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What Made You Happy today?


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After months of headaches and a screaming child, I have finally got my 1 yr old off the bottle. He never took a pacifier, so his bottle was his only way of soothing himself. I have tried every kind of sippy cup and nothing worked. He's always drank water and juice out of the cup, just not his milk. So the other day I let him try to get a drink out of a straw, and he did it!!! So I got him some cups with soft silicone straws attached, worked like a charm. No more bottle!!!!!! I'm sure all you parents out there know why this is such an accomplishment for me. ;)

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What made me happy today?

oh not much apart from MY MUM JUST EMAILED ME TO SAY THAT SHE BOOKED THE TICKETS FOR ALICE COOPER THIS DECEMBER!!!!!!!!! Banana time: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Just a bit excited about that :D First time I'm gonna see him live.

I bet that will be a fun show! :D

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My beautiful Granddaughter. :rolleyes:

Now almost a month old.

She was 6lbs4oz. 21 inches long.

4:13am. Her mom had a great first time delivery, no epidural. It was a wonderful experience.

She's beautiful Hotplant ! Congrats :)

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What made me happy today?

oh not much apart from MY MUM JUST EMAILED ME TO SAY THAT SHE BOOKED THE TICKETS FOR ALICE COOPER THIS DECEMBER!!!!!!!!! Banana time: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Just a bit excited about that :D First time I'm gonna see him live.

Oh my goodness!! Have fun! :)

What made me happy today?

I'm off work tomarrow and I plan to draw all day.

Edited by aen27
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After months of headaches and a screaming child, I have finally got my 1 yr old off the bottle. He never took a pacifier, so his bottle was his only way of soothing himself. I have tried every kind of sippy cup and nothing worked. He's always drank water and juice out of the cup, just not his milk. So the other day I let him try to get a drink out of a straw, and he did it!!! So I got him some cups with soft silicone straws attached, worked like a charm. No more bottle!!!!!! I'm sure all you parents out there know why this is such an accomplishment for me. ;)

i remember going through that! it's quite a big deal, isn't it! my older two were the same ( no pacifier, or dummy, as we call them ) and with the 3rd, it was the dummy that i had the trouble getting him off. but he eventually waved it goodbye as it drove off with the gargage truck.

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Hi All,

Getting a phone call from my son and his new wife (they got married last saturday, if you wanna see any pic's PM me, fcuking awsome, the Military Wedding of the Century) while on their Honeymoon in the Seychelles, i would say "Lucky Sod's" but they have both earned it with Tours of Iraq and Afghanistan behind them, here's too them. :beer:

Kind Regards, Danny

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Hi All,

Getting a phone call from my son and his new wife (they got married last saturday, if you wanna see any pic's PM me, fcuking awsome, the Military Wedding of the Century) while on their Honeymoon in the Seychelles, i would say "Lucky Sod's" but they have both earned it with Tours of Iraq and Afghanistan behind them, here's too them. :beer:

Kind Regards, Danny

that's great danny!

what made me happy today was an early morning phone call with my love. :wub:

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