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Where do you think Zep would've gone musically in the '80s?


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Heavier for their next album as I think Bonzo was talking about that urge. New affects/equipment and maybe even guitar synth? Was there guitar synth in the early 80's?

Robert suprising us with something different.

Really, to be honest, I have no freakin clue. Just an imaginative guess. :/

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I think there's at least a couple of threads for this.

Worst case scenario.... Hair Metal, MTV, Power Ballads, Singles etc..

Actually I don't think they would have ever stooped that low but I don't believe the 80's would have been an easy decade for them. Ultimately we shall never know.

Guitar synths had been around since at least the late 70's and Jimmy made plenty of use of one on the Death Wish II soundtrack in 82.

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The thought of that dreadful 80's drum sound and those awful syn drums that were the fashion of the time would make those imagined recordings almost impossible to listen to today.

I can't listen to anything that used those fucking horrible 80's recording techniques.

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The thought of that dreadful 80's drum sound and those awful syn drums that were the fashion of the time would make those imagined recordings almost impossible to listen to today.

I can't listen to anything that used those fucking horrible 80's recording techniques.

eeemmm Shaken and Stirred comes to mind?

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They would certainly use new equipment and shure they would take from the new times whatever would be good to them, but they would stay Led Zeppelin, hopefully avoiding everything cheap and non artistic from that era!

As for the music, how could we possibly know? Each new album was a surprise, so knowing it, would pretty much be like every fan could write another Zep album, which is impossible!

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eeemmm Shaken and Stirred comes to mind?

I played that one solidly for about six weeks, got sick of it then dumped it. Last heard circa 1988 ish or thereabouts possibly even earlier.

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The thought of that dreadful 80's drum sound and those awful syn drums that were the fashion of the time would make those imagined recordings almost impossible to listen to today.

I can't listen to anything that used those fucking horrible 80's recording techniques.

I don't thonk bono would have gone down that track with those awful 80's drum sounds. Just cant see him lowering his whole souund for that backwards un natural crap.

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I think there's at least a couple of threads for this.

Worst case scenario.... Hair Metal, MTV, Power Ballads, Singles etc..

Actually I don't think they would have ever stooped that low but I don't believe the 80's would have been an easy decade for them. Ultimately we shall never know.

Guitar synths had been around since at least the late 70's and Jimmy made plenty of use of one on the Death Wish II soundtrack in 82.

Thanks babysquid, I didn't knoew guitar synths were around in the 70's.

Cheers :)

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This might be putting them in a box musically, but the sound wise, I can't see John Bonham playing electronic drums or anything like that. JPJ on the other hand we have Carouselambra which was predominantly synthesizers so something in that direction. If I had to pick something that might sound like them (albeit this band is notorious for copying their sound) these folks would probably be the closest. Again I might be stereotyping their sound, but that's how I hear it. (Obviously they would play better, sound better, and be more creative, but sound wise, something akin to this)

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This might be putting them in a box musically, but the sound wise, I can't see John Bonham playing electronic drums or anything like that. JPJ on the other hand we have Carouselambra which was predominantly synthesizers so something in that direction. If I had to pick something that might sound like them (albeit this band is notorious for copying their sound) these folks would probably be the closest. Again I might be stereotyping their sound, but that's how I hear it. (Obviously they would play better, sound better, and be more creative, but sound wise, something akin to this)

Far out, so much of a zepp rip off. I hear what you are saying though.

Bonzo's drumming would be more 'counter punch' and little nuonces that no other drummers really do even when covering Bonzo. Not sure if 'counter punch is the right terminology but I kind of mean on beat and off beat all in the same bars of music - pushing and holding back, - swinging and then straight rock beats all within short passages of play.

Sorry for my bad descriptions.

He was always on the edge and I beleive thats what drove the rest of zepp to create their unique sound and style as he pushed them into the unknown and un predictable.

Not many or any bands I hear these days even know how to do that.

Thanks for sharing. ZeppMan93 :)

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Had Zep remained intact and carried on, I think they would have made crap in the 80s (most of their peers did), and if they had survived that era, then they would be still playing today, on a very Stones-like format and schedule, doing a big tour about every five years and putting out a new album of reasonably-okay stuff, but the concerts would be basically the old classics.

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Had Zep remained intact and carried on, I think they would have made crap in the 80s (most of their peers did), and if they had survived that era, then they would be still playing today, on a very Stones-like format and schedule, doing a big tour about every five years and putting out a new album of reasonably-okay stuff, but the concerts would be basically the old classics.

I agree. But they might have still been able to put out another great album. And they also would have played some huge gigs -- maybe in front of 150,000 - 200,000 fans in Rio de Janeiro, etc.

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I think had things worked out, according to the plan Jimmy shared Dave Lewis, a successful series of events: 30 day Fall 1980 US Tour East Coast, Spring 1981 US Tour West Coast, followed by UK dates in early summer 1981, the plan was then to get back into the studio Fall of 1981 and record the successor to ITTOD. As stated many times, Pagey and Bonzo discussed making the next album "more rocky" than ITTOD. It would had led to Jimmy being more involved in the new album. I think Jonesy still contributes more advanced keyboards on the new album like ITTOD, with maybe a couple of songs on bass, add in Robert's influence (think Pictures at Eleven, and such songs as Burning Down One side, Slow Dancer, Like I've Never Been Gone) and we would have a GREAT album released in 1982.

After that album, hard to say what happens: disband? Long break and resume a few years later? Big, massive stadium gigs? Don't know. Further albums might have had the 80's influence. But, I really believe the album to follow IITOD, per the plan above, would have been spectacular!

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I don't thonk bono would have gone down that track with those awful 80's drum sounds. Just cant see him lowering his whole souund for that backwards un natural crap.

Bono? Bloody hell he gets everywhere!:-)

As for guitar synths Roland were making them and ARP pretty much bankrupted themselves trying to market the Avatar guitar synth.

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Bono? Bloody hell he gets everywhere!:-)

As for guitar synths Roland were making them and ARP pretty much bankrupted themselves trying to market the Avatar guitar synth.

Oh hell, sorry guy's and sorry John Bonham. Massive typo there. Bonzo, Bonzo, Bonzo.... :D

Frack that bono thing, it is everywhere. :/

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I think Plant and Jonesy would have collaborated more closely and synths would have become more prominent. Plants lyrics and style would have continued to move in the direction it did as a solo act...maybe not as strongly because Jimmy would have had some say in what they could put out. Jimmy has said that "All of My Love" was pushing the limit for him as a Plant offering at that time. Bonzo wouldn't really have changed much, his sound was Zep's foundation.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I hate to say this, but I don't think the band could have lasted beyond another album and some short tours. Plant was really getting

Fed up with Page, Grant, and Cole, and Bonham was heading into the abyss. Plant had been considering a solo career for a long

Time. Plant has actually in veiled comment vented about the widening schism between him and Page in the last days. How

Could they make another album with all these subterranean currents ready to blow ????

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