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My Sister OD

Jimmy's A Legend

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Ok according to my mum and the doctors at the hospital talking about my sister will help me calm down inside and make me feel better. You must understand that I am not doing this for attention or sympathy-I just want to let it out of my system. And this forum feels like a 3rd home (parents slit-that why 3rd)

Tonight my sister OD on my mum anti-depression tablets. Of course it was a shock, the last time I saw her she was chatting away on her phone to her friends and she was laughing and joking and gossiping.

We were having our dinner, then she gets up and collapses on the sofa (settee?), she's acting really faint, her speech is quiet and blurred. Suddenly she goes into this spasuim, she ridged one minute and she spinning her head the next. Then she collapses. Both mum and I are in tears by this stage and panicking so she called the ambulance.

My mum went in the ambulance and both me and dad went in the car, when we got to the hospital she was being delt with-Not sure but I think that they were cleaning out her stomach.

I couldn't stand to see her so I was dropped off home.

Thing is, the packet was in full view so mum reckons that this was a 'cry for help' 1. full view 2. she took them while we were both there.

And I was terrified to realsise that if she had OD later and had gone to sleep she would be dead by now.

The doctors reckon that we got there just in time and the first few hours really count so she has got a chance of getting through.

Sorry to depress you all but writing this out has made me feel better and even though you don't know me, it's nice to know that are poeple who will let me speek out and like I said this forum is my 3rd home.

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Yes, thank goodness you and your family were there to help your beloved sister. I echo all of Ninelives' sentiments and wanted to say that your mother was wise to see this as a cry for help. Very wise. I also send you and your family good thoughts.

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I'm so sorry about your sister; thank goodness you were there and the ambulance came in time; it must have been terrifying for you :console:

You and your family are in my thoughts; I hope she will continue to get the help she needs as she recovers.

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Hang in there, JAL, and I hope you feel better for sharing. That is very brave of you. Your sister's in good care now and her cry for help as you put it will get the response she needs. I hope you and the rest of your family heals as well. Sending all good things your way :console::wave:

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I'm sorry to hear about your sister. You must feel so scared. Be there for your sister, be her friend, be understanding, and let her know she can talk to you if she needs you. I hope she recovers quickly and will get the help she needs to feel better.

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I'm sorry to hear about your sister. You must feel so scared. Be there for your sister, be her friend, be understanding, and let her know she can talk to you if she needs you. I hope she recovers quickly and will get the help she needs to feel better.

....so true, and I know that Beautiful Legendary Jimmy Page and his journey of life will inspire you to write poetry....this always helps......


....... no one is alone in the caravan of sorrows

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I know how you feel. I remember when my brother OD'd.

Keep praying for your sister and remind her that you love her.

Encourage her to talk to you when she is upset.

Be supportive and understanding.

It's going to be alright.

Remember to say your prayers at night for everyone, including yourself. It takes strength for you to get through this time. Ask your guardian angel to stay close to you.

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I just read your story, and I can imagine how terrifying that would be because you don't know why it happened, you don't know how it's going to turn out, you don't know what to do . . . But you did the right thing in writing about it--that really does help, doesn't it? And even though we know you weren't asking for sympathy, I think it's clear already how many people are pulling for your sister, you, and your whole family. I'm one of them, of course. :console2: And something tells me everything is going to be fine.

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This is never an easy subject to talk about and I'm sure you debated for quite awhile before you decided to share your thought's with us. As so many have said, you have done the right thing sharing this with people who you feel you can trust to give you straight answers or better, honest ones. There is no easy answer though. This is a subject that more than likely has touched many here but for all the experiences, most would probably agree that it's not something they want to experience again. All I can say is that you understand that your sister is human and not immune from the trials of life. None of us are. When your young, life can seem so impossible. It seems like there are so many obsticles in your way. My suggestion is to let her recover and then continue to love her and, treat her like the sister you clearly love. Keep an eye on her but, don't make the mistake of suffocating her. Sometimes there is no real explanation for someone taking such dramatic action but real support never goes unnoticed

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Thinking of your sister, you, and your family. Hang in there! Life is difficult and can throw you terrible things sometimes. It's gonna be alright. People are definately here for you and your family. Just like the others have said: make sure you say some prayers. ;):console:

Edited by MightyZep
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Wow what a bad scene! I'm sorry to hear all this. As some have said keep talking and you'll work threw it fine!

Pink Floyd

for millions of years mankind lived just like the animals then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination we learned to talk

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Thank You all for giving me such support over this. It was very hard, and I am trying to do the normal routine-like going to school ect...

My dad just called the school to say that the doctors reckon that she is going to be OK, she is still unconscious and not out of the woods yet (as they say) but she has a higher chance of surviving now.

We really did get there in time.

Again thanks for the support :)

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I'm glad that the doctors says she's O.K. Since she's still not out of the woods, I just wanted to let you know I'm still sending you and your family good thoughts and good vibes. I learned in life that every broken heart heals. It just takes time...little by little. Take care, my friend.

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Hi Jimmy's A Legend,

I was sorry to hear about your sister.

It was brave of you to post about it.

Hope that talking with us helps you deal with it.

