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Led Zeppelin Reunion Show Too Heavy For Robert Plant


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Americana kind of bores me, but i mean shit, the Angel dance track and video is hot and cool. I'm happy that Robert is kicking so much ass these days. Robert Plant has proved with his solo material how much of a visionary genius he is. I dont know if im on topic I just like chiming in with my opinion from time to time.

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Americana kind of bores me, but i mean shit, the Angel dance track and video is hot and cool. I'm happy that Robert is kicking so much ass these days. Robert Plant has proved with his solo material how much of a visionary genius he is. I dont know if im on topic I just like chiming in with my opinion from time to time.

:hysterical::hysterical::hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:


Regards, Danny

PS, You can chime in whenever you like, I'm always up for a good laugh. ;)

Edited by BIGDAN
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Yes you missed it, Sam posted the interview in the Jason's Led Zeppelin Expierence thread.

You can read the whole article here: torontosun

Yeah, I did miss that.

From the article,

You must know you're going to get grief from the purists for the show.

"On yeah. But it's my father and the music he created. And if I thought this was being done in a disrespectful manner, I wouldn't do it. If Jimmy or John Paul Jones or Robert said, 'Please don't do it,' I would stop immediately. I would respect their wishes. But it would have to come from them." ...... Jason Bonham


And not Monday morning quarterbacks ? :huh:


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Americana is like folk art from america's past boiled down and repackaged but essentially unchanged. the term has been used to describe Plant's last two projects, I dont know what the exact def is but its not too hard to understand---Englishman going down to Memphis having a slice of American pie so to speak.

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Americana is like folk art from america's past boiled down and repackaged but essentially unchanged. the term has been used to describe Plant's last two projects, I dont know what the exact def is but its not too hard to understand---Englishman going down to Memphis having a slice of American pie so to speak.

Just curious how knowledgable you are of Americana since you said it bores you. I don't think Americana is that easily defined. Therein lies the problem when trying to explain it to someone. Americana has also gone under the titles Y'allternative, Cowpunk, No Depression (taken from a song by the Carter Family), alt.country, Insurgent Country and numerous others. Despite all those descriptors, none have a clearcut definition. You could have the bluegrass-based murder ballads of Angry Johnny & the Killbillies, the more traditional sound of country ($2 Pistols, the Derailers), Gothic country (Trailer Bride, the Handsome Family, 16 Horsepower), flat out rock n' roll (The Yayhoos, the Bottle Rockets), punk infused country (Th' Legendary Shack Shakers, Lucero, etc.). In other words, Americana (or any of the other terms I mentioned) don't really do the genre (or subgenre) justice as it is far too broad and encompasses many styles to be so narrowly pigeonholed. Sadly, for those that think they don't like "country", the media, and the uninformed (like so many on this site) read that Plant has cut a record with Nashville studio musicians so they immediately assume he's cut a "country" record. Folks will go and on about it without even having heard a single note. I've seen people on this board slam Raising Sand because they think it's a "bluegrass" album. Well, when I think bluegrass, I think Flatt & Scruggs and Bill Monroe with fiddle and banjo breakdowns. You will find none of that on Raising Sand but people hear "country" or see that Allison Krauss (a renown fiddler) plays on the album and they immediately assume it's a "country" or "bluegrass" album. It is neither.

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Just curious how knowledgable you are of Americana since you said it bores you. I don't think Americana is that easily defined. Therein lies the problem when trying to explain it to someone. Americana has also gone under the titles Y'allternative, Cowpunk, No Depression (taken from a song by the Carter Family), alt.country, Insurgent Country and numerous others. Despite all those descriptors, none have a clearcut definition. You could have the bluegrass-based murder ballads of Angry Johnny & the Killbillies, the more traditional sound of country ($2 Pistols, the Derailers), Gothic country (Trailer Bride, the Handsome Family, 16 Horsepower), flat out rock n' roll (The Yayhoos, the Bottle Rockets), punk infused country (Th' Legendary Shack Shakers, Lucero, etc.). In other words, Americana (or any of the other terms I mentioned) don't really do the genre (or subgenre) justice as it is far too broad and encompasses many styles to be so narrowly pigeonholed. Sadly, for those that think they don't like "country", the media, and the uninformed (like so many on this site) read that Plant has cut a record with Nashville studio musicians so they immediately assume he's cut a "country" record. Folks will go and on about it without even having heard a single note. I've seen people on this board slam Raising Sand because they think it's a "bluegrass" album. Well, when I think bluegrass, I think Flatt & Scruggs and Bill Monroe with fiddle and banjo breakdowns. You will find none of that on Raising Sand but people hear "country" or see that Allison Krauss (a renown fiddler) plays on the album and they immediately assume it's a "country" or "bluegrass" album. It is neither.

