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Them Crooked Vultures Album


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I love the album! I'm getting it for Xmas :yay: I listen to their songs over and over on Utube. I love them totally. :) It's the sort of album which you have to listen to loudly :D

Edit: My favourite song has to be Mind Eraser(No Chaser)


Edited by Jimmy's A Legend
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OK, I was admittedly late to the party as well, and I posted my apology yesterday lulz.

That being said, this is a very exciting album.

For me, this is really the first time the term "supergroup" is legitimate.

I love every song, top to bottom, although a friend sent me 2 mp3's I listened to a lot before I heard the whole album (Mind Eraser, No Chaser and Scumbag Blues), and because of that, even though they are excellent cuts, I kind of lose focus when they come on now.

For me, The opening track No One Loves Me & Neither Do I is incredible.

Also New Fang, Warsaw, Caligulove, and Gunman are ahead of the rest for favorite tracks.

I love all the different vibes this album has.

Some spots even have a definite Physical Graffiti feel.

The last 20 seconds or so of Warsaw when it breaks down into a heavy blues groove is incredible - it makes you wish there a whole song based on it.

I think the coolest part of all is how much JPJ's influence is apparent - he's certainly not just along for the ride, he's pretty key.

I said it before in the other thread, but I believe JPJ may have been the overall genius of Zeppelin, especially in the last 3 years of the group.

I want to see these guys live!

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Conscious that offering my opinion about TCV is about as useless as cursing a cloud for raining*, I am perplexed by all these super-positive reports about the album. I bought it on vinyl - lovely packaging, btw.

I've listened to it a few times now and find some tracks very good and other tracks a bit... well, unmoving. And I'm as big a Zep fan as anyone here, plus I really love QOTSA. Grohl's drumming is superb as ever. But...

The whole thing sounds rather cold to my ears. Is it the over-compression that I've heard about on other threads here? Is it Alan Moulder's fault for mixing it? I don't know. All I know is that it sounds quite ugly and not beautiful. Feels very flat. Perhaps that is the intention. But compared to JPJ's Zooma and Thunderthief mixes, TCV leaves me sadly indifferent.

Which compares radically from my other purchase on vinyl this week: Tom Waits' Glitter And Doom Live. Different genre, for sure, but it has warmth, depth, humour and more than a little magic.

I'm happy to revise the above opinions in due course. For now, it's Tom Waits 1-Them Crooked Vultures 0.

*Remember: Opinions are like assholes. Everyone's got one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've tried but as much as I love Jonesy's musical past and Dave Grohl's drumming with Nirvana, I just don't care much for TCV. I don't know anything about Hommes but I'm not impressed. I'm just disappointed, what else can I say?

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  • 2 weeks later...

So moving Dead end friends, Interlude makes me shiver...

Bandoliers reminds me of the city of Venice. Some rondò feeling in it?

What a song Elephants I couldn't stop singing Borracho Cansado!

And Jpj piano introduction to Daffodils is... poetry!

Edited by Hagbard Celine
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

does anyone know of a possible new album?

i thought they said in an interview that there would definatlely be doing a second one. :unsure:

i love the first, play it all the time. love evry song.

saw them here live, they sounded amazing. :)

They said they'll probably make a second one, they just don't seem to know when. QOTSA are touring at the moment, and Foo Fighters will this summer... so it definitely won't be now. Hopefully they'll all work again later this year, let's cross our fingers!

You saw them live, woahhh I envy you so much!!!!

If you haven't watched that video yet, do it now, people! (With the wonderful Alain Johannes on second guitar).

Edited by CustardPie87
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They said they'll probably make a second one, they just don't seem to know when. QOTSA are touring at the moment, and Foo Fighters will this summer... so it definitely won't be now. Hopefully they'll all work again later this year, let's cross our fingers!

You saw them live, woahhh I envy you so much!!!!

If you haven't watched that video yet, do it now, people! (With the wonderful Alain Johannes on second guitar).

thanks for the info! i really thought they said there would definately be a 2nd album.

ah well, we'll just have to wait.

yes, saw them in sydney. i was right in front of jpj, about 5 metres or so away.

they really were great. every song sounded lie the recording. they had a great sound, and it was a sellout.

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  • 2 weeks later...
yes, saw them in sydney. i was right in front of jpj, about 5 metres or so away.

they really were great. every song sounded lie the recording. they had a great sound, and it was a sellout.

I must have been preety much right next to you! I was at that gig (Hordern) in around the same position. Great show. That was a hectic week of gigs for me because I saw the Mars Volta about about 5 others in the space of a week.

I initially loved the TCV album but I think I overplayed it as I'm not that enamoured with it anymore. Maybe a long break from it will do me some good.

There are still some killer tracks though, Elephants, caligulove (teh eastern break is great), gunman, noone love me..

I sincerely hope they do a second album.

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