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Ringo Starr


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Ringo announced in a BIG way he hill chuck any fan mail on some specific day and will not sign anything ever again. NO Autographs he says. :huh:

WTF?! :wacko: Your thoughts?

Personally I say so what...I never wanted his anyway.

Maybe he is in deep need of attention. Dunno, sounds absolutely ridiculous to have to say that in such an arrogant way. <_<

hmm, but if Robert Plant had said it... ;)

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I watched the interview at the time (with Jonathan Ross) when he said there wasn't anything he missed about Liverpool. I can't speak for Liverpudlians in general, but the few I do know are very proud of the Beatles and their Liverpudlian heritage. I mean, unless you're from London, there're very few towns in England that have born mega-ultra-super-dooper-stars. He doesn't have to lick Liverpool's arse, but he could've been a bit more diplomatic, at least. At least fob 'em off with something like 'I miss Liverpool, but the L.A weather's more agreeable', etc.

He appeared completely stand-offish in the interview, didn't seem very agreeable at all.


Not the best quality.

That interview resulted in the decapitation of Ringo's head on a Beatles topiary in Liverpool.

Edited by longdistancewinner
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Ringo announced in a BIG way he hill chuck any fan mail on some specific day and will not sign anything ever again. NO Autographs he says. :huh:

WTF?! :wacko: Your thoughts?

Personally I say so what...I never wanted his anyway.

Maybe he is in deep need of attention. Dunno, sounds absolutely ridiculous to have to say that in such an arrogant way. <_<

How's it going "Hotplant?" Being a die hard hard core BEATLES fan, it would have been a whole lot better if Ringo would have slapped every BEATLES' fan including myself right in the face. Evidently, Ringo must have forgotten that it was the fans (Beatlemania) that made him wealthy and famous. I do agree with SteveA that it must be hard for Ringo and Paul losing both John and George. THE BEATLES were like brothers. ROCK ON!

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i love the beatles and love ringo (and his drumming). there are many, many reasons why a beatle would be fed up at 68 with fan mail and signing stuff that ends up on ebay instead of to who it went to. add in the incredible amount of personal belongings of beatles that have ended up on the auction block. times this by 48 years and add in the mailbag scene from 'hard days night' and i think ringo might have a point. was ringo ever the most eloquent of the fabs? nope. did there need to be a press release? prolly not. was marge simpson the last one to receive an answer to a fan letter for ringo? it's a good bet.

how about jimmy page saying no to autographs? a growing trend among the older true stars....

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I watched the interview at the time (with Jonathan Ross) when he said there wasn't anything he missed about Liverpool. I can't speak for Liverpudlians in general, but the few I do know are very proud of the Beatles and their Liverpudlian heritage. I mean, unless you're from London, there're very few towns in England that have born mega-ultra-super-dooper-stars. He doesn't have to lick Liverpool's arse, but he could've been a bit more diplomatic, at least. At least fob 'em off with something like 'I miss Liverpool, but the L.A weather's more agreeable', etc.

He appeared completely stand-offish in the interview, didn't seem very agreeable at all.


Not the best quality.

That interview resulted in the decapitation of Ringo's head on a Beatles topiary in Liverpool.

Thanks for posting.

In the 60s, Allen Ginsberg said (and this is from memory, so I'm probably misquoting slightly) "Liverpool is now the center of consciousness of the human universe," because of the Beatles, and the other people who then also became famous because of their association with the Beatles and the city. When I went to uni there some years later, that quote was on everything--all the student info, posters, etc. etc. We wanted to become honorary Liverpudlians, and were proud to think that we had even a temporary connection to that great city, which honors him and the other musicians on practically every street corner. So yeah, he could have been more diplomatic.

