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The Killers Want To Knock Led Zep Off Their Pedistool


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I'm not sure I would say a band is successful only when it makes it in the United States.

I didn't say successful, I said "truly make's it". There's a difference. There's all kinds of different levels of success, but conquering America is the brass ring in the music biz.

Sorry. Obviously this Flowers douchbag feels the same way.

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We've been cruel and

never went to school no

we spent our lives man,

sitting on a stool yeah

Way down inside

we need constipation

a soul enema

instead of cheap masturbation


feed us plastic instead

the problem's in our head

We need a whole lotta talk

We don't know which way to walk

I've been yearning

instead of learning

all my Ozzy records

I started burning

Way down inside

I need a new messiah

The way that makes me feel,

feel like a man


feed us talk instead

I have an empty head

We need a whole lotta talk

discussions written in chalk

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I didn't say successful, I said "truly make's it". There's a difference. There's all kinds of different levels of success, but conquering America is the brass ring in the music biz.

Sorry. Obviously this Flowers douchbag feels the same way.

Still disagree with you.

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I didn't say successful, I said "truly make's it". There's a difference. There's all kinds of different levels of success, but conquering America is the brass ring in the music biz.

Yeah of course.


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A couple of good posts but to think that this clown made a good point about people being closed minded to new music is silly. If you bother to listen to the Killers, you might actually notice that there's nothing, not one damn thing original in their songs; they're Pet ShopBoys/Psychedelic Furs derivative, boring songs. There's nothing new about that. So if this guy was quoted correctly, it sounds to me like someone who is unthankful for the fact that he's signed and making a living doing what he's doing, judging his self worth by how many records he's sold, and totally jealous. So at the end of the day, who gives a shit?

How can you make all those judgments about him from one little article? You're just totally fabricating a picture of this guy based on your own biases. I think its so funny how some people are totally ripping on Flowers here like he committed the ultimate blasphemy, as if he just kicked your mother in the face or ate a baby or something.

I don't like the Killers either, but whether or not one thinks they're a good band is besides the point here I think. I read Brandon's quotes as him just saying how in general new bands face certain challenges. Like I said, I do not like The Killers... but lets say a new band I did like said what Brandon Flowers said. The point is still there, and its still true. Many fans of "classic rock" are not really willing to give new music a chance, maybe not even consciously, but they often aren't (i.e. about 3/4 of the population of this board, it looks like). Its understandable to an extent, since there's such a mass pool of amazing, groundbreaking bands/artists from the 60s/70s, and its kind of like, why search elsewhere when all the good music I need is from this era? That's alright if people want to not listen to new music, but to me its ignorant when these people bash new music when they don't know anything about it, and don't even want to look for the good stuff (and there IS good stuff. Its just hiding sometimes).

As far as people only liking new bands that sound like Zeppelin... as someone said elsewhere I think that's sort of ironic, considering Led Zeppelin were all about change and sounding different. Imagine if they said the same thing about their favourite artists from the previous era of music.."We want to sound EXACTLY like Elvis. We want to sound EXACTLY like Howlin' Wolf." Um, no. The reason that Zeppelin IS so highly regarded, on the "pedestal" Brandon is talking about, and the reason why you elitists worship them so damn much, is because they DIDN'T try to sound like anyone else, they made their own novel sound. If bands didn't do that, music would sound the same as it did in 1930.

Regardless of whether you think the Killers suck or not, Brandon Flowers still made a valid point. Anyone who would take off their Led Zeppelin tinted glasses might actually see that. Too bad that's just impossible for some people...

edit: Oops, sorry. Didn't realize how stupidly long that post was! I need something to do. :D

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Many fans of "classic rock" are not really willing to give new music a chance, maybe not even consciously, but they often aren't (i.e. about 3/4 of the population of this board, it looks like). Its understandable to an extent, since there's such a mass pool of amazing, groundbreaking bands/artists from the 60s/70s, and its kind of like, why search elsewhere when all the good music I need is from this era? That's alright if people want to not listen to new music, but to me its ignorant when these people bash new music when they don't know anything about it, and don't even want to look for the good stuff (and there IS good stuff. Its just hiding sometimes).

