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Jimmy Page says "It's time to play live again"


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I saw Robert just last August in Chicago, and honestly, he blew me away. Phenomenal set and I hate to say it, but hearing him sing the Zeppelin songs are the highlight. I will cherish the fact that I have seen him sing songs like Going To California, Black Country Woman, Whole Lotta Love, What Is And What Should Never Be, etc. His voice is different now but it aged so well. The truth of the matter is that he would nail a Zeppelin tour and album.

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This news is sooo freaking great! :thumbsup:

As he said, rock is a young mans game, and they're not young.


The days of getting strung out on drugs and partying into the morning hours may be over but the heart of rock doesn't have an age, in my opinion. There's that old saying "The more things change, the more they stay the same." And, it's also like Robert said once in an interview "Older men do it better." ;)

I think there's a reason why people of all ages still hold Led Zeppelin's music so close - the spirit is still alive! Young, old, we all can relate to what the songs are about!

I just want Robert and Jimmy to kiss and make up, even if they never play together again. Life's too short for all that jazz!

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This news is sooo freaking great! :thumbsup:


The days of getting strung out on drugs and partying into the morning hours may be over but the heart of rock doesn't have an age, in my opinion. There's that old saying "The more things change, the more they stay the same." And, it's also like Robert said once in an interview "Older men do it better." ;)

I think there's a reason why people of all ages still hold Led Zeppelin's music so close - the spirit is still alive! Young, old, we all can relate to what the songs are about!

I just want Robert and Jimmy to kiss and make up, even if they never play together again. Life's too short for all that jazz!

I am sure their relationship is the same it ever was with just a bit more annoyance over the past few years. I was surprised by Jimmy's comments, but they are mature and I don't think they'll do that much damage. The media (particularly stupid Ultimate Classic Rock) are blowing their comments out of proportion

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I've been away from this forum for quite some time, but the saying "the more things change the more they stay the same" really applies here. I might as well be reading the posts from last year or the year before! It's like not watching a soap opera for awhile and you come back to it and the characters are all still saying and doing the same things they did when you last saw the show...same posters, same topics, same excuses from Page about why he's not playing. (only a little different). Could it be that he's just not going to get a band together ever? And that Robert will forever mock him with the fact that Jimmy needs him and he doesn't need Jimmy by dangling this reunion carrot every now and again? How long has this been going on? Is it possible that they do this on purpose to give this forum a reason to exist? It's really a strange thing having left and coming back to the same topics. Maybe it really is all about selling re-releases and ticket sales to concerts. Maybe they have been putting us all on all along. Maybe it's about keeping something fresh, but not what you all are talking about, but about keeping news churning about all things Led Zeppelin. I say that because I was thinking to myself "hey, Robert did say he wasn't doing anything in 2014, maybe I should check out the forum and see what's going on". Now, I don't want to kill anybody's game of charades or anything. I'm just saying that maybe it's all a ruse and a marketing ploy to keep the machine going. I will look forward to checking back in 6 months to see what Jimmy's actually up to and what little comments Robert is making to get himself in the media. I "love" these guys like everybody else, but it just seems like a reality show configuation to create buzz at this point.

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The Rolling Stones are a machine. Kiss is a machine. 'Led Zeppelin' aren't quite as well-oiled and together as all that. Oh, every now and then, the dinosaur sputters to life but it's hard to predict when and where. It's an erratic beast and operates on 'Zeppelin Time'.

Blimey! Considering that there are still six more Zeppelin remastered sets to be released over the next year or so, I sincerely hope we don't have to go through all this over and over again. Maybe the "reunion question" can be retired for once?

As David Byrne said..."say something once, why say it again?"

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Led Zeppelin won't reform, one of them is dead.

Time to move on folks.

If Jimmy Page never releases another new note of music, he'll still have given us the greatest catalogue of albums any band has ever produced, he owes us nothing.

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I would literally be shocked if Page formed a solo band as suggested. He's saying what he has always been saying, and trying to keep some buzz going during all the pressers he is doing. The alternative would be to say, "Led Zeppelin? No". "Solo career? No, I'm retired and collecting records full time". That does not make for NEWS, at a time when Page is fanning the flames and trying to pique people's interest. I suppose there is always a minute possibility, and he is capitalizing on that possibility, but with no real intention behind it. There will be no "new band" IMHO.

Edited by The Dark Lord
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I would literally be shocked if Page formed a solo band as suggested. He's saying what he has always been saying, and trying to keep some buzz going during all the pressers he is doing. The alternative would be to say, "Led Zeppelin? No". "Solo career? No, I'm retired and collecting records full time". That does not make for NEWS, at a time when Page is fanning the flames and trying to pique people's interest. I suppose there is always a minute possibility, and he is capitalizing on that possibility, but with no real intention behind it. There will be no "new band" IMHO.

