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What is WRONG with "music fans" these days ?


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Iron Maiden = caveman music? LOL ! :)

As for the annoying concert experiences, being 17 I didn't attend to that many big concerts so my point of view on this is pretty basic. But considering those 15-20 events that I've gone to, and keeping in mind that Romania is not a very civilized country, I can say that I've encountered that kind of individuals and that simply made me want to act normal and not bother other people. Of course you're getting pretty mad on the spot, but you can't make 'em disappear, they're always somewhere.

Aside from that, I never like to sit down at a concert. It's like not giving a crap about the man on stage. It just seems impolite IMO. And I think it's kind of a turn off to play for people who are just sitting there. They always seem bored.

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I HATE it when people come to a concert to yell a conversation with their friends! What could they possibly have to say that is SOOOO inportant? Shut up and listen!!!!!

And it's not just "these days" in fact many of the '69-'71 bootlegs I have seem to have some of the most obnoxious, intitled crowds I've ever heard. And how about the popularity of fire crackers in the '70s, NOT COOL! And the drunkeness (other people's, not mine!).

So at my birthday party this year Gov't Mule played, 3000 miles away in upstate New York, and we watched the show projected on the garage door, blasting on giant speakers, 200 McIntosh watts per channel, in total comfort via the internet, FOR FREE! The modern world RULES!!!!!!!!

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I thought the newer thing was people telling you sit down.


Take a listen to the bootleg of LZ at the Bath festival in 1970, you can clearly hear yelling for people to "Sit Down".

Edited by johnthomasmoby
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Take a listen to the bootleg of LZ at the Bath festival in 1970, you can clearly hear yelling for people to "Sit Down".

I spent my formative concert going years in Glasgow in the mid 70's to mid 80's before coming to the US.

NO ONE ever sat down at any show I went to, unless they were passed out drunk.

I still miss the Apollo.......

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I consider this to be a very uninformed and intolerant outlook.

One might call it "caveman" in it's primitiveness and lack of thought.

Each to their own, but because YOU don't like a certain type of music doesn't make it any less worthy.

I never said I didn't like it, but understandibly the implication is there. And actually I'm not uniformed but yes I'm intolerant. We have to be discriminating in life to know what's good and not, in our own views.

I stand by my caveman comment. Or do you not know about this?

Press Release:

Iron Maiden announce artwork, tracklisting and release dates for their new album, The Final Frontier

My link

(3rd paragraph or so)

The band reunited with longtime Maiden producer Kevin "Caveman" tongue.gif Shirley in early 2010 at Compass Point Studios, Nassau, to record the album and then moved to L.A. to finish the recording and do the mixing. Compass Point Studio is very familiar to the band; it was where they recorded the Piece Of Mind ('83), Powerslave ('84) and Somewhere In Time ('86) albums.






I dont know man, Janick or if you want to call him Dave, sure looks like he's from the same family.

Or, maybe just the same cave. wink.gif

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You don't consider Iron Maiden basic, loud, grind caveman music? What do you consider it? Sophisticated progressive rock with numerous time changes and intricate instrumentals?

A bit of both. :)

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Nothing is nearly as bad (for me) as the people who stand in the bathroom at the urinals and talk to each other while going. Just shake it and move on. I would like to get back to what I paid to see thank you very much. Also there is that one guy who can do that whistle thing with his pinky fingers and thinks it's cute or cool to do it before, during, and after EVERY song. It's not. A cuter thing to do would be to play in traffic. :wave:

Edited by BlackDog71
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Those so called "fans" standing around drinking beer and chatting are partying to the expensive entertainment. Their loss as they will not have a full memory of the concert. I have alot of gaps in the concerts I went to in the 70's cuz I was smoking too much weed. My loss.

I went to a Foreigner concert at Anaheim Stadium and some wacked out kids decided it would be fun to dump a gallon bucket of mustard on people on the level below them. Yuck! I was a few rows in front and did not get any slatter but can you imagine sitting through the rest of the concert with the strong smell of mustard on you. How rude was that!

I dont know if you will see this post but in case you do, did you see Foreigner with Lou Gramm? If not, you did not really see Foreigner in my opinion.

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I dont know if you will see this post but in case you do, did you see Foreigner with Lou Gramm? If not, you did not really see Foreigner in my opinion.

I think I saw them 8-27-77 with other bands. According to my research those other bands would have been Ted Nugent, Lynard Skynard and Heart but for the life of me I don't remember them. I saved alot of my ticket stubs back then, I may have to dig them out of storage.

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I think I saw them 8-27-77 with other bands. According to my research those other bands would have been Ted Nugent, Lynard Skynard and Heart but for the life of me I don't remember them. I saved alot of my ticket stubs back then, I may have to dig them out of storage.

