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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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After yesterday's Budget (for the rich), the foolishness of leaving the EU is seriously coming home to roost. We are both sick of this country. It's a collective shithole of run down, broken towns, with poor folk shuffling around trying to make a crust. Unless you live in the Conservative heartlands of the South East, the country is quickly going down the pan. Litter adorns almost every road, thousands of (illegal) migrants housed in hotels, mainly in the north, who have no jobs and are basically paid by the tax payer. We are taxed incredibly high and it gets worse by the day. Our rivers are dying due to the water companies pumping raw sewage into them, illegally, but the regulator does fuck all about it. If not the rivers it's the sea. I complained to my local MP about the amount of litter that is on the roads of where I live. Of course I never heard back and I live in an area of outstanding beauty. It's disgraceful

We have just been to Portugal for a week. It was spotlessly clean. Street cleaners were evident everywhere taking pride in their country. Yes of course it has it's own problems but it's nowhere near as bad as this overcrowded dump.

We have the money to upsticks and move down to the Med. France, Spain or Portugal. However due to the Brexit shambles, we can only stay in any EU Country for 90 days at any one time then have to leave for 90 days. 


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11 hours ago, Plant77 said:

Shut the hell up. You absolutely have no idea what you are talking about except some stupid blurb from some dumb/idiotic headline that you read on some shit site. Dig a little deeper and find out why this is happening. Your political posts are tired and straight out of your echo chamber. Grow up Peter Pan. 

And this shit you posted is exactly why you need to look in that mirror. 

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On 3/12/2023 at 3:42 PM, SteveAJones said:

Lady Gaga is the epitome of a certain type of girl who goes well out of her way to use fashion, make up, clothing and antics to disguise the fact her natural personality is a boring as a breakfast croissant. What a country that this dipshit who has written precisely ONE SONG in her whole back catalog on her own is considered a pop culture icon. 


Not picking a fight, but just thought I'd point out that means she's written one more song than 'The King of Rock & Roll'.

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6 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

After yesterday's Budget (for the rich), the foolishness of leaving the EU is seriously coming home to roost. We are both sick of this country. It's a collective shithole of run down, broken towns, with poor folk shuffling around trying to make a crust. Unless you live in the Conservative heartlands of the South East, the country is quickly going down the pan. Litter adorns almost every road, thousands of (illegal) migrants housed in hotels, mainly in the north, who have no jobs and are basically paid by the tax payer. We are taxed incredibly high and it gets worse by the day. Our rivers are dying due to the water companies pumping raw sewage into them, illegally, but the regulator does fuck all about it. If not the rivers it's the sea. I complained to my local MP about the amount of litter that is on the roads of where I live. Of course I never heard back and I live in an area of outstanding beauty. It's disgraceful

We have just been to Portugal for a week. It was spotlessly clean. Street cleaners were evident everywhere taking pride in their country. Yes of course it has it's own problems but it's nowhere near as bad as this overcrowded dump.

We have the money to upsticks and move down to the Med. France, Spain or Portugal. However due to the Brexit shambles, we can only stay in any EU Country for 90 days at any one time then have to leave for 90 days. 


Pretty sure Portugal allows you to stay as a long term resident if you can support yourself without working or getting on their welfare system.  It's called a "Retirement Visa".  Too bad Portugal abolished it's "Golden Visa" program (like Ireland did!)


I feel your pain!  I'm going through the same thing here in the States.  I absolutely fell in love with Croatia, but, like you can only stay there 90 days.  Actually, I can apply for a short term resident permit, which will give me 6 more months, but after those 9 months, I HAVE to leave for 3 months and then go through the process all over again (financial statements, FBI criminal record, etc.).  I'm working with a lady in Croatia to look at all my options to apply for long term residency.

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13 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

And this shit you posted is exactly why you need to look in that mirror. 

Listen hear you bag of hammers. You are a follower, you have no original thoughts, you couldn’t begin to try and spar with me. You really need to stick to your shit posts from the dumb headlines you received off of OAN News or Faux or better yet your favorite source RT News. For the last time, every stupid political post you have, or every shit thought that you put up on the Random or Covid thread is not yours. You remind me of BOBO on the Howard Stern Show. None of your posts are authentic, or thought out for that matter. You throw some shit at the wall and get Crying Blue Balls to back you because you are two low IQ men who haven’t been challenged on this forum. Certainly in life you specifically wouldn’t say anything that you say on this forum because you would get schooled and or slapped. I’ll keep telling you that if you post after me and try and get cute I’ll have to throttle you. So to sum it up, you have no original thoughts. You constantly post shit headlines and change a few words to make it seem like your own ideas. For the last time Hummer who gives 69. Grow up. If you want to keep doing this, I am all for it. I will also say, if you want to be kind, and you don’t want to get your daily tongue lashings then just stop posting your semi retarded Corky Thatcher posts. I know, life goes on. I don’t care that you rode the short bus and had to wear a helmet in school. I absolutely feel for you that you got ridiculed and were bullied every day. That is why I’m saying just change your attitude and be respectful. You could also not respond to me anymore. But if I see you post your Maggot posts I’m going to call you out for the idiot you are. 

