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Casey Anthony - Not Guilty of First Degree Murder


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Another black eye for the state of Florida! 50th in spending on education and HUGE cuts this year - these types of things will continue to happen again and again....

What a joke - how long until the jurors come out with "I wish I could redo my vote"?

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No jurors are willing to speak with the media, at this time, for FREE that is. How long until they are in 20/20, etc.? When do you think Casey's book will come out, for the Christmas rush?

BTW, the prosecution did prove their case - for anyone having a brain between their ears!

Love how the defense team huddled for the celebratory "group hug"! She may get time served for the lying to law enforcement.

What's going to be interesting is what information will come out surrounding these past three years, over the coming months.

Oh well, the verdict has been decided....it's over now.

Edited by Walter
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Our UK friends know about this case? Wow. Didn't think it had g0tten *that* much publicity.

2bit, I thought the prosecution did a real good job on their closing arguments.

Didn't know about it until today - just been reading about it. Pretty dumbfounded that the prosecution couldn't make this a no-brainer, from what i have read - but I am new to this so will listen to all of you who know this case so much better.


Edited by Knebby
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2bit, I thought the prosecution did a real good job on their closing arguments.

Not good enough. All they had was circumstantial evidence and they failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant was guilty. They went for the heaviest charge of first degree murder and they failed to prove their case. A charge of second degree murder might have stuck.

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I just saw a report that people are rioting and looting out at Disney World! :lol:

Seriously, Orange County Sheriff just warned the public about that and it will not be tolerated. Does anyone think that would seriously happen?

Yes, the prosecution only had circumstantial evidence, but who else could it have been? She was the last one to have Caylee, it was her car that had decomposition in it, she didn't report her missing until forced to acknowledge it 31 days later, all the lies and deceitful behavior, DNA, etc. I still cannot believe it!

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Hi All,

This is just a dumb Englishman giving a different slant to what must be so obvious to all you Americans.

Has anyone toyed with the idea than some people (Christians) dont believe in an eye for an eye? and that it might have been the death penalty that put off a guilty verdict?

Now a Muslim will have no such worries and would hack your head off with a blint butter knife if you were found guilty, and A Jew would just ask a Roman to nail you to a cross, whereas a Budhist would say a prayer for you and that would be an end to it.

Was any lie dectection used at all on anyone to corroborate any of their stories or dont you do that anymore?

It all seems a very strange affair to me, but you guys will have a better understanding of how America works than i do, and some of you are very surprised at the verdict, any chance of a retrial?and would that help any?

Regards, Danny

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People are actually looting and rioting over this? I'm as disappointed with this verdict as the next person, but come on. Now you're just making yourself look ig'nant.

No, I said that jokingly. From what I am hearing, people are heading over to the Anthony's house and the woods where Caylee was dumped.

Danny, people in Florida have no problem putting people to death. #2 state for executions, behind Texas. The burden of proof is greater for the death penalty. They proved it with science and eliminating everything else it could have been. This jury could not comprehend what was presented, I guess. Maybe the decision was personality based or the jurors were worn down and made the quickest descion to get them home?! It just doesn't add up to a not guilty verdict to me.

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I haven't followed this case either, although from time to time I have seen the occasional blurb about it via online news. I'm haunted by the little girl's photo, which has shown up on several sites today. I can't help thinking (and this for me is the heartbreaking part of this story) that if this little girl, unwanted by her own Mother, had been put up for adoption, there are so many people who would have loved to have her as a daughter. If this had happened, that little girl would still be alive today, with a family and mother who loved her.

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Our UK friends know about this case? Wow. Didn't think it had gotten *that* much publicity.

2bit, I thought the prosecution did a real good job on their closing arguments.

BBC Radio Five Live had regular comprehensive coverage. Lots of detaill , many interviews. To me it sounded like an open and shut case. This result is truly shocking.

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I didn't follow the case so I don't know many details but from what I learned, skimming the headlines on the internet, she seemed to be guilty. I just didn't want to get sucked into this case. A little girl's death will go without justice and her mother will be free in a few day's time and will probably make a fortune from book deals and paid interviews. A huge lose/lose situation.

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What bothers me is (and I've already had a couple fairly severe "discussions" about it on Facebook already) is how many people (mostly conservative, unfortunately) are actually saying they hope someone "is waiting for her" outside the courthouse (i.e., waiting to shoot her).

Most of them are the Facebook flag-wavers, and religious "Copy this as your status if you love Jesus" posters.

Again, this is just what I've observed on MY Facebook, not here on the forum.


I mean, I believe she's guilty, as well.

But I sure as hell wasn't there.

And I don't want anyone's constitutional rights dismissed - even Casey Anthony's - just because I or anyone else believes she's guilty.

Amazing that it's the Flag-wavers and Jesus-lovers that are willing to dismiss those rights.

It's the one thing that truly bothers me about being a conservative.

Which is why I feel it's incumbent upon me to call out other "conservatives" when they express such idiotic sentiments.

But yeah, I definitely believe she was guilty.

I have a real strong opinion about the way someone behaves in certain situations revealing the truth about them.

And a parent that has lost a child, or a man who has lost his wife, simply doesn't behave in certain ways, specifically partying, laughing, etc.

You simply would not be able to function like that if your child or spouse was missing.

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