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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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10 hours ago, rm2551 said:

That's MAD bro, I have the E353, they are heaps of fun. Even noodling with zero skills or training like I do is a LOT of fun.Β :thumbsup:



Just scratching the surface and it’s awesome. Only have to pay $11 a month on it. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

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You have to really appreciate the absurdity of the news articles and the statistics they use.Β  I'm reading one article about the merits of waiting until you're 70 to collect social security to maximize your benefit.Β  Right next to it sits the article with the headline, Male Life Expectancy drops to 76. Further on, there's Suzi Orman telling me the average American can't scrape $500 dollars together for an emergency.Β  Right below that is another article stating the Average American has $60,000 in their savings account. Not deferred money, their actual savings. This is followed by an article claiming the merits of renting as opposed to buying a home.Β  Scroll down and there's the article stating that over half of renters are spending more than 50% of their earnings on housing. What a fool believes?Β Β :whistling:

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2 hours ago, Bong-Man said:

You have to really appreciate the absurdity of the news articles and the statistics they use.Β  I'm reading one article about the merits of waiting until you're 70 to collect social security to maximize your benefit.Β  Right next to it sits the article with the headline, Male Life Expectancy drops to 76. Further on, there's Suzi Orman telling me the average American can't scrape $500 dollars together for an emergency.Β  Right below that is another article stating the Average American has $60,000 in their savings account. Not deferred money, their actual savings. This is followed by an article claiming the merits of renting as opposed to buying a home.Β  Scroll down and there's the article stating that over half of renters are spending more than 50% of their earnings on housing. What a fool believes?Β Β :whistling:

What are you compared to each of those stats? Do you have 60,000 in savings?Β  Is your health failing at 65?Β  Do you have enough money for a 500 dollar emergency or how about a thousand dollar car emergency?Β  Do you have enough money to replace your car if it fails completely? Are you renting? if so how much is it costing you? After the pandemic many peoples saving have been trashed. Business owners have had to close their doors. Home owners have had to sell their homes,Β  Many people lost their jobs altogether and have not found gainful employment.Β  All those things can be real at the same time.

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9 hours ago, kipper said:

Happiness is a warm gun



Just finished his biography β€˜American Rebel.’ He said that if Michael Moore ever showed up on his doorstep he would kill him. πŸ˜„

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12 hours ago, redrum said:

Just finished his biography β€˜American Rebel.’ He said that if Michael Moore ever showed up on his doorstep he would kill him. πŸ˜„

I agree with him on that one.

Sometimes I fantasize about killing too. I was talking to a friend who's brother is dealing with some scumbag homeless person who has been squatting at one of his rental units. This guy just showed up one day when the duplex apartment was listed for rent, changed the locks, moved his stuff in, and has been claiming he has a rental contract through a agency. It's total BS, but the police say it is a civil matter, not a criminal matter, and they say it can only be decided by a court, and already this process is 8 months in. And meanwhile the place cannot be rented, and who knows how much damage this squatter has caused?

Now to my fantasy.Β  If this happened to me, it would the best excuse to go in there and chop that guy up into 20 chunks and then dispose of him in 20 locations. A chance finally to become a legit Norman Bates, and with good justification.

I guess this falls under post anything.

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13 hours ago, kipper said:

I agree with him on that one.

Sometimes I fantasize about killing too. I was talking to a friend who's brother is dealing with some scumbag homeless person who has been squatting at one of his rental units. This guy just showed up one day when the duplex apartment was listed for rent, changed the locks, moved his stuff in, and has been claiming he has a rental contract through a agency. It's total BS, but the police say it is a civil matter, not a criminal matter, and they say it can only be decided by a court, and already this process is 8 months in. And meanwhile the place cannot be rented, and who knows how much damage this squatter has caused?

Now to my fantasy.Β  If this happened to me, it would the best excuse to go in there and chop that guy up into 20 chunks and then dispose of him in 20 locations. A chance finally to become a legit Norman Bates, and with good justification.

I guess this falls under post anything.

One of the reasons why I try to avoid the United States is my concern that I will harm or kill someone acting the damn fool. This holds especially true now that the US is overrun with criminal illegal aliens. I get a constant feed of random acts of violence they are committing not only in the US but worldwide. Usually they target women and the elderly. If something like that were to happen in my presence, I'd have no problem eliminating the perpetrators on the spot, return to my hotel room and sleep like a baby.

That squatter has to leave the apartment sometime, and when they do you know what to do.

Edited by SteveAJones
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14 hours ago, kipper said:

I agree with him on that one.

Sometimes I fantasize about killing too. I was talking to a friend who's brother is dealing with some scumbag homeless person who has been squatting at one of his rental units. This guy just showed up one day when the duplex apartment was listed for rent, changed the locks, moved his stuff in, and has been claiming he has a rental contract through a agency. It's total BS, but the police say it is a civil matter, not a criminal matter, and they say it can only be decided by a court, and already this process is 8 months in. And meanwhile the place cannot be rented, and who knows how much damage this squatter has caused?

Now to my fantasy.Β  If this happened to me, it would the best excuse to go in there and chop that guy up into 20 chunks and then dispose of him in 20 locations. A chance finally to become a legit Norman Bates, and with good justification.

I guess this falls under post anything.

The police wouldn't do anything for this guy so he took matters into his own hands.


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7 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

How do they complain about that guy covering chapmans song but not a peep about miley cyrus looking like tina turner for halloween??. I think they even bronzed her.

