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Open letter to Robert


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This is a great post...straight from the heart. I do not agree with Plant being a nobody because his voice was so unique that SOMEBODY was going to notice, but an honest viewpoint nonetheless.

Honesty and passion should never be attacked.

Very true. Which is why deliberately provoking such attacks by assuming such a response makes the poster's attitude somewhat suspect.

(It's true up to a point, anyway--I wouldn't have any problem verbally attacking an honest and passionate white supremacist, for instance. :D )

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A lot of people have trouble with the issue of the band not being a band anymore. It was an exclusive club, being a Zeppelin fan. Not in reality, but in the fans heart. It can be compared to a family tie. A bond that has formed. How many times have you met someone and bonded with them instantly once you found out you shared the same favorite band? It happens, often with me. I believe this ties in with the so called "Plant bashers". I think they feel like if Robert does not want to do a Led Zeppelin tour/record, he is personally slighting them. Which of course is absurd, but it can be rationalized. You have to remember, these are the same people who would be cheering his name night after night if he so chose a different path.

My opinion on Robert and why he does not to join the J's...

I do not think it is a "creative" issue, or a "muse" that needs to be followed as some suggest. It is my opinion that given the past, it is not a happy road for Robert to go down. And this is his reason. I cannot blame him one bit. It's personal, and it's deep. That's really as far as I want to go for analyzing, as I do not know this to be fact, just my theory.

So while I would love Robert to join the J's, and create something new, along with thrilling us live with some old, I do not hold it against him for not wanting to do so. Tell you this though...Do not be shocked if you see him with Jimmy again before it's all said and done. It's a matter of the heart. So in conjunction with Ally's feeling, home is where the heart is.

My 2.


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Very true. Which is why deliberately provoking such attacks by assuming such a response makes the poster's attitude somewhat suspect.

(It's true up to a point, anyway--I wouldn't have any problem verbally attacking an honest and passionate white supremacist, for instance. :D )

Wellllllll, i don't know if there was any deliberate intent; moreso a feeling that an attack can and will happen in any given thread regarding RP. Given the recent history of this board where constructive debate has given way to combative behaviour, i really don't blame him/her for thinking this way. I'll let the person speak for themselves.

Your second point, i completely concur.


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Actually I think Terry was Jimmy choice until he was WARNED OFF working with him. B)

But, hey, knock yourself out. You may want Robert, but he certainly doesn't want Zep! So TR seems as good a choice as any! :rolleyes:

Now isn't it true that Jimmy also tried to get Steve Marriott as well when he was forming The New Yardbirds back in '68?

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Now isn't it true that Jimmy also tried to get Steve Marriott as well when he was forming The New Yardbirds back in '68?

Absolutely but since Steve was under contract at the time, his Mgmt. threatened to do unGodly things to Jimmy if he persisted. Jimmy wisely continued on and found you-know-who.

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Wellllllll, i don't know if there was any deliberate intent; moreso a feeling that an attack can and will happen in any given thread regarding RP. Given the recent history of this board where constructive debate has given way to combative behaviour, i really don't blame him/her for thinking this way. I'll let the person speak for themselves.

I might agree with you if this was the first time, or if his/her previous posts hadn't also invited combative responses. ;)

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Absolutely but since Steve was under contract at the time, his Mgmt. threatened to do unGodly things to Jimmy if he persisted. Jimmy wisely continued on and found you-know-who.

I thought this was what I heard about this but wasn't sure if that was the one involving him or Terry Reid. I guess Steve's management wanted to handle things a la Don Corleone or Tony Soprano. :godfather:

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Do we look at the Rolling Stones and rate them a substandard group because they tour playing their old songs? I for one, do not. I am not a big fan of them, but I still rate them as one of the best bands of my generation.

What the hell...I'll add my two cents here...

Check some of the Stones message forums such as IORR, and see what diehard Stones fans think of some of their recent performances. In a nutshell: not a lot of good things to say- ridiculously overpriced tickets, 'warhorse' setlists, and -worst of all- the undeniable fact that the guitarists are shadows of their former selves. Substandard, in other words.

