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Random Facts About Yourself

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My palms sweat. Not just when I get nervous, but when I just THINK about sweaty palms... see, they're getting moist right now. I hate it.

I have a little lead pencil point in my finger that I've had since 5K in kindergarten. I was fooling around with a pencil sharpener and stabbed my finger with the pencil and it healed with the point still in there.

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Alright, here's five things about me that few around here knows about.

I'm a very romatic person.

I think good of all people, which can be negative sometimes. I guess that's connected with the above.

I painted and made sketches everyday when I was younger. But after I went to artschool I have more or less given that up. Not that I wasn't good at it, I just got tired of it.

I purchase vinyl LP's and singles for an unhealthy amount of money every month. It's weary for my economy. It's almost like an addiction. Like squirrel collecting nuts.. LOL

Most studies I've done has been in the art category, but yet I ended up working with economy/finance business. Odd, isn't it?

That was that.

Edited by Swede
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here's a confession

i was addicted to amphetamines for two years during my 30's

it started as a slimming thing but soon overtook my whole life

i kicked the habit some 10 years ago after wasting a whole lotta money on the stuff

i did lose weight though!


Glad you got off the hook. Not everyone does. Must be hell with an addiction like that.

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thanks - i have a terribly addictive personality but have managed to quit all my bad habits one by one

the hardest was smoking - but am happy to say havent touched a cig for three years now!


Good for you. Sounds like you've done a wonderful job exorcising all those demons. :D

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Hello everyone -

I'm crazy about led zep and have been since 1977 when I saw them in concert at the forum. It was June and I had recently turned 13. i was really lucky i had an older sister who took me. I'll remember that day 4-ever!

i'm a lawyer but only work part-time now... YIPPIE!

i have a 12 yr old daughter

i like to play tennis when I am able

Love to still listen to LZ and most classic rock music

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  • 3 months later...
Not the dust only, but mostly the way they move, the colour and the lack of emotions.

I hate dust or dirt. I wash my hands all the time, not because I'm a germophobe,(well maybe a little), but I just hate it when my hands feel dirty. I swear I don't have OCD......... but for some reason, I can't put the t.v. or radio volume on an odd number.

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