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Happy 4th!


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I happen to know that the 13 Colonies Won and Gained their (OUR) Independence from the British (English).

...and Welsh, Scots and Irish.

The Jocks, Taffs and Paddies were all in the forefront of the Empire. Wasn't just the English. Glasgow, Cardiff, Belfast and Dublin grew and prospered due to the Empire. Of course the revisionists these days try and deny this. ;)

Edited by Mangani
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Let me ask you this, Electrophile. Why would you give Snide comments or questions to people (especially) AMERICANS about the Significance of July the 4th? July 4, of any Year means different things to different AMERICANS. I happen to know that the 13 Colonies Won and Gained their (OUR) Independence from the British (English).

isn't it also the day that Will Smith, Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum and Randy Quaid defeated the alien invaders?

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...and Welsh, Scots and Irish.

The Jocks, Taffs and Paddies were all in the forefront of the Empire. Wasn't just the English. Glasgow, Cardiff, Belfast and Dublin grew and prospered due to the Empire. Of course the revisionists these days try and deny this. ;)

Hi Mangani,

The Welchers, Scotch and Bog Trotters were used mate, they were just pawns in a game of global conquest, just as the English were used in the same way. It was (and has been since 1066) the Normans that have ruled this jewel of an island and i give them full credit for the British Empire, and for its fall and for turning England in to the Rubbish Dump of the World with its policy of allowing all and sunder to enter and putrefy this Green and Pleasant Land. :o

Regards, Danny

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Hi all,

I started this thread as a celebration,that was all.Get my meaning? rolleyes.gif

Brother Danny and Ally,thanks for bringing it back! wink.gif Danny,your no scumbag,the title is reserved! biggrin.gif

danelectro59,yes,today we will just be Americans.

Happy 4th everyone,...


My apology to you for having distracted from the theme that you intended. At the time, I was feeling (what I thought) a patriotic need to "vent." No harm intended, but again you have my apology.
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Let me ask You this?: Have You never gotten (piss) drunk, set off fireworks or ever stuffed your face with any manner of grilled meats on July 4th? If You have then I think YOU may be a a very Hypocritical person to ask such a question.

And by the way, who the Fuck is this Marist and why are they polling AMERICANS about the significance of July the Fourth?


Let me clear some things up for you. I don't drink, therefore I've never gotten drunk. I don't like fire, so I've never set off fireworks. I don't stuff my face with any food, much less grilled meats, although I do enjoy a grilled hamburger every now and again. So no......no hypocrisy there, although good on you for going completely off the rails and looking like a certified macadamia. It was amusing to say the least. So put your flag down, Yankee Doodle. You don't need to put on some display to try and show your patriotism -- I don't care.

Also, Marist is a University, not a person. A simple Google search could have cleared that up for you, you know. You can see the poll that I'm talking about at the link below. You'll also notice that in the url for said poll you'll see "marist.edu".....that's a tip-off that it's a school......since you apparently didn't feel the need to use Google ahead of time. Why were they polling Americans? Because it would make no sense to poll the Portuguese. You'd be amazed at what people in this country DON'T know about basic principles like what country we got our independence from, how many articles/amendments are in the Constitution or even what are in the Bill of Rights. Every year about this time, either a certified pollster or a university releases a poll they conducted asking Americans a basic Civics 101-type question and we all get to laugh at the stupidity of the populace. I remember one year a poll was released asking Americans what one of the rights guaranteed in the 1st Amendment was and something like 30% responded with what was in the 2nd Amendment. So yeah, it's funny. And sad. Like I said, laugh or cry -- you be the judge.


So do you want to take your blood pressure meds now or continue on the path to stroking out over absolutely fucking nothing? Your choice.

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.. Because it would make no sense to poll the Portuguese. You'd be amazed at what people in this country DON'T know about basic principles like what country we got our independence from, .

