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LZ Memorabilia Exhibit at Knebworth House


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Well even if you don't live in England, you can buy a programme of the exhibit which will have pictures of the display inside. You can have the photos and help the ABC Trust too! Good deal. :)

The website is up for the exhibit, and I have good prizes to win! Check it out here: memoriesinmusic.com

Good luck to everyone that has a go!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just pulling this thread up to say that if you want to have anything considered for the Knebworth display, I have to hear from you no later than Friday July 4th. I am full up now, but if someone is wanting to take part, I will still consider things until then. The exhibit stand has to be ordered by that date, so it's the last chance.

I just want to say as well to everyone that wrote to me, everyone that was willing to help, everyone who did help, even though it seemed insignificant to you, believe me, it wasn't. I appreciate you all greatly. Even if you just wrote to say I wish I could help and good luck, I appreciate it all. I am so happy that so many people were willing to send their treasured memorabilia to me, a total stranger, just because they love the band and want to help the ABC Trust in their name on the 40th anniversary of Zep's formation. I hope that now we can make the band proud by raising a lot of money.

You know, lots of people want something from the members of Zeppelin, some of it is good - like wanting an autograph, or to see them play again, or to shake their hands; some not so good - to draw attention to themselves using Zep's fame, to make money off them, to gossip about them; I've met all types setting up this event, but I hope the good will win the day with this little effort at Knebworth, and we can give them something with no strings attached, just a 'Thanks we love you all, and here's proof: A nice big cheque for the children of Brazil from the fans of Led Zeppelin on your 40th.' I can't do the big cheque part, so I hope a lot of you will come enter the contest or buy something from the exhibit to help me make another dream of mine come true, to keep expressing my gratitude to the band for all they gave. You all did when the book came together for Jimmy, and here I am again asking you to give with nothing in return - well, we do have a fab radio/cd/dvd player, a painting, and six t shirts for 8 winners! But for the rest, just the joy of giving will be the reward, and of course, Zeppelin can repay you with all their music. It will always be there to make you happy, and wow, wasn't it wonderful?

Thanks again to you all. :kiss:

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neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! never never never!!

how could I change? I live in Italy!! :):P:D

I second that! :thumbsup: Italy is the best...food, fashion, mediterranean climate, la dolce vita, culture, arts, history, and more more....

I wouldn't mind to travel to London one day...only a visit, though ;)

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Well even if you don't live in England, you can buy a programme of the exhibit which will have pictures of the display inside. You can have the photos and help the ABC Trust too! Good deal. :)

The website is up for the exhibit, and I have good prizes to win! Check it out here: memoriesinmusic.com

Good luck to everyone that has a go!


My sincere admiration for this project you have been working on.Good job!

I would love to go and see this exhibition, but unfortunately it is a long way from Australia.

But if I can I will be more than happy to contribute to help the ABC Trust fund even if this means only buying the entry to the competition or the programme of the Knebworth exhibition. :)

All the best

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Thanks Amazonic. It's not just me though, a lot of people have come together to make this possible! If you enter the contest or buy a programme, it will all benefit the ABC Trust. I am really keeping my fingers crossed that the Led Zeppelin fans will raise a lot of money for the Trust. I think we might make a big impression in honour of the band for their 40th. I am sure Zeppelin fans are the best of any band and I can't wait to see how much they raise!

I did have a wonderful fan in the USA send me 200.000 dollars towards the exhibit costs so more we raise can go to the ABC. Isn't that super?

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For a moment I thought "see, there is some Zep generous angel out there.... ":D

Well, still a very nice gesture from him/her

Oh it FANTASTIC!!! Make no mistake, $200 is a very generous and wonderful thing to donate to the costs of staging this exhibit. It's more than anyone else has done by a long, long way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

An update for those interested - the memorabilia has been arriving at my house from far and wide! I'm on a first name basis with the FedEx guy, who this morning waited to watch me open a box. He said, "Blimey, you could scream for England." :lol: It's so exciting! Honestly it's like Christmas here opening boxes and pulling out all these treasures. All of you who loaned something to help the children in Brazil - YOU ROCK!!! B)

Good heavens....Jimmy's tour robe is in my lounge!!! :cheer:

