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What Made You Happy today?


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3 excellent report cards; everyone made all A's and B's :D

Exactly what i expect from your children, Virginia! You (and i guess your hubby has some effect too :) ) are the kind of parents all children should have and need!

Happy to have just finished a delicious Japanese Hibachi dinner. Hibachi grilled salmon and shrimp, rice, noodles, zucchini, carrots, clear soup. Comfort food. Enjoying watching my daughter write her numbers (she can write to 20 and count into the hundreds) and alphabet. Her letters are beautiful for any age, not just four. She better make honors when she hits junior high! Happy my daughter's tummy feels better after the last few days.

Similar to what you said, Virginia. I don't bribe/promise my daughter gifts in exchange for behavior. I buy her plenty :) but when she misbehaves i threaten (and once in a while follow through) with taking things away. I'm a softy so it's usually all talk and she knows this, but it does work in getting her to behave, some of the time.

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Exactly what i expect from your children, Virginia! You (and i guess your hubby has some effect too :) ) are the kind of parents all children should have and need!

Happy to have just finished a delicious Japanese Hibachi dinner. Hibachi grilled salmon and shrimp, rice, noodles, zucchini, carrots, clear soup. Comfort food. Enjoying watching my daughter write her numbers (she can write to 20 and count into the hundreds) and alphabet. Her letters are beautiful for any age, not just four. She better make honors when she hits junior high! Happy my daughter's tummy feels better after the last few days.

Similar to what you said, Virginia. I don't bribe/promise my daughter gifts in exchange for behavior. I buy her plenty :) but when she misbehaves i threaten (and once in a while follow through) with taking things away. I'm a softy so it's usually all talk and she knows this, but it does work in getting her to behave, some of the time.

Hi sweetie! So nice to see you here on the forum! Did you read my previous comment about you taking detox tea's? ROF my dear!

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I am happy because I got home from work earlier than expected today, and my husband cooked dinner! He even tried a new recipe: chicken with salsa and cheese, Spanish rice, and banana pudding. It was good, except that the chicken was not completely cooked. No problem, just nuked it for a few minutes in the microwave; delicious. biggrin.gif

Congrats to the kids, Virginia, for their good grades!

I guess that we did reward our boys for good grades, although it was an afterthought, not a bribe. Usually, I bought them a video game that they wanted, or a movie. if they had a good report card. Never gave them money. And they had to get their school work done before they were allowed to enjoy the movie or video games. They were pretty much self-motivated, and they did fantastic in school, including college. They were/are definitely not hard-core studiers, by the way. They do their assignments, read over their notes, and take their tests. I had to study alot more than that when I was in college. They must be smarter than I was, lol, but I think that they have photographic memories, and that helps them alot. You had to beat the knowledge into my head, as I had to review over and over again before I had the material memorized, LOL.

Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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Happy Birthday Virginia. birthday.gifbirthday.gifbirthday.gif

Hope that you are enjoying your special day! smile.gif

Thanks! :D I think we're going to do the celebrating another day, since my youngest is sick; my middle is coming down with it and my oldest had 2 dance classes tonight.

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