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SUPER BOWL SPREADS: Share Your Super Bowl Feast Menu!


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So as not to pollute/confuse the other NFL threads with non-football talk, I figured this deserved a stand-alone thread.

This Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday, and as such, represents the final FEAST that is the Holy Trifecta of Feasting in America: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Super Bowl Sunday!!!

This thread is for discussion of your Super Bowl food plans...your menu, recipes to share, food questions and advice, pictures of the feast and aftermath, etc.

I finalized my contributions to this Sunday's feast and shopped over the past weekend. My brother is handling grilling the steaks and chicken and they'll have the usual array of chips, dip, guacamole, corn on the cob, salads that are de riguer at our Super Bowl Sundays.

What I will be making:

Spicy grilled prawns

Fish kabobs

Veggie kabobs

Macaroni & cheese

Rhode Island Clear Clam Chowder




Fudge brownies with bacon

There will be plenty of beverages...wine, beer, cider, juices, cokes, and water.

There will be around 10 of us, total, maybe 12.

I'll make the macaroni & cheese, chowder, and brownies on Saturday, and also prep the prawns overnight.

For those curious, here's where I discovered the Rhode Island clear chowder recipe:



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The more the merrier, jabe. :D

I have never heard of that before. :D Where did you come about this glorious combination?

As much as I say "bacon makes everything tastes better", you'd think I would have thought of this on my own, but I cannot take credit.

Credit for the inspiration goes to Animal, a restaurant out here in Los Angeles(on Fairfax Ave.) that is devoted to the Pig. There are other meats on the menu, but the Pig reigns supreme. It was here about five years ago I first encountered the brownie topped with bacon and maple glaze. They also do a maple bacon glazed donut.

Since I make a pretty mean brownie myself, I started experimenting with adding bacon to my brownies...trying it in the mix itself, as well as just as a topping. Of course, for my vegan friends I substitute vegan bacon.

Basically, all you need to do is bake or fry up some bacon with some brown sugar until the bacon is done to your liking and the sugar is caramelized. Drain the bacon on paper towels and let cool. Crumble the bacon into small pieces and add last to your brownie batter and/or sprinkle on top before baking.

Edited by Strider
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Strider, that is one mouth watering menu. May I come by too?

Since you offered to answer questions, I did google it, but can you expand on "Gloop" please?

Yes, I was wondering about that too! :)

I don't have a menu planned but will probably do a bunch of appetizers and maybe a pot of chili.

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I am making a white chili.

Sautéed chicken breast cubed add

cream of chicken soup

Can of navy beans

Can of blacked eyed peas

1chili pepper

1 onion

1 green pepper.

Add chili powder and other spices to taste I can't reveal all the trade secrets.

Serve with a frosty can of Mr. Boh

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Strider, you had my mouth watering with everything except your brownie's with bacon.

I love bacon, but I don't understand the American/Canadian love of bacon with maple syrup, or any other sweet product. The thought of it makes my tummy turn and growl with disgust. I took the plunge and tried it when I was in the States a few years ago ........ but actually eating this weird concoction, didn't change my mind. So i'm sorry, but i'll pass on your brownie and bacon 'massacreation' ;):lol:

I do however love all variations of clam chowder, which I devoured quite often when I was there. Unfortunately, we don't have clams in this country, or tins of clam juice and our substitutes don't taste the same, or anywhere near as good.

Oh ...... and i'll pass on eating that Gloop stuff too :lol:

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As much as I say "bacon makes everything tastes better", you'd think I would have thought of this on my own, but I cannot take credit.

Credit for the inspiration goes to Animal, a restaurant out here in Los Angeles(on Fairfax Ave.) that is devoted to the Pig. There are other meats on the menu, but the Pig reigns supreme. It was here about five years ago I first encountered the brownie topped with bacon and maple glaze. They also do a maple bacon glazed donut.

Since I make a pretty mean brownie myself, I started experimenting with adding bacon to my brownies...trying it in the mix itself, as well as just as a topping. Of course, for my vegan friends I substitute vegan bacon.

Basically, all you need to do is bake or fry up some bacon with some brown sugar until the bacon is done to your liking and the sugar is caramelized. Drain the bacon on paper towels and let cool. Crumble the bacon into small pieces and add last to your brownie batter and/or sprinkle on top before baking.

Huh, that's quite interesting. I won't be making any, but if someone offered it to me, I would definitely try it.

Oh, and by the way, your "bacon makes everything better" philosophy is very similar to my own. :P

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sausages with onions and peppers on the grill

chicken wings smothered in Baby Rays

7 layer mexican dip

baked beans

mini crescent dogs

pizza pinwheels


expecting 16 people,they can bring dessert. Will have plenty of beer,soda,wine etc.. btw I hate wine

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Strider, I want to come to your party...sounds yummy.

We're not have a party, but I will be fixing hot dogs, potato salad, guacamole with chips and the usual football shaped chocolate cake. The only time I get to use the special cake pan. Just wish I could of put the Patriot logo on it.

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Chili is in the crockpot. There will be cornbread. And chips and salsa.

I think I'm going with beer for the game instead of wine. Seems more appropriate. Which means I should go downstairs and pick out something to put in the fridge now...

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Chili is in the crockpot. There will be cornbread. And chips and salsa.

I think I'm going with beer for the game instead of wine. Seems more appropriate. Which means I should go downstairs and pick out something to put in the fridge now...

Ready to take my natty boh, chili and gambling $$ over to big brother Joe's. I am going to be hanging with at least 4 of my brothers, a shit load of nephews and the rest of the gang.

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Ready to take my natty boh, chili and gambling $$ over to big brother Joe's. I am going to be hanging with at least 4 of my brothers, a shit load of nephews and the rest of the gang.

Sounds like a lot of fun!! My sister is coming over, and my husband's "other" brother is joining us. Small party...good people.

Just put a bottle of Dogfish Head Hellhouse on my Ale in the fridge. It joins the DFH Burton Baton and the Yeti Oak Aged Espresso Stout. Since it's only me drinking, I'll have to make some decisions later...

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