way

It would be misleading to suggest that Jimmy was the major attraction. In fact it was Brad Pits picture that was plastered all over the front pages of the papers in Toronto today.

Yesterday I stumbled within two or three feet of a major British tycoon and I can tell you there was not mountains of security.Lebron James was not exactly surrounded by mountains of security either -he was literally surrounded by thousands of admirers.

OK, for anyone who needs it. Sheesh. I was just reacting to a description of Jimmy being mobbed and his car too-easily accessible by fans. It should be obvious just from reading this board that not everybody who wants to get close to Jimmy should be allowed anywhere near Jimmy, and I'm sure the same applies to other celebrities. All my friends from the Toronto area are perfectly normal and some of them wonderful, but even Toronto isn't immune to loonies! :D

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OK, for anyone who needs it. Sheesh. I was just reacting to a description of Jimmy being mobbed and his car too-easily accessible by fans. It should be obvious just from reading this board that not everybody who wants to get close to Jimmy should be allowed anywhere near Jimmy, and I'm sure the same applies to other celebrities. All my friends from the Toronto area are perfectly normal and some of them wonderful, but even Toronto isn't immune to loonies! :D

Robert Plant walks around Nashville with zero security (I don't think his assistant could possibly count as a bodyguard). Page would probably not need security here unless he was at a publicized, announced event drawing attention. The only "celebrity" that I know of that walks around with security is Billy Ray Cyrus and no I am not making this up, he has bodyguards and it is freakin' hilarious.

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OK, for anyone who needs it. Sheesh. I was just reacting to a description of Jimmy being mobbed and his car too-easily accessible by fans. It should be obvious just from reading this board that not everybody who wants to get close to Jimmy should be allowed anywhere near Jimmy, and I'm sure the same applies to other celebrities. All my friends from the Toronto area are perfectly normal and some of them wonderful, but even Toronto isn't immune to loonies! :D

I would like to think that the Zepp contingency here in Toronto has represented well.

And I agree , no place on earth is immune to the unknown.

Good and Bad.

I count 7 fellow forum users that all experienced the festival's premiering of IMGL.

I'm impressed with the overall descriptions and commentary here .

Hats off to that .

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Robert Plant walks around Nashville with zero security (I don't think his assistant could possibly count as a bodyguard). Page would probably not need security here unless he was at a publicized, announced event drawing attention. The only "celebrity" that I know of that walks around with security is Billy Ray Cyrus and no I am not making this up, he has bodyguards and it is freakin' hilarious.

This is exactly the sort of circumstance I was talking about, though--such as the premiere of a movie!! I wasn't talking about just on an everyday basis, as obviously they don't and never have had massive security everywhere they go, or needed it, for the most part.

(Billy Ray Cyrus, on the other hand, is obviously on a different plane from all other celebrities. :D )

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Thank you for posting all of this Zep-4-Life. It was nice to see your videos. I hope the film opens very soon.

High 5 !!!

Discussion of this film's possible circulation is a great way for this thread to go ......

anyone in the know , feel free to disclose. Thanks.

My personal thoughts are based on some rumbling's heard within the film academy here in Toronto and people claim that the film is most likely to see TV entry at some point.

A limited run in theater's is always a nice thought too.

Bravo and Discovery where mentioned as potential sources in the future.

My hope is that everyone has the chance to see this in a full screen cinematic form.

Fingers crossed.

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High 5 !!!

Discussion of this film's possible circulation is a great way for this thread to go ......

anyone in the know , feel free to disclose. Thanks.

My personal thoughts are based on some rumbling's heard within the film academy here in Toronto and people claim that the film is most likely to see TV entry at some point.

A limited run in theater's is always a nice thought too.

Bravo and Discovery where mentioned as potential sources in the future.

My hope is that everyone has the chance to see this in a full screen cinematic form.

Fingers crossed.

i'd like to see it go PBS way, like scorsese's "no direction home", the dylan bio. after the t.v. premiere, it came out on dvd and also a soundtrack, all done very tastefully, with the audience and the artists first and foremost in the presentations.

page deserves it.

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I would like to think that the Zepp contingency here in Toronto has represented well.