My point is, I can guaran-fuckin'-tee you that if Page, Jones and Bonham toured -with or without Plant- we would hear the same kind of bitching. 'Cos you can't please everybody, particularly those who wish it was 1972 in 2008. Granted, the Zeppelin boys are in much better musical shape than the Stones, but I for one think it would be best if the Led Zeppelin Legacy ended once and for all with last year's 02 concert. That was not a bad way to go out, but having had a year to digest it...how many of you out there still have the same opinion of the show that you did on December 11, 2007? Be honest...couple of weeks back I threw the 02 show on for the first time in ages and was really like, "Meh..." Mainly because, to me, Robert Plant seemed to be phoning it in. Page was good, but nothing overwhelming, really. Competent. I must say, I believed then -as I do now- that Robert Plant did not do that show for US, or Jimmy Page, or even to fly the Zeppelin flag one last time. He did it for Ahmet, simple as that.

So, the ThreeJays (I thought that was a great name for a Plantless Zeppelin, BTW) can go ahead and tour, but I'd sooner see them take their chops into the studio instead of undertaking a massive tour. I can only imagine some of the threads on this board a month after a tour starts: "This singer sucks!"..."Jimmy blew it again last night"..."I paid $300 a ticket for THIS?!"..."It was a greatest hits show"...on and on, ad infinitum. Let Robert Plant do his own thing, all the open letters and threats to boycott his records won't make a lick of difference. Plant doesn't give a shit about Led Zeppelin anymore... and why should he? (I'm not knocking the man by saying that, either; I salute his integrity in a day and age where integrity seems to be sorely lacking) I think some people tend to forget that he's been a solo artist almost three times as long as Zeppelin was together, and has made more albums than they did.

One last question: how many of you here have ever railed against an artist -in any field, not just music- for "Selling Out" in one way, shape or form? 'Cos I'm sure that's how Robert Plant looks at any post 1980-Zeppelin project, as selling out. Just sayin'...

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What the hell...I'll add my two cents here...

Check some of the Stones message forums such as IORR, and see what diehard Stones fans think of some of their recent performances. In a nutshell: not a lot of good things to say- ridiculously overpriced tickets, 'warhorse' setlists, and -worst of all- the undeniable fact that the guitarists are shadows of their former selves. Substandard, in other words.

My point is, I can guaran-fuckin'-tee you that if Page, Jones and Bonham toured -with or without Plant- we would hear the same kind of bitching. 'Cos you can't please everybody, particularly those who wish it was 1972 in 2008. Granted, the Zeppelin boys are in much better musical shape than the Stones, but I for one think it would be best if the Led Zeppelin Legacy ended once and for all with last year's 02 concert. That was not a bad way to go out, but having had a year to digest it...how many of you out there still have the same opinion of the show that you did on December 11, 2007? Be honest...couple of weeks back I threw the 02 show on for the first time in ages and was really like, "Meh..." Mainly because, to me, Robert Plant seemed to be phoning it in. Page was good, but nothing overwhelming, really. Competent. I must say, I believed then -as I do now- that Robert Plant did not do that show for US, or Jimmy Page, or even to fly the Zeppelin flag one last time. He did it for Ahmet, simple as that.

So, the ThreeJays (I thought that was a great name for a Plantless Zeppelin, BTW) can go ahead and tour, but I'd sooner see them take their chops into the studio instead of undertaking a massive tour. I can only imagine some of the threads on this board a month after a tour starts: "This singer sucks!"..."Jimmy blew it again last night"..."I paid $300 a ticket for THIS?!"..."It was a greatest hits show"...on and on, ad infinitum. Let Robert Plant do his own thing, all the open letters and threats to boycott his records won't make a lick of difference. Plant doesn't give a shit about Led Zeppelin anymore... and why should he? (I'm not knocking the man by saying that, either; I salute his integrity in a day and age where integrity seems to be sorely lacking) I think some people tend to forget that he's been a solo artist almost three times as long as Zeppelin was together, and has made more albums than they did.

