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ALICE COOPER Is Baffled By PLANT's Unwillingness To Take Part In ZEPPELIN Reunion

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I'll be nice when big bad dan the man can actually act like a man, apologize for attacking my country, attacking religions, stop putting himself above others, twisting not only his own words but the words of others and stop acting like a little selfish, attention starved, spoiled, whiny child who always has to be right and have the last word. So until he can drop the act and false sense of his true identity and apologize like a man, he will continue to be treated with no respect from me. Not that he cares bcz he is on top of the evolution chain. maybe 1 day he will grow up and respect the fact that if can critisize others then he opens himself up to the same criticism!

Danny is a good man, imo. Alway's opinionated(i like that) but forever honest.

Be nice.

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No apology was given........ I guess some blokes will just take what they can get and in this case its NOTHING, ZERO, NADA thing.

In your post to "Reggi"e you say sorry at least twice so Yes apology was excepted by "Reggie". :slapface:

So when did you see Zeppelin in concert ??

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Danny aka BIGDAN is one of the nicest posters I've ever come across here. His humour and wit ALWAYS amaze me and I am always interested to read his take on things. He makes this forum a really cool place to hang out in. He is my favourite poster on here. His sense of humour is just infectious and I always find myself cheering up on reading Danny's posts here even after a hard day! He doesn't talk through his hat, IMHO! He is to me really intelligent and creative. That's just my opinion and no one can change it.

Anyway, back to the topic (before someone crticises me :rolleyes: ) : I do think Alice Cooper should view the following thread :


I must admit that I have bashed poor Robert in the past about his unwillingness to take part in a Zep reunion. But after reading that thread above, I understood why Robert is so unwilling to do a reunion and I respect his wishes! Through that thread, I could sense Robert's pain and IMO, that thread is from his point of view! Literally! I am not a fan of the musical direction Robert is pursuing at the moment and if someone here or outside this forum tells me that I am not a "true" Zep head because of that, they are dead wrong!

Kiwi now stop it, your making me blush. :blush:

Look at it like this for a moment, if you are a friend or relative of Robert then I'm sure you would be praising him for every little thing that he does musically, but as someone so close I don't think you would be welcome to air an opinion saying you didn't like his choice in his current musical direction .

But as a fan you are not restricted to supporting him, you can be very candid in the knowledge that Robert could care less about your opinion as only his opinion counts, and

"That's the way...

That's the way it oughtta be

Oh don't you know now, mama said..

That's the way it's gonna stay, yeah. "

Kind Regards, Danny

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First, for the first time ever, he is singing with other singers. I'm not a singer but I think it would be really hard to harmonize with others. Not just Patty, but with Darrell and Buddy. Four voices together is extremely powerful, and puts the vocals front and center. Seeing them live, there were vocal moments that gave me shivers.

Second, if you get the opportunity to see BOJ live, there is an obvious synergy within the band and a complexity to the music that I don't think comes across as well on the cd. Incredibly talented musicians. It's hard to put a label on the music: rock, gospel, folk, country, blues rolled up together. If you like some of the more acoustic songs from Zeppelin, the BOJ songs would fit right in there. If you only like the hard rock songs, you probably wouldn't enjoy this.

Amazing is a strong word. Of major name musicians, this was the best show I saw in the past year. Considering I saw Clapton and Roger Waters doing the Wall, I think that's pretty amazing.

I agree with whoever said the only person who cares what Alice Cooper says is Alice Cooper.

Well its cool that some folks are having a good time with this new direction for Mr Plant (including Mr Plant). Im simply not one of them. All I can say is best of luck to him and the BOJ. :]

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Thats me down to a tee, agree and good post :) Alhough I do like some of the versions of the Zep stuff, It might be interesting to hear some new material on the next album.

PS Zeplives66 drop the axe now, get on and start contributing to Zeppelin stuff and if you really are as old as you say you are then you will.

Thanks! yeah Its just how I feel, I really dont intend to offend anyone or make them think Im hating on the guy. I just hope that Mr. Page gets off his duff and does some music soon, as he said he is going to. I wanna hear some good Jimmy Page riffs in any sort of setting! :]

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Well its cool that some folks are having a good time with this new direction for Mr Plant (including Mr Plant). Im simply not one of them. All I can say is best of luck to him and the BOJ. :]

I know how you feel, but even though I am not the biggest fan now, I know I still want to see him gig, maybe next time after a new album, I mean I was there in 83 seeing him anf "The principle of Moments" at times was a difficult listen to a rocker lol, but I was there loving every min :)

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I'll be nice when big bad dan the man can actually act like a man, apologize for attacking my country, attacking religions, stop putting himself above others, twisting not only his own words but the words of others and stop acting like a little selfish, attention starved, spoiled, whiny child who always has to be right and have the last word. So until he can drop the act and false sense of his true identity and apologize like a man, he will continue to be treated with no respect from me. Not that he cares bcz he is on top of the evolution chain. maybe 1 day he will grow up and respect the fact that if can critisize others then he opens himself up to the same criticism!

