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It's supposed to be a joke. But, a joke with a message. I can't see why anyone would give a second thought to seeing someone picking there nose in their car. It's seems like something very adolesent, just like when teenagers tease other teenagers about masterbation.

The question; "Can we say "bugger" on this web-site?" comes from that episode of WKRP in Cincinnati where there was a controversy over Johnny Fever using that word.

Wait, isn't the thing that comes out of your nose spelled "booger"? "Bugger" is definitely a word, but it has totally different meanings from "booger," right?

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Media sensorship is "Dazed and Confused". The channel I listen to cuts out the part in Pink Floyd's "Money", "dont give me that do goody good bulshit". Like Bullshit is such a bad