I beg to differ, if Page announced he was retired it would most definitely be news. Especially in an era when his classic rocker peers seem to keep going on and on, for better AND for worse.

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I would like to see Jimmy and Gary Clark Jr. do something together. Some blues and rock stuff that has a real

edge that they both can bring to the stage. And the fact that Gary can really sing helps a lot.

Or how about Phosphorescent...what a talent he is!!

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I would like to see Jimmy and Gary Clark Jr. do something together. Some blues and rock stuff that has a real

edge that they both can bring to the stage. And the fact that Gary can really sing helps a lot.

Or how about Phosphorescent...what a talent he is!!

That would be a good combo. Especially, since they know each other from the TV ads they di together.

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I beg to differ, if Page announced he was retired it would most definitely be news. Especially in an era when his classic rocker peers seem to keep going on and on, for better AND for worse.

Page essentially retired in '99, and I hope that's not news to anyone here.

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I would literally be shocked if Page formed a solo band as suggested. He's saying what he has always been saying, and trying to keep some buzz going during all the pressers he is doing. The alternative would be to say, "Led Zeppelin? No". "Solo career? No, I'm retired and collecting records full time". That does not make for NEWS, at a time when Page is fanning the flames and trying to pique people's interest. I suppose there is always a minute possibility, and he is capitalizing on that possibility, but with no real intention behind it. There will be no "new band" IMHO.

^ Yes. Consider Plant's "…otherwise it wouldn't be mystic…" comment.

I beg to differ, if Page announced he was retired it would most definitely be news. Especially in an era when his classic rocker peers seem to keep going on and on, for better AND for worse.

^There is no financial advantage for a rock star to announce retirement without a tour, album, or book to accompany it.

Jimmy, is the ultimate businessman, would NEVER do this unless there was a financial component.

I would like to see Jimmy and Gary Clark Jr. do something together. Some blues and rock stuff that has a real

edge that they both can bring to the stage. And the fact that Gary can really sing helps a lot.

Or how about Phosphorescent...what a talent he is!!

GC is fantastic, lovely, and a charismatic live performer.

Despite the compelling fashion spread, interviews hint at less than a connection. Court Jester Ross Halfin soundly bashed Gary in a review when he opened for the Kings of Leon. Whatever that Ross/Jimmy relationship is, any commentary, no matter how "rogue" it appears, about people with connections to Jimmy, must be vetted and approved by Jimmy.

Never say never - but I can't see this happening.

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I actually kind of like that Jimmy sounds irked. If you go by the timeline's since the early 90's, getting annoyed with Plant has spurred him to work.

1990-91 - Robert says no to Zeppelin reunion (Page mentioned his annoyance with Plant about this multiple times including a CP interview with Red Beard)

1991-93 - Coverdale Page project

1998-99 - Plant pulls out of protracted Page and Plant world tour. Jimmy says in interviews it was Robert who pulls the plug

1999-00 - Jimmy Page goes out with the Black Crowes.

I think, if this means anything (which is probably doesn't) then Jimmy is sufficiently annoyed at Plant to finally start working again. Hopefully.

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I actually kind of like that Jimmy sounds irked. If you go by the timeline's since the early 90's, getting annoyed with Plant has spurred him to work.

1990-91 - Robert says no to Zeppelin reunion (Page mentioned his annoyance with Plant about this multiple times including a CP interview with Red Beard)

1991-93 - Coverdale Page project

1998-99 - Plant pulls out of protracted Page and Plant world tour. Jimmy says in interviews it was Robert who pulls the plug

1999-00 - Jimmy Page goes out with the Black Crowes.

I think, if this means anything (which is probably doesn't) then Jimmy is sufficiently annoyed at Plant to finally start working again. Hopefully.

Yes, the strategist of my imagination has pondered this as well. If we were talking about Geezer Butler, and Black Sabbath, these ominous statements and rifts would surely signify a NEW project. The best offense is a good defense, they say.

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I wonder if the wheels were turning when Ann and Nancy did Stairway To Heaven, or when Foo Fighters had him and JPJ on. Dave Grohl's always down for special projects. I'm sure Jack White's also going to be passed around the rumor mill.

Edited by dalsh327
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I wonder if the wheels were turning when Ann and Nancy did Stairway To Heaven, or when Foo Fighters had him and JPJ on. Dave Grohl's always down for special projects. I'm sure Jack White's also going to be passed around the rumor mill.