Hi Lives,

Your like a Tropical Storm, given enough time you'll blow yourself out mate.

I'll deal with you like this again.

1. "when big bad dan the man can actually act like a man" What is your definition of a Man?

2. "apologize for attacking my country" Not on your life mate, every time you stand up and sing your National Anthem and ask "In God We Trust " and say "O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?" I FART in your general direction, for "GOD" has forsaken you and your version of "FREEDOM" is not extended to anyone below the "RICH MIDDLECLASS WHITES" and "BRAVE" it is not, to behave in the way your Beloved Country does to "INDIGENOUS PEOPLES" Sorry but no SORRY from this "FREE BRAVE WORKING CLASS HERO" The Good people of America on the other hand I have nothing but Love and Respect for, are you one of them?

One day America will have to "Admit To" and "Stand Up and be Counted" for all the Massacres, Genocides, Rapes, Murders, Thefts, Robberies, and God Bothering that it has done in the name of "PATRIOTISM" not only to its Own Peoples but to all the Indigenous Peoples of this World and what it Still does every day, I just cant understand why any Decent Human Being, Could or Would be Party to this sort of behavior from their Country which it is Totally Guilty off, and have the Cheek and Nerve to Put Hand on Heart and Invoke God on to their side, why your worse that any Muslim Fundamentalist Country and Rival Even Hitlers Nazi Germany as the Most Atrocious Modern Country in World History. Rant Over. (And I'm only referring to your Government not your people just so we are straight on that)

3. "attacking religions"..............ME? NEVER, I just take the PISS, but there is no Malice in my Words only Truth.

4. "stop putting himself above others"............Its the way we Westerners make Love. ;)

5. " twisting not only his own words but the words of others"...........I think "YOU" have "ME" mistaken for "YOU" there matey.

6. "stop acting like a little selfish, attention starved, spoiled, whiny child"......WHY, if I stamp my feet for long enough I usually get what I want, don't it work Stateside like that?

7. "who always has to be right and have the last word."........If I'm Right then I'm Right, even if its in me own head, as for having the last word, well someone has to and it might as well be ME as opposed to YOU as I'm RIGHT and your WRONG, as Usual.

8. "So until he can drop the act"...............Its no act, or is it? as Rush said,

"All the world's indeed a stage And we are merely players Performers and portrayers Each another's audience Outside the gilded cage"

9. "he will continue to be treated with no respect from me"........."Am I bovered"

10. "Not that he cares bcz he is on top of the evolution chain"...........You got that right. ;)

11. "maybe 1 day he will grow up and respect the fact that if can critisize others then he opens himself up to the same criticism! ".......

Grow up? Na.

Respect? Always.

Criticize? Bring it on, my shoulders are wide and I will take no offence.

Regards, Danny

PS, Robert will do whatever Robert wants to do and that's fine with me, just stop the sharade and double talk yeah? if you don't like Jimmy and John Paul any more and don't want them to play in your band just say so and put it to bed, or will you keep us all on tenter hooks for eternity? :lol:

Edited by BIGDAN
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I read people here that say what Plant is doing now is "amazing". Compared to...? What? Led Zeppelin? His early solo stuff? What exactly makes K/P and the BOJ so amazing to those that think it is, just curious? IMO Plants best solo efforts were Fate of Nations and MR, and even those I wouldnt call "amazing". But they are good (compared to the previous 5 efforts), mostly because they were more Zeppelinish in style and tone.

I personally think they're great because they're showing a different side of his abilities and interests. Not everyone can do the same thing, all the time, for over 40 years. I like the fact he's willing to stick his neck out if you will, and work with different artists, and dabble in different genres. Is any of it better than say, Physical Graffiti? No, but I don't really think Robert is looking to eclipse any of the work he did with Led Zeppelin through his solo material. I think he's just making music that makes him happy, and if other people love it as much as he does, all the better.

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Well its cool that some folks are having a good time with this new direction for Mr Plant (including Mr Plant). Im simply not one of them. All I can say is best of luck to him and the BOJ. :]

That pretty much sums it up for me too. With a proposed infusion of original material, hopefully the next album will grab us a little more.

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Alice is full of it. How many times is Plant going to have to explain and defend his stance on this? For eternity I'm guessing.