And I agree , no place on earth is immune to the unknown.

Good and Bad.

I count 7 fellow forum users that all experienced the festival's premiering of IMGL.

I'm impressed with the overall descriptions and commentary here .

Hats off to that .

Great job on the videos at TIFF over the weekend and for keeping us all informed on JP. :D

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The only "celebrity" that I know of that walks around with security is Billy Ray Cyrus and no I am not making this up, he has bodyguards and it is freakin' hilarious.

Probably because of the amount of people that want to kill him for ever doing achy breaky heart. :D

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The only poster I saw the entire time ----- tried to buy it too !!!


Our tickets to the film.


We Will Get Loud --- lol

My friend Kevin and I waiting in the line prior to screening.


JP leaving the premiere .

Again , unbelievably close .


The press conference -- through the doors .


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JP leaving the premiere .

Again , unbelievably close .


The press conference -- through the doors .


Awesome collection- and SO close I could feel it, too! Looks like Jimmy was too pre-occupied with looking at 'skirt to notice anything else... ;)

(thanks for sharing, Zepp- and good luck on the equipment quest! )

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Awesome collection- and SO close I could feel it, too! Looks like Jimmy was too pre-occupied with looking at 'skirt to notice anything else... ;)

(thanks for sharing, Zepp- and good luck on the equipment quest! )

Actually it looked to me like he perhaps didn't want his picture taken in that one. I saw those people taking pictures. I get that fans want close-ups, but sometimes it's a bit much.

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Actually it looked to me like he perhaps didn't want his picture taken in that one. I saw those people taking pictures. I get that fans want close-ups, but sometimes it's a bit much.

In a way you are right , but seconds before that he was staring right at me and smiling.

If it wasn't for the fact that I was scrambling to get that position I would have been more prepared.

I was across the street when suddenly there was a big rumble of excitement , so I ran over to see that it was indeed JP coming out.

I was just lucky to be on the passenger side where no one else was.

If my camera would have cooperated I may have captured the smiling moment.

I really don't like the pause/ delay on most digital camera's.

Lesson learned. Better equipment .


It is a total shame that MMM had zero action regarding these three musical celebs in Toronto. No coverage . But I am still waiting to see the press conference video.

Is that a state of the music scene evaluation??? I guess rappers and hip hoppers are the current money makers.


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A person's spirit and soul ultimately is the last form of safety.

Your aura will prevail.

JP's has been nothing short of miraculous , so in that regard , OK , let all the crazies and who know's as close as possible.

Like the idiots throwing firecrackers in NY back in 77 -- just a small point that's all.

In my world we protect at all costs. Perhaps a little P Grant in me .

Guard the treasure .


Thanks for the uploads & sharing your experince. Jimmy looks fanastic; is there a cooler person in the world? They all looked like they were having fun.

I'm happy just thinking about, first, getting to see this movie in a theater soon, since it got such a great response at TIFF, and second - getting to buy it on DVD! Yay!!


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In a way you are right , but seconds before that he was staring right at me and smiling.

If it wasn't for the fact that I was scrambling to get that position I would have been more prepared.

I was across the street when suddenly there was a big rumble of excitement , so I ran over to see that it was indeed JP coming out.

I was just lucky to be on the passenger side where no one else was.

If my camera would have cooperated I may have captured the smiling moment.

I really don't like the pause/ delay on most digital camera's.

Lesson learned. Better equipment .


It is a total shame that MMM had zero action regarding these three musical celebs in Toronto. No coverage . But I am still waiting to see the press conference video.

Is that a state of the music scene evaluation??? I guess rappers and hip hoppers are the current money makers.


Your post made me laugh for a couple of reasons, Zepp-4-Life. I can so relate to the camera delay issues. I was squeezing mine going, 'Oh come ON! inside, but in reality it took only a couple of seconds. But that' the perception in the midst of excitement, right?

