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Fool In The Rain 60

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In the Detroit area, local sheriff's offices are entering marijuana clinics and taking all the available cash without issuing an arrest. What better way to demonstrate where their priorities are at concerning this issue. The County Sheriff actually had the balls to put his mug on tv boldly proclaiming, "That money is ours". Wow.....great pr work guys. :blink:

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In the Detroit area, local sheriff's offices are entering marijuana clinics and taking all the available cash without issuing an arrest. What better way to demonstrate where their priorities are at concerning this issue. The County Sheriff actually had the balls to put his mug on tv boldly proclaiming, "That money is ours". Wow.....great pr work guys. :blink:

Hi Bong-Man,

That doesn't sound right, surely that is a Federal Offence even if a Sheriff ordered it its still Armed Robbery isn't it? Can you keep us informed as to the final outcome of this story.

Kind Regards, Danny

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Hate mongers.

The Westboro Baptist "Church"

Glenn *asshole* Beck

Rush *the douche* Limbaugh

Faux News

And Most of all......

Sarah *bitch of the century* Palin. :thumbdown:

May karma hit them all square in the ass and elsewhere.

seems you're the hate monger......quite vindictive too

typical of liberals........train of thought so narrow minded they think they are advanced

thats why i don't really subscribe to the crap on either side, it's nice not to be involved in either ideology...you can see where both sides are demented......but liberals are clearly hateful horrible controlling people who preach tolerance on the one hand and yet are the most intolerant of them all........total hypocrites.....politics are useless anyways.......glad i'm out

can't think of anything i "hate" about this country.......i can think of a ferw things that are trendy among todays youth which humor me

lets see.......really trendy for white chicks to have black babies these days.....it's kinda like a new piercing to show off at high school

what else....lesbienism.....very trendy.....back in the day we'd all have the odd story bout a lil late night drunken carpet munching going on.....but now it's a fad..and a popular one

i say good for them......i'm sure i can more than handle my own with that part of a womans anatomy :P

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I think Electrophile means the US should have compulsory voting because of the high level of voter apathy there.

I feel the same about the UK. There is such ignorance and a generally complacent attitude when it comes to politics amongst lots of people, young people in particular. They think politics isn't relevant to their lives. They couldn't be more wrong. Voting is an integral part of being a citizen of a country.

Some countries like Australia do have compulsory voting in elections.

Edited by Magic Fills the Air
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I think Electrophile means the US should have compulsory voting because of the high level of voter apathy there.

I feel the same about the UK. There is such ignorance and a generally complacent attitude when it comes to politics amongst lots of people, young people in particular. They think politics isn't relevant to their lives. They couldn't be more wrong. Voting is an integral part of being a citizen of a country.

Some countries like Australia do have compulsory voting in elections.

Compulsory voting is a catch 22 situation.

Because we have a small population everyone of voting age (18+) must cast a vote in an election.

The penalty of $20 is hardly worth enforcing as it costs considerably more to administer and collect the fines.

Then there is the preferential system where a party or candidate who fails to gain enough votes to win a seat in parliament will nominate another party or more often than not an independent to receive their votes in their stead and vice versa.

So the one person, one vote, principle does not always transpire.

At the moment our current government was formed by the ruling party regaining power in the last election, when in fact it received fewer votes than the other major opposition party, but because of some sweetheart deals with 3 independents (who happen to hold the balance of power), they are now in control.

I believe voting is a right and a privilege and even one's duty that should be exercised by the people whether compulsory or not because even though there are questionable practices (systems) in political elections if you choose not to vote, your say, no matter how little, in the outcome of election is an opportunity lost.

Besides if you don't vote you have by default, given up your right to complain about the government especially when you had the chance to make a difference (as remote as that may seem) and decided not to even bother.

The result of our federal election described above was decided by only a handful of votes.

At least western democratic elections are a hell of a lot better than some of those corrupted polls held in the third world, sometimes it seems not much better, but there isn't anyone holding a gun to your head forcing you to vote for some dodgy despot.

Not yet anyway.