One last question: how many of you here have ever railed against an artist -in any field, not just music- for "Selling Out" in one way, shape or form? 'Cos I'm sure that's how Robert Plant looks at any post 1980-Zeppelin project, as selling out. Just sayin'...

Good post Nutrocker. Plenty of fair comments in there.

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What the hell...I'll add my two cents here...

Check some of the Stones message forums such as IORR, and see what diehard Stones fans think of some of their recent performances. In a nutshell: not a lot of good things to say- ridiculously overpriced tickets, 'warhorse' setlists, and -worst of all- the undeniable fact that the guitarists are shadows of their former selves. Substandard, in other words.

My point is, I can guaran-fuckin'-tee you that if Page, Jones and Bonham toured -with or without Plant- we would hear the same kind of bitching. 'Cos you can't please everybody, particularly those who wish it was 1972 in 2008. Granted, the Zeppelin boys are in much better musical shape than the Stones, but I for one think it would be best if the Led Zeppelin Legacy ended once and for all with last year's 02 concert. That was not a bad way to go out, but having had a year to digest it...how many of you out there still have the same opinion of the show that you did on December 11, 2007? Be honest...couple of weeks back I threw the 02 show on for the first time in ages and was really like, "Meh..." Mainly because, to me, Robert Plant seemed to be phoning it in. Page was good, but nothing overwhelming, really. Competent. I must say, I believed then -as I do now- that Robert Plant did not do that show for US, or Jimmy Page, or even to fly the Zeppelin flag one last time. He did it for Ahmet, simple as that.

So, the ThreeJays (I thought that was a great name for a Plantless Zeppelin, BTW) can go ahead and tour, but I'd sooner see them take their chops into the studio instead of undertaking a massive tour. I can only imagine some of the threads on this board a month after a tour starts: "This singer sucks!"..."Jimmy blew it again last night"..."I paid $300 a ticket for THIS?!"..."It was a greatest hits show"...on and on, ad infinitum. Let Robert Plant do his own thing, all the open letters and threats to boycott his records won't make a lick of difference. Plant doesn't give a shit about Led Zeppelin anymore... and why should he? (I'm not knocking the man by saying that, either; I salute his integrity in a day and age where integrity seems to be sorely lacking) I think some people tend to forget that he's been a solo artist almost three times as long as Zeppelin was together, and has made more albums than they did.

One last question: how many of you here have ever railed against an artist -in any field, not just music- for "Selling Out" in one way, shape or form? 'Cos I'm sure that's how Robert Plant looks at any post 1980-Zeppelin project, as selling out. Just sayin'...

Totally disagree about the 02 show, yes there were some rough spots, however they havent been a working band in 28 yrs! i watch some of that show almost evry night when my days work is done, and I still love it! The only "bad" parts for me were: Nobody's fault,Dazed and WLL. I thought the section of Balck Dog,In My Time and For Your Life was fabulous. Plant sounded WAy better than he did on the Page and Plant tours and I saw 5 of those shows. I really think the show rivaled many of the late 70's shows if not better. Obviously you can never please evrybody, but i personally still hope for a full reunion and will go see the 3 guys if they come without question.

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  • 3 weeks later...
WHY do people keep suggesting Terry Reid? Jimmy hasn't shown any interest in him for FORTY YEARS!

Whoa. Take it easy. I find it highly amusing though unrealistic. People will continue to do so, and you can't stop them... but good luck trying.

They do so because they heard his voice. May be hard to understand for those who didn't, or never bothered to give it a good listen. I remember hearing Superlungs My Supergirl for the 1st time, some 15 years ago, on Psychedelic Dream compilation... remember the goose bumps and demanding to know who that kid was.

That said, I never suggested him. In fact I didn't suggest anyone except Stevie Winwood. I simply don't see Terry as a good fit for LZ. He might have been, up to 1972-73 but right around the American sessions of the recording of the River album his style has changed dramatically and quite irreversibly. The new sound, very mellow and folksy, IMO is anticlimactic when compared with the fire-infused intensity of his teen years. Besides, he's too much of an eccentric loner to join any band. That hasn't changed. But he's a thoroughly kind, benign person... even refuses to say any harsh words about his former producer Mickie Most, the guy who pretty much stifled his career. I'm more than happy to say those words for him.

