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I just finished reading Cassandra Clare's 'Mortal Instruments' Series (City of Bones, City of Ashes, and City of Glass).

Ladies...If you liked 'Twilight', read this. If you didn't like 'Twilight', read this. It's awesome. I couldn't put the books down. :D

The main guy is way hotter than Edward. B) And I loved Edward...

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I'm about halfway through Bill German's "Under Their Thumb" about his experiences following The Stones around. Pretty good read... he really doesn't hold back on alot of things.

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Liber de Nymphis, sylphis, pygmaeis et salamandris et de caeteris spiritibus.

(Theophrastus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim)

And another one (I found this in the garbage of someone)

The prayer "a Secretis", is an anonimous one...

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I finally decided to jump on the Twilight bandwagon to see what all the hype was about. I bought the book a few weeks ago and now I'm already finished! I've also since seen the movie and want to read the next book. Yeah, I'm turning into one of those crazy fans. B)

I just did the "Which Cullen Are You" quiz on Facebook :lol: (I'm Carlisle!)

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  • 2 weeks later...
me too! I saw the movie and now I'm about have way through the first book. Love it!

My young daughters (as is their entire middle school) are all over the "twilight" books and have seen the movie. Should I be concerned? :unsure: LoL

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Just started Alice Cooper's 'Golf Monster'. Witty ol' Alice. I remember hearing that he had an earlier autobiography out called "I, Alice". Would've liked to have read that one.

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The Motorcycle Diaries by Che Guevara

...what a book. It's on the top three list of Books That Changed My Life. I'm seriously impressed by Guevara. Hardly anyone knows more than this famous photo, and his thoughts and actions - in this young age...I haven't read enough to judge his later life - show in a way that he deserves to be the idol he is today. I can find many of my own hopes and worries in him.

PLus the book is written poetic, funny, personal, and you always have the feeling to sit right behind Guevara on his motorcycle (poor Alberto Grenado...but with a friend like this he just IS in the background, what he didn't deserve;- )

I can recommand it to everyone who wants a little mind-blowing!

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The Motorcycle Diaries by Che Guevara

...what a book. It's on the top three list of Books That Changed My Life. I'm seriously impressed by Guevara. Hardly anyone knows more than this famous photo, and his thoughts and actions - in this young age...I haven't read enough to judge his later life - show in a way that he deserves to be the idol he is today. I can find many of my own hopes and worries in him.

PLus the book is written poetic, funny, personal, and you always have the feeling to sit right behind Guevara on his motorcycle (poor Alberto Grenado...but with a friend like this he just IS in the background, what he didn't deserve;- )

I can recommand it to everyone who wants a little mind-blowing!

Sounds like a good read. I have the book, Che Guevara : A Revolutionary Life by John Lee Anderson. A detailed account of Guevara's life (approx. 800 pages). I think Anderson did a good job covering Guevara's character and life. I was fascinated. :)

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