Edited by Reggie29
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How about because it's fucking pathetic that of a country with an electorate the size that we have (citizens 18 and older), our voter turnout is one of the lowest in the Western world. Fucking pathetic. More people care about the winner of American Idol or some other stupid reality show, than the person who has their hands on our nuclear arsenal. People in my demographic (18-30) are especially apathetic, and in many cases, just plain ignorant of even the most basic concepts about our political system.

It really sickens me that so many people in this country just don't give a damn. So yeah, I'd love to see compulsory voting in this country. Make people get off their asses and give a shit. That doesn't mean force them to vote for one party or another, but make them learn, educate themselves, and then go vote. It may seem stupid, but I take pride in the fact that I can vote. 100 years ago, I couldn't have voted, because the 19th amendment hadn't been passed yet -- it probably hadn't even been considered at that time.

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Hi all,

How about because it's fucking pathetic that of a country with an electorate the size that we have (citizens 18 and older), our voter turnout is one of the lowest in the Western world. Fucking pathetic. More people care about the winner of American Idol or some other stupid reality show, than the person who has their hands on our nuclear arsenal. People in my demographic (18-30) are especially apathetic, and in many cases, just plain ignorant of even the most basic concepts about our political system.

It really sickens me that so many people in this country just don't give a damn. So yeah, I'd love to see compulsory voting in this country. Make people get off their asses and give a shit. That doesn't mean force them to vote for one party or another, but make them learn, educate themselves, and then go vote. It may seem stupid, but I take pride in the fact that I can vote. 100 years ago, I couldn't have voted, because the 19th amendment hadn't been passed yet -- it probably hadn't even been considered at that time.

Great answer Liz. :rolleyes:



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Funny, I actually don't want everyone to vote. Sure they can. But, there are people who can be persuaded to vote with a scratch ticket and a bus ride to the polls. STAY HOME!

Leave it alone. The only thing that will change the attitudes in this country is a third party, which will never happen in my lifetime.

This a still the best country in the world to live. Period.

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This a still the best country in the world to live. Period.

Most people would say that about their own country.

I for one wouldn't want to live anywhere else but here in Oz as it IS the best place on the planet, period.

I am biased of course, just like you. :)

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Most people would say that about their own country.

I for one wouldn't want to live anywhere else but here in Oz as it IS the best place on the planet, period.

I am biased of course, just like you. :)

Yeah, which is why thousands of people break into your country everyday? I've never heard of anybody dying to leave the US. But they die trying to get here, and are willing to leave everything and everyone the know and own behind. Why? For a better life.

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Hi all,

Great answer Liz. :rolleyes:



Thank you. I always appreciate it when you take time of your busy, busy day to heap a compliment on someone as unassuming as myself. I'm assuming the eye-roll is because you have some kind of ocular malfunction? You might want to get that checked out.

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Yeah, which is why thousands of people break into your country everyday? I've never heard of anybody dying to leave the US. But they die trying to get here, and are willing to leave everything and everyone the know and own behind. Why? For a better life.

It's not an everyday occurrence thankfully, although it is becoming more frequent.

Boat people risk everything, battling high seas, cyclones, sharks and 30' saltwater crocodiles that frequent the Arafura Sea to get here from Indonesia and are usually intercepted mid ocean with a few exceptions.

The boats actually crashed onto rocks recently on Christmas Island, not the mainland, that's why so many died TRYING to "break in" for the BEST LIFESTYLE which includes optional FREE Education and optional FREE Health offered to anyone regardless of race, colour, creed, gender or religion, providing they adhere to the proper immigration processes.

That doesn't happen in many other western countries and not in non-western.

And, no-one has ever died trying to leave MY country either, because when they come either as a visitor or immigrant they don't want to leave!

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I remember when I was a kid in India, people used to keep complaining that polticians who were corrupt and who had criminal records (for crimes like rape and murder) were getting elected and coming to power and assuming roles like "Chief Minister" of a partcular state. My dad responded once by saying this "By complaining 24X7, You are not going to achieve a damn thing! Make sure you get your ass out there and vote. Only then will you see any change!". I do believe he's right. In 2004, for example, I was stunned to know that the voter turnout in some states (for elections concerning the election of a new Chief Minister) in Northern India were as low as 20%. My parents used to make it a point and vote. They considered it to be a privilege and their right rather than a pain in the ass.