Each one of your posts appears to be as unfounded and actually void of content as each of Rollingstone's criticisms of Zeppelin.

You say something that appears to disagree, yet you say nothing other than 'Alice is full of it' and ask a question that is also a veiled statement of agreeing with Plant. Then, as soon as anyone has a comeback, you can fall back on your wording and fireback 'All I said was....'.

I disagree with your opinion forever. Robert is also too old to be reciting college poetry with a bunch of third tier musicians. They are third tier, they are talentless in comparison with Page, Plant and Jones and they are uninspiring.

All Robert Plant is doing is leveraging his Zep past ans his name recognition to get a rise out of what he wanted to become famous for before he was with Zeppelin : hippie poetry and 'can't-criticize-this-because-its-mellow-and-not-loud' songs. You could shove 12 random country singers into Robert's current setup and the music wouldn't be changed, and neither would its significance.

The same can't be said for his place in Zep. He's entitled to his opinion, but so are you and I. Stop bashing people for disagreeing with him. After all, he's disagreeing with a sh*load of poeople himself.

What would you rather get? A new solo Plant album with covers, pastel sounds and little bite, or a historic landmark album to seal the deal with Zep? He CAN do it. Does he need a good reason? He says he does. How about this Robert. If you're such a wonderful human with such powerful integrity, why don't you tour the world and donate your 250 million dollar share to some charity? Change the lives of thousands of people for the better. Give it two years, an album, a tour and an effort.

Typical Leo behaviour. Disagree with someone, maul them in the face till they run away and never come back, and then pretend to convince yourself that you won the argument.

And you Jahfin, start giving actual statements, something people can actually point to and debate. Stop making half-statements and then hide behind some bs neutral shield.

I see no good reason for Robert to cower away. The 'leftovers' we got in 2007 were better than anything he ever put out in his solo carreer, that's for sure. I'm fed up with mindless people expressing dishonest opinions!

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Each one of your posts appears to be as unfounded and actually void of content as each of Rollingstone's criticisms of Zeppelin.

Disagree. Jahfin's posts are a valued contribution to this forum. We don't know about yours yet. This isn't a great example, however.

You say something that appears to disagree, yet you say nothing other than 'Alice is full of it' and ask a question that is also a veiled statement of agreeing with Plant. Then, as soon as anyone has a comeback, you can fall back on your wording and fireback 'All I said was....'.

Disagree again. Jahfin makes solid and reasonable arguments, and has a long history of doing so.

I disagree with your opinion forever. Robert is also too old to be reciting college poetry with a bunch of third tier musicians. They are third tier, they are talentless in comparison with Page, Plant and Jones and they are uninspiring.

Have you seen them? Have you actually seen them live? I can't believe anyone who has seen Darrell, Buddy and Patty in particular could have this opinion.

All Robert Plant is doing is leveraging his Zep past ans his name recognition to get a rise out of what he wanted to become famous for before he was with Zeppelin : hippie poetry and 'can't-criticize-this-because-its-mellow-and-not-loud' songs. You could shove 12 random country singers into Robert's current setup and the music wouldn't be changed, and neither would its significance..

I call bullshit.

The same can't be said for his place in Zep. He's entitled to his opinion, but so are you and I. Stop bashing people for disagreeing with him. After all, he's disagreeing with a sh*load of poeople himself..

The difference is we are talking about HIM, and I don't care who the f**k you are, you don't have a better or clearer perspective on HIM than HIM. FFS.

What would you rather get? A new solo Plant album with covers, pastel sounds and little bite, or a historic landmark album to seal the deal with Zep? He CAN do it. Does he need a good reason? He says he does. How about this Robert. If you're such a wonderful human with such powerful integrity, why don't you tour the world and donate your 250 million dollar share to some charity? Change the lives of thousands of people for the better. Give it two years, an album, a tour and an effort.

Like many others I'd rather have a genuine , real-deal piece of music from Plant than a wheeled-out-for-the-market insincere piece. But hey - you're not the only one. Some people liked Coverdale- Page. Go figure.

Typical Leo behaviour. Disagree with someone, maul them in the face till they run away and never come back, and then pretend to convince yourself that you won the argument..
Who exactly is this "argument" with? I don't quite see where you are with the astrology angle.

I see no good reason for Robert to cower away. The 'leftovers' we got in 2007 were better than anything he ever put out in his solo carreer, that's for sure. I'm fed up with mindless people expressing dishonest opinions!

People disagree with you. Get over it.

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Each one of your posts appears to be as unfounded and actually void of content as each of Rollingstone's criticisms of Zeppelin.