MYGNR represent!

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I think, if this means anything (which is probably doesn't) then Jimmy is sufficiently annoyed at Plant to finally start working again.

Had everything in place but a vocalist in 2008 and even THAT amounted to NOTHING. Six years later/older he doesn't even have a band!

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John Paul is keeping his distance from this whole re-read of the Zeppelin catalog bc he doesn't want to get dragged into a war of words with the press like Jimmy and Robert have. The press has a way of creating controversy and chaos where there was none initially.

John knows the deal and has opted out of the circus this time around.

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Here are the three things I took from that New York Times interview...

1. Yet another self-reference to his mortality. Jimmy's acknowledgement that he's "a gentleman of an advancing age" suggests he is aware time is short and this is his final chance to present to fans the complete Led Zeppelin catalogue in the manner in which it deserves, bells and whistles attached.

2. His mention of Dr. Dre's Beats headphones has me concerned. Yes, as Jimmy said those headphones have changed how people hear the music...but not for the better. It's all boom-boom BASS. I hope to god Jimmy didn't master these new releases for the Beats generation.

3. Jimmy walked right into that hip-hop sampling question/trap. You would think by now he would recognize the bait. Oh well.

Anyway, we're almost two weeks away and I'm excited. As for all the hand-wringing over whether Jimmy's mad about what Robert said or if he is really serious about playing again, I really don't concern myself anymore with that idle speculation. If he does, he does, if he doesn't, he doesn't.

It is one thing to have ideas, quite another to execute them. For an example, I suggest comparing Jimmy's post-2000, or even as recent as post-2008, timeline with Jack White's.

As for the poster who wondered why John Paul Jones was so silent...well, isn't he busy writing an opera and playing with other people? Besides, dignified silence was always JPJ's MO.

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Here are the three things I took from that New York Times interview...

1. Yet another self-reference to his mortality. Jimmy's acknowledgement that he's "a gentleman of an advancing age" suggests he is aware time is short and this is his final chance to present to fans the complete Led Zeppelin catalogue in the manner in which it deserves, bells and whistles attached.

2. His mention of Dr. Dre's Beats headphones has me concerned. Yes, as Jimmy said those headphones have changed how people hear the music...but not for the better. It's all boom-boom BASS. I hope to god Jimmy didn't master these new releases for the Beats generation.

3. Jimmy walked right into that hip-hop sampling question/trap. You would think by now he would recognize the bait. Oh well.

Anyway, we're almost two weeks away and I'm excited. As for all the hand-wringing over whether Jimmy's mad about what Robert said or if he is really serious about playing again, I really don't concern myself anymore with that idle speculation. If he does, he does, if he doesn't, he doesn't.

It is one thing to have ideas, quite another to execute them. For an example, I suggest comparing Jimmy's post-2000, or even as recent as post-2008, timeline with Jack White's.

As for the poster who wondered why John Paul Jones was so silent...well, isn't he busy writing an opera and playing with other people? Besides, dignified silence was always JPJ's MO.

Don't think comparing the productivity of Jack White in his prime to Jimmy in his late 60's/early 70's is the best way to look at this, do you? A bit like comparing Jimmy Page and Les Paul in 1973...

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Don't think comparing the productivity of Jack White in his prime to Jimmy in his late 60's/early 70's is the best way to look at this, do you? A bit like comparing Jimmy Page and Les Paul in 1973...

I see your point but I'll wager you that Les Paul in 1973 was still busier than Jimmy Page is today. Heck, for years even up to his death Les Paul played every Monday Night in New York City.

My point in using Jack White was to illustrate that it is not that difficult to get a band together and play if that is what you really want to do.

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I see your point but I'll wager you that Les Paul in 1973 was still busier than Jimmy Page is today. Heck, for years even up to his death Les Paul played every Monday Night in New York City.

My point in using Jack White was to illustrate that it is not that difficult to get a band together and play if that is what you really want to do.

....Strider your observation of Led Zeppelin's Iconic Legacy is very well written, in all of your posts to date...The Timeless Eternal Artist that resides within Page will always be presented this way, and to reiterate what Steve A. Jones once written here in the Forum, that Jimmy's own Iconic Vision Led Zeppelin is incomparable to any other form of artistry....and the RollingStone Interview, Page has indicated that attentiveness to Led Zeppelin "proved to be the right thing".....I really do admire Jimmy, the passionate timeless Inner artist, the Legendary Musician wishes to acknowledge...I understand it to be this way today and beyond.....on this note, I love this photo of Ross Halfin that he posted today, very rarely do I mention him in this Forum, but I will today...


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