I responding to my own post because I finally got my scrapbook out of storage and found my ticket stubs. I was wrong. I attended the Foreigner concert at Anaheim Stadium on July 17, 1982. Don't remember Scorpions, Lover Boy or Iron Maiden though. Just Foreigner and the mustard incident. I was looking online and found a poster on Runners World forum to confirm my presence there. The question: What was the wildest concert you went to?

1982 Summer Stomp with Foreigner, Scorpions, Loverboy, and Iron Maiden at Anaheim Stadium. It was my first concert and the crowd got rowdy by the end of Foreigner’s set. I got pelted with a full commercial-sized jar of mustard – ruined my new Iron Maiden shirt I bought .

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Rock shows were always rowdy. The harder or heavier the band the more problems there would be in the audience. Most would just be stoned and happily dancing, but there were always those assholes who were just looking for trouble. I saw Aerosmith back in '76 and I felt like I survived a war zone when the show was over. It wasn't a lot of fun believe me.

Oh and this is why "modern" rock music completely sucks......

Edited by dazedcat
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Nickelback are just one band, they aren't indicative of current rock n' roll music in general.


There are some great young bands out there, e.g. The Answer, Black Stone Cherry, Rose Hill Drive, Wolfmother, The Mars Volta to name but a few.

Nickelback are more 'pop rock' these days anyway.

Edited by Hand_Of_Omega_91
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Wildest concert I went to was Monsters of Rock 6/26/88 at Giants Stadium in NJ (Dokken, Kingdom Zep..er Come, Scorpions, Metallica, and Van Halen> with Sammy Hagar). It was crazy. Fights everywhere. The people in the nosebleed seats were throwing trash down at the people below. A guy a few rows ahead of me got hit in the head with a empty beer bottle. He was practically knocked out with blood pouring down his face. The nosebleeders were also shooting off fireworks at us. The other scary part was is it was blazing hot that day to the point that security was spraying the crowds down by the stage with water hoses. We could see a few girls that were crowd-surfing having their clothes being ripped off and being grovelled by various guys. One poor girl was running around like that strung out dude in TSRTS without a top. Couldn't blame her for freaking out though. It was like watching her being raped by those animals. The other strange part is that since most of the crowd was there for Metallica, the stadium emptied out after their set. Van Halen was good and I remember Eddie admitting he was nervous since this was his first time touring sober. They ended the show with a nice cover of "Rock&Roll".

Another crazy concert I went to just by the attendance level was Woodstock '94. Just like the original, a ton of people showed up without tickets and crashed the party. We took over that town. It was a blast but by the third day, all that mud starting stinking like piss and shit. The lineup was crazy. I'll never forget the crazy show Porno for Pyros put one, the light bulb outfits of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, the muddy NIN, hearing Traffic live, Aerosmith did a partial cover of Dazed, and when Cypress Hill came out, the future governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger was holding a joint as big as my leg. My only regret was that the original Alice In Chains was supposed to be there but canceled out. Also, it was nice to see tons of gorgeous women walking around topless. Good times!!!

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I`ve only had two bad experiences at concerts.

June 1976, Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium. ZZ Topp`s World Wide Texas Tour.

It was hot and coolers were admitted. Alcohol flowed. My date and I had a seat in the grass in center field.

After Point Blank played the fights started. I remember two guys were duking it out like two mad bubble bees. The crowd parted like the Dead Sea.

After a drunk fell over on us, we we retreated to the seats.

When Elvin Bishop played, the fireworks started, it was close to The Bicentennial so fireworks were rampant.

About then some stupid, with a flare gun caught the infield on fire.

Then the cops came in force after another lit up a cop with a Roman Candle.

I saw a few heads get cracked and a few rednecks lead off in cuffs.

Too bad when ZZ played and brought out the buffalo, I was wasted.

Still had a great time.

April 1978. Birmingham, Alabama

Eric Clapton, front row and center.

By the time Clapton played, the crowd rushed the stage. My date and I were crushed against the stage barrier.

I remember put my arms against the barrier and trying to keep her from getting suffocated.

This was the only time I was ever frightened at a concert.

I saw Clapton staring down at the insanity, but I`m sure he had seen worse.

She fainted and I had to drag her out.

People will let you pass when you are on fire or dragging a passed-out chick.

Two cops picked her up and told ME to keep her out of the crowd.

I drove 100 miles to see this concert and only got to hear two songs, Wonderful Tonight and Lay Down Sally.


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this thread should be titled "what is wrong with "this forum" these days"....seriously, what happened? (I recently started visting here again after not posting for a couple years). Back in the day this forum celebrated all generations and genres of music, and showed huge diversity. Now it seems that I recognize hardly any familiar 'faces' on this forum, and this subforum(which was always my favorite section here)is uninteresting, and is kind of ignorant of most music scenes since the 90's.

what happened? where did everyone go? :(

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Saw it at U2, saw it Saturday night at Iron Maiden, been seeing it for some time now.