Hear that big "whoosh!" sound? That's the sound of your eloquent and well-written statement above sailing waaaaaaaaaay over the heads of the morons you're hoping to educate.

Casting pearls before swine.

These "Led Zeppelin fans" who whine like infants about Robert's career choices aren't sophisticated enough or open minded enough to listen to anything other than big dumb rock and the heavy elements of Led Zeppelin's back catalog.. And we both know they're the same nimrods who would have been yelling out for Whole Lotta Love during a 1970 or '71 acoustic set, probably would have hated Led Zep III with a passion when it was released, and would have whistled like idiots during the quiet sections of Stairway back in the day. In other words, they're morons. And again - they are proud of it. They proudly say they only like certain types of music. They should be shunned, scorned, tied to a post and lashed. They don't deserve Led Zeppelin. It's too good for them.

They also don't eat their toast in the morning unless Mommy cuts off the crusts. Everything has to be just so or they whine.



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Just curious how knowledgable you are of Americana since you said it bores you. I don't think Americana is that easily defined. Therein lies the problem when trying to explain it to someone. Americana has also gone under the titles Y'allternative, Cowpunk, No Depression (taken from a song by the Carter Family), alt.country, Insurgent Country and numerous others. Despite all those descriptors, none have a clearcut definition. You could have the bluegrass-based murder ballads of Angry Johnny & the Killbillies, the more traditional sound of country ($2 Pistols, the Derailers), Gothic country (Trailer Bride, the Handsome Family, 16 Horsepower), flat out rock n' roll (The Yayhoos, the Bottle Rockets), punk infused country (Th' Legendary Shack Shakers, Lucero, etc.). In other words, Americana (or any of the other terms I mentioned) don't really do the genre (or subgenre) justice as it is far too broad and encompasses many styles to be so narrowly pigeonholed. Sadly, for those that think they don't like "country", the media, and the uninformed (like so many on this site) read that Plant has cut a record with Nashville studio musicians so they immediately assume he's cut a "country" record. Folks will go and on about it without even having heard a single note. I've seen people on this board slam Raising Sand because they think it's a "bluegrass" album. Well, when I think bluegrass, I think Flatt & Scruggs and Bill Monroe with fiddle and banjo breakdowns. You will find none of that on Raising Sand but people hear "country" or see that Allison Krauss (a renown fiddler) plays on the album and they immediately assume it's a "country" or "bluegrass" album. It is neither.

Great Post. Jim Lauderdale (Americana artist and Americana Music Awards host) once defined Americana as "Anything you can't get played on mainstream radio".

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Just curious how knowledgable you are of Americana since you said it bores you. I don't think Americana is that easily defined. Therein lies the problem when trying to explain it to someone. Americana has also gone under the titles Y'allternative, Cowpunk, No Depression (taken from a song by the Carter Family), alt.country, Insurgent Country and numerous others. Despite all those descriptors, none have a clearcut definition. You could have the bluegrass-based murder ballads of Angry Johnny & the Killbillies, the more traditional sound of country ($2 Pistols, the Derailers), Gothic country (Trailer Bride, the Handsome Family, 16 Horsepower), flat out rock n' roll (The Yayhoos, the Bottle Rockets), punk infused country (Th' Legendary Shack Shakers, Lucero, etc.). In other words, Americana (or any of the other terms I mentioned) don't really do the genre (or subgenre) justice as it is far too broad and encompasses many styles to be so narrowly pigeonholed. Sadly, for those that think they don't like "country", the media, and the uninformed (like so many on this site) read that Plant has cut a record with Nashville studio musicians so they immediately assume he's cut a "country" record. Folks will go and on about it without even having heard a single note. I've seen people on this board slam Raising Sand because they think it's a "bluegrass" album. Well, when I think bluegrass, I think Flatt & Scruggs and Bill Monroe with fiddle and banjo breakdowns. You will find none of that on Raising Sand but people hear "country" or see that Allison Krauss (a renown fiddler) plays on the album and they immediately assume it's a "country" or "bluegrass" album. It is neither.