As far as people only liking new bands that sound like Zeppelin... as someone said elsewhere I think that's sort of ironic, considering Led Zeppelin were all about change and sounding different. Imagine if they said the same thing about their favourite artists from the previous era of music.."We want to sound EXACTLY like Elvis. We want to sound EXACTLY like Howlin' Wolf." Um, no. The reason that Zeppelin IS so highly regarded, on the "pedestal" Brandon is talking about, and the reason why you elitists worship them so damn much, is because they DIDN'T try to sound like anyone else, they made their own novel sound. If bands didn't do that, music would sound the same as it did in 1930.

Led Zeppelin did try to sound like someone else. Fortunately for them they had a unique way of doing it.

Edited by eternal light
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Led Zeppelin did try to sound like someone else. Fortunately for them they had a unique way of doing it.

Yeah, that's what I mean. A lot of new music attempts to do the same thing, but old purists just automatically reject it because its not what they're used to. Take all the haters of Plant/Krauss, for example.

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Great song, great band, great day


I must say I have always really really liked this song. :)

I actually bought Hot Fuss when it came out, but could barely get through it. Just not my thing I guess!

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Bob Geldof personally asked for The Killers at Live 8. Harvey Goldsmith fought with him as there wasn't room on the schedule - he had to give in in the end ( its all doccumented in the Live 8 video). I was down at the front in the Golden Circle with my sister, my daughter and pals- it was an amazing day and night with artists lke Pink Floyd and McCartney. And that Killers song is a MASSIVE highlight and top 3 memory for me.

I have to say to add balance that I'm not keen on their latest album. :)

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Bob Geldof personally asked for The Killers at Live 8. Harvey Goldsmith fought with him as there wasn't room on the schedule - he had to give in in the end ( its all doccumented in the Live 8 video). I was down at the front in the Golden Circle with my sister, my daughter and pals- it was an amazing day and night with artists lke Pink Floyd and McCartney. And that Killers song is a MASSIVE highlight and top 3 memory for me.

I have to say to add balance that I'm not keen on their latest album. :)

Aw that is really cool. I watched Live8 on TV with my cousin the whole day... it was an exciting event, wish I could have been there! Actually, I did score tickets to the Toronto one but no one wanted to go with me, so I gave them away. :(

Living at residence in university, I've lived in a bubble for the past 8 months so I don't think I've actually heard The Killers' new album. :lol:

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Bob Geldof personally asked for The Killers at Live 8. Harvey Goldsmith fought with him as there wasn't room on the schedule - he had to give in in the end ( its all doccumented in the Live 8 video). I was down at the front in the Golden Circle with my sister, my daughter and pals- it was an amazing day and night with artists lke Pink Floyd and McCartney. And that Killers song is a MASSIVE highlight and top 3 memory for me.

I have to say to add balance that I'm not keen on their latest album. :)

It is a great song :D Must have been a great night being at Live 8. I saw some of it on tv but that's not quite the same as being there, especially with an amazing spot like that!

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It is a great song :D Must have been a great night being at Live 8. I saw some of it on tv but that's not quite the same as being there, especially with an amazing spot like that!

I'm sure it doesn't compare with Live Aid though!

And SB - I totally get the University bubble bit. ;)

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I can understand how people like that can say comthing like that!!!!!

If this guy cuold have any idea what is he talking about can know that they are a band who BORN DEAD!!!!!

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I can understand how people like that can say comthing like that!!!!!

If this guy cuold have any idea what is he talking about can know that they are a band who BORN DEAD!!!!!

I see your first language is probably not English, so I'll cut you a very small amount of slack. <_<

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Be happy that you are not as shallow as many people. MTV indeed feeds us the suckiest mu-sick in the world.....I once threw food at the tv for seeing too much 50 Cent on three channels simultaniously.