She wouldn't look half bad were it not for all of those carnival worker tattoos.Β 

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On 2/3/2024 at 2:04 PM, cryingbluerain said:

The police wouldn't do anything for this guy so he took matters into his own hands.

Anyone else have the full realization the United States has become a Third World shit hole?

As for these 1,200 squatters, they act so differently in tv commercials.

Squatters take over 1,200 homes in Atlanta, terrorize neighbors (nypost.com)

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6 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Anyone else have the full realization the United States has become a Third World shit hole?

As for these 1,200 squatters, they act so differently in tv commercials.

Squatters take over 1,200 homes in Atlanta, terrorize neighbors (nypost.com)

Sorry Steve, the disease is spreading.....'

Wed, February 7, 2024 at 8:19 AM MSTΒ·2 min read

TOKYO (AP) β€” A court in western Japan on Wednesday approved a transgender man's request to have his gender changed in official records without undergoing sterilization surgery, the first known ruling of its kind since the country's top courtΒ struck down a surgery requirementΒ for such record changes.

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7 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Anyone else have the full realization the United States has become a Third World shit hole?

As for these 1,200 squatters, they act so differently in tv commercials.

Squatters take over 1,200 homes in Atlanta, terrorize neighbors (nypost.com)

it's sickening to see how the progressives have progressively put the united states into the shitter, Β we are a country of lawlessness, open borders, education system that the unions Β have turned into a shit hole, are world rankings are a Β joke, we spend the most per pupil (unions) but get least return on investment, criminals are victims and victims are criminals and Β our elected piece of shit politicians do nothing for the people who elected them, still remember Β from grade school Β some 55 plus years ago " taxation without representation is simply tyranny" and if Biological weapons can be released like covid to fuck up all rules and sanity for an election not really sure how Β we as a nation stand a chance in getting rid of these assholes from both parties if our votes aren't secure? I mean who the fuck would be against voter ID if it wasn't for corruption? hope they don't stop making beer cuz i need oneΒ πŸ˜ͺ

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2 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

Just seen an advert on British TV . Every person represented were either Black or Ethnic. Best of all,Β  even the dolls were Black.

...so sorry you guys are going through it too!

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35 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

...so sorry you guys are going through it too!

one of the biggest problems for the left is majority rule. They hate the fact that white people are the majority and they claim that minorities don't get enough representation. That's not true, it's actually proportional and that's what the left hates the most so they want to skew the dynamic and over represent the minorities as underrepresented so we get all this gender, race and class baiting bullshit.Β  this is why they cry about saving democracy but they aren't really crying about that. The core principle of democracy is Majority rule. You have a vote and the majority gets their way. The left hates this so they bring the courts into it so they can claim that civil rights have been stripped. So, when 37 states voted no on gay marriage they had the courts override the vote and thus subverting the democracy they claim to love. Same thing with trying to stop Trump from running. They don't really want a democratic vote because they could lose and losing means they don't get their way.

Same thing with men in womens sports.Β  A 6'5 man swimming against a 5'5 or 5'8 woman is going to win every time on his worst day. There is no true competition there at all.Β  Why don't they just give them their own class? The reason is this. If they start a transgender class they are admitting that they are not really women and the left cannot do that because it destroys their whole argument that men can become women and visa versa.

These people do not want democracy they want their own way period and they do not care how they get it.

Vote biden if you want more of this bullshit.

Vote Trump if you want four years of sanity and normalcy returned to this country.

And remember this. They started attacking Trump even before he won the election and kept it going for the last 7 years all to make you think he was the problem when all along it's been the left.

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On 2/3/2024 at 1:14 AM, kipper said:

I agree with him on that one.

Sometimes I fantasize about killing too. I was talking to a friend who's brother is dealing with some scumbag homeless person who has been squatting at one of his rental units. This guy just showed up one day when the duplex apartment was listed for rent, changed the locks, moved his stuff in, and has been claiming he has a rental contract through a agency. It's total BS, but the police say it is a civil matter, not a criminal matter, and they say it can only be decided by a court, and already this process is 8 months in. And meanwhile the place cannot be rented, and who knows how much damage this squatter has caused?

Now to my fantasy.Β  If this happened to me, it would the best excuse to go in there and chop that guy up into 20 chunks and then dispose of him in 20 locations. A chance finally to become a legit Norman Bates, and with good justification.

I guess this falls under post anything.

Like to see a β€˜Dirty Harriet’ taking place in SF. πŸ˜„

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On 2/3/2024 at 4:04 PM, cryingbluerain said:

The police wouldn't do anything for this guy so he took matters into his own hands.


Lots of β€˜squatters’ in all the big cities leaving piles of shit on the sidewalks for the shit patrols to clean up. Welcome to the Turd World.Β 

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15 hours ago, custard pie man said:

still remember Β from grade school Β some 55 plus years ago " taxation without representation is simply tyranny"

Heres' how "progressivism" evolves once it takes root...

Then: "Abortion will be safe, rare and legal". Now: Abortion on demand at any point for any reason.

Then:Β "Shoplifting"Β Now: Undocumented shopping.

Then:Β "The traditional definition of marriage discriminates against same sex couples".Β Now:Β  Same sex couples are deemed equivalent in every respect to married couples.Β 

Then:Β "Illegal alien invader".Β Now:Β A migrant entitled to essentially ALL of the same rights, benefits and priviledges of a legal citizen with none of the responsibilities thereof.Β 

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