You say something that appears to disagree, yet you say nothing other than 'Alice is full of it' and ask a question that is also a veiled statement of agreeing with Plant. Then, as soon as anyone has a comeback, you can fall back on your wording and fireback 'All I said was....'.

Stop bashing people for disagreeing with him.

then pretend to convince yourself that you won the argument.

And you Jahfin, start giving actual statements, something people can actually point to and debate. Stop making half-statements and then hide behind some bs neutral shield.



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Disagree. Jahfin's posts are a valued contribution to this forum. We don't know about yours yet. This isn't a great example, however.

Disagree again. Jahfin makes solid and reasonable arguments, and has a long history of doing so.

Have you seen them? Have you actually seen them live? I can't believe anyone who has seen Darrell, Buddy and Patty in particular could have this opinion.

I call bullshit.

The difference is we are talking about HIM, and I don't care who the f**k you are, you don't have a better or clearer perspective on HIM than HIM. FFS.

Like many others I'd rather have a genuine , real-deal piece of music from Plant than a wheeled-out-for-the-market insincere piece. But hey - you're not the only one. Some people liked Coverdale- Page. Go figure.

Who exactly is this "argument" with? I don't quite see where you are with the astrology angle.

People disagree with you. Get over it.


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i can understand both sides of this argument.

alice is a zep fan. he plays them on his show all the time, and makes positive comments. it's clear he has respect for them.

and as a fan, he wants them to reunite.

so do i.

and so do many millions of others around the world.

but what i want really doesn't matter.

it has to be what THEY want. ALL of them.

and they all don't.

i want to see them live on stage.

i want to hear the music played live. mistakes or word/note perfect, i don't care.

some of you got the chance, and i am happy for you.

but i didn't, so you may not understand how i and others that haven't seen them, feel.

i was crushed when i realised it wasn't going to happen.

i have never seen zep, jimmy or robert in concert. i did see jpj last year with TCV.

that's it for me.

so yeah, i would so love for them still to be together, and i think that if one of then passes before they do another record together, they will regret it. maybe.

maybe not.

i don't care for pretty much all of roberts music since zep. esp this latest BOJ cd. but i am certainly not going to bash him for it. he obviously likes it, and that's what's important.

i think alice is entitled to his opinion, and he probably said it just to get a reaction, and possibly he hoped robert would hear about it. who knows. i disagree with electrphile when she said nobody would be interested in alices opinion. he has been in the indusrty for a looooong time, and has had a lot of success, and imo has put out some great music. he isnt a one hit wonder and not 16 years old.

this post was longer than i intended .... sorry for raving. :)

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I read people here that say what Plant is doing now is "amazing". Compared to...? What? Led Zeppelin? His early solo stuff? What exactly makes K/P and the BOJ so amazing to those that think it is, just curious? IMO Plants best solo efforts were Fate of Nations and MR, and even those I wouldnt call "amazing". But they are good (compared to the previous 5 efforts), mostly because they were more Zeppelinish in style and tone.

No matter what Plant does it's going to be "Zeppelin-ish" because he was the vocalist in that band. Stylistically they covered lots of ground, all Plant is doing is continuing that journey of musical discovery. It may not be to everyone's liking and that's quite alright, he's following his heart. If he were to follow his wallet and rejoin Zep you'd just have another band that's reunited only for the money. Even if there were new material just imagine the scrutiny it would fall under, especially given the comparisons here. It's somewhat inevitable that any of the band members' solo efforts are going to be compared to their past work in Zeppelin but that's hardly being fair to them or their artistry. Least anyone forget; country, folk and rockabilly were also musical stones Zeppelin didn't leave unturned either. That's in addition to their ventures into blues, reggae, Middle Eastern and other forms of "world" music before it even had a name. John Paul Jones has been very active in bluegrass in recent years (even more so than Plant) but for some reason he's been exempt from the same sort of scrutiny for his musical direction that Plant has fallen under. To me, whatever each of them do, it's a continuation of their love for a very wide variety of musical styles which even pre-dates their formation as Led Zeppelin. Page has worked with everyone from P. Diddy to Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit. I may not care for the musical styles of either of those artists but I applaud Page for continuing to explore and for not being afraid to take a risk. The fans of all Zeppelin did originally don't always have to follow. The same applies to Plant's current musical adventures. As a fan of country, bluegrass, folk, rockabilly, etc. I'm thrilled to be along for the ride.

