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A personal message on my upcoming surgery


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My thanks to all of you again.

I may as well share this so you will have an idea of the cost of such a procedure under the current system. Since I have to go through Medicare for my primary insurance, I will have to pay a $1200 co pay to the hospital and $400 approx to the Dr for the procedure after Medicare picks up their end. The deductible of $175 I have already met. That is only for one. So I wlll have to eat that twice and hope their are not too many surprises. There are always extra bills. The X Ray he just had me take at the pre op I will get a bill for. Why he needed another one a few weeks later God only knows. I hope this goes well enough that he will go through with the second procedure.

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If I may ask, Rick, is there a reason why your hips have deteriorated to the point where you have to have them replace? I remember you telling us that your back was injured at work, was that the start of the hip problems? Take care, bud!

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If I may ask, Rick, is there a reason why your hips have deteriorated to the point where you have to have them replace? I remember you telling us that your back was injured at work, was that the start of the hip problems? Take care, bud!

I should have had a brace on my left hip when I was a baby. When I played sports and I played all the time, baseball, basketball, football and hockey, I would have some pain on the left hip when I ran long distances when I was young. Later on this same surgeon in the early 1990's did a core decompression of my left hip. Drilled a small hole in the bone to create air to get to an area with necrosis. The lack of bone growth. It worked for years. 12 years ago he did X rays and said my problems were back related. So I go in there a few weeks back expecting the same answer and I left with terrible news. I am hoping the replacements will help the back pain but there is no guarantee I will come out of this well. But I have gone this far. No turning back. I cannot undo it. I do not look forward to the recovery and my wife who does not drink, may consider it after this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My best wishes to you Rick. I hope your surgery is successful and all goes well with your recovery and recouperation.

I also wish your wife lots of patience and sanity ................ ;):lol: :lol:

I've suffered from hip and back problems for many years and have been through some horrendous medical procedures and medication, but your's far outweigh mine. I've also known a few people who have had hip replacement surgery. From what i've been told and have seen from their operations ...... recouperative exercise is the key to your recovery. Easier said than done, I know, but you're a ballsy guy and I know you will pull through and do well from this operation.

Good luck Rick!

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My best wishes to you Rick. I hope your surgery is successful and all goes well with your recovery and recouperation.

I also wish your wife lots of patience and sanity ................ ;):lol: :lol:

I've suffered from hip and back problems for many years and have been through some horrendous medical procedures and medication, but your's far outweigh mine. I've also known a few people who have had hip replacement surgery. From what i've been told and have seen from their operations ...... recouperative exercise is the key to your recovery. Easier said than done, I know, but you're a ballsy guy and I know you will pull through and do well from this operation.

Good luck Rick!

Thanks much and again to you all. I am not looking forward to laeaving tomorrow. My home and wife and cats. Yes, my cats will wonder where I am. Likely drive my wife nuts the first night. I know my male will be looking at the door wondering. This is it. I am signing off for a while.

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Hey all. Thanks again for the best wishes. I am still in my hospital bed. Physical Therpist had me walk entire hall and steps. I did it ok so I am going home tomorrow unless something unforseen happens. On tons of meds so excuse the spelling. Its going to be a rough recovery but today has me a bit optimistic. Then I have to do the right. I can drive right away t my shock. Because its not the right leg. Take care. Signing off

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Hey all. Thanks again for the best wishes. I am still in my hospital bed. Physical Therpist had me walk entire hall and steps. I did it ok so I am going home tomorrow unless something unforseen happens. On tons of meds so excuse the spelling. Its going to be a rough recovery but today has me a bit optimistic. Then I have to do the right. I can drive right away t my shock. Because its not the right leg. Take care. Signing off

That's good to hear. I'm a little worried about one thing, Rick, and that is your meds. I hope you don't get addicted to the pain meds as so many people seem to do and end up abusing them.

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Thanks to you all for your caring thoughts and wishes. Its too late for the pain killers to be a concern. Been on them for ages. Hooked. Beyond all hope. But they keep me alive

As you can see by his own quote, Strider, Rick has been on them for a while now to treat his back pain.

Glad to hear you made it through well and seem to be on the mend, Rick. :)

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