My daughter just got engaged and her new fiance is being sent to Brazil to work for six months. When I asked him if her catching up on his Spanish, he infomed me that Brazil's first language is Portuguese. Color me stupid but I did not know this or had forgotten it as I graduated high school in 1975. So I would assume that Portugal settled Brazil back in the first days after Columbus got credit for discovering the new world? Anyone from Brazil that would like to give me a fast lesson? I am too lazy and time strapped to go searching for all of it!cool.gif

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Portuguese colonization and territorial expansion

Main article: Colonial Brazil See also: Indigenous peoples in Brazil and Slavery in Brazil The land now called Brazil (the origin of whose name is disputed), was claimed by Portugal in April 1500, on the arrival of the Portuguese fleet commanded by Pedro Álvares Cabral.[16] The Portuguese encountered stone age natives divided into several tribes, most of whom shared the same Tupi-Guarani linguistic family, and fought among themselves.[17]

Colonization was effectively begun in 1534, when Dom João III divided the territory into twelve hereditary captaincies,[18][19] but this arrangement proved problematic and in 1549 the king assigned a Governor-General to administer the entire colony.[19][20] The Portuguese assimilated some of the native tribes[21] while others were enslaved or exterminated in long wars or by European diseases to which they had no immunity.[22][23] By the mid 16th century, sugar had become Brazil's most important export[17][24] and the Portuguese imported African slaves[25][26] to cope with the increasing international demand.[22][27]

220px-Meirelles-primeiramissa2.jpg magnify-clip.png The first Christian mass in Brazil, 1500. Through wars against the French, the Portuguese slowly expanded their territory to the southeast, taking Rio de Janeiro in 1567, and to the northwest, taking São Luís in 1615.[28] They sent military expeditions to the Amazon rainforest and conquered British and Dutch strongholds,[29] founding villages and forts from 1669.[30] In 1680 they reached the far south and founded Sacramento on the bank of the Rio de la Plata, in the Eastern Strip region (present-day Uruguay).[31]

At the end of the 17th century, sugar exports started to decline[32] but the discovery of gold by explorers in the region that would later be called Minas Gerais (General Mines) around 1693, and in the following decades in current Mato Grosso and Goiás, saved the colony from imminent collapse.[33] From all over Brazil, as well as from Portugal, thousands of immigrants came to the mines.[34]

The Spanish tried to prevent Portuguese expansion into the territory that belonged to them according to the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas, and succeeded in conquering the Eastern Strip in 1777. However, this was in vain as the Treaty of San Ildefonso, signed in the same year, confirmed Portuguese sovereignty over all lands proceeding from its territorial expansion, thus creating most of the current Brazilian borders.[35]

In 1808, the Portuguese royal family, fleeing the troops of the French Emperor Napoleon I that were invading Portugal and most of Central Europe, established themselves in the city of Rio de Janeiro, which thus became the seat of the entire Portuguese Empire.[36] In 1815 Dom João VI, then regent on behalf of his incapacitated mother, elevated Brazil from colony to sovereign Kingdom united with Portugal.[36] In 1809 the Portuguese invaded French Guiana (which was returned to France in 1817)[37] and in 1816 the Eastern Strip, subsequently renamed Cisplatina[38] (but Brazil definitely lost it in 1828 when it became an independent nation known as Uruguay).[39]

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No it wasn't an educational scolding. I just posted the link if you wanted to read more and then quoted the relevant part that answered your question. You know me well enough to know that if I wanted to be a bitch about it, I would have.

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You'd be amazed at what people in this country DON'T know about basic principles like what country we got our independence from, how many articles/amendments are in the Constitution or even what are in the Bill of Rights. Every year about this time, either a certified pollster or a university releases a poll they conducted asking Americans a basic Civics 101-type question and we all get to laugh at the stupidity of the populace. I remember one year a poll was released asking Americans what one of the rights guaranteed in the 1st Amendment was and something like 30% responded with what was in the 2nd Amendment. So yeah, it's funny. And sad. Like I said, laugh or cry -- you be the judge.

