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The Athiest thread


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Neither am I... too lazy... :D


Atheists, we're waiting for your answers. What would you do if you died and discovered that, as far as God, Heaven, and Hell, religions were right?

If that happens, I would think God would be a pretty cool entity and wouldn't send me to hell just for not believing in Him. Probably just punish me somehow, like send me back as a politician. Or a lawyer. Or maybe a Priest, just to prove His point.

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*checks name of thread*

*Reads latest posts*

Can someone tell me how a thread on Atheism and Relgion turned into a political thread?

And don't give me the "well we were talking about Palin" crap. yes, but on topic. Now this discussion really should move to The Next President of the USA will be?

Back on topic...

I've always wanted to ask Atheists how they think they'd react if they did die and discovered that religions were right (insofar as there being a God and a Heaven and a Hell and such... NOT ABOUT CREATIONISM).

Any answers?

It's the fact that you need an answer that illustrates the unfortunate gap between us. But I'll try anyway: First of all, what makes you think I'll discover anything when I die :huh: But I'll play devil's ;) advocate and ask, what makes me think I won't??? Answer: It just doesn't friggin matter to me, dude. When I die, I die, and whatever happens or doesn't happen will happen or not happen. I'm not looking ahead to these things, I'm just living my life (because that's all I can do). I have said before that becoming compost keeps me in the circle of life and that's enough for me. I don't know what will happen or not happen when I die. And I'm okay with that. It's really weird and interesting trying to put these things into words. I'm glad people are still posting in here, because there's such a variety of thoughts on the subject.

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Because contrary to popular belief,religion (or at least some religions :rolleyes: ) is so entrenched in American politics that no political discussion can take place ,without religious beliefs worming their way into the discussion,and vice-versa.

Separation of church and State? Hee hee,nice idea...... :rolleyes:

Yeah, think about it peeps! God made Al Queda attack us, then (according to Falwell and Robertson) god was punishing us for being immoral, then god told Bush to invade Iraq, and now politicians are trying to seperate America into the good, god- fearing, America-loving people and the bad, godless, America- hating people!

:hysterical: :'(

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Hey, don't misunderestimate me! :P

I guess what they don't get is theres no reason to explain the unexplainable. I refuse to bow to something which does not exist.


I refuse to apologize to those who cannot comprehend it was them who introduced the non existent unexplainable to explain....clears finger nails.


This is a fun thread though. Good idea Suz :banana:

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I guess what they dont get is theres no reason to explain the unexplainable. I refuse to bow to something which does not exist.


I refuse to apologise to those who cannot comprehend it was them who introduced the non existent unexplainable to explain....clears finger nails.


This is a fun thread though. Good idea Suz :banana:

Thanks, I was being a reactionary :o:P when I started it!!!! The moral majority is neither, and they can kiss my ass. Yeehaw!

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If that happens, I would think God would be a pretty cool entity and wouldn't send me to hell just for not believing in Him. Probably just punish me somehow, like send me back as a politician. Or a lawyer. Or maybe a Priest, just to prove His point.

Well, he may at least understand our confusion. Personally, I happen to believe in a higher power but having watched organized or unorganized religion play games with power, control and money I'd be willing to bet that whomever that power really is, they're going to understand why we may be doubting everything we've been led to believe by the so called institutions of faith. <_<

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It's the fact that you need an answer that illustrates the unfortunate gap between us.

Oh I don't need an answer at all. I am curious, I must admit, but, really, it was just my attempt to turn this thread off of politics and back on its original topic.


But I'll try anyway: First of all, what makes you think I'll discover anything when I die :huh:

You may or may not. I believe you will, but then that's just my belief and, obviously, I have no way of proving it without dying, which I don't plan to do for a very long time (in fact, I hope to be alive for my [hypothetical] grand-kids B'nei Mitzvahs [assuming they'll be Jewish, lol]).