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  • 4 months later...

Anyone who becomes a naturalized U.S. citizen is required to renounce any prior citizenship during the naturalization ceremony.

Funny how Americans won't relinquish their citizenship but expect everyone else to.

Double standards don't you think?

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But I thought US law didn't permit one to be a dual citizen -- that if you were (by birth or otherwise), you either had to give up the other citizenship when you came of age, or else you'd lose your US status. And that if you became a citizen of another country, you'd automatically lose your US citizenship. So what's all this talk about dual citizenship?

It indeed used to be the case in the US that you couldn't hold dual citizenship (except in certain cases if you had dual citizenship from birth or childhood, in which case some Supreme Court rulings -- Perkins v. Elg (1939), Mandoli v. Acheson (1952), and Kawakita v. U.S. (1952) -- permitted you to keep both). However, most of the laws forbidding dual citizenship were struck down by the US Supreme Court in two cases: a 1967 decision, Afroyim v. Rusk, as well as a second ruling in 1980, Vance v. Terrazas.

Rules against dual citizenship still apply to some extent -- at least in theory -- to people who wish to become US citizens via naturalization. The Supreme Court chose to leave in place the requirement that new citizens must renounce their old citizenship during US naturalization. However, in practice, the State Department is no longer doing anything in the vast majority of situations where a new citizen's "old country" refuses to recognize the US renunciation and continues to consider the person's original citizenship to be in effect.

The official US State Department policy on dual citizenship today is that the United States does not favor it as a matter of policy because of various problems they feel it may cause, but the existence of dual citizenship is recognized (i.e., accepted) as a fact of life. That is, if you ask them if you ought to become a dual citizen, they will recommend against doing it; but if you tell them you are a dual citizen, they'll almost always say it's OK.

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Not sure I get your question. If an American decides to leave the United States and take on citizenship in another county, it's up to the other country if they want to grant dual citizenship or not. However, if one wants to become an American citizen they are asked to renounce their citizenship from their original country. seems simple enough.

I personally don't see how or why anyone would even want dual citizenship. To me it compares to a person wanting to be married to two people at the same time. it would cause me to question one's loyalty and commitment.

Hi Brad,

Probably to get the benefits of both, like the Northern Irish, they can have and hold Passports from the UK and Eire at the same time, allows them to travel in the UK and make a quick dash to Eire to avoid the Rozzers. :o;):lol:

Kind Regards, Danny

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I just love the way People from Immigrant countries who have no cultural, spiritual or ethnic connections to that country get so indignant, can you imaging this? a Hungarian Family Emigrates to the USA, and a couple of generations down the line those peoples offspring have the nerve to call themselves "Americans" when they have absolutely no cultural, spiritual or ethnic connections to the original inhabitants, the REDSKINS, THE INDIANS, they are the TRUE AMERICANS, THEY are the only PEOPLE who deserve an AMERICAN PASSPORT, all the rest are Illegal Immigrants because AMERICA was UNLAWFULLY taken off of the ORIGINAL INHABITANTS just a few hundred years ago, you might not like what I say but tis the TRUTH and a FACT, so all you ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS begone back to the land of your forefathers and stop God Bothering and leave the NATIVES, the TRUE AMERICANS, THE REDSKINS, alone and let THEM live at peace in THEIR OWN LAND, with no one to bother them but themselves, you DESTROYERS of HUMANITY.


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Ummm... what about those of us who are of both English and Native American ancestry Dan? You would acknowledge my surname as Englsh- if I divulged it. But I am Cherokee as well. Where do we fit? :huh: I think we should all just have a drink and mellow out. :beer:

Hi 'Tejanablonde'

I have no idea where you belong, so you can chose, wherever you like, you deserve it, did i write all that shit above? must have had an off day, drunk with the venom of righteous indignation and vengence, and for whom you may ask? well i'm always on the side of the underdog so i do go over the top now and again in my attack on what the US Governments did to the Indiginous people of America so please forgive me for my ignorance and arrogance in this matter, again you may chose to be anything you like and you have my full support to do so, as if you need it hey? :lol:

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, I'm mellow. :beer:

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