You have a very valid points in your post until you say "I think" and then say that Raising Sand is neither "country or bluegrass," because you think it it is neither then that becomes an opinion just like the people who think it is. Considering Robert has also played at Blue Grass Festival example the Hardly Strictly Blue Grass in San Fran two years in a row it would again be a perception of the person who listens to his music whether they perceive it as blue grass, country or whatever. The point I hope to make is it's about what the individual personally hears and perceives and no matter what someone else feels about that opinion it is a personal choice and should not be considered less just because it don't fit the general consensus of a forum . People come from all walks of life to express this and should have that right as a member here. I own Raising Sand and did see him on the tour and if I was asked to sum up the style that was to me I would say country. I have seen him many times and by the middle of the encore of the RS concert I left I had no desire to listen to anymore yodeling and country styled music from Robert Plant. I never thought I would leave early at a Robert Plant concert but I did and truthfully I really did not enjoy it but I went to be open minded about his change in direction in the end I wasn't into and have never played that cd again.

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Hear that big "whoosh!" sound? That's the sound of your eloquent and well-written statement above sailing waaaaaaaaaay over the heads of the morons you're hoping to educate.

Casting pearls before swine.

These "Led Zeppelin fans" who whine like infants about Robert's career choices aren't sophisticated enough or open minded enough to listen to anything other than big dumb rock and the heavy elements of Led Zeppelin's back catalog.. And we both know they're the same nimrods who would have been yelling out for Whole Lotta Love during a 1970 or '71 acoustic set, probably would have hated Led Zep III with a passion when it was released, and would have whistled like idiots during the quiet sections of Stairway back in the day. In other words, they're morons. And again - they are proud of it. They proudly say they only like certain types of music. They should be shunned, scorned, tied to a post and lashed. They don't deserve Led Zeppelin. It's too good for them.

They also don't eat their toast in the morning unless Mommy cuts off the crusts. Everything has to be just so or they whine.



I mostly lurk here and watched so many times you Billy MacQ, insult, demean and anything else you can dredge up in the name of insulting various posters with your phony air of authority all Led Zeppelin but this post is hysterical.to think that Led Zeppelin the band of raunchy rock and roll is to good for someone. Yes, there music is in a brilliant league but it is for anyone who cares to listen so to spew name calling like moron and idiot say people should shunned,scorned ect shows how little you get Led Zeppelin they aren't a warm fuzzy band they bring out passion and whether you agree with the person's passion it's there passion and if they want to bitch about it so what you bitch about everyone else's opinion all the time does that mean you need to be banned, shunned are an idiot, moron or all the other names you throw out at other members on this forum? No so get over yourself.

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Hear that big "whoosh!" sound? That's the sound of your eloquent and well-written statement above sailing waaaaaaaaaay over the heads of the morons you're hoping to educate.

Casting pearls before swine.

These "Led Zeppelin fans" who whine like infants about Robert's career choices aren't sophisticated enough or open minded enough to listen to anything other than big dumb rock and the heavy elements of Led Zeppelin's back catalog.. And we both know they're the same nimrods who would have been yelling out for Whole Lotta Love during a 1970 or '71 acoustic set, probably would have hated Led Zep III with a passion when it was released, and would have whistled like idiots during the quiet sections of Stairway back in the day. In other words, they're morons. And again - they are proud of it. They proudly say they only like certain types of music. They should be shunned, scorned, tied to a post and lashed. They don't deserve Led Zeppelin. It's too good for them.

They also don't eat their toast in the morning unless Mommy cuts off the crusts. Everything has to be just so or they whine.



Hi All,

Now i know that the "Joke Police" are doing overtime this week, but when do the "Insulting and Trolling Police" come on duty as this member is due for a shake down real soon? :angry:

Rules you may be unaware of.

