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JPJ Secret Project


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No offence taken :)

I understand how you feel. I'm just questioning how no one's spoken out about this supposed encounter and used the whole 'I won't be part of it' to confirm/deny anything on an official level. Like you said, there's a lot of people in this world - yet we have to take the word of some random internet poster, rather than his management.

Oh, I get what you're saying. Officially, he never said he wasn't going to play with "them." And now we have an article where he offically said he's working on a "secret rock-based project with 2 people" and he "can't talk about it." And if it's not "them" he's playing with, then why no offical statement? Why all the hush-hush? I get what your saying. I'm on the other side of the fence on this issue, but your question is totally valid.

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All I care about is more music, like this Friday at BAM which I am completely psyched to be able to go to!

Plus- there's a reception afterwards, so who knows? :notworthy:

Maybe I can get him to spill the beans... :lol:

Wonderful that you're able to go!!! Unfortunately, I don't live in the NY area, or I'd be there too. Checking on the official Sonic Youth site, they've clarified a bit what will be happening with the music. It seems these are three separate compositions by Jones, Kosugi and SY that will be integrated into a multi-media whole on the stage ... here's how SY rephrased the Brooklyn Acadamy description of the show:

"premiere of a dazzling evening-length work created in collaboration with and performed live [in alternating turns] by underground rock legends Sonic Youth, former Led Zeppelin bassist John Paul Jones, and mixed-media sound composer Takehisa Kosugi."


Interesting how Jonesy went from being "legendary multi-instrumentalist" to "former LZ bassist" in the rewrite and how Sonic Youth went from "seminal" to "legendary" and top-billed :rolleyes: ....

More importantly, it seems Jones and Kosugi won't be playing together or with Sonic Youth but will alternate their parts. In the spirit of the collaboration, it could also mean that they could eventually take turns interpreting each others compositions, much as Cunningham's dancers will be interpreting the music as they go.

Jones and SY's Thurston Moore have performed with the Cunningham dance company previously, and Jones was impressed with the improvisational nature of what happens during the performances; they dance "with" the music, moreso than "to" it. And Jonesy said he's got his soundscapes "mapped out" but is ready to take it where them where they lead.

This will be something for the eyes and ears.... Will you give us the lowdown over the weekend in this thread, Tony V?

Edited by Mercurious
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Well, the fact is he did say he recorded an album with "a couple of other people." How does one confirm or deny that? "Yes, John Paul Jones is working with a couple of people.." This is a big world and those 2 people could be anyone. WE (and I say "we" because I'm part of a collective. I do not believe this at all), we are assuming it's Jimmy Page and Jason Bohnam.

What he said was that he's "working on some

other music, which is more rock based, with a couple of other people.

We hope to be everywhere this summer.

WWD: With whom?

J.P.J.: It’s a secret, actually. I shouldn’t have even said that, you

know? There are some exciting projects coming up, let’s put it that


I'd definitely assume one of the "exciting projects" he's talking about is the Merce Cunningham project premiering at BAM Thursday night, which will be touring all over the world this spring (Paris, Madrid, London). He's written this evolving piece and who knows how much of a role he'll take in bringing it out into the world. It's definitely what he's working on now and the other people he's working with are Sonic Youth and Kosugi. Who knows where it could lead.

Sonic Youth, btw, has a new double-disc project coming out (official release date June 9) and they'll be on the road in Europe by May.

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Oh, I get what you're saying. Officially, he never said he wasn't going to play with "them." And now we have an article where he offically said he's working on a "secret rock-based project with 2 people" and he "can't talk about it." And if it's not "them" he's playing with, then why no offical statement? Why all the hush-hush? I get what your saying. I'm on the other side of the fence on this issue, but your question is totally valid.

I agree with everything you're saying here. The fact that he's keeping it all quiet and saying that he shouldn't have even said it was a secret really makes you wonder what he's planning. It's like you don't want to speculate, but how can you not when he makes comments like that?

Oh, well. I guess we'll find out in due time.

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Here's the NY Times feature on Cunningham published April 10. No mention of the composers at all, as it focuses almost entirely on dance.


This section is interesting:

"[Cunningham] enjoys applause, but he has been used to — and seems amused by — boos, bad reviews, near-empty theaters and people walking out of performances. His work does not ingratiate; his dancers do not address the audience in a “Let me entertain you” manner. That his company does far better business and generates far more excitement in Paris and London has never changed his love of living in New York. ... He loves paradox, awkwardness, imperfection."

Sounds like the perfect choreographer for a Sonic Zep collaboration. Because it's a multimedia modern dance piece doesn't preclude it from being "rock-based" as Jonesy described. Jones and pioneering no wave noise guitarists with an audio-visual composer ... This would be right up Jimmy's alley. Wonder why Jonesy's going it alone here?

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No, it really doesn't--see my post above. This was never a published story to begin with. It was mentioned here as lots of things are, and seems to have taken on a life of its own.

I guess I was just trying to figure out why I couldn't find something I remembered typing and reading and the confusion/curiosity that ensued b/c of I couldn't find it.

It's not my intention to make something out to more than what it is- there's plenty of that here already.

In any case as I wrote before- I'm excited about new music/appearances period, so whatever JPJ has planned I await eagerly.

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I guess I was just trying to figure out why I couldn't find something I remembered typing and reading and the confusion/curiosity that ensued b/c of I couldn't find it.

It's not my intention to make something out to more than what it is- there's plenty of that here already.

In any case as I wrote before- I'm excited about new music/appearances period, so whatever JPJ has planned I await eagerly.