Speaking of perception, had you captured Jimmy all smiles and waves in the car, it got me thinking if I'd have said anything. Probably, but I'd feel a lot more like an asshole for doing so. It's not so much the kind of pic you get, it's the means. It got me thinking what I am really objecting to - after all, it was a public event, and it must be just par for the course for JP. I think it's in part about my own change in perception of and approach to these types of things. I used to try and get autographs and all that but it's lost its lustre for me. I think Page would be someone really cool to talk to about a lot of different things, but I guess you've got to be Edge or Jack White to get to do that (too bad the audience couldn't get to ask any questions during the Q&A).

Security surely discusses angles we wouldn't even think to consider, so I don't think Page was ever unsafe. I think I was just commenting more on individual responsibility for everybody involved. Somebody mentioned Billy Ray Cyrus walking around with bodyguards (bwahahahahaha! what an ass) meanwhile Oscar winner Geoffrey Rush walks around Toronto streets with no entourage in tow and talks to fans. I met him briefly last year and he was very kind and personable.

I don't question your genuineness, Zepp-4-Life, it's just that some people get waaay too involved in hero worship; it can go either way - inspire some, and yet leave others feeling empty and wanting more, trying even harder next time for another high.

I remember you and your sign from the theatre; you're certainly enthusiastic, for sure! It was definitely a memorable night.

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We Will Get Loud --- lol

My friend Kevin and I waiting in the line prior to screening.


That's interesting. That symbol, with the JP in the circle... I knew I thought I saw it before when I saw it this summer, in Israel. I was going for a walk with my sister, and we were having a pretty heavy conversation. I was telling her some stuff I never told her before, about stuff that happened to me in my past. And I said... shit, I really need a smoke. Then I see a car with that symbol on the passenger door, which was wide open. I thought... right person to ask. He gave me two Camels, my favorite brand. I told him I only needed one, but he told me to take both. I smiled and said thanks. He was right, I smoked them both in a row. B)

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I don't question your genuineness, Zepp-4-Life, it's just that some people get waaay too involved in hero worship; it can go either way - inspire some, and yet leave others feeling empty and wanting more, trying even harder next time for another high.

I remember you and your sign from the theatre; you're certainly enthusiastic, for sure! It was definitely a memorable night.

I believe that if you read my words , and listen to my narration during the small clips I filmed of JP's movements through the city you will or I should say I hope you sense that my lust or desire isn't to be one of those typical sign this sign that oh Jimmy Jimmy types.

Honestly, I just love the feeling that one gets when in the presence.

Being of a spiritual nature and having many beliefs about energies and aura's , I find JP's to be of a most uplifting kind.

When he shook my hand at the 02 rehearsal I was reduced to sheer liquid jelly.

And that's supposed to be funny and yet at the same time true.

Maybe a touch of hero worship , but hey we all share in that.

There's not another human being on earth that I would wait in lines for.

Ya, there's bigger and more accomplished human achievements that are far more deserving of attention. Landing on the moon, the invention of light , and the wheel just to name a few.

But, when I think of music and it's gift to us all, I think JP ranks right up there with the greatest contributors of all time .

In hundreds of years from now , the rock n roll legend will have it's list of masters , JP will be right up there like a Mozart or Beethoven.

How many people have fed on that source of energy ??? More then countable.

You're never too old to feel the power.

And ---

Where did you sit and did you happen to take any pics of me with my sign waving to the crowd inside the theater just before the film began ???

Anyone ??

I'd love one of those.

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This snapshot was taken by the gentleman that was one position ahead of us in line.

We were 6th to 9th and had to think hard about where to sit upon entering the theater.

Since we chose the front , we were pretty far away from JP's seat and entrance.

Had we chosen to take this guy's perspective , we would have been a shoulder's tap away.

Hey Jimmy , want some popcorn ??? -- lol


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Security surely discusses angles we wouldn't even think to consider, so I don't think Page was ever unsafe. I think I was just commenting more on individual responsibility for everybody involved. Somebody mentioned Billy Ray Cyrus walking around with bodyguards (bwahahahahaha! what an ass) meanwhile Oscar winner Geoffrey Rush walks around Toronto streets with no entourage in tow and talks to fans. I met him briefly last year and he was very kind and personable.

I have seen business people who would make Jimmy Page look "poor" walk around the streets of Toronto without a security detail

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