No interest in 40 years simply isn't true, unless you count attending Terry's gigs or calling him before a gig (the same one where Terry played Jimmy's guitar) as no interest on Jimmy's part.

It just baffles me how so many LZ fans bristle at the sound of Terry's name. I'm not the only one to notice that. There's some bizarre insecurity displayed, as if he's still somehow a threat to LZ legacy/stability. What a ridiculous notion. They're friends, always were and always will be. Terry knew LZ members separately longer than they knew each other, but a collaboration (except a brief one with JPJ) was never meant to happen.

I love both Jimmy and Terry, but I love them separately. I know it sounds weird. I didn't even know, for 15 years, that any connection between them existed. It never mattered. It still doesn't. Peace.

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Whoa. Take it easy. I find it highly amusing though unrealistic. People will continue to do so, and you can't stop them... but good luck trying.

They do so because they heard his voice. May be hard to understand for those who didn't, or never bothered to give it a good listen. I remember hearing Superlungs My Supergirl for the 1st time, some 15 years ago, on Psychedelic Dream compilation... remember the goose bumps and demanding to know who that kid was.

That said, I never suggested him. In fact I didn't suggest anyone except Stevie Winwood. I simply don't see Terry as a good fit for LZ. He might have been, up to 1972-73 but right around the American sessions of the recording of the River album his style has changed dramatically and quite irreversibly. The new sound, very mellow and folksy, IMO is anticlimactic when compared with the fire-infused intensity of his teen years. Besides, he's too much of an eccentric loner to join any band. That hasn't changed. But he's a thoroughly kind, benign person... even refuses to say any harsh words about his former producer Mickie Most, the guy who pretty much stifled his career. I'm more than happy to say those words for him.

No interest in 40 years simply isn't true, unless you count attending Terry's gigs or calling him before a gig (the same one where Terry played Jimmy's guitar) as no interest on Jimmy's part.

It just baffles me how so many LZ fans bristle at the sound of Terry's name. I'm not the only one to notice that. There's some bizarre insecurity displayed, as if he's still somehow a threat to LZ legacy/stability. What a ridiculous notion. They're friends, always were and always will be. Terry knew LZ members separately longer than they knew each other, but a collaboration (except a brief one with JPJ) was never meant to happen.

I love both Jimmy and Terry, but I love them separately. I know it sounds weird. I didn't even know, for 15 years, that any connection between them existed. It never mattered. It still doesn't. Peace.

My response to this from this morning was lost in a forum shake-up, so I'll try again.

You have taken my words in totally the wrong way. I meant Jimmy has shown no interest in WORKING WITH Terry (as is repeatedly suggested) - Jimmy is a musician who respects talent so I would have been amazed if he hadn't followed Terry's career.

You seem to assume that I am ignotrant re Terry ( from the one sentence you quote) - I'm not and have seen him live several; times. I have nothing against him and am in no way "threatened " by the mention of his name - I just find it absurd that people seem to have this idea that it would be a master stroke for Jimmy to turn to him now - when he hasnt done that despite having ample opprtunity for years. It's this crazy idea that the band could then turn to Robert and thumb their noses and say "We got the singer we always wanted!" - when plainly, the option of collaborating with him has been available to Jimmy for years.

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Quoting nutrocker: "I can guaran-fuckin'-tee you that if Page, Jones and Bonham toured -with or without Plant- we would hear the same kind of bitching. 'Cos you can't please everybody, particularly those who wish it was 1972 in 2008."

No doubt, but we can't let the carping of miserable people spoil the fun. Jimmy and JPJ apparently want to tour, and I'd be thrilled to see them.

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Quoting nutrocker: "I can guaran-fuckin'-tee you that if Page, Jones and Bonham toured -with or without Plant- we would hear the same kind of bitching. 'Cos you can't please everybody, particularly those who wish it was 1972 in 2008."

No doubt, but we can't let the carping of miserable people spoil the fun. Jimmy and JPJ apparently want to tour, and I'd be thrilled to see them.

Me too !

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Join the queue guys :D

There nothing quite like seeing Jimmy Page walking onto a stage B)

I wish I looked like I did in 1972. :slapface:

You had to know this was coming Ledded :D


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You have taken my words in totally the wrong way. I meant Jimmy has shown no interest in WORKING WITH Terry (as is repeatedly suggested) - Jimmy is a musician who respects talent so I would have been amazed if he hadn't followed Terry's career.

Oh my, this changes things quite a bit.

Although the word WORKING wasn't present in your original quote, and therefore I took it exactly the way it was presented, i.e. "no interest" without any modifiers attached. I had no way of knowing what you really meant. I do now, and that certainly clears the mud.

You seem to assume that I am ignotrant re Terry ( from the one sentence you quote) - I'm not and have seen him live several; times.

Yes, I have to admit I did assume you weren't familiar with Terry. I also got the impression that you couldn't stand him, and quite irrationally so... the last thing I expected that you actually saw him live - what?! - several times... I had to re-read to make sure I really saw that in print on the screen. Why? LZ-related interest? Sorry but this did spike my curiosity quite a bit, I wish I could find out more.

It's this crazy idea that the band could then turn to Robert and thumb their noses and say "We got the singer we always wanted!" - when plainly, the option of collaborating with him has been available to Jimmy for years.

I never thought about it this way, but I can see you point now, and it makes sense. I side with you 100% on this one. Such attitude is just plain wrong and shameful, and has nothing to do with how musicians relate to each other. There's no bad blood between them. All this nonsense bitter/disgruntled fans come up with fortunately has no effect on that.

Frankly I wasn't sure what kind of response I'd get and (after having seen mentions of some fiery feuds in old posts) was bracing myself for a possibly unpleasant evening, just in case. It was nice to be treated to an intelligent and respectful reply instead. Thank you.

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Oh my, this changes things quite a bit.

Although the word WORKING wasn't present in your original quote, and therefore I took it exactly the way it was presented, i.e. "no interest" without any modifiers attached. I had no way of knowing what you really meant. I do now, and that certainly clears the mud.

Sorry I didn't make it clear first time.

Yes, I have to admit I did assume you weren't familiar with Terry. I also got the impression that you couldn't stand him, and quite irrationally so... the last thing I expected that you actually saw him live - what?! - several times... I had to re-read to make sure I really saw that in print on the screen. Why? LZ-related interest? Sorry but this did spike my curiosity quite a bit, I wish I could find out more..

I'm a big music fan and have lots of friends in the business, also do some work in the business myself. I see live acts at least twice a week on a normal basis, have done for almost 30 years. I listen a lot to recomendations, but I can't remember why I first saw Terry - it may just have been happy chance.

I never thought about it this way, but I can see you point now, and it makes sense. I side with you 100% on this one. Such attitude is just plain wrong and shameful, and has nothing to do with how musicians relate to each other. There's no bad blood between them. All this nonsense bitter/disgruntled fans come up with fortunately has no effect on that.

Frankly I wasn't sure what kind of response I'd get and (after having seen mentions of some fiery feuds in old posts) was bracing myself for a possibly unpleasant evening, just in case. It was nice to be treated to an intelligent and respectful reply instead. Thank you.

If you were to read back through some of my posts ( not that I'm suggesting that's a particularly valuable use of your time!) you'd see that it isn't unusual for me to have happy exchanges with people as well as the occasional row. I'm just as happy as you to have pleasant and civil exchanges. :):beer:

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I'm a big music fan and have lots of friends in the business, also do some work in the business myself. I see live acts at least twice a week on a normal basis, have done for almost 30 years. I listen a lot to recomendations, but I can't remember why I first saw Terry - it may just have been happy chance.

Wow, you're really lucky. I'm a big music fan as well but unfortunately missed out a lot on live acts in my first 26 years of life - though not by choice: no one really comes to play behind the iron curtain, at least that used to be the case. So of course no live LZ for me, ever. Jimmy is pretty high on my want list, but I'm afraid to even hope.

yeah, rub it in... I totally forgot to buy it tonight.
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