I would suggest that your family not badger her about why she took the pills when she comes home.

Just hold her hand and give her time to talk about it.

Tell her how much you love her and how terrible it would be if she succeeded.

Don't scold her or embarrass her about it.

She is definitely crying out for help, as you said. She is in alot of pain about something and took the pills to escape her pain. This was the only way she could think of to deal with it. Help her find a better way to deal with it to resolve her pain so she won't want to attempt this again.

Last year, there was a string of high school students who committed suicide in a neighboring community. They were all very high achievers, both boys and girls. One of the girls was a honor student, accepted into the Freshman honors program at Ohio State. She was in the band, a cheerleader, and very involved in her community at church. She had everything to live for. The pressure of being a senior and the uncertainty of the future got to her. The only way to deal with it was to run away by committing suicide, which she did succeed. Such a tragedy. She couldn't see that she had a bright future and everything to live for and would make a great contribution to society with her life.

One of my teenage patients shot herself in the head just about a year ago and died in her bedroom. She was very selfish in her act beause her older sister was graduating from high school within a week and this ruined forever her sister's joy at graduating and going to college. It was a cry for attention from her parents as they were preoccupied with the older sister's graduation.

A boy who was also an honor student and state finalist in wrestling attempted to hang himself because he had an argument with his girlfriend. He was the number one student in his junior class. Fortunately, he was found and survived, but had some brain damage. He has struggled to come back and has mostly succeeded. He lost his number one class standing, but still gets mostly A's. He did make it to the state wrestling tournament this year, I believe, but did not win. He is getting ready to go to college on a wrestling scholarship. He said that every day he regrets what he did. He said that it was ridiculous of him to look for a permanent solution (death) for a temprorary, minor problem such as his girlfriend breaking up with him.

It then becomes a trendy thing for teens to do. Once one teen commits suicide, others will follow as this gives them a new idea about how to deal with their problems that they had never thought of before, and it gives them the courage to do it. But is a very selfish thing to do. That is why they usually bring councelors into the schools so that others won't follow the suicider's example.

Teens don't understand that problems come and go in life, and seeking a permanent soulution such as death for minor, temporary problems is not the way to deal with it. But teenage brains are immature and don't see this. Problems are blown way out of proportion and death seems like the only way to solve them. Even the most loving families cannot help a teen who does not confide their problems and ask for help. The teens think that they must solve their problems alone. Parents should teach their children that there is no problem that is worth dying over, and that they are available to their children anytime for anything without judgement or criticism. Teach your children that they are not alone in solving their problems.

Hope this helps you.

Please, if anyone out there is thinking like this, please talk to someone about it before it is too late.

Just remember, problems are fleeting, death is forever.

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BUCK'EYE'DOCK Thank You so much for posting that. All those stoiries are so very sad...you never think it was going to happen to you.

Part of what you wrote was true about her; she was in love with her boyfriend for a very long time, she always said that she missed him whenever he wasn't around and she really did love him, you could tell. Then he said that he loved her and that they would stay togther forever but 3 days later he dumped her...after that she refused to eat, she wore nothing but black and she told everyone that she hated him ect...we think that's what it is, but as you suggested we wont ask her incase she gets upset. It was not an act of shelfishness at all, and at least you know that :)

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That's great, JAL.

Your mom must be beside herself with worry, as you are.

I hope that things work our for your sister. If only she can realize that she is so young and there are so many people in the world, just like a smorgassboard, and she will get another boyfriend, so many to choose from, so many possibilities. She will have many opportunities for another boyfriend. Help her to see this, that loosing her first boyfriend is not the end of the world, just the beginning of many exciting opportunities to meet new boys and to experience life to it's fullest, just not to be tied down to her first boyfriend forever. It will be difficult for her to realize this as her heart is broken. I hope that you can help her.

Think about this song for her:

Unanswered Prayers

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That's great, JAL.

Your mom must be beside herself with worry, as you are.

I hope that things work our for your sister. If only she can realize that she is so young and there are so many people in the world, just like a smorgassboard, and she will get another boyfriend, so many to choose from, so many possibilities. She will have many opportunities for another boyfriend. Help her to see this, that loosing her first boyfriend is not the end of the world, just the beginning of many exciting opportunities to meet new boys and to experience life to it's fullest, just not to be tied down to her first boyfriend forever. It will be difficult for her to realize this as her heart is broken. I hope that you can help her.

Think about this song for her:

Unanswered Prayers

thank you for that video-thank you so much for your support in this, I'm gonna see her tommorw after my exam :)

It will be very hard to say that there are others...knowing my sister she won't see it that way but you never know...

Thank You again for your support :beer:

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My mum just called to say that my sister is becoming conscious. :):yay::yay:

That is very good news.

And from now on, no more worrying about boys for your sister. Boys are simply not worth an overdose. Your sister has better things to do.

I understand the pain of rejection is difficult, but she must learn to value herself and focus her attention on those who encourage and approve of her.

Remember that boys reject you for all kinds of reasons, some of which have nothing to do with you. Boys are going through their own changes. Sometimes they are just not ready to commit themselves. But that takes nothing away from her value as a person.

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