But I'll play devil's ;) advocate and ask, what makes me think I won't??? Answer: It just doesn't friggin matter to me, dude. When I die, I die, and whatever happens or doesn't happen will happen or not happen. I'm not looking ahead to these things, I'm just living my life (because that's all I can do). I have said before that becoming compost keeps me in the circle of life and that's enough for me. I don't know what will happen or not happen when I die. And I'm okay with that.

Fair enough. Assuming Heaven exists, my personal opinion is that you will be a shoe-in. :)

Honestly, I believe in Heaven, but I don't think God cares whether or not we believe in him (or his son, if you're so inclined). I think all God cares about is the kind of people we are when we're alive. Case in point: I think an Atheist doctor and philanthropist who does nothing but good deeds and charity his whole life has a much better chance of getting into Heaven then the ultra-fanatical-Christian serial killer who justifies his deeds by saying "God told me to rid the world of sinners."

It's really weird and interesting trying to put these things into words. I'm glad people are still posting in here, because there's such a variety of thoughts on the subject.

I agree. And I enjoy reading those thoughts as well.

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All I can say is I don't think organized religion is the way to go....I am completely at ease in a church because it still comes down to you, and whatever you have faith in...nothing else matters. As far as faith goes....I just can't throw in with the idea that earth,and life have no grand architect. I can walk into a forest, have a seat on a rock and begin to see the mathematical equations that make the place a reality. Watch how animals figure into the equation! I just don't think all of this just fell into our laps.

Sure people have used their faith for ill-suited purpose, but just as many have used a lack of faith to do the same.

I guess I just feel that faith = hope, and far too many people have given up hope.

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I find it interesting that a thread about religion, which is such a huge topic, is being discussed so rationally, by completely opposing points of view. People are able to make thier points without having their heads chopped off and it's really interesting to hear everyone's opinion. But start talking politics....... :soapbox:

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I find it interesting that a thread about religion, which is such a huge topic, is being discussed so rationally, by completely opposing points of view. People are able to make thier points without having their heads chopped off and it's really interesting to hear everyone's opinion. But start talking politics....... :soapbox:

It is an interesting thread and I see people having a bit of fun and taking a few light jabs to keep them awake is about all. It is a huge topic and it will fill centuries of futile worthless pages if we let it.

Hmmmm, maybe we should write a book about herding cats :D No, I like the topic of Atheists and onion heads better :aw:

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You may or may not. I believe you will, but then that's just my belief and, obviously, I have no way of proving it without dying, which I don't plan to do for a very long time (in fact, I hope to be alive for my [hypothetical] grand-kids

Fair enough. Assuming Heaven exists, my personal opinion is that you will be a shoe-in. :)

I enjoyed reading your whole post. I highlighted these parts because (nothing personal at all, friend) though it's a nice thought and sentiment, and I appreciate that......it's also the core of what freaks me out. "I believe you will." I know that's meant to be a nice thought from a religious person's point of view, and I have tried to make a concious effort all my life to take it as such.

But I'm getting older and it doesn't work anymore. It's the very notion that someone other than myself could claim such a thing. I don't get it. It would seem to go on the assumption that any of us were capable of knowing the purpose/destiny of another person's soul. And we're not. And so religion itself seems like the ultimate contradiction to me. It would seem to me (just my perception) that we are claiming to be gods ourselves to know any such thing. And that, my friend, is why I believe men created god in their own image; not the other way around.

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I enjoyed reading your whole post. I highlighted these parts because (nothing personal at all, friend) though it's a nice thought and sentiment, and I appreciate that......it's also the core of what freaks me out. "I believe you will." I know that's meant to be a nice thought from a religious person's point of view, and I have tried to make a concious effort all my life to take it as such.

I think you're assuming that when I say I believe something, it means I believe it as fact.

There is this great song by Days of the New called "Dirty Road" (if you ever want, I'll gladly send you a link to download it... it's an incredibly beautiful song). One line in there is something I think everybody should remember:

"Give it some time, believing and knowing are two different things."

I completely trust this statement as fact. It's one thing to believe something, or have faith in it... it's something else entirely to know it.


Because belief/faith doesn't require proof. "Knowing" does.

