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Bonzo Collapses?


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Hello :D I didn't find any other threads with this in so..........anyway, I was looking at some boots on the internet ( :whistling: ) and found this one that was titled: 'Led Zeppelin - 1980-06-27 - Nuremburg, Germany (Bonzo Collapses)'

This is the track listing:

01. Train Kept' A Rollub

02. Nobody's Fault But Mine

03. Black Dog (Afterwords Bonzo Collapses)

Could anybody explain?

Thanks B)

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Bananas are not good for you, or at least not to eat 20+ of them before a gig... There is also another version of the story, that he collapsed due to too much drugs and alcohol, and that he ate 20 bananas after the show in order to get better.

Edited by joiletjake
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btw, here's the infamous footage of Keith Moon passing out onstage, in case you haven't seen it-classic. "Can anybody here play drums?"


I've just watched this clip, is that a genuine fan out of the crowd? Does anyone know who he is or if anything came of him? Cool clip though, I hadn't heard of this happening.

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I've just watched this clip, is that a genuine fan out of the crowd? Does anyone know who he is or if anything came of him? Cool clip though, I hadn't heard of this happening.

'He still a bit fuckin groggy!'

Ha ha, classic clip.

I think the kid was called Scott Haplin? Cant remember off hand, but i think he was a San Fransisco kid, he sadly died recently.

What a buzz it must have been, he played a handful of numbers and done ok apart from Naked eye where it fell apart somewhat.

Keiths problem, according to Pete, was a horse tranquilliser he swallowed with his brandy!

Still in a wheelchair the next day, Townshend stuck a 8mm camera in Keiths face only to get a feeble 'heeelp' from the loonatic drummer.

God bless yer Keith and long live THE WHO

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I don't think he collapsed but his performance certainly suffered...most likely from booze and drugs...

There is a member on the R-O site that was a tech during the 77 tour who claims to have helped revive Bonzo after he collapsed between songs. He has no reason to lie as he's been very helpful in answering numerous questions about their live set up from that tour. He couldn't remember what show it was, but numerous people have said it was most likely 6/19/77, San Diego.

What was the concert where he walked off stage and set Jason on the drums for a while?

I know during the soundchecks for the Knebworth Festival in 1979, Bonzo wanted to hear what the full band sounded like from a distance and sat out in the grass at the tech booth while Jason filled in and played "Trampled Underfoot" with the band. According to some sources, the band didn't even realize the difference until they saw Bonzo walking up from out in the field. Other than this one time, I don't recall Jason ever sitting in with the band during a live performance.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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Bananas are not good for you, or at least not to eat 20+ of them before a gig... There is also another version of the story, that he collapsed due to too much drugs and alcohol, and that he ate 20 bananas after the show in order to get better.

Robert has spun the tale of Bonzo having a "German Belly" after consuming an inordinate

amount of bananas before the show, but seeing as he was actually hospitalized for the night, not returning to the Grand Hotel until the following afternoon, leads me to believe he had a more serious issue than overeating.

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The whole 'bananas' story sounds like an excuse not unlike Jimmy's 'gastroentritis' putting a premature end to the third night in Chicago in '77. Bear in mind both Page and Bonham were heroin addicts...add Bonzo's alcoholism into the mix- you have to give the man credit for being able to hold up so well (well...until September 24 1980, anyway).

That San Diego '77 gig is a trainwreck (though not quite as bad as Tempe, mind you). Why they didn't pack it in early ala Chicago I don't know; the audience sorta got screwed that night. Zeppelin was a band where all four members needed to be firing on all cylinders, and those nights were magic. Of course, they're human too; sometimes their vices got the best of them same as anybody else...

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  • 1 year later...

Robert has spun the tale of Bonzo having a "German Belly" after consuming an inordinate

amount of bananas before the show, but seeing as he was actually hospitalized for the night, not returning to the Grand Hotel until the following afternoon, leads me to believe he had a more serious issue than overeating.

the story that was circulated in the german Musik Express magazine at the time quoted Robert telling a tale of Bonzo having had a "german belly" because of drinking too much "german water" (code for beer or other alcohol?) and becoming sick from this at the nuernberg gig. In his style of heavy drumming it still took him like 12 minutes to pass out. Robert said that afterwards Bonzo ate a lot of bananas to get well. and then the tour continued..

of course Robert wouldnt reveal the real reason to the press anyway back then.

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While tales of rock 'n roll excess are staple fodder for many music fans, I find the supposition in this or any other thread that John Bonham was a heroin addict to be ill-informed and farfetched, if not highly objectionable.

That Jimmy Page was a junkie for several years appears to be fact, but Bonzo never looked nor seemed to act like one. Judging from the visual evidence post-1975, how many junkies do you know that actually put on weight? Did you see Eric Clapton, Mark Lanegan or Nick Cave blimp out during their opium days? It's not like Pete Doherty's turning into Jabba The Hutt either.

Basically, Bonzo was a Black Country booze hound who - like his bandmates - undoubtedly dabbled in many chemicals during the Zep years.

So, Bonzo a junkie? That's truly insulting to the man's memory, not to mention his family. After all, heroin can be a nasty, soul-destroying drug.

I'm just asking for an iota of decorum, please.

Edited by Triplet Kick
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