Have a good night 69. I hope you can see your way out of your stupid political posts that only you and a few other people appreciate or even agree with.

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16 hours ago, Bong-Man said:

Not picking a fight, but just thought I'd point out that means she's written one more song than 'The King of Rock & Roll'.

Yes, that is historically accurate however Elvis was unlike anything popular culture had ever seen before. Lady Gaga not so much.

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7 hours ago, Plant77 said:

Listen hear you bag of hammers. You are a follower, you have no original thoughts, you couldn’t begin to try and spar with me. You really need to stick to your shit posts from the dumb headlines you received off of OAN News or Faux or better yet your favorite source RT News. For the last time, every stupid political post you have, or every shit thought that you put up on the Random or Covid thread is not yours. You remind me of BOBO on the Howard Stern Show. None of your posts are authentic, or thought out for that matter. You throw some shit at the wall and get Crying Blue Balls to back you because you are two low IQ men who haven’t been challenged on this forum. Certainly in life you specifically wouldn’t say anything that you say on this forum because you would get schooled and or slapped. I’ll keep telling you that if you post after me and try and get cute I’ll have to throttle you. So to sum it up, you have no original thoughts. You constantly post shit headlines and change a few words to make it seem like your own ideas. For the last time Hummer who gives 69. Grow up. If you want to keep doing this, I am all for it. I will also say, if you want to be kind, and you don’t want to get your daily tongue lashings then just stop posting your semi retarded Corky Thatcher posts. I know, life goes on. I don’t care that you rode the short bus and had to wear a helmet in school. I absolutely feel for you that you got ridiculed and were bullied every day. That is why I’m saying just change your attitude and be respectful. You could also not respond to me anymore. But if I see you post your Maggot posts I’m going to call you out for the idiot you are. 

Have a good night 69. I hope you can see your way out of your stupid political posts that only you and a few other people appreciate or even agree with.

Look dope, I will not read any more of your rude ass stupid screeds. Keep on keepin on with your bad self.

Tah! tool.

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On 3/16/2023 at 1:04 AM, chillumpuffer said:

After yesterday's Budget (for the rich), the foolishness of leaving the EU is seriously coming home to roost. We are both sick of this country. It's a collective shithole of run down, broken towns, with poor folk shuffling around trying to make a crust. Unless you live in the Conservative heartlands of the South East, the country is quickly going down the pan. Litter adorns almost every road, thousands of (illegal) migrants housed in hotels, mainly in the north, who have no jobs and are basically paid by the tax payer. We are taxed incredibly high and it gets worse by the day. 

Somebody get me a cheeseburger. 


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On 3/15/2023 at 1:26 PM, cryingbluerain said:

Congrats Biden voters, now you can add bank failures to his list of accomplishments.

You were the same one screaming Obama should let the banks fail in the wake of the 2007-2008 collapse and not bail them out. Make up your mind. When a bank fails I look to the head of the bank not the government. The mob rules in your head.

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On 3/16/2023 at 7:33 AM, Bong-Man said:

Not picking a fight, but just thought I'd point out that means she's written one more song than 'The King of Rock & Roll'.


16 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Yes, that is historically accurate however Elvis was unlike anything popular culture had ever seen before. Lady Gaga not so much.

This seems like a good time to again recommend this article. There are too many simplistic reductions made about both Elvis and Lady Gaga...both of whose music will long outlive their detractors.

If Elvis Presley Wasn’t a Songwriter, Why Was He Paid Like One?

Though some might find it objectionable for Presley to take ownership for songs he had no hand in writing, this practice is not singular to him.

By Kristin Robinson 6/29/2022


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4 hours ago, Strider said:

You were the same one screaming Obama should let the banks fail in the wake of the 2007-2008 collapse and not bail them out. Make up your mind. When a bank fails I look to the head of the bank not the government. The mob rules in your head.

The 2008 bank bailouts happened under Bush not Obama.  

Yes, part of the reason for the current bank failures is because of terrible "woke" bank management.  But also because the Fed started raising interest rates to fight the Biden induced inflation too late and too quickly.  If they had begun raising them gradually in 2021 at the first signs of inflation that would have more than likely helped contain the bank problems. They said it was "transitory", what a friggin' joke. Also the Fed and bank regulators were asleep at the wheel and seemed more busy with ESG woke issues than properly monitoring what was going on with the financial institutions.  And all this was happening under the clown Biden administration's watch.    
Now if you'll excuse me I must be on my way.

Edited by cryingbluerain
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