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Mass Shooting at Elementary School Connecticut 12/14/12


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May God give strength and comfort to the families of those killed and all those affected by this heartbreak. My prayers and thoughts to the victims and their loved ones.

(perhaps we can have a separate thread to debate gun ownership, which is an important one, but perhaps best kept separate from the focus of this one?)

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May God give strength and comfort to the families of those killed and all those affected by this heartbreak. My prayers and thoughts to the victims and their loved ones.

(perhaps we can have a separate thread to debate gun ownership, which is an important one, but perhaps best kept separate from the focus of this one?)

There is no way gun control laws are gonna change here. IMO. Too much power and lobby money involved in the NRA. As was said earlier, trying to get to these individuals before it ever comes to these type of act is one part of the solution. As RH said, police presence and protection at our schools is another part. In the end, where there is a will to do acts like this - there will always be a way, in our modern day society here.

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Some of the comments above and on the news coverage are saying 'oh, now is not the time to talk about gun control, let's show some respect, let people grieve' etc. Well that's all fine and dandy but how long ago was the last one, and what has been achieved since then? Not very long, and absolutely nothing.

I would guess that if you took a straw poll of yesterday's bereaved parents, they would see it as a sign of respect if something serious was done NOW about the shoot 'em up culture, instead of having a phoney period of respect which benefits nobody but the gung-ho meatheads in the gun lobby.

So what the fuck are you sayiing? I should lose my guns because of this stupid fucking maniac>? You are nuts. I have a right to protect myself from someone like him. You wont win. NEVER

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So what the fuck are you sayiing? I should lose my guns because of this stupid fucking maniac>? You are nuts. I have a right to protect myself from someone like him. You wont win. NEVER

You sound crazy. Like most people who are determined to keep their guns despite 20 innocent children dying for that right.

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I understand the arguement for police prescence in schools but a shooting just happened in a mall and this last summer, the mass shooting in a movie theatre. So we live in a police state? As the majority, do we surround ourselves with armed forces to protect ourselves against a minority? Why is it in our society that seems to breed disenchanted individuals who feel the need to kill innocents in order to express their own pain? Gun control is not the answer. What is the answer? I wish I had the answers. I hope and pray that the parents, siblings and families will have access to professional psychiatric help. As an adult, what happened makes no sense but for the children that lived through this tragedy and the siblings of those children that were killed, it is especially difficult and incomprehensible.

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There are no easy solutions to the massive societal problem of gun control/ownership. I grew up in Cleveland. I have spent a lot of time In NYC. I have had a gun in my face. I stood next to a detective taking down a suspect with gun drawn on 7th Ave. It changes you. I feel fortunate to have made my home in Canada and to have raised my sons here. There are guns and violence here, but there is a different mindset as to how it is met by law enforcement and citizens.

I would hate for my kids to go to school where police pat them down every morning. Something changes in you when you have to fear the place you are educated, or work, or live. Having lived both sides of the border I see America very differently than when I lived there. It will always be home but it was obvious to me that post 911 fear was palpable. I lost my innocence when those towers fell as all Americans did, but keeping people on a knife edge with coloured threat levels can also be seen as manipulation. If someone is fearful enough, they will do anything you say. Really the problem of violence and guns is much bigger than a deranged guy shooting up a school as horrible and senseless as that was.

If attention is paid to the cause of a problem, and funds spent on heading off potential violence there would be less need to police people.

I do respect your opinion, it simply isn't one that works for me.

I'm sorry to hear you had to go through something like that (having a gun pointed at you) That is life-changing.

I think you're taking what I said to the extreme about patting down kids every morning. My example of that comes with the territory in that case. And it was necessary. It's doesn't mean to say it would be like that at every school. I never said any such thing in this situation. I said a police presence would have possibly deterred this from happening. I never mention patting down little kids.

Just because you see "FEAR" every time you see a police presence doesn't mean we all think that way.

That's something out of the book 1984.

Take Care

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I understand the arguement for police prescence in schools but a shooting just happened in a mall and this last summer, the mass shooting in a movie theatre. So we live in a police state? As the majority, do we surround ourselves with armed forces to protect ourselves against a minority? Why is it in our society that seems to breed disenchanted individuals who feel the need to kill innocents in order to express their own pain? Gun control is not the answer. What is the answer? I wish I had the answers. I hope and pray that the parents, siblings and families will have access to professional psychiatric help. As an adult, what happened makes no sense but for the children that lived through this tragedy and the siblings of those children that were killed, it is especially difficult and incomprehensible.

I agree Melanie. Gun control is not the answer, basically because it will NOT happen. As a few said above, it's not guns who kill people.

If you care to read post #115, it's a small example that has been proven to effectively work, even on a small scale-that would be more realistic of an idea and answer than curing mental illness/treating it nation-wide or confiscating guns from every home in this nation...neither of those 2 things are gonna happen.

I bet if a few officers had been on that campus at the time, walking the grounds, protecting,watching the building and/or standing near the exit and entrance, monitoring activity-(who is coming in and out) this may have not happened at all.

When I mention having schools equipped with a few officers, why do some people (not you in particular) make it sound like the movie 1984???

I'm not talking about having the FBI or "Big Brother" at a school. I'm talking about local police that would otherwise be patrolling the streets and usually being a reaction to a crime that has already been committed.

Have a good weekend.

Edited by Rock Historian
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You sound crazy. Like most people who are determined to keep their guns despite 20 innocent children dying for that right.

No, I will tell you who is crazy. All of those that want to have the dream of removing all guns from the world. its impossible. But every time something like this happens they start up again. And dont give me your holier than thou shit and pretend I dont care.

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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Emotional reaction and differing opinions to what has transpired is natural and understandable but here's my 2 cents on the gun issue as I think it relates to yesterdays events and other events just like it.

What good is it to have a gun to protect yourself when for all intents and purposes, you are not going to be the one who shoots first ? All the guns in the world were not going to protect those poor children from this madman anymore than they would have protected any of us had we been sitting in a public gathering and he'd walked in. Yes, one of us might have gotten off a shot and put an end to it but, not before many had already been killed.

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I have found it is pointless to convince someone that we should always have the right to own guns. It's pointless.

Because that "right" is pointless in the face of this kind of atrocity. And actually pretty sickening.

Edited by Knebby
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Because that "right" is pointless in the face of this kind of atrocity. And actually pretty sickening.

Not "pointless" at all.

Actually, atrocities like this have little to do with the 2nd Amendment.

And it's not about hunting, either.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The 2nd Amendment guarantees our right to freedom from tyranny, from a government that seeks to deny our rights.

And the easiest way to control and deny the rights of the citizenry is to first disarm them.

It's incredibly logical, this whole Constitution and Bill of Rights thing.

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