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For all you Righties out there who are so gosh-darned in love with Sarah Palin, dontchaknow *wink*.....did any of you defend Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton against lies, rumors, smears and innuendo during this election cycle? You know, since you think it unfair to pick on political candidates and mock them. Just wondering if much like your fabled network, you were truly "fair and balanced".

Im sorry. Rev. Wright never said "God Damn America".

I bet that rumor that Obama started his political career in the kitchen of an unrepentant terrorist is untrue.

I know this one is complety false. Obama never said, "They are going to make you scare of me, saying he has a funny name, and did i mention he is black"

I got one, It was Tanya Rezko who gave the seller an extra $150,000, to sell Obama his land for $150,000 less.

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Then I thought, "The Klan won't be happy with this. There's still Southerners who think the War is on. Someone will shoot him before his first term ends, should he win." So to all the racists, bigots, assholes, douchebags and general twats out there.....thanks a lot. We can't enjoy the possibility of a black man being President without simultaneously worrying that you and Jim-Bob are going to get your hunting rifle and scope.

Actually there are klan in every state I don't think it's just a southern thing.

Liz I wouldn't worry about obama, if OJ made it 13 years out in the open I'm sure

obama will be fine. B)

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Actually there are klan in every state I don't think it's just a southern thing.

Liz I wouldn't worry about obama, if OJ made it 13 years out in the open I'm sure

obama will be fine. B)

Oh, I know there's Klan in every state. I was talking about two different groups.

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Can I ask something? And I really mean no disrespect.

How many people are afraid that, should Obama become President, he would be in danger of assassination? I don't want to use the race card, but the chances of someone taking out McCain don't seem as high as the chances of someone taking out Obama (or maybe we're not hearing of it in Britain). And, as Electrophile said, people are willing to vote for a political party, which opposes their believes, simply because the leader of their party is black.

Does this worry anyone else?

And, again, I really mean no disrespect, I'm just curious.

When George Bush last visited Canada, the secret service was there two months in advance scoping out all the possible scenarios and setting up security. TWO MONTHS. For BUSH. In CANADA. Every window in the US embassy in Ottawa is bulletproof, and before it was built every brick was checked for bugs.

If there's one thing those guys do well it's over the top lock down security, so imagine how much more they'd do for BO given the crazies he would attract. He's even brought his kids to school with secret service around. He's probably got extra security and death threats now. I suppose anything's possible, but given the precautions they take, if anything would happen I can't help but suspect an inside job being more likely.

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Oh Medhb, thanks so much for the link. Like we are to believe the political editor from the Rolling Stone Magazine. We can sooner believe Dan Rather. Medhb.........you are loosing it.

That report was the "Swiss Cheese" of all reports!! :hysterical:

FULL OF HOLES! My god, you libs are digging deep for dirt these days....

Oh, Gosh, John McCain was only tortured for 1.5 to 2 years... OOOOOHHH THE SHAME! :blink:

He didn't take the early release bait.... under those conditions... they all did the same...


Good thing that I stopped my subscription to Rolling Stone.

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When George Bush last visited Canada, the secret service was there two months in advance scoping out all the possible scenarios and setting up security. TWO MONTHS. For BUSH. In CANADA. Every window in the US embassy in Ottawa is bulletproof, and before it was built every brick was checked for bugs.

sorry, my previous post was in regards to this post.

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The disgusting attacks on Palin, the now hating of McCain, the one politician that has tried to work both sides of the isle and dems respected, the again calling out the race card.............. sure does not sound much like the libs are beaming with confidence.

But, I do realize that you are the smartest person around here. Just ask yourself. :lol:LOL

McCain is a hot headed, spoiled brat, senile old man, lol. Palin is a "nutter" (just saw that word the other day from someone here and found it funny) and you are a Bush lover :) so nothing you say means a thing!!!!

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That report was the "Swiss Cheese" of all reports!! :hysterical:

FULL OF HOLES! My god, you libs are digging deep for dirt these days....

Oh, Gosh, John McCain was only tortured for 1.5 to 2 years... OOOOOHHH THE SHAME! :blink:

He didn't take the early release bait.... under those conditions... they all did the same...


Good thing that I stopped my subscription to Rolling Stone.

You see if the Republicans/Conservatives weren't so convinced that their only political debating tool is to smear the opposition in so much shit that they can't get elected, then you might find that nothing needs to be said about whether McCain was tortured for 6 months or 5 years...

But why do I waste my breath? You hero-worship Del. I wouldn't be surprised if you thought Bill O'Reilly should run for President.

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When you start a sentence, literate persons use a capital letter. I am pretty sure that you only copy and paste, explaining the incorrect punctuation. I know that you are in denial, but Obama, if elected will be the most liberal President in American history and we will be well on our way to becoming a socialist country. If you are fooled by a slick salesman, that's your problem.

McCain is disgusted with Barak "Tricky Dick" Hussein Obama, because he is getting criticized by that novice/snake oil salesman and McCain has done nothing but serve America for over 30 years. I'm just asking you to read the bills (including the earmarks) that McCain voted against.

Do you libs really know the radical that you are voting for? He does not stand for America's basic principles.

