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What's the weather like where you are?


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5 hours ago, Brigante said:

It's the middle of April, but the weather's like June. Disgusting.

Same here. Today was a brief break - 60’s and rainy - after the hottest March in history and 2nd driest ever. It’ll be back to 90 by Sunday though.... :thumbdown: 

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The clouds have been keeping it cool in the Phoenix area since the beginning of spring which is absolutely awesome, but that's about to change as we are going to be hitting the 90s before too long. Corona Virus won't have a chance out here in the summer.

Edited by luvlz2
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I thought you people across the pond had just clouds, rain and cool temps all year round!

Last week we set four record low temps and three records for snow (snowiest Easter Sunday, snowiest 16 April and most snow in a season this year).  Welcome to Springtime in Colorado!!  I had over 12 inches of heavy wet snow last Thursday and it was in the 40's all weekend and cloudy Saturday so none of it melted.

Nice this week though.  50's and 60's all week with partly cloudy skies.

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26 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

I thought you people across the pond had just clouds, rain and cool temps all year round!


Only in Scotland !!

Usually it is the case being an Island nation. However, when high pressure digs in it is here for a while as is the case now. We generally don't get harsh winters and summers are good. Never gets too hot. As now an easterly wind brings dry cool weather. If it comes from the west it is usually wet. I have never known this type of weather in April. No clouds to be seen anywhere. Still have the woodstove on in the evenings as it is cold when the sun goes. If we don't get rain soon the country will get very brown which is not good, and further in to the summer if there is no significant rainfall, we will get a drought

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2 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

Only in Scotland !!

Usually it is the case being an Island nation. However, when high pressure digs in it is here for a while as is the case now. We generally don't get harsh winters and summers are good. Never gets too hot. As now an easterly wind brings dry cool weather. If it comes from the west it is usually wet. I have never known this type of weather in April. No clouds to be seen anywhere. Still have the woodstove on in the evenings as it is cold when the sun goes. If we don't get rain soon the country will get very brown which is not good, and further in to the summer if there is no significant rainfall, we will get a drought

Some areas were flooding as I recall a couple months back - did you guys get all your allotted annual rainfall all at once?

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On 4/21/2020 at 5:13 PM, Stryder1978 said:

Some areas were flooding as I recall a couple months back - did you guys get all your allotted annual rainfall all at once?

Yes you are correct we did get floods but it doesn't take long for that to be a distant memory.

Glorious today. Sans cloud with a temp of 70. Perfect for lazing in the garden and a cold drink on the patio.

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10 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

Yes you are correct we did get floods but it doesn't take long for that to be a distant memory.

Glorious today. Sans cloud with a temp of 70. Perfect for lazing in the garden and a cold drink on the patio.

I envy you!!  I still have snow in the front yard from last week!

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26 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

VERY bizarre weather pattern.  Two weeks ago we set 4 record low temp records and had over 12 inches of snow.  This week we are in the 70's all week- mid 80's by the end of the week!  I'll take that over the record cold any day!  

You will pleased to hear that the sunny and warm weather we had in the whole of April has gone. It's now grey and cool with threat of rain. The tyke up north will be delighted.

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47 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

You will pleased to hear that the sunny and warm weather we had in the whole of April has gone. It's now grey and cool with threat of rain. The tyke up north will be delighted.

Actually, I'm glad you got to enjoy it since it seems more of a rarity up there.  Hopefully more of it for you this summer!🙂

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