Due to a medical condition I ALWAYS need to go #1 during a show, so I pick a 'down' moment to quickly head out, the days of taking a wizz in the middle of the pit being a thing of the past.

What do I see on the way ? Groups of people just hanging out, chatting, having a beer, eating nachos etc.

I mean, why bother $50-$250/ticket, $20 parking, to do what ? Have a $10 weak American 'beer' and some bad arena 'food' ?? Really ? Those conversations couldn't wait ?

And then there's the whole "the band isn't playing enough hits" crew. Iron Maiden decided to ditch their greatest hits set and focus on lesser played tracks. This was NOT going over well with many people. I mean, at least stand up, listen, and you may end up liking it and turning to the next person and saying "what song was that ?" and there you go, new music to add to add to your collection. But no, people sit, and start having conversations. Again, really, that conversation HAD to happen right there and then ?

It's not TOO difficult to get involved in songs you don't know, just listen to what everyone else is singing.

I actually had to shout "shut the f**k up" at a couple of blackberry-playing-there-for-the-greatest-hits guys in front of me who decided to have what obviously was a vital business meeting on a saturday night at a rock concert. They turned around shocked, took one look at me and my "kid" (6 2, sleeveless shirt, all muscle) and they walked away to continue their conversation

The longtime Maiden fans I know all loved the set, a real refreshing change of pace. Save a few classics to the end to please the casual fan. Great stuff.

Rant over.

That really sucks. They just did a retro tour last year, where all they played were old hits from before the 90s. Let's move forward, people. It's not like Iron Maiden has been churning out crap lately. Paschendale, The Legacy, Blood Brothers, etc. are just as good as any of their songs from the 80's (though I'm not sure if that's the kind of stuff they played on this tour).

I would have killed for some Iron Maiden/Dream Theater tickets this summer (I'm wearing an Iron Maiden shirt right now) and God knows I would have been there for every fucking note. Who the hell are these people who pay for a concert to chat with each other? If I'm spending three figures for ONE NIGHT of entertainment, you better believe I'm going to soak it all up. It's like when the people sitting right behind the plate leave a baseball game in the sixth inning, while I'm in the nosebleed section praying for extra innings. It pisses me off.

Edited by MMAharaja
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What would you expect at an Iron Maiden show? I mean really. Geez man.

There's lots of rock shows that don't attract that type of crowd. The more caveman the music, the more caveman the audience.

I hate to break it to you, but most of Iron Maiden's music is more intellectually fulfilling than Led Zeppelin's, as far as I'm concerned. Most of Iron Maiden's songs are about history, novels, poetry, and the evils of religion, politics and war. Iron Maiden's music is not rudimentary, it just has a relatively young fanbase compared to geezers who grew up with Zeppelin.

I wasn't around back in the 70's, but if you were, I'm sure you and Zeppelin were looked at as a cavemen by the people who grew up on Sinatra. Just like them, you lack perspective.

Take a look at this page and tell me it was written by a caveman about cavemen.

Here are a few brief quotes from that page if you're too lazy to go there yourself:

The song is also about being ashamed of what is going on in the world ("And as you look all around at the world in dismay"). History repeats itself seemingly endlessly and horrors still happen regardless of the lessons of past events ("...do you think we have learned? Not if you look at the war-torn affray").

The lyrics seem to highlight the general apathy of our modern society and our egoistic disinterest in what is happening in the world until something actually happens to us and we get "knocked to our feet". Watching "the world explode every single night" refers probably to those who watch the evening news and who have an overload of grisly images of wars and sufferings, and who become gradually de-sensitised and de-humanised.

The lyrics are a metaphor of life, with the ship sailing West towards the setting sun representing death. The "ghosts of navigators" could be an allusion to all of those who go through life without really realising it, being therefore "lost" and not in control of their navigation. This sentence could also refer to our forebears who have sailed the sames 'seas' as us and whose memory still remains. In any case, "nothing's real until you feel" is probably an advice to experience life to the full, with its ups and downs, or run the risk to have wasted this short time between the cradle and the grave.

There is a tremendous amount of depth in Iron Maiden's music, both lyrically and musically. To bring it back to Led Zeppelin, I can't say I've ever heard Dickinson incessantly scream "BABY, BABY, BABY!!!"

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this thread should be titled "what is wrong with "this forum" these days"....seriously, what happened? (I recently started visting here again after not posting for a couple years). Back in the day this forum celebrated all generations and genres of music, and showed huge diversity. Now it seems that I recognize hardly any familiar 'faces' on this forum, and this subforum(which was always my favorite section here)is uninteresting, and is kind of ignorant of most music scenes since the 90's.

what happened? where did everyone go? :(

Welcome back Kith Kannan. I hope you're not too discouraged and stick around anyway. The forum can always use new thoughts and opinions to infuse these threads with. Still quite a few oldies (uh, familiars) but some have left, either banned, self exiled, or have other important issues in life going on. Hope to see you around.

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