(The bad thing bout Flowers is his urge to be an MTV highlight as well...it's not about record sales....just leave your musical statement, time will do the rest)

MTV, VH1 and CMT don't even play music anymore (or at least very rarely). As for 50 Cent, even though I'm not a fan of rap, it's not unusual during the height of someone's popularity to find them on the same channel (radio or TV) at once. In regards to Flower's "urge to be a MTV highlight" I didn't see anything about that in his statement. He was referring to how unreceptive a good portion of the American audience is to anything that's new or challenging.

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I must say I have always really really liked this song. :)

I actually bought Hot Fuss when it came out, but could barely get through it. Just not my thing I guess!

I thought Hot Fuss was great, though I couldn't really get into Sam's Town.

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Not everybody here is 46 yrs. old. Give it a break, man.

Yeah, some of us are older!

Take your own advice.

Someone else reckons, "the old purists just automatically reject it because its not what they're used to".


Stupid generalisations again.

I'm a purist and I like everything the boys have done either as Led Zeppelin, solo or the collaborations, even Robert & Alison Krauss.

I bought and loved the first cd and I'll buy the second.


Because it's all different!

Anybody who truly appreciates music accepts that it will change, sometimes for the better and sometimes to the detriment of listeners.

IMO The Killers or Nirvana will never leave the indelible mark on music or a lasting legacy the same as Led Zeppelin have.

Don't believe me?

Well I bet they'll still be playing Zeppelin on radio in thirty years time.

As for The Killers or Nirvana?

I doubt it, but it doesn't mean they aren't any good, just not great.

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IMO The Killers or Nirvana will never leave the indelible mark on music or a lasting legacy the same as Led Zeppelin have.

I agree. It beats me why Nirvana were being mentioned in the same breath as Zeppelin. I was a fan of theirs, saw them, bought the albums etc but to me they were never more than a 'good' band. Then Cobain blew his head off and semi iconic status for Nirvana followed.

I always thought Alice In Chains and Soundgarden were better and more talented bands. I wonder had Eddie Vedder killed himself around the same time if it would be Pearl Jam instead of Nirvana being mentioned.

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MTV, VH1 and CMT don't even play music anymore (or at least very rarely). As for 50 Cent, even though I'm not a fan of rap, it's not unusual during the height of someone's popularity to find them on the same channel (radio or TV) at once. In regards to Flower's "urge to be a MTV highlight" I didn't see anything about that in his statement. He was referring to how unreceptive a good portion of the American audience is to anything that's new or challenging.

Neither did I say that it was in this intervieuw that he wanted to be an MTV highlight....that was just my humble conclusion.

And oooooh, you are not a rap fan.....how terribly narrow minded of you :D

There's lots of good rap.....for instance this one (which is logical, since I made this videoclip).


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I didn't say successful, I said "truly make's it". There's a difference. There's all kinds of different levels of success, but conquering America is the brass ring in the music biz.

Sorry. Obviously this Flowers douchbag feels the same way.

Well, the Killers only want to 'make it' because the US is their home. No band 'truly makes it' in just the US - that's just ignorant, US 'world domination', bullshit. I really wish people like you'd stop saying shit like that - you're given the rest of you a bad name. Zeppelin made it in the US, but I bet you anything that if you'd asked them how they felt that they couldn't initially make it in their home country, they'd say the same as Flowers. In fact, I think Jimmy once did. IMO, a band that 'makes it', makes it globally. Zeppelin achieved it. Nirvana achieved it. The Killers want to achieve it. It's not impossible.

The Killers are huge in the UK and Australia. They can get the sell-out tours, they have the number one albums, they have the number one singles - I think that can go beyond the level of just 'successful'. At the end of it all, all he wants is for the US to be more receptive to new stuff. Your country is so vast that it can be impossible, though. You have so many different radio stations, how does a country listen to something collectively that appeases all? Do you have a national radio station that's transmitted all over? In the UK we have several national radio stations - the main one being Radio 1 - that plays all over the UK. Everything is played on it. Really, everything. I reckon that if you had something like that, bands like the Killers would go a lot further in the US.

There was a time when bands went to the US to make it. Now your bands want to come here - they know there's a chance they can be successful. They know they can get the airtime. We're not afraid to play new stuff - different, exciting stuff - on our radios.

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