Hey smart guy, it's spelled Barack. Don't attempt to correct me, when you can't even spell his name correctly.

look up the term radical... Fairly certain you'd get a picture of Palin to go along with it.

You've proven to us already how dumb you are.

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How can we trust a guy who had to turn to drugs while dealing with the decision of if i should go to Yale or Harvard.

I mean, we point to Bush as an idiot. So how is Obama any different.

The difference is that if he wins it will be a historic event in this country. A man who went from being raised by a single mother without much hope or opportunity...

To being elected the first half white man to be President of the United States.


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I don't see as much of a media bias towards anyone else, than I do Obama. I bet if he canceled out on Letterman, David would understand completely.

Yeah well, maybe Barack wouldn't have told Dave a lie by saying he had to get to the airport when he really went to interview with Katie Couric instead of appearing on his scheduled event with Dave.

"Suspending" his campaign to boot.

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Try his slagging off knowing this guy as, "Just someone in the neighborhood",

Obama minimized his relationship by acknowledging only that he knows Ayers. But they have quite a bit more of a connection than that. He’s appeared on panels with Ayers, served on a foundation board with him and held a 1995 campaign event at the home of Ayers and his wife, fellow former terrorist Bernardine Dohrn. Ayers even gave money to one of his campaigns.

Obama is friendly with William Ayers, a leader of the radical Weather Underground, which in the 1970s carried out numerous bombings, including one inside the U.S. Capitol.

Do you know which boards Obama and Ayers sat on? And do you think people who sit as chairs are all friends? It's called volunteer work. You know, you meet people in the community who want to make a difference for the community. Ayers has become respected for his work on education and is a Professor at the University of Illinois. He will never outlive his past as a radical Vietnam war demonstrator/bomber but he has made progess in his work despite his shady past.

So let's talk about one of the boards they chaired on.....

The Annenberg Challenge - an education reform project

Leonore Annenberg has endorsed John McCain. Her husband Walter passed away in 2001.. Does that mean that a wealthy McCain suporter and her husband had asked William Ayers to be on the one of their boards? Why yes it does. Now why would wealthy Republicans ask William Ayers to be on their board? It must be because he is a domestic terrorist. :rolleyes:

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I live in new york and my friend works for -the port authority and he told me some of the process at -kennedy during -the un meetings and the security is highly specialized.

Yeah that's just it, it's their job to make sure 'accidents' don't happen, anticipating every scenario under the sun. That's why I think ldw's concerns, while legitimate, can hopefully be mitigated with finding out bits about just what these guys do that the public never sees. That's not to say there won't be more nut jobs trying to stand up for what's 'right' and attempt assassinations, I just think the secret service will be ready.

"Jumped the shark" basically means he reached his peak and then went past it.

Much obliged, E.

Edited by Patrycja
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You see if the Republicans/Conservatives weren't so convinced that their only political debating tool is to smear the opposition in so much shit that they can't get elected, then you might find that nothing needs to be said about whether McCain was tortured for 6 months or 5 years...

But why do I waste my breath? You hero-worship Del. I wouldn't be surprised if you thought Bill O'Reilly should run for President.

I find you to be superficial in your assessments of American culture and conditions. That is why the "little girl on the sidelines of an American football game" quote is so accurate in regards to how much I think that your opinion counts here! :D

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Hey smart guy, it's spelled Barack. Don't attempt to correct me, when you can't even spell his name correctly.

look up the term radical... Fairly certain you'd get a picture of Palin to go along with it.

You've proven to us already how dumb you are.

OK...I misspelled a name that is not a common American name! I don't worship him, like you do, so I understand why it is appalling that I misspelled it.

I was trying to get you to do some independent reading so that you might be better informed, but your head is stuck so far up your "tookas" that reading is, apparently, impossible. Sarah Palin is a terrible speaker, but a great citizen and a good Governor. Her stance on politics are far from yours, but she is a great person and truly devoted public servant.

Obama is nothing but a snake oil salesman and he is the best since Bill Clinton. Problem is that Obama is selling Socialism and you libs are buying it. Call me dumb, that's fine, but your are about to elect the most liberal President in the history of the US. That is a fact.

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OK...I misspelled a name that is not a common American name! I don't worship him, like you do, so I understand why it is appalling that I misspelled it.

I was trying to get you to do some independent reading so that you might be better informed, but your head is stuck so far up your "tookas" that reading is, apparently, impossible. Sarah Palin is a terrible speaker, but a great citizen and a good Governor. Her stance on politics are far from yours, but she is a great person and truly devoted public servant.

Obama is nothing but a snake oil salesman and he is the best since Bill Clinton. Problem is that Obama is selling Socialism and you libs are buying it. Call me dumb, that's fine, but your are about to elect the most liberal President in the history of the US. That is a fact.

I'll be voting for the most liberal... Did it ever occur to you that he might turn this country around from the shit that Bush did to it?

Yeah, you misspelled Barack, I busted you because you were so quick to jump on me for failing to capitalize the beginning of my sentence.

Please provide me with some sort of backing to the reference of snake oil salesman.

I don't think you are dumb, i just think you are ignorant. Which is worse?

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