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The Greatest Actor of All-Time...


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I think some people could legitimately argue that the greatest actor of all time was either Olivier, Barrymore or Gielgud; or, for film, Stewart, Brando or De Niro.

I don't know who I think the greatest actor is, but my personal favorites are Clark Gable, Errol Flynn, Cary Grant, and Al Pacino.

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I think the sign of an outstanding, legendary actor is whether you would watch a movie, any movie, just because that actor is starring in it.

For me, the list is short ....... Jack Nicolson, Anthony Hopkins, Johny Depp and the more recent career of Leonardo DiCaprio

There are many other brilliant actors that are at the top of my favourites also, such as Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon.

While I don't deny their talents, I don't think actors who consistantly portray the same one dimentional/non variation type of character in a movie, are worthy of 'legendary' status. The one exception being John Wayne.

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You notice most are not naming one. You cannot. It's impossible. No way you can just name one. My list also includes Pacino and DeNiro and even Flynn but I have to have Clint Eastwood and Steve McQueen on mine. Yes and Jimmy Stewart and Vivian Leigh and Morgan Freeman and the list just goes on and on

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I know this topic has been covered extensively in a previous thread.

Thank you, Steve. Why the incessant need to keep starting the same topics over and over is getting old.

Who's great, Who's greatest. It's all opinion, Impossible to chose.

NAILED! Exactly, JTM. Art is not a contest. It is impossible and a little insulting to older generations to just name one person as the "greatest". Unless you have lived for all eternity, how can you judge? You can have "favourites" naturally, but to quantify one as the greatest actor without having seen Sarah Bernhardt, Charlie Chaplin or others throughout history is absurd. This goes for cinema, music, art, books, etc.

Just enjoy what you like without feeling the need to rank everything in endless lists. This isn't Buzzfeed, ferchrissakes.

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I agree with JTM and Strider. Acting is an artform and there is no best.

But, there is also a level of greatness that some like Chaplin, Robert DeNiro, Lon Chaney, Hillary Swank, Al Pacino, Christian Bale, Meryl Streep etc... have been able to achieve that not all get to for whatever reason... talent .. opportunity.. a lousy... director.. a shitty script..

I mean, I'm one the the biggest Clint Eastwood fans in the world. But I don't think he ever had a performance as epic as DeNiro's in Raging Bull. But, he directed Hillary Swank in Million Dollar Baby ... which is at that level of greatness.

Edited by the chase
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I agree with JTM and Strider. Acting is an artform and there is no best.

But, there is also a level of greatness that some like Chaplin, Robert DeNiro, Lon Chaney, Hillary Swank, Al Pacino, Christian Bale, Meryl Streep etc... have been able to achieve that not all get to for whatever reason... talent .. opportunity.. a lousy... director.. a shitty script..

I mean, I'm one the the biggest Clint Eastwood fans in the world. But I don't think he ever had a performance as epic as DeNiro's in Raging Bill. But, he directed Hillary Swank in Million Dollar Baby ... which is at that level of greatness.

Clint also directed a pretty great performance by by Gene Hackman in "Unforgiven" and another great and often overlooked/underrated performance by Kevin Costner in "A Perfect World". But, aside from his great spaghetti-westerns with Sergio Leone, if I consider just the movies that Clint himself directed, as many good ones as there are, I always come back to "The Outlaw Josey Wales" as my absolute favourite Clint Eastwood movie. I love every frame...it's practically a perfect film.

Back to De Niro. No question he is a great actor. But to some people, to say he is the "greatest" ignores a rather glaring hole in his filmography that many other great actors (James Stewart, Humphrey Bogart, Clark Gable, Cary Grant, Spencer Tracy, Jimmy Cagney, Charlie Chaplin, Marcello Mastroianni, Daniel Day Lewis, Clint Eastwood) have...the romantic lead or romantic comedy or any role where he exhibited strong chemistry with a strong female character.

Most of De Niro's great roles were in the company of men or as tortured loners (Mean Streets, Goodfellas, Godfather, Taxi Driver, King of Comedy, Deer Hunter, Raging Bull). His attempts to do romance or similar...New York, New York, Stanley & Iris...usually fell flat.

As others have noted above, he is great, even seismic, within a certain parameter of roles, but he hasn't been as versatile as, say Al Pacino or Dustin Hoffman.

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Clint also directed a pretty great performance by by Gene Hackman in "Unforgiven" and another great and often overlooked/underrated performance by Kevin Costner in "A Perfect World". But, aside from his great spaghetti-westerns with Sergio Leone, if I consider just the movies that Clint himself directed, as many good ones as there are, I always come back to "The Outlaw Josey Wales" as my absolute favourite Clint Eastwood movie. I love every frame...it's practically a perfect film.

Back to De Niro. No question he is a great actor. But to some people, to say he is the "greatest" ignores a rather glaring hole in his filmography that many other great actors (James Stewart, Humphrey Bogart, Clark Gable, Cary Grant, Spencer Tracy, Jimmy Cagney, Charlie Chaplin, Marcello Mastroianni, Daniel Day Lewis, Clint Eastwood) have...the romantic lead or romantic comedy or any role where he exhibited strong chemistry with a strong female character.

Most of De Niro's great roles were in the company of men or as tortured loners (Mean Streets, Goodfellas, Godfather, Taxi Driver, King of Comedy, Deer Hunter, Raging Bull). His attempts to do romance or similar...New York, New York, Stanley & Iris...usually fell flat.

As others have noted above, he is great, even seismic, within a certain parameter of roles, but he hasn't been as versatile as, say Al Pacino or Dustin Hoffman.

Agreed. Gene Hackman is one of my all time favorites..

4-3 Bruins!

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Not to stir up controversy or resentment because I have created similar topics in the same vein (although I am not the first to do so), I would like to add this clip. Flay me or chastise me if you feel the need to do so, but I will and always have stood by MY convictions. And this is one of them.

If anyone doubts Me, just look at all the Others in Attendance who give Mr. Robert De Niro a standing Ovation for His Great and Honorable lifetime of Work (and many More to Come).

Does this or can this be further MY Truth (My Opinion) to what I have said dozens of Time before (and will say to the day I die)?

I am a Realist. And My realization is that everyone has their Favorite Actors and Actresses. However, MY Favorite, Mr. Bobby De Niro is still Alive and Well and still continues to make (and Direct) Movies. It is My belief (whether anyone agrees with Me, or not) is that Robert De Niro and Martin Scorsese will go down in New York and Hollywood History as Two of the Greatest Actor/Directors of ALL-TIME. Their Collaboration will be beloved and rejoiced for Hundreds of Years to Come. Just as the Collaboration between Jimmy Page and Robert Plant (and Jonesy and Bonzo) will be remembered and Celebrated of the next 1,000 Years.

I think that the collaboration between Mr. Robert De Niro and Mr. Martin Scorsese and Mr. Jimmy Page and Mr. Robert Plant have Very similar Connections and Histories.

Although I have no real proof, I do really Believe that Jimmy, Robert and John Paul Jones met and associated with RobertDe Niro and Dustin Hoffman before and after Their Kennedy Center Honors tribute.

Edited by kingzoso
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