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Sitting next to Jimmy on a plane

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I found this while searching for Zep related stuff and found it to be both funny and interesting. Not sure how true some of this is, especially the comment about Robert, but it was still entertaining. Apologies if this has been posted before.


I haven't seen it. I agree about the comment on Robert. It sounds like it could be true, but Jimmy didn't start letting his hair go white until the end of 2006. The UK Hall of Fame induction are the first pictures where his hair is white. This sounds like it was 2003 when his hair was still black.

Thanks for sharing it. :)

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I haven't seen it. I agree about the comment on Robert. It sounds like it could be true, but Jimmy didn't start letting his hair go white until the end of 2006. The UK Hall of Fame induction are the first pictures where his hair is white. This sounds like it was 2003 when his hair was still black.

Thanks for sharing it. :)

That's the one detail I homed in on as well. And like I said, the comment about Robert, too.

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There are 2 facts that are correct. Mixing the DVD (which would place this occurance in early 2003 - DVD was released in May 2003) and helping design a guitar for Gibson. This would be the Signature "Number One", which was available from 2004 to 2007.

The white hair _could_ be explained. He was still dyeing his hair black until 2006. Maybe he was out of the spotlight and let it go for a bit.

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There are 2 facts that are correct. Mixing the DVD (which would place this occurance in early 2003 - DVD was released in May 2003) and helping design a guitar for Gibson. This would be the Signature "Number One", which was available from 2004 to 2007.

The white hair _could_ be explained. He was still dyeing his hair black until 2006. Maybe he was out of the spotlight and let it go for a bit.

It's 2012. By now, everybody and his mother knows the Live DVD came out in 2003, so the fact he mentions that doesn't prove anything.

I'm not saying he wasn't on a plane with Jimmy; I'm saying that I don't believe the conversation was as portrayed in that article. I don't buy Jimmy talking about mudsharks or calling Plant names with a total stranger. I don't buy that these musicians supposedly didn't know that the custom guitar Jimmy and Gibson collaborated on was released.

These two guys are bandmates and friends and I think they made up this interview as a gag.

Edited to add:

Just remembered something else...not only was Jimmy still dying his hair in 2003, but it wasn't "flowing" back then, either. It was short.

Edited by Strider
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It's 2012. By now, everybody and his mother knows the Live DVD came out in 2003, so the fact he mentions that doesn't prove anything.

I'm not saying he wasn't on a plane with Jimmy; I'm saying that I don't believe the conversation was as portrayed in that article. I don't buy Jimmy talking about mudsharks or calling Plant names with a total stranger. I don't buy that these musicians supposedly didn't know that the custom guitar Jimmy and Gibson collaborated on was released.

These two guys are bandmates and friends and I think they made up this interview as a gag.

That's what I was thinking, It sounds fishy to me. Funny, but pretty much a crock...

and their band is getting discussed on Led Zeppelin.com

Now, if I sat next to Jimmy Page and we shot the breeze like 2 regular people,

I wouldn't announce to the world that he sounded "Phlegmmy".... Now if he was a jerk .... I might.

But, he makes it sound like Page was pretty cool to him

Page would also most likely be flying first class and this sounds like coach...

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That was probably the worst and fakest article or interview or whatever you want to call it that I have ever read. If I ever was to post a "fake" interview about sitting next to Jimmy Page on an airplane, I know I could have come up with way better material then that nonesense. Simply Ridiculous.

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Absolute bullshit

A stewardess asking for an autograph? I Don't think so, a sackable offence I would imagine.

Paying for drinks in first class, only one drinks holder. No way.

Zoso T shirt I doubt it.

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What a load of crap. I second what Strider posted. Anyone can post just about anything on the internet and claim it is true. I can easily write a fake article claiming that Jimmy came to my house to visit and shared what his symbol means and the secret behind his fascination with Crowley.

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2003 > long white hair.


Exactly! That is one reason why it is BS. Another is I highly doubt Jimmy would refer to Robert as a bitch to a complete stranger, much less do so in 2003. This schmuck has a few pieces of info on Jimmy and used that to made up an entire story in order to make himself seem cool.

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I suppose that's solved, then. I thought it sounded fishy, but still wasn't for certain, so I thought I'd post it here to see what everyone else thought. I hope I haven't offended anyone.

Not at all - you gave us something to talk about ;)

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To me this was clearly written with tongue firmly planted in cheek.


1. the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.

2. a literary composition, in verse or prose, in hich human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule.

3. a literary genre comprising such compositions.

In other words, it was a joke.

Edited by crabbygirl
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