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Big Blue

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I'd like to give Rabia tickets to England to meet Richard. I'm bad with presents, but I'll try to get to more people. That's what and who I thought of right away.

Edited: I have one for Richard, the ability to help his ex beable to let go of him, and the ability to make his brother better.

Vannis, Noora, and Hetty: a Jimmy time machine.

THANKS ALICIA :D :D :D I appreciate that

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Thanx Mandy

Here's yours a- Your own classroom so you won't be a cart teacher.

Oh no! I forgot about cart teachers! :o

I actually doubt that will be a problem though. The school district that I am doing my student teaching in is bracing for a HUGE retirement turnover...

you know...the older baby boomers...it's starting... :lol:

Edited by manderlyh
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Mandy, you have the most lovely soul!   :notworthy:

My gift to you- A lifetime "Open door" policy at a fully stocked nursery. You go in, you pick out what you like, they deliver it, and plant it!

If you're feeling like getting your hands dirty instead, they hang out and hand you

your tools!  Need the ground turned over while you pick out the next item? Just ask.

They also bring your Xmas tree every year, and tend it's water so you have that wonderful fragrance to come home to every day.

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'59 Les Paul—cigarettes, booze and The Stones…in a private concert for you and your closest friends (that includes me and a guest, since I gave you the prezzie…)


...and you can bet your ass that FK will be there.......

Kaztor— the entire Black Sabbath and Frank Zappa catalogs!

umm;this is just a guess,but I think Kaz has the entire Frank Zappa catalog already....


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Mandy, you have the most lovely soul! :notworthy:

My gift to you- A lifetime "Open door" policy at a fully stocked nursery. You go in, you pick out what you like, they deliver it, and plant it!

If you're feeling like getting your hands dirty instead, they hang out and hand you

your tools! Need the ground turned over while you pick out the next item? Just ask.

They also bring your Xmas tree every year, and tend it's water so you have that wonderful fragrance to come home to every day.


I may run out of places to plant them... ;)


...and you can bet your ass that FK will be there.......

umm;this is just a guess,but I think Kaz has the entire Frank Zappa catalog already....



I'm sure Kaz does...but I didn't know what else to get him that he couldn't already get in that red-lit place he lives...

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A bit of fantasy and (hopefully) a bit of reality:

Angel With A Broken Wing:

A gig, along with Sun Child, as Jimmy’s co-webmistress. A place in the sun for you and your loved ones. Many more decades of dancing and playing with like-minded souls. Front-row tickets to every upcoming Zep concert.


A commission from Jimmy to paint his portrait. Front-row tickets for you and your sweetheart to at least one more Zep or Page concert where you can play air guitar in the aisles to your heart’s content.

Evster2012 and Angi:

A gig as the caretakers and curators of Jimmy’s guitars and his Crowleyana collection. VIP tickets and backstage passes for any future Zep or Page concerts.

Otto Mason:

A commission from Jimmy to write his authorized biography. Another trip to the U.S. - this time to acquire more treasures for your Zep collection and to attend at least one Zep concert as an Icelandic VIP.

Sun Child:

A gig, along with Angel With A Broken Wing, as Jimmy’s co-webmistress. Time travel back to (and lifelong memories of) a night or two (or three) in ‘72 or ‘73 (think I’ll give this one to Angi too). Front row tickets for you and your love of life to see Zep in multiple venues.

The Rover, middlezep, and Joelmon:

A trip back in time for multiple journeys on the rolling zoo circa ’71-‘73 (think I’ll give this one to Ev too). A box of photos from and first person accounts of LZ’s hell-raising days. Front row seats and backstage passes to every upcoming Zep concert.

Anonymous (yes, you - I won't breech your confidentiality :D )

A trip back in time ('73) so you can have one more week-long stay at the "Riot House" VIP tickets and backstage passes to any upcoming Zep concerts.

To each of you: Everlasting love, health, happiness, peace of mind, and success on your own terms.

Here's to a Zep-filled New Year :beer:

My apologies to anyone I’ve forgotten.

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Kissandra— a crate of Secret deodorant… (but NOT because she needs it…LOL

:lol: well, at least I like their brand :rolleyes:

Kissandra - All the outtakes (and be forced to listen them with Mr. Page).

If you're talking about thee Mr. Page, you most certainly wouldn't have to force me :D

Kissi - a set of Black Keys Chia Pets and twelve pizza-scented candles

Perfect! :lol::D I can picture their being chia pets, freakin' awesome...many thanks for the visual :hysterical:

Thanks guys :thanku::D

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Jeanne - Jimmy Page circa 1973, a new car of her choice, health :)

Mooney1975 - Every Jeff Buckley recording ever...and the Black Keys' "Magic Potion" (that one I'd actually do if I had money :lol:)

JAG - A sheet pizza from Carbone's :D

Mona - An evening with Jack White and the Mighty Boosh two :D

Chicken - An iPod :)

FuzzyMerkin - Not sure what you'd like...a kitten? :lol: With a yellow bow :)

manderlyh - $5,000 shopping spree at the store of her choice :D

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Thanks Mandy, for the Monty Python and Queen stuff. :D

And Kissandra, that sounds really nice. :lol:

Did anyone else get me something? I already can't remember, even though I've just read the thread. :rolleyes:

I'll come up with a list later, after I've had some time to think.

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Aw Mandy

that was so sweet of you too sweet, :D



wow that is a wonderful wonderful gift. You're great too :D

And Alicia, how do you know that's what I wanted?

Thanks :)

Mandy- a teaching position at a school that she will really appreciate, after graduation of course.

JAG- a years worth of food from his favorite Indian restaurants, for free

Aquamarine- Robert Plant's first album[in vinyl] autographed by the man himself

Alicia- a collection of the jewelry Janis Joplin would wear

Richard- a very romantic, elegant date with a wonderful woman ;)

Vannis- a violin bow autographed by Jimmy, with a personal message to you

Noora- a week's stay at some hotel in London, with free transportation to anywhere in England ;)

Hentai- plans for an Indian wedding for a special certain someone, with a beautiful Indian wedding dress

Ishita- authentic Indian treasures from Jaipur

Minelle- a collection of authentic Sharon Tate pictures

Joel- a collection of Beatles vinyls

Celia- two tickets to Jamaica, in the first class cabin to get there

Kaztor- free packages of whatever his most favorite drink is

Kissandra- tickets to the Next Black Keys concert with backstage passes to meet them


Bonham- his favorite drum set and a hug from me. :D

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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How does everyone know what everyone would like? I don't know what anyone here would like for xmas.

Because we actually talk to each other, Spats, not just bitch and whine about how bad our love lives are.

Here are a few of them:

59 Les Paul - a day to spend just hanging out with Keith Richards

Bilbo - a book that contains all of the myths, legends, and epic stories of the world.

Chicken - tickets and backstage passes to every Kasabian show, and a home recording studio

Angi and Ev - a really nice appartment that still has a low rent, but has a studio for Ev and a nice kitchen for Angi to bake her cakes in

Katuschka - lifetime passes to every art museum in the world

Um...that's all I can think of right now. Don't worry, those of you that I forgot, I'll post yours soon. :D

Oh yeah, I almost forgot...I'd find Spats his "perfect woman" *coughrobotwifecough* so he would stop complaining.

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Rabia, your welcome. Your the first person I thought of when I saw this. And thanks for the jewlery, I love it. How'd you know? I'd like to give Ev and Angi something, um, I have it, a vacation with Jimmy. So they can get to know to him.

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