Edited by Jahfin
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No matter what Plant does it's going to be "Zeppelin-ish" because he was the vocalist in that band. Stylistically they covered lots of ground, all Plant is doing is continuing that journey of musical discovery. It may not be to everyone's liking and that's quite alright, he's following his heart. If he were to follow his wallet and rejoin Zep you'd just have another band that's reunited only for the money. Even if there were new material just imagine the scrutiny it would fall under, especially given the comparisons here. It's somewhat inevitable that any of the band members' solo efforts are going to be compared to their past work in Zeppelin but that's hardly being fair to them or their artistry. Least anyone forget; country, folk and rockabilly were also stones Zeppelin didn't leave unturned either. That's in addition to their ventures into blues, reggae, Middle Eastern and other forms of "world" music before it even had a name. John Paul Jones has been very active in bluegrass in recent years (even more so than Plant) but for some reason he's been exempt from the same sort of scrutiny for his musical direction that Plant has fallen under. To me, whatever each them do, it's a continuation of their love for a very wide variety of musical styles. Page has worked with everyone from P. Diddy to Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit. I may not care for the musical styles of either of those artists but I applaud Page for continuing to explore and for not being afraid to take a risk. The fans of all Zeppelin originally did don't always have to follow. The same applies to Plant's current musical adventures. As a fan of country, bluegrass, folk, rockabilly, etc. I'm thrilled to be along for the ride.

:goodpost: Complete agreement here!

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No matter what Plant does it's going to be "Zeppelin-ish" because he was the vocalist in that band. Stylistically they covered lots of ground, all Plant is doing is continuing that journey of musical discovery. It may not be to everyone's liking and that's quite alright, he's following his heart. If he were to follow his wallet and rejoin Zep you'd just have another band that's reunited only for the money. Even if there were new material just imagine the scrutiny it would fall under, especially given the comparisons here. It's somewhat inevitable that any of the band members' solo efforts are going to be compared to their past work in Zeppelin but that's hardly being fair to them or their artistry. Least anyone forget; country, folk and rockabilly were also stones Zeppelin didn't leave unturned either. That's in addition to their ventures into blues, reggae, Middle Eastern and other forms of "world" music before it even had a name. John Paul Jones has been very active in bluegrass in recent years (even more so than Plant) but for some reason he's been exempt from the same sort of scrutiny for his musical direction that Plant has fallen under. To me, whatever each them do, it's a continuation of their love for a very wide variety of musical styles. Page has worked with everyone from P. Diddy to Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit. I may not care for the musical styles of either of those artists but I applaud Page for continuing to explore and for not being afraid to take a risk. The fans of all Zeppelin originally did don't always have to follow. The same applies to Plant's current musical adventures. As a fan of country, bluegrass, folk, rockabilly, etc. I'm thrilled to be along for the ride.

While Im very happy that JPJ FINALLY got the recognition he very much deserved for so long, I didnt go ape shit over TCV, not in the least. In fact I havent got the album, Ive heard it online though (including live stuff), its good, kind of what one would expect. A mix of QOTSA and Foo fighters, good stuff, BUT IT AINT ZEPPELIN! lol And I think thats the problem. Fans want new Zeppelin music (or at least as close as can be) and they simply aren't getting it. My main hope lays in Jimmy Page for that to happen and IMO hes the only one that can really pull it off. Bring it on Jimmy, the fans are indeed waiting!

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While Im very happy that JPJ FINALLY got the recognition he very much deserved for so long, I didnt go ape shit over TCV, not in the least. In fact I havent got the album, Ive heard it online though (including live stuff), its good, kind of what one would expect. A mix of QOTSA and Foo fighters, good stuff, BUT IT AINT ZEPPELIN!

No, it's not, nor was it ever meant to be. For a band that was so musically diverse and willing to experiment so many of their fans seem to want to hold them to what they consider a higher standard, namely their work with Zeppelin. What those fans seem to so conveniently forget is that very musical diversity that made Led Zeppelin so great and set them apart from all of their peers at the time. I don't want Page, Plant or Jones to be Zep clones or to be held to some artificial standard that their new music must somehow sound "Zeppelin-ish" to only have it be deemed unacceptable by those fans that seem to have forgotten what Zeppelin was all about to start with, and that was constantly breaking new ground.

lol And I think thats the problem. Fans want new Zeppelin music (or at least as close as can be) and they simply aren't getting it. My main hope lays in Jimmy Page for that to happen and IMO hes the only one that can really pull it off. Bring it on Jimmy, the fans are indeed waiting!

What if he goes the Chet Atkins route and turns out an album of country-jazz tinged instrumentals, will folks like you still be crying out for him to somehow recreate something that sounds "Zeppelin-ish" (re: whatever is comfortable and safe) to your ears? Personally, I'd rather hear something bold, new and refreshing rather than a retread of the past.

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