But saying that getting fan mail is so tiresome that after the 20th he's going to throw it away unread--not just the letters asking for autographs or whatever, but the letters (the majority, I'm sure) just saying "Dear Ringo, I think you're fab"--that's the height of arrogance, as far as I'm concerned. And making an announcement about it on his web site just compounds the arrogance. The rest of his homepage is exhorting us to buy his albums and see his shows. But please don't write and tell him if we enjoyed them, because he's too busy for that crap.

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All he said about Liverpool was there wasn't anything he missed about it. I think that is understandable given he's led a posh existence in LA for decades now. Insofar as the

autographs he's among many who have essentially stopped signing anything on account

of ebay. They're fed with taking the time to sign just so someone else can profit from it.

He also realizes John is gone, George is gone and he and Paul are getting on, so he feels like he's running out of time. At least he's straightforward and honest.

I here You Steve but on the Flip side if it were not for His Fans He would be working in a Factory hoping He could live on His meager retirement and maybe Social Security if it would be available for Him. There are thousands of more talented People than Ringo Starr working for a living and not living a plush existence in LA .In the words of Ed King if not for the Fans We have to work for a living.

Edited by alwizard03
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Ringo would agree, who needs this shit:

That is why we have Police and they have security.When You become a Celebrity that is part of the package.Every Job has it's bad parts.That kind of thing goes on with Sports Figures,Tv and Movie stars etc.There will always be a few crazy's however most people do not behave like that while getting autograph's and picture's with celebs.

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Ringo Starr apologizes to fans over mail row

London, Oct 17 : Ex-Beatles drummer Ringo Starr has apologized to his fans after he grumpily announced he would not sign autographs for them.

The 68-year-old caused a stir when he vowed to stop signing anything sent to him after the 20th of October. Fans urged Ringo to change his mind.

Even after his apology, he is bent upon not signing his memorabilia, reports The Sun.

But his website said the move was down to an "inordinate amount" of signed items sold on eBay.

It added "real fans" would understand after "over 45 years of signing".


That still doesn't answer the question of whether he's still going to throw his fan mail away unread, however.

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That is why we have Police and they have security.When You become a Celebrity that is part of the package.Every Job has it's bad parts.That kind of thing goes on with Sports Figures,Tv and Movie stars etc.There will always be a few crazy's however most people do not behave like that while getting autograph's and picture's with celebs.

Well said. Some people act like total jerks around celebs and it can be quite embarrassing.

Check this out.

And who's to blame?

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Perhaps he shouldn't have titled his last album Liverpool 8, then.

He appeared to me to be straightforward, honest, unpleasant, and slightly drunk.

If you do some more searching on Youtube there are some clips of him touring Liverpool and retracing all his steps as a kid. I think he shows proper respect for the place.

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Like Lennon said, he wasn't even the best drummer in the band.

He's a pr*ck.

Then why did Lennon use him in his solo career? Ringo was the only guy that the ex members collectively got along with after the break up.

Autographs are a bit commodity now and it's hard to separate the real fans from the profiteers.

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If I became famous I would never sign an autograph either, at least not with my real name, or I would make a joke about it. I remember Roger Maris of Yankee's fame would sign with an X just as a joke, I would do something along those lines. Idolizing people's names is stupid.

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If you do some more searching on Youtube there are some clips of him touring Liverpool and retracing all his steps as a kid. I think he shows proper respect for the place.

I was responding specifically to his appearance on Jonathan Ross's show.

And also to throwing away his fan mail unread, not to the issue of signing autographs.

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To whoever it was who asked "what if Robert said that?"

I would be just as disgusted. And it's one thing to just STOP, but a totally other thing to Announce it like that.

And when it comes down to it, not many autographs are really worth that MUCH, unless we are talking incredibly rare. To me it is part of the business you chose and craved at one point.

I've never been that into getting autographs. I relish just the meeting of someone I like. It sort of cheapens the experience. But that's just me.

* I did however get Peter Thorn's autograph (Chris Cornell band) Saturday night because I nearly ran him over after the show outside the gig, and it was just a quickie * :shifty:


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