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Jimmy Page Cam --- 02 Show

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Is there a way to extract video from that site or is the method as simple as someone just filming it from the monitor ??

I'd appreciate a technical opinion from someone who knows .

There are programmes that will extract and download video content from You Tube and other sites. If you use firefox you can get an addon called Video Download Helper that will do it for you. Here's a link: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3006

I also have one called Videoraptor that I got free with Nero burning software. I'm sure there are a load of others out there too.

Hope this helps

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There are programmes that will extract and download video content from You Tube and other sites. If you use firefox you can get an addon called Video Download Helper that will do it for you. Here's a link: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3006

I also have one called Videoraptor that I got free with Nero burning software. I'm sure there are a load of others out there too.

Hope this helps


Thanks a bunch .

How interesting .

I will be a little more considerate about my input there in the future .

Next question is regarding the quality of transfer.

How is the integrity of the extraction ??

Considering how poor the quality of Y-tube uploads are , I wouldn't consider it a " source " of keepable footage , however in some cases it could be helpful and useful .

Learn something new everyday they say -------- cool !!!!

Mucho gracias .

Edited by Zepp-4-Life
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Thanks a bunch .

How interesting .

I will be a little more considerate about my input there in the future .

Next question is regarding the quality of transfer.

How is the integrity of the extraction ??

Considering how poor the quality of Y-tube uploads are , I wouldn't consider it a " source " of keepable footage , however in some cases it could be helpful and useful .

Learn something new everyday they say -------- cool !!!!

Mucho gracias .

I don't think the visual representation on youtube reflects the true quality of the upload. There is definitely a ceiling to the level of quality of the youtube player no matter how good the resolution of your upload is. I just dl'd the video extractor for Firefox. My first experiment will be to see if extracted video looks better as a download than streaming video.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Good karma??????!!!!!!!!!

Congrats on getting all of that - but to then secretly film it all after ALL that good fortune? Unless I'm getting it wrong somehow........

I'm speechless myself.

i'm with knebby. i dont understand either.

i've watched your clips (BD,TU,D&C) and i thought the D&C one was very good as it was static and focused, but the others were very shaky,which is understandable, obviously and beyond listening to, even so i'm envious of your position

its nice to catch a glimpse of what it must have been like for you from that position, but did you really watch all the gig either through a camera lens or on a camera screen? if so you wasted an opportunity in my opinion.

fair enough to record a few songs for posterity given your good fortune, but otherwise put the camera down and see the gig with your own eyes, not a pictorial simulation. otherwise youre just an observer and not a partaker in the occasion

sorry to piss on your chips. it was good to see, but i dont understand

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I've had some troubles in technical land here and also spent time on holidays so forgive my slow response to this topic.

I'll just try to randomly answer some of the questions.

Meet the band ???? Yes

Rehearsal ???? Yes

Film the rehersal --- lol Tried and died. Another story

Film the show ????

I filmed the show " mostly " by holding the camera as stationary as possible , not looking through the viewfinder . I wanted to see JP , not a two inch screen.

At times I focused quite a bit better and it shows in the video's.

Retrospectively, I could have done more with the opportunity. Better camera, more control and less people around me pushing and shoving would have helped too.

By that point in time , I had been in that line up to get in for almost 3 days.

I'll start up some more memories here when I get some more time.

Right now I am preparing to get in line for the Jimmy documentary that is playing here in Toronto for the next week, check thread .

JP is coming to town !!!!!

First in line starts right here .



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey folks ,

With the month of September being so historical in our Zeppelin history , and in the spirit of good vibes and the memory of our dearly loved and honored John Henry Bonham, here is another clip from my private 02 footage that has never been released or circulated.

Nobody's Fault But Mine

Sorry again about the sound, my advise is to try syncing it up with one of the better audio recordings. It really takes it to another level.

If I had the technology and skill I would be making a super video from the whole show with primo sound and excellent video angles.

Anyone within range of Toronto that would wish to embark on a mission like that please PM me.

I have the whole show filmed.

Rock n Roll


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Agreed. Anyone is second rate compared to Robert. I just watched z4l's kashmir. OMFG. Brings me right back to the show. Noone can do kashmir or stairway. it just wouldn't be right.

I hope someone can sync it so we can get better sound with your awesome vid.

In the words of Pink Floyd:

Is there anybody out there???

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I read an article in the Sun that they removed all the 02 clips from youtube, but I just looked and they are still there. Anyone know what this is about??

The clips that I know of that were removed all contained TV news reports .

Many people tried to upload BBC and other news agency's footage and interviews on to their own channels , which were eventually discovered and removed.

All privately shot clips have never been scrutinized.

If you go to the BBC or other agency's archives , most are still viewable.


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  • 2 months later...
Two clips from our adventure in London.

Dave Beesmer and Jeffrey Jones.



I remember seeing this second clip last year, when I was surfing on the net wanting to see all I could about the show. You two are so cute! I mean it is so refreshing seeing you two guys who met for this event and both so clearly happy to be there. I remember what I thought: " I wish this would have happened to me". Seeing your two happy faces is a nice souvenir, thanks for sending it!


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I remember seeing this second clip last year, when I was surfing on the net wanting to see all I could about the show. You two are so cute! I mean it is so refreshing seeing you two guys who met for this event and both so clearly happy to be there. I remember what I thought: " I wish this would have happened to me". Seeing your two happy faces is a nice souvenir, thanks for sending it!


And very nice of you to say such kind words.

Glad to be able to bring back a happy memory.

Next time it can happen to you as well.



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Hello to all here ,

I thought this would be a great way to begin here at LedZeppelin.com.

My first post :

Being lucky enough to see the show from the front row , standing before Jimmy's pedal board was the ultimate thrill of a lifetime.

Being the FIRST person to get a wristband was another .

Being interviewd by the BBC and other TV channels was nothing short of shocking.

Being at the rehearsal on Dec. 9th and then meeting Jimmy for a handshake was icing on the cake of life.

The ultimate experience for a lifelong fan. And more .

Here's a clip of the front row Jimmy cam --------------

I was fortunate enough to capture the entire show , mostly focusing on JP the whole time.

The sound is laughable , small camera too close and loud.

36 AA batteries and 4 memory cards !! Priceless.

I look forward to my tenure here and meeting all you people.

2008 --- All the best to one and all !!


How's it going "Zepp-4-Life?" Thank you so much for sharing your clip with all of us die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics, that truly shows us what a die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatic that you really are. Welcome to the Forum, I hope that your stay with us will be a long lasting one. ROCK ON!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Does anyone else have 02 footage they would be willing to share for a video project ??

PM me for details.

Thank You

Hi Zepp-4-Life and All!

I mixed your Dazed and Confused video with another audio from better source. Look at this:

Very cool videos! You are very very very lucky!!!!!!!!!

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