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Free/Jimmy rumour

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One tweet - That's all this is... so , perpective everyone...

"DanOgus1 Dan Ogus

Free to reunite this summer with Jimmy Page (as heard from Nicky Horne) ?"

Stiiiiiiill ... not so implausible .

But obviously, there's "reunite" in the way that Jimmy Page and the Black Crowes reunited for about 5 minutes last summer...

Better wait and see on this one !

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The surviving members of Free could reunite, with Jimmy added on guitar, which is clearly what this rumour is suggesting.


The last I heard Paul had left his pairing with Queen to focus on writing and recording a solo album. Unless and until Paul hints at a Free reunion...

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On the face of it, this sounds intriguing. But I really don't think Jimmy is stylistically compatible. His playing is far more in your face than Koss's.

Mr. Kossoff left the planet in '76, as you know, so it wouldn't be a conflict, right? Jimmy could play whatever way he wanted to.

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Well obviously. But what I meant was Free weren't really noted for Page-esque fret-flurries, more Koss's generally pure-ish tone, bends & sustain. Whereas Jimmy's more of a headbanging riff-monger, & a faster and more furious soloist, relatively speaking.

Sure, if they were targeting the old Free audience and wanted to retain authenticity, JP might be able to adapt, but I seriously doubt these days whether he could carry it off without hiding behind a wall of FX. Then again, how many Free fans are there anymore, and would they fill the arenas? Maybe they'd just pander to the Zep/JP market.

If Jimmy and Paul Rodgers got a band together and called it "Menudo" tons of people would want to see them, trust me.

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Sure, if they were targeting the old Free audience and wanted to retain authenticity, JP might be able to adapt, but I seriously doubt these days whether he could carry it off without hiding behind a wall of FX. Then again, how many Free fans are there anymore, and would they fill the arenas? Maybe they'd just pander to the Zep/JP market.

Maybe the Free audience has dissipated some in America, but from all the evidence I've seen, Free is still hugely beloved in the UK. I think they'd do all right, no matter what audience they were targeting.

Menudo was a Puerto Rican boy band that was formed in the 1970s by producer Edgardo Díaz, releasing their first album in 1977.

Also, members of Menudo had to leave when they turned 16 or 18. So that eliminates Paul and Jimmy right off the bat. :)

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We don't comment on rumours.

Next question!

Sure we do!

It could be very cool ..Jimmy's as tight with Simon Kirke as he is with Paul Rodgers...maybe tighter.

Zeppelin actually had Simon set up his kit at an Over Europe 1980 show. Dual drums... .

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Jimmy said going on the road with Paul was like touring with his Grandmother.

This definitely won't happen.

Have you ever seen the Firm interviews with Jimmy and Paul side by side? Jimmy is completely whacked out, out of his gourd and it's obvious Paul would rather be under a rock somewhere.

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oh really i didn't know jimmy said that! what do you think he meant by that? was it that paul didn't like to "party", and jimmy did?

Essentially, yes. Jimmy had been off the road for a few years so once he had a band to tour with he was quite keen on partying with his bandmates. Spent countless hours with Tony and/or Chris in hotel bars, music joints and others haunts. Not so much with Paul who took a more early to bed early to rise approach to life on the road. Not always, mind you, but more often than not. This is not to say they aren't good friends - they definitely are.

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