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Do you think Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, or Robert Plant even get on/read the forums?

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When I've seen instances of musicians or authors appearing out of the blue on forums dedicated to them, the place goes nuts and people swarm the threads with tons of praise and questions. I also saw an instance where a musician had been fired from a band (a famous jazz group) and posted something derisive about the group's management, causing a posting meltdown. Then the leader of the band posted and said how disappointed he was that the musician went public with a private matter, and things really went crazy. At which point the moderator gritted his teeth and pulled the entire thread, including the artist's posts.

So it's probably better they don't post here.

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I'm sure that if they do check in on these forums they'd probably wonder, like any mature and sane person, how sad and uber-geeky we are all for spending so much time waffling on and on about all things Zep.

Although it does remind me of the story about the Bob Dylan online forum back in the late 1990s or so whereby a guy replied to a thread stating something very specific about Dylan. He was asked how did he know, and replied, "I'm Bob." He was then challenged to prove this by another poster by playing "Highlands" from Time Out Of Mind at his next gig the following night. This song had never been played live before. And you know what, Dylan did play that song that very night.

How true that story is, I don't know, but it's a good one anyway. I wonder if there's a link to it somewhere.

I remember an article about the Kaiser Chiefs a few years ago, when one of them was reading his band's fan site, and people were saying they hoped their new album would be out soon, and he was bursting with enthusiasm because they'd just finished it, and he wanted to get online and tell them. But he couldn't figure out how to register, with his own band's fan forum! :D (I think he did finally get on, and then of course nobody belived it was him.)

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It's obvious, isn't it?

Why did Plant state he would not tour for at least two years?

Why do the bits of potential plans emanate from the Page camp?

It's gotta be that they're under the spell of the Led Zeppelin Forum like thousands of others.

JPJ broke the shackles by forming a band and launching a tour.

No cure is known.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that this is an interesting question. This is my opinion on this topic.

I agree with what two people had to say:

1. Jimmy Page/Robert Plant/John Paul Jones/Jason Bonham (included) are all very busy people. Busy doing what I have no idea. Hopefully, all making music either together or solo-wise (Jimmy especially).

2. If they do happen to visit this site and read some of these great and sometimes ridiculous topics (some of which I have started, ((some great - some ridiculous)), I will admit that), I would think that they have their assistants or some other employee that works for them scan the site for them. Maybe, maybe not. I would not put it out of the realm of possibility that "they" occasionally visit this site with the help of assistance of some of their "paid" employees.

Hell, the Internet has pervaded every and all aspects of the human race all over world for at least 10 years now. I am sure JP/RP/JPJ/Jason Bonham cannot and have not ignored or been oblivious to this fact. Does anybody think that I am wrong in my assumption?

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I think that this is an interesting question. This is my opinion on this topic.

I agree with what two people had to say:

1. Jimmy Page/Robert Plant/John Paul Jones/Jason Bonham (included) are all very busy people. Busy doing what I have no idea. Hopefully, all making music either together or solo-wise (Jimmy especially).

2. If they do happen to visit this site and read some of these great and sometimes ridiculous topics (some of which I have started, ((some great - some ridiculous)), I will admit that), I would think that they have their assistants or some other employee that works for them scan the site for them. Maybe, maybe not. I would not put it out of the realm of possibility that "they" occasionally visit this site with the help of assistance of some of their "paid" employees.

Hell, the Internet has pervaded every and all aspects of the human race all over world for at least 10 years now. I am sure JP/RP/JPJ/Jason Bonham cannot and have not ignored or been oblivious to this fact. Does anybody think that I am wrong in my assumption?

I'd guess they have checked it out. They must also have some input as to how much stuff is put up available to the public. Probably a meeting every now and then to go over everything maybe including some of the more interesting and entertaining topics.

and if this does get to the band. Thank you for everything you've done and are still to do.

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It doesn't take that much time to go through the board, unless I have to do some research or watch a lot of posted video I do it in less than an hour. Now I know that an hour is a lot of time for some one who has the amount of things to do that a super star must do in a single day.

But...oh, I don't know, I don't think I would take the time if I was in there position ether. Not in a bad way but, there's only so much one can do in 24 hours.

Edited by BonzoLikeDrumer
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It's sad that, by his own pure awesomeness, Jimmy could potentially kill a large portion of his own fans.


Too true...

JPJ reads his own forums. i wouldnt be surprised if he did or if any of them did just for fun.

Yeah, Jonesy has posted on his own site. I wonder what it would feel like to be a "Newbie" on your own website lol.

I have to say, if I were ever in a band big enough to have our own site, I would visit. Maybe incognito, maybe multiple usernames...be a troll for a while just to screw with the fans lol.

But yeah, I would visit. Sadly, I can't read Jimmy's mind though to see if he visit his own...

Edited by ms_zeppelin94
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