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What Made You Happy today?


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The fact that my headache is finally subsiding. Too many beers last night...

I hear ya. I know that Saturday morning feeling. Hope you're feeling better! :coffee:

Two or three hours spent on listening to Michael Jackson. :notworthy:

Me too, with the Billie Jean video last night over and over with a couple of drinks. lol. :beer:


Edited by Fan_S.
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My kids were watching "Thriller" last night :) They were already somewhat familiar due to the movie "13 Going on 30". Funny thing is that I don't remember ever doing the dance ...

I am really psyched about this week; last minute plans to go to the beach (OBX) for a long 4th weekend :yay: We are all beside ourselves with excitement after not expecting to go this year! :D

Oh, and we got some long overdue yard work done last night too (my not so favorite thing to do...)

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A nice cold glass of beer on a very hot summers day walking around for 5 hours.

Hehe funny thing happened yesturday, my dad and I went shoppping for food, and as usual we got beer. My dad needed some more non-alcholic ones. We went to the isle for non-alcoholic beer and my dad picked up a couple of cases, assumming they were alcohol-free, what we didn't realse until we got back was that it was alcoholic! the shopping assistants put it into the wrong section! so now my dad accidentally bought me about 30 bottles of beer (inc. large case of larger and special offer "real" beer) :lol: :lol:

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A nice cold glass of beer on a very hot summers day walking around for 5 hours.

Hehe funny thing happened yesturday, my dad and I went shoppping for food, and as usual we got beer. My dad needed some more non-alcholic ones. We went to the isle for non-alcoholic beer and my dad picked up a couple of cases, assumming they were alcohol-free, what we didn't realse until we got back was that it was alcoholic! the shopping assistants put it into the wrong section! so now my dad accidentally bought me about 30 bottles of beer (inc. large case of larger and special offer "real" beer) :lol::lol:

And of course you are going to use all of those bottles for cooking purposes only.

Edited by eternal light
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Waking up and seeing the sun high in the sky with no clouds = happy. Showered and headed out to work, stopped to grab a bowl of menudo on the way = very happy. Not sure why but I've been doing a lot of praying and meditating lately. Not to anything or higher power in particular but because I feel like it gives me positive energy. Just want the world to know I feel fortunate and pay it forward via some good vibes.

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Waking up and seeing the sun high in the sky with no clouds = happy. Showered and headed out to work, stopped to grab a bowl of menudo on the way = very happy. Not sure why but I've been doing a lot of praying and meditating lately. Not to anything or higher power in particular but because I feel like it gives me positive energy. Just want the world to know I feel fortunate and pay it forward via some good vibes.

I can understand that - there's been a lot of sadness in the world especially this past week. Happy you have found a way to get some positive energy! Good to see you here again :wave:

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I hit three or four yard sales this morning, and I was able to get about 30 books and a small stroller for my niece! I spent about $20 on all of it.

Now I have tons of good books for her and a spare stroller so I can take her for walks when I've got the baby over!

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My little brother. I was talking to him over facebook. (I'm at my dad's and he is at my mom's.) I told him I had to go and he was like don't leave! Is this love that I'm feeling? is this the love that I've been searching for?

He is so silly, but he has such a way of making me crack up.

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Made some progress on rebuilding my deck. Small victory I know but, being able to work on it period, has been a god send..... so I just ran 30 red lights in someones honour :D

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