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An update for those interested - the memorabilia has been arriving at my house from far and wide! I'm on a first name basis with the FedEx guy, who this morning waited to watch me open a box. He said, "Blimey, you could scream for England." :lol: It's so exciting! Honestly it's like Christmas here opening boxes and pulling out all these treasures. All of you who loaned something to help the children in Brazil - YOU ROCK!!! B)

Good heavens....Jimmy's tour robe is in my lounge!!! :cheer:

I'll be there at some point, Cant miss this. What would we do without you Pageangel eh ? We have a mutual Friend as well "Simon Gynne"

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An update for those interested - the memorabilia has been arriving at my house from far and wide! I'm on a first name basis with the FedEx guy, who this morning waited to watch me open a box. He said, "Blimey, you could scream for England." :lol: It's so exciting! Honestly it's like Christmas here opening boxes and pulling out all these treasures. All of you who loaned something to help the children in Brazil - YOU ROCK!!! B)

Good heavens....Jimmy's tour robe is in my lounge!!! :cheer:

OMG!!! How exciting it THAT :D:D

I simply can't wait for the 30th August!!

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I'm going to need medical assistance by then. God almighty....it really is his robe. So why am I sitting here typing? My poor neighbors...

*runs off to lounge to squeal some more*


Hey PA, Don't you just feel like wrapping yourself up in it, cuddling up and staying there like...forever :P

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I'm going to need medical assistance by then. God almighty....it really is his robe. So why am I sitting here typing? My poor neighbors...

*runs off to lounge to squeal some more*

Hey PageAngel, the next time you go into the lounge to squeal knowing that Jimmy's tour robe is there, please let one out for me too!! :P:lol:;)

And thanks again from all of us here for the wonderful work you're doing!!

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I'm going to need medical assistance by then. God almighty....it really is his robe. So why am I sitting here typing? My poor neighbors...

*runs off to lounge to squeal some more*

Oh my god! I can't believe you really have it! That is so awesome! I would be squeezing it, Annie, or terrified to touch and just screaming too! I'm so excited. It's starting soon!!!!!! Thank you, the messages look fantastic. I've been telling my gutarist friend about it that loves Jimmy and he's going to check out the site, and probably sign too. Let out a scream for me too! Don't forget to keep us to date on everything. Thank you so much!!!!!

Edited by aen27
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An update for those interested - the memorabilia has been arriving at my house from far and wide! I'm on a first name basis with the FedEx guy, who this morning waited to watch me open a box. He said, "Blimey, you could scream for England." :lol: It's so exciting! Honestly it's like Christmas here opening boxes and pulling out all these treasures. All of you who loaned something to help the children in Brazil - YOU ROCK!!! B)

Good heavens....Jimmy's tour robe is in my lounge!!! :cheer:

Aw, that's lovely! :D The first thing I would do would be to take a deep breath and inhale. :bagoverhead:

Thanks so much for the work you're doing. Your website looks great and the comments from the fans in the Zep guys' guestbooks are just beautiful. :)

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Thanks so much for the work you're doing. Your website looks great and the comments from the fans in the Zep guys' guestbooks are just beautiful. :)

So, we can see these comments in the Zep guestbooks now?

I was logged in the website a few weeks ago and the only one comment that was showing in the guestbooks was NECH's !!! :D

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An update for those interested - the memorabilia has been arriving at my house from far and wide! I'm on a first name basis with the FedEx guy, who this morning waited to watch me open a box. He said, "Blimey, you could scream for England." :lol: It's so exciting! Honestly it's like Christmas here opening boxes and pulling out all these treasures. All of you who loaned something to help the children in Brazil - YOU ROCK!!! B)

Good heavens....Jimmy's tour robe is in my lounge!!! :cheer:

Good stuff, PageAngel! You must be over the moon surrounded in all that memorabilia.How does it feel?

and Jimmy's tour robe!!! I woudn't let that go away easily... :lol:

psss: can't you find a similar one to send back to his owner once the exhibition is over and you keep Jimmy's? ;)

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An update for those interested - the memorabilia has been arriving at my house from far and wide! I'm on a first name basis with the FedEx guy, who this morning waited to watch me open a box. He said, "Blimey, you could scream for England." :lol: It's so exciting! Honestly it's like Christmas here opening boxes and pulling out all these treasures. All of you who loaned something to help the children in Brazil - YOU ROCK!!! B)

Good heavens....Jimmy's tour robe is in my lounge!!! :cheer:


Far out!! (Had to say it.)

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