Me too! :thumbsup:

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I guess I was just trying to figure out why I couldn't find something I remembered typing and reading and the confusion/curiosity that ensued b/c of I couldn't find it.

It's not my intention to make something out to more than what it is- there's plenty of that here already.

In any case as I wrote before- I'm excited about new music/appearances period, so whatever JPJ has planned I await eagerly.

Me three :D

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And if he doesn't hurry up and announce something for the summer it will be, "this is tomorrow!" :D



Tomorrow.....tomorrow......tomorrow..." You have to make it echo off.

I hope Jimmy figures into one of the projects too.

lol first thought was Macbeth :slapface:

It would be very interesting indeed what the two of them could come up with in terms of new material. But I imagine it would likely be as a guest on a couple of tracks (just imagining what 'new projects' could be), otherwise it'll become a monster magnet for "will they? are they? two down, two to go? ... they're baaaack!" When Page and Plant recorded and toured the questions were always there. Not having JPJ there to stress it wasn't a reunion (however that whole thing went down) did nothing to deter the questions. Of course, it didn't help that at least half of the songs performed live were Zep ones, but I digress...

Does anyone really know what the guys have been doing since that statment to the press was made?

fyi --- I'm against any reunion and/or spinoff...I much more interested in any remaining Zeppelin shows from the vaut.

Yeah me too. Though, again, I'd be first in the hypocrite line with my pair of tickets in hand if they were to do another one-off (it's not like I didn't try for the O2). Whatever each of them does, so long as it genuinely reflects who and where they are right now, is interesting to me. If that means never revisiting old musical haunts, so be it.

Anyway, until more details of Jonesy's plans are revealed, I hope some clips surface from the Cunningham performance to hold us over.

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Yes we will :watchingyou:

Very exciting stuff, though, as it says on the SY site, they'll be playing in "alternating turns" this weekend. There seems very little scuttlebut around this ... the basic PR from the principles, the times piece on Cunningham, a Jones interview in, of all places, Women's Wear Daily. ...

"J.P.J.: I have the piece mapped out, the actual sonic part. It’s a bit sound-scapey. I’ve got what I call my little [roll the] dice button. I press a foot switch while I’m playing, and it will scramble the sound, and so it may send it off somewhere else. And I just have to kind of react. I think it’s in keeping with the whole affair. Might be a bit more nerve-racking. Or foolish. I like to think it’s noble."

I suppose any other updates will be on Jonesy's site: http://www.johnpauljones.com/

I'm sure there will be more press in the coming days ...

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I realize this isn't based on any news story, it's just coming out of my head. But since 02, Jimmy's been appearing quite regularly in very high profile events, Olympics, IMGL, Rock Induction, Mojo Awards, etc. etc. And if you've seen him at any of these events, it's so obvious how much he's enjoying being out among his fans and performing. That's the impression I get. I think it's quite conceivable that he's working on some musical project but not ready to confirm anything. Just be patient. I really think it'll happen ...

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If it's going to be a summer tour there should be an official announcement by the end of May which is in just six weeks.

It's exciting that there is again hope! Not that I ever gave up!

If it's not jimmy and jason i'd guess it's someone big. otherwise why would it be secret.

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I truly believe that JPJ, Page & Jason Bonham have been working/rehearsing the entire time...I also believe "that managers" statement made to the press, to the contrary, was nothing more than an attempt to keep the media off their backs, so they could work in peace.

I say that with no inside info, but with a deep suspicion on how it all went down. One day the whole project is a go and the next day they're done forever? Sounds to me like Jimmy wanted to end all the speculation in the press.

Just my two cents...

My two cents is I totally disagree with you. B)

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Regarding the Jonesy thing: someone on another forum reported that JPJ came into the music store where he worked, and had nothing to say about Zeppelin except that if there was another reunion it would be without him. This incident (obviously hearsay) was then reported at a number of Zeppelin sites, including this one, and discussion ensued. There's no official interview in which he says this--it's a take-it-or-leave-it piece of information.

If anyone believe's this one, I got some swampland down here in Florida you may be interested in purchasing.

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If anyone believe's this one, I got some swampland down here in Florida you may be interested in purchasing.

No one said they believed the "guy in a shop" story. The issue was some people (me :D ) had a fuzzy memory on this issue. I thought there was an actual article where JPJ absolutely said no. When I found out it was a "guy in a shop" I retracted my belief in the story. As did everyone else. All this is clear if one carefully reads the thread...

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Would be interesting if the other two were Daltrey and Townshend. Would love to see Jonesy playing bass on tour with The Who! The Real Me would be mind blowing!

I should imagine they'll tour again now that Pete's reportedly giving his ex $27 million in a divorce settlement.

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One of the "insiders" on jimmypageonline is hinting that Page will be on the road later this year, "and not with Jeff Beck". Some of the posters over there can be questionable but this particular guy seems to know what he's talking about. Interesting.

It also wouldn't shock me if Mensch said what he said to let the guys breathe a little. Jimmy has always preferred working under the cloak of mystery!

isn't that website (jimmypageonline) basically a fan site and is not associated or connected with Jimmy Page?

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No one said they believed the "guy in a shop" story. The issue was some people (me :D ) had a fuzzy memory on this issue. I thought there was an actual article where JPJ absolutely said no. When I found out it was a "guy in a shop" I retracted my belief in the story. As did everyone else. All this is clear if one carefully reads the thread...

Sorry, I don't always have the time to carefully read a 4 page thread, especially when it's obviously complete shite to begin with. No offence intended here.

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