"There will be no racial, ethnic, gender based insults or any other personal discriminations."

"There will be no posts meant to offend or hurt any other member, in a manner which is offensive or inflammatory."


Sam, if you need a replacement Deputy anytime, i have the time, inclination and energy to Police this forum like a Bat out of Hell. ;)

Regards, littledan

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The name of this festival might give you a clue . . .

Your point is what Aquamarine?

I am clueless and hear woosh BlackandGold or yes it was Bluegrass or this board is filled with a bunch or I am so special with my opinion and my posts are meant to make fun of others people posts? I will try to listen over the woosh hovering above do pray tell fill me in? Sad thing this is why so many just lurk or leave because of a bunch of bully's and little know it all people who just can't respect others on a forum where the point is to discuss not slash other people's thoughts. Wonder why so many people are in the where is this member thread?Snide comments run members off not bring them back!

Edited by Oh My
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You have a very valid points in your post until you say "I think" and then say that Raising Sand is neither "country or bluegrass," because you think it it is neither then that becomes an opinion just like the people who think it is. Considering Robert has also played at Blue Grass Festival example the Hardly Strictly Blue Grass in San Fran two years in a row it would again be a perception of the person who listens to his music whether they perceive it as blue grass, country or whatever. The point I hope to make is it's about what the individual personally hears and perceives and no matter what someone else feels about that opinion it is a personal choice and should not be considered less just because it don't fit the general consensus of a forum . People come from all walks of life to express this and should have that right as a member here. I own Raising Sand and did see him on the tour and if I was asked to sum up the style that was to me I would say country. I have seen him many times and by the middle of the encore of the RS concert I left I had no desire to listen to anymore yodeling and country styled music from Robert Plant. I never thought I would leave early at a Robert Plant concert but I did and truthfully I really did not enjoy it but I went to be open minded about his change in direction in the end I wasn't into and have never played that cd again.

I saw that tour 4 times and I never once heard Robert or Alison or T Bone yodeling.

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Wonder why so many people are in the where is this member thread?

People have lives. Sometimes those lives take them away from the board. People move, they go back to/start school, they get new jobs/lose jobs. A lot of former members are young teenagers/adults and their enthusiasm for the band has maybe waned somewhat, and they don't come around here much anymore, if at all. That's life. While this is an online community, it's still online. People come and go.

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People have lives. Sometimes those lives take them away from the board. People move, they go back to/start school, they get new jobs/lose jobs. A lot of former members are young teenagers/adults and their enthusiasm for the band has maybe waned somewhat, and they don't come around here much anymore, if at all. That's life. While this is an online community, it's still online. People come and go.

your board is your life it's not even solid thats not a board it's when you're cut off a cliff u c air is it yours?

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I'm a pro=snowboarder u mentioned a board well, let me tell u I been staring @ my switchfoot & that is what is up..why don't u google a back flip and c me

That's right, I mentioned a board. As in a message board. Not a snowboard. I don't care about snowboarding, I have zero interest in it.

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You have a very valid points in your post until you say "I think" and then say that Raising Sand is neither "country or bluegrass," because you think it it is neither then that becomes an opinion just like the people who think it is.

It all boils down to opinions but you're missing where I'm coming from. I don't hear anything that sounds like Foggy Mountain Breakdown on Raising Sand. That's bluegrass, no question. I don't hear anything that sounds like old school country (say, Ernest Tubb), "country rock" or even contemporary (gasp!) country. What I hear is something bold and new that draws from various styles of music to create something entirely different. Sound familiar? Well, it should. It's the template upon which Led Zeppelin worked for years. It constantly challenged them and their audience, meanwhile keeping it exciting for everyone.

Considering Robert has also played at Blue Grass Festival example the Hardly Strictly Blue Grass in San Fran two years in a row it would again be a perception of the person who listens to his music whether they perceive it as blue grass, country or whatever.

As has already been pointed out, the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival comes by it's name honestly because it features a wide variety of artist from all genres of music. Most folks I know that have attended it know full well the structure of the festival and the type of acts that will be playing. For instance, have you checked this year's line up? Do you think people attend thinking Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings (one of this year's acts) are bluegrass? No, they're aware of what the festival is about beforehand.

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