But I'm getting older and it doesn't work anymore. It's the very notion that someone other than myself could claim such a thing. I don't get it. It would seem to go on the assumption that any of us were capable of knowing the purpose/destiny of another person's soul. And we're not. And so religion itself seems like the ultimate contradiction to me. It would seem to me (just my perception) that we are claiming to be gods ourselves to know any such thing. And that, my friend, is why I believe men created god in their own image; not the other way around.

Again, it has nothing to do with knowing. I have never claimed to know the truth. This claim is yet another reason for my leaving Christianity. It is impossible to know the truth.

You will never, ever see The National Enquirer and Fox News report a redneck preacher's interview with God because, quite frankly, that's just never going to happen (and let's be honest... even the most fanatical Christians would be skeptical of this supposed interview).

And since that's never going to happen, no one alive is ever going to know. Many will believe, but none will know.

I was just calling you a decent, respectable, kind person in context with the discussion, is all. :)

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All I know is none of my dead friends or family have come back to give me even a whiff of their existence. Fortunately for myself I'm not naive enough to have ever really expected it.

I was just a sheep following the sheep herder.

Now I think for myself. When you live with parents often times you just grunt and go along with things because it takes too much energy to give a lengthy opine. But it's a free country, well sort of.

Or is it?

Atheist's are now where women were before the ERA and the sexual revolution. The biggest problem has been melding into the background.

What I'm saying is sometimes 'the WRONG squeaky wheel gets the grease.'

I am also aware that most Christians hate atheists. I feel a bit sad about this perhaps, but my feelings are many of them know we are right but are afraid to tear holes in to their perfect little boxes.

I will call it The Goody Two Shoes Phenomenon.

I mean believe what you want. But is it right in your head, or is it a concept?

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Neither am I... too lazy... :D


Atheists, we're waiting for your answers. What would you do if you died and discovered that, as far as God, Heaven, and Hell, religions were right?

Well Nath i can tell you that when you die thats it... .. There is nothing just total blackness, nothing, zilch. I know because i have been dead... not for long.. but dead non the less.. In Jan 78 i was a back seat passenger in a car that was involved in a head on collision where i sustained serious enough injuries to put me in an operating theatre to have a kidney removed. I recall seeing a dot of white light in the middle of what was total blackness..this white dot just grew and grew until it filled out the blackness... I gassped for breath and said "im back" to which the surgeon replied "hello we lost you for a while there" .... So thats death for you ...I've been there. Screw religion.

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Well Nath i can tell you that when you die thats it... .. There is nothing just total blackness, nothing, zilch. I know because i have been dead... not for long.. but dead non the less.. In Jan 78 i was a back seat passenger in a car that was involved in a head on collision where i sustained serious enough injuries to put me in an operating theatre to have a kidney removed. I recall seeing a dot of white light in the middle of what was total blackness..this white dot just grew and grew until it filled out the blackness... I gassped for breath and said "im back" to which the surgeon replied "hello we lost you for a while there" .... So thats death for you ...I've been there. Screw religion.

I had a similar experience. I don't talk about it much. I'm happy your still with us.

Very happy.

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All I know is none of my dead friends or family have come back to give me even a whiff of their existence. Fortunately for myself I'm not naive enough to have ever really expected it.

I was just a sheep following the sheep herder.

Now I think for myself. When you live with parents often times you just grunt and go along with things because it takes too much energy to give a lengthy opine. But it's a free country, well sort of.

Or is it?

Atheist's are now where women were before the ERA and the sexual revolution. The biggest problem has been melding into the background.

What I'm saying is sometimes 'the WRONG squeaky wheel gets the grease.'

I am also aware that most Christians hate atheists. I feel a bit sad about this perhaps, but my feelings are many of them know we are right but are afraid to tear holes in to their perfect little boxes.I will call it The Goody Two Shoes Phenomenon.

I mean believe what you want. But is it right in your head, or is it a concept?


This is what drives me away from this place. Opinions always stated as if they are fact.

That, and banned members always coming back eh" Mar?? :rolleyes:

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