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Page, Plant, & Jones Press Conference: Friday, September 21


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Wow - I guess this is another theory that will become a big debate around here but IMO it's just another example of what I said earlier - the first line of thought around here always seems to be negative and looking for a problem. I'm personally just thrilled by the whole thing.

Of course I'm over joyed about them being together in the same room again and I wasn't looking for a problem. It's just that in the few photos Sam posted, Robert was right up next to Jimmy, with JPJ a bit away....then when they were closer together, Robert has his shoulder turned away from JPJ and towards Jimmy. Again, overjoyed the boys are back in a press conference together for a fantastic new release.


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I am on cloud 9!

I thought it was wonderful, we even got a little lagniappe when the question about the first rehearsal was misunderstood!

They all 3 look wonderful, were more than charming and showed a fantastic sense of humor!

I see 3 men who are very proud of their creativity and craft! I also saw mutual respect for each other and extreme pride in Jason and what he had triumphed over to be the musician he is today!

I would not have liked to have been up there answering questions knowing every little gesture or answer will be debated as to the possible implications of a reunion tour... my hats off to all 3 and I can't wait until Oct 17th!!!

Edited for clarity :)

Edited by Bayougal65
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I am on cloud 9!

I thought it was wonderful, we even got a little lagniappe when the question about the first rehearsal was misunderstood!

They all 3 look wonderful, were more than charming and showed a fantastic sense of humor!

I see 3 men who are very proud of their creativity and craft! I also saw mutual respect for each other and extreme pride in Jason and what he had triumphed over to be the musician he is today!

I would not have liked to have been up there, my hats off to all 3 and I can't wait until Oct 17th!!!


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I am on cloud 9!

I thought it was wonderful, we even got a little lagniappe when the question about the first rehearsal was misunderstood!

They all 3 look wonderful, were more than charming and showed a fantastic sense of humor!

I see 3 men who are very proud of their creativity and craft! I also saw mutual respect for each other and extreme pride in Jason and what he had triumphed over to be the musician he is today!

I would not have liked to have been up there answering questions knowing every little gesture or answer will be debated as to the possible implications of a reunion tour... my hats off to all 3 and I can't wait until Oct 17th!!!

Edited for clarity :)

Could not have said it better!!! :goodpost:

Edited by TonyV
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There will be more Led Zeppelin shows in the future. Plant is slowly but firmly gaining back his enthousiasm about the band. And yes, this is not far from being miraculous.

And now, Percy, go away and shave this beard. Stop looking like an old Swedish sailor who would have been washed away by a raging tempest on the North Sea.

Edited by seaweed gate
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"Does anybody remember laughter? Priceless."

Of course the press is going to ask the 'Then what?' questions,...what did anyone expect?The lads knew,...and differed.This about the film/DVD/CD release.

I for one am thankful,decades later that we have this.

Now to rattle my tin cup to see the O2 concert in October,....


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Look at the backdrop to the Press Conference. That's your clue as to exactly what this event was about.... the 2007 O2 Show release on CD and video.

And it's also a clue as what this Press Conference was not about.

All of the remaining and surviving members of Led Zeppelin were present at this Press Conference.

A Tour or even a one-off show, would provide the impetus for it's own Press Conference.

Unitl that happens, don't think otherwise, is my recommendation. But, for those want to fancy..... dream on . . . . . . . .

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I'm trying to remember the last time the band did a press conference together....

Probably this one?

October 7, 1972

Hong Kong Press Conference

The group hold a press conference in Hong Kong at the Mandarin Hotel.


Sam, wasn't there a group press conference during the 1973 U.S. tour? Perhaps at the Drake hotel, where that famous promo photo was taken with all of them piled on that chair?

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I sense that Plant is a little conflicted about his legacy, which might explain part of the reason for his moving on attitude...I get the impression that he might have spiritual/personal issues with some of the things Zeppelin stood for and therefore tries to distance himself. His comments about Stairway were interesting...just my opinion though.

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Sam, wasn't there a group press conference during the 1973 U.S. tour? Perhaps at the Drake hotel, where that famous promo photo was taken with all of them piled on that chair?

The photo of them in the chair at the LA Hyatt was just for pics (for a couple of photographers), no press conference. The Drake hotel press conference was Peter Grant, discussing the robbery.

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The photo of them in the chair at the LA Hyatt was just for pics (for a couple of photographers), no press conference. The Drake hotel press conference was Peter Grant, discussing the robbery.

Gotcha. Thanks for sorting that out. It is puzzling that on a tour in which they smashed the Beatles record and definitively proved they were the Top Dog in Rock n Roll, that there was no press conference.

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Didn't Robert say in this one how they never planned to /weren't used to the whole deal of sitting there "like soccer managers" ? :) ( BTW before anyone chimes in, he has long since explained he calls it soccer so it is universally understood ;) )

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