Hell, you don't have to ask Marist University, just watch Jay-Walking on The Tonight Show to see how stupid Americans are about it's past. And it's not just young folks that are clueless. :slapface:

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Hi mianired,

My apology to you for having distracted from the theme that you intended. At the time, I was feeling (what I thought) a patriotic need to "vent." No harm intended, but again you have my apology.

No need lady. :) Your right to vent is what July 4th is all about!

I'm having a cook out tonight,...want to come over? :P


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Let me clear some things up for you. I don't drink, therefore I've never gotten drunk. I don't like fire, so I've never set off fireworks. I don't stuff my face with any food, much less grilled meats, although I do enjoy a grilled hamburger every now and again. So no......no hypocrisy there, although good on you for going completely off the rails and looking like a certified macadamia. It was amusing to say the least. So put your flag down, Yankee Doodle. You don't need to put on some display to try and show your patriotism -- I don't care.

Also, Marist is a University, not a person. A simple Google search could have cleared that up for you, you know. You can see the poll that I'm talking about at the link below. You'll also notice that in the url for said poll you'll see "marist.edu".....that's a tip-off that it's a school......since you apparently didn't feel the need to use Google ahead of time. Why were they polling Americans? Because it would make no sense to poll the Portuguese. You'd be amazed at what people in this country DON'T know about basic principles like what country we got our independence from, how many articles/amendments are in the Constitution or even what are in the Bill of Rights. Every year about this time, either a certified pollster or a university releases a poll they conducted asking Americans a basic Civics 101-type question and we all get to laugh at the stupidity of the populace. I remember one year a poll was released asking Americans what one of the rights guaranteed in the 1st Amendment was and something like 30% responded with what was in the 2nd Amendment. So yeah, it's funny. And sad. Like I said, laugh or cry -- you be the judge.


So do you want to take your blood pressure meds now or continue on the path to stroking out over absolutely fucking nothing? Your choice.

Let me reply to your last sentence. I am 39 years old and (for the record) DO NOT take blood pressure meds (I realize you were probably being sarcastic, I think). I do drink Budweisers, however. As for "stroking out over absolutely fucking nothing" must I remind you that YOU are the one who, to me, basically insulted many hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of Americans who do like to drink, shoot off fireworks and eat great, grilled meats and celebrate this momentous holiday with Family and Friends.

As for those Americans who Love to celebrate July the Fourth and do not really know the whole History of why this is One of (if not the) most important date(s) in American history, not everyone is or can be so intellectual as yourself (or Myself). By the way, I DID NOT get piss-drunk, set off small explosives or stuff myself with all manner of grilled meats. The reason: I was working. Again, for the record, If I was not working on Sunday July 4, 2010, I would have gotten piss-drunk, set off small explosives and stuffed my face with all manner of great and delicious grilled meats. After all, I am a Proud and Loyal and Hard-Working American citizen.

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After all, I am a Proud and Loyal and Hard-Working American citizen.

Good for you. Do you want a cookie? You missed the point of my original post, went off half-cocked for no reason and then when I explained the point of said post to you.....proceeded to again, miss the point.

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The 4th reminds me of how we as a society have failed in keeping to the vision and basic principals our Founding Fathers took it upon themselves to architect for us. This country was created as a slap in the face to all kingdoms of tyrannical rule over its people. We've succumbed to our nature, ie greed and power and it has only garnished an imperial empire that is hollow at the core and controlled by corporations who have no interests in the common man other than bleeding him dry. Jefferson's words continue to inspire and create debate about intention but everyone fails to follow his basic message. The 4th is a reminder of what could have been, what we've done to become the very thing we were founded against and the notion of one day living in a nation our Founding Father's envisioned for all it's children.

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Good for you. Do you want a cookie? You missed the point of my original post, went off half-cocked for no reason and then when I explained the point of said post to you.....proceeded to again, miss the point.

Ah yes, the 4th of July. The day people get piss-drunk, set off small explosives and stuff their faces with all manner of grilled meats. None of which in any way reflects upon the significance of the day or why it's celebrated in the first place. A Marist poll was released a few days ago that showed 26% of Americans don't know the country from which we gained our independence. 20% didn't know the answer at all and 6% gave the wrong answer. Laugh.....cry.....you be the judge.

Happy 4th to those who celebrate it. Don't blow anything up, don't under-cook your hamburgers, don't get drunk and remember why you get to do those things in the first place.

Want a cupcake?Part or all of your original post?


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The 4th reminds me of how we as a society have failed in keeping to the vision and basic principals our Founding Fathers took it upon themselves to architect for us. This country was created as a slap in the face to all kingdoms of tyrannical rule over its people. We've succumbed to our nature, ie greed and power and it has only garnished an imperial empire that is hollow at the core and controlled by corporations who have no interests in the common man other than bleeding him dry. Jefferson's words continue to inspire and create debate about intention but everyone fails to follow his basic message. The 4th is a reminder of what could have been, what we've done to become the very thing we were founded against and the notion of one day living in a nation our Founding Father's envisioned for all it's children.

Hi 'bigstickbonzo'

You have said everything here that needed to be said, you Sir are a Genius of the First Order. :beer:

Regards, Danny

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for bigdan and other aspiring poets...

lament of the red

at manhatten island,we took the beads.

it was such a wretched deal.

you thought we meant 'the continent'

with the red man under the wheel....

politics ain't where it's at

for millions without wampum

so turn your back just one more time

and we may start to stomp 'em...

ole tommy jeff was such a card

with thoughts of equal stuff

he never thought the slave he laid

would ever get so tuff...

for red folks life ain't perfect

with history on our throats

a new millenia we might not make

so we say "bring back the redcoats!"

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for bigdan and other aspiring poets...

lament of the red

at manhatten island,we took the beads.

it was such a wretched deal.

you thought we meant 'the continent'

with the red man under the wheel....

politics ain't where it's at

for millions without wampum

so turn your back just one more time

and we may start to stomp 'em...

ole tommy jeff was such a card

with thoughts of equal stuff

he never thought the slave he laid

would ever get so tuff...

for red folks life ain't perfect

with history on our throats

a new millenia we might not make

so we say "bring back the redcoats!"

Hi Beat,

Where did you dig that one up from? its great, is it one of yours or even someone you know?

Do the Injuns really want the Redcoats to return? is suppose the one thing that might be in our favour is the fact that we let the ink dry before we broke a treaty. :o:lol:

Very Kind Regards, Danny

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.. Because it would make no sense to poll the Portuguese. You'd be amazed at what people in this country DON'T know about basic principles like what country we got our independence from, .

My daughter just got engaged and her new fiance is being sent to Brazil to work for six months. When I asked him if her catching up on his Spanish, he infomed me that Brazil's first language is Portuguese. Color me stupid but I did not know this or had forgotten it as I graduated high school in 1975. So I would assume that Portugal settled Brazil back in the first days after Columbus got credit for discovering the new world? Anyone from Brazil that would like to give me a fast lesson? I am too lazy and time strapped to go searching for all of it!cool.gif

You really didn't know Brazil's main language was Portuguese? You thought it was Spanish?

The Brazilians don't look a thing like Mexicans, Hondurans or Guatemalans and such. They look much more like the Canary Islanders, The Azorian's and the Madeirans. ;)

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You really didn't know Brazil's main language was Portuguese? You thought it was Spanish?

The Brazilians don't look a thing like Mexicans, Hondurans or Guatemalans and such. They look much more like the Canary Islanders, The Azorian's and the Madeirans. ;)

Actually the Brazilians can look like almost anything, from Caucasian looking people to African looking people to people looking like a mix of both. You only have to watch football and look at their teams and fans.

Zico looked nothing like Pele (haha). :)

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You really didn't know Brazil's main language was Portuguese? You thought it was Spanish?

The Brazilians don't look a thing like Mexicans, Hondurans or Guatemalans and such. They look much more like the Canary Islanders, The Azorian's and the Madeirans. ;)

We sent a lot of Y-DNA that way. Ironically we also bear the crest of the Golden Hind.

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