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Well nothing wrong with changing careers. I've done it myself a few times and I think though it can be tough to climb any sort of financial ladder, it keeps things interesting :)

All I need to do is work out some sort of financial aid because I plan on going back full-time. I have a job now, which I am very thankful for given these tough times, but it is not want I want to do for the rest of my life. It is scary to make any type of change, but I feel going back and learning a new career is the best thing for me. I agree ninelives, it does keep things interesting! :)

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All I need to do is work out some sort of financial aid because I plan on going back full-time. I have a job now, which I am very thankful for given these tough times, but it is not want I want to do for the rest of my life. It is scary to make any type of change, but I feel going back and learning a new career is the best thing for me. I agree ninelives, it does keep things interesting! :)

Go for it! You'll find a way to make it work. I think that's awesome :) Change is good :D

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Dear Pip of the past

take more Vitamin B6 while you are pregnant with the first child...

the second pregnancy is a molar pregnancy get it checked out straight away so you don't get so sick...

Don't be so angry with your in-laws it is too much of a hassle (that is a tip for the Pip of now also!)...

Choose Kenney over Tom - Tom is an idiot and Kenney has a HUGE... (I wont need to tell the Pip of the past that... she makes the right choice)

Go straight back to the desert when you finish your degree - moving to the city first was a mistake and a waste of money...

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fuck sake to my self why do you do so much bad shit taking these drugs why put a needle in your arm why why did you try killing your cousin why slow down there are diseases out there stop you are crazy kid death is at your door

why did you fuck your mums friend why why are you out of control why

would you think Satan is your father why why are you in a house with no food why didnt you stay in school why why don't you move out in a clean house with no cockroaches

why do you wanna kill your mom she is lost she does not care let her live how she likes

its not how you need to live

these people are insane evil you can pick your friend not your family you are different

get away from here go run move away you will die at a youg age

thay are not friends thay wanna have some one who will do drugs with / beat people up /put people in hospital would you like it done to you would you and all the other shit you do is really evil bad why don"t you tell them about the other shit get it of your chest


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If you could travel back to 10 years ago (1999) and say 10 things to your younger self, what would you say?

Interesting thread. However, I think there's only one thing I really regret, and I'm convinced that it needed to be that way. Well, I guess I would say just one thing: Your doubts and worries are completely unnecessary and senseless!


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Dear 18 Year Old Ronniedawg,

1). Become a dentist, chicks dig dentists!

2). You'll have to think with this, before you can use.....this.

laughed at that one...i LOVE my dentist...and dental hygiene for that matter.

would tell my 1999 self...you WILL finish that house (with your sanity intact) but use a pressure washer instead of a drawknife to take the bark off...

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It is never to late to go to college. You should register for a course or courses, go and have fun. I try to learn something everyday then I know I am doing great. It took me awhile to get my degree, early 30's but I am so glad I did. I have a great career and I would do it again. :D

I have thought about going back to college on and off becuase i never finished but i really have never had the nerve. Because i thought i would be the oldest one there.

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If i could give advice to teenage Spats i would say....

Be careful playing street hockey. You could end up breaking your nose and ruining your side profile. If you break your nose it won't match with the rest of your face and it could affect your sense of smell.

Do not ask any girls that you really like out on a date, do not ask them to dance, etc. You will avoid a lot of heartache and bitterness.

Appreciate your friends more while you know them because they will end up moving and you will never see them again.

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I have thought about going back to college on and off becuase i never finished but i really have never had the nerve. Because i thought i would be the oldest one there.

People go back to college at all different ages and no one's sitting in class pointing fingers because someone's there over the age of 25. If you want to do it, do it.

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I say if anyone here is regretting not going to school, go back, dangit!

Though I'm only 28 and I went back at 24, I still think that it was the best choice I ever made in my life. I wanted to go to college since I was in elementary school, I'd always wanted to be a teacher.

I dropped out because I was 1st generation college, money was the biggest issue; all of my friends weren't in school, etc. I really longed to go back, and after three years, I did. I graduated in December last year, and I really think it's the best thing I've done for myself.

You won't be the oldest one there--I have friends from school that are more than 20 and 30 years older than me--though I often felt like the old person in a 100-level class, I can guarantee that I wasn't the oldest one there.

One of my best friends from school is the same age as my mother--and I have NO issues with that, (nor does she).

I met people I would not have known otherwise in college, and I was exposed to things I found interesting that I wouldn't have even tried to learn on my own if I weren't in school...though I have a LOT of school debt, I'm now a certified teacher and I've learned a lot--not just from books--during my time at university.

Just do it. You may regret not going back for your entire life.

(edited to fix vague pronouns)

(edited again to add something else...)

Edited by manderlyh
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Dear 18-year old Mandy:

1. Go to Albertson College. Though it's expensive, it will be worth it in the long run. You'll end up with just as much student loan debt anyway, so go for it.

2. Keep up with the good work on spending time with little Courtnee. You'll be glad you ditched some of your friends on weekends to spend time with your baby sister in the long run.

3. Be more aware of what's going on with your other sister. She's not just a psycho bitch like you thought--there's some major issues that you need to recognize--fast! She needs you.

4. Don't be embarrassed by your dad. Spend more time with him because he'll be gone before any of you are ready for it.

5. Recognize that your romantic relationships aren't healthy. Recognize it now, so you don't have to deal with 2 1/2 more years of letting men treat you like trash. If he makes you cry or pulls other BS, forget about him--he's a LOSER! (all of them)

6. Keep up the healthy and active lifestyle--and stay away from all of that sugar! Your body's chemistry will be changing rapidly, and it will be really hard to get it to do what you want it to do later.

7. Don't worry about growing up so soon! Though you're 18, you're still a kid! Enjoy it while you can! Just don't do anything stupid, and you'll be golden.

8. Don't blow off your parents' financial advice. Don't get all of those credit cards that you buy stupid crap with... And once you DO start paying off all of that crap, keep meticulous records--don't EVER throw the stuff away--otherwise it will bite you in the butt in years to come.

9. Don't bother buying that new car in 1999---it's a piece of crap and you'll wreck it in 18 months anyway. You'll end up paying payments for a few months because you are fighting with the insurance company...

10. Don't sweat the small stuff with roommates--it really doesn't matter whether she ate your apple or if she didn't vacuum on "her day." They're your friends, and fighting with them is just stupid. (said roommates are still my friends, but I don't know if I'd be my friend after the way I acted back then...)

11. Don't worry so much! You'll get through all of the stressful stuff eventually--hard work and diligence will pay off.

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It is interesting to ponder what we might have done differently. Hindsight is 20/20 they say. The thing is, I think we do things at the time because that's what seems the right thing to do. And even if it turns out not to be, it's a learning experience and it often leads us into a better direction. I've found certain situations I wish on some level never happened but if I look at the big picture of it, I think of so many other aspects that happened as a result that I would have been really sad if I didn't get to experience.

I dunno - just ramblin' on here B)

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It is interesting to ponder what we might have done differently. Hindsight is 20/20 they say. The thing is, I think we do things at the time because that's what seems the right thing to do. And even if it turns out not to be, it's a learning experience and it often leads us into a better direction. I've found certain situations I wish on some level never happened but if I look at the big picture of it, I think of so many other aspects that happened as a result that I would have been really sad if I didn't get to experience.

I dunno - just ramblin' on here B)


Regrets I have a few, but then again to few to mention....

I would've done exactly the same things knowing what I know now....

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Dear Thomas of olde:

There will come a time in your future, April of 1988 to be exact, when McDonald's (TM) Restaurants will issue Fraggle Rock (TM) toys with their Happy Meals (TM).

There will be 4 different ones to collect. For your review, they are as follows:

Red in a Radish Car


Gobo in a Carrot Car


Mokey in an Eggplant Car


Wembley & Boober in a Cucumber Car


It will be as daunting a task as you will ever know, and will cause friction between you and mother for quite a sum of years, but you must stop at nothing to collect these 4 items.

The first 3 will come to you with surprising ease... but the fourth, and most important one of them all is Wembley & Boober in a Cucumber Car... you must let nothing come between you and obtaining this.

It will be of extreme use to you in the future. Your whole of existence will depend on this.

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