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What is your favorite football team?


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The New York football Giants.

Manchester United (even though I don't know one damned thing about the Premiere League).

European football in general, no clue but I do watch the tournament. Fan passions knows no limits, gotta love that.

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I am glad you put that happy face up. Do you realize Buffalo spent more money this off season than they did in the last 15? All of the major analysts are saying watch out for Buffalo including ESPN's Edwards, former coach of the jets. Speaking of the Jets, they have made fools of themselves and opened up Tebow mania in their camp. They have dissention before pre season has even started,. I cant wait to see what super Mario and the rest of Buffalo's revamped defense does to them on opening day. The division will be between the Bills and Pats. The Jets have no shot.

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I don't know anything about your football, but I expect it's very difficult for anyone to take a team called Buffalo seriously.

Is the town of Buffalo a bit of a joke over there? I know it would be here.

Well since you know nothing of the sport you should keep your trap shut. Buffalo is the only team to EVER go to four straight super bowls. True we lost but one was due to a missed kick. You know, when they kick the ball through those things called uprights? Its 3 points for making it. This years Bills team is going to be very good. They have spent alot of money. And to Anjisan I assume your post of our QB is stating the case that our fate may rest on his performance? This is true to a degree. But when you have a dominant defense like the one we have I am confident built, you do not have to score 40 a game to win. The Jets are the team in trouble. Just wait and watch the circus unfold there.

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Wow, it's quite big, then? I thought it might be some kind of trappers' outpost.

I see one of its nicknames is the 'City Of No Illusions'. Someone should tell Rick, cos he's under the illusion that the Bills have a snowball's chance in hell of winning anything this year :hysterical:

Well most of the national sports experts like them to be one of the most improved teams. They spent more money this off season than in the last 15. No exaggeration. They mean business and have the best defensive lineman in the game. Oh, but I forgot. You know nothing about football, american cities, or not much of anything to be honest. Yes you come on here and give opinions about things you know nothing about. I, at least have some knowledge on the sport you all love called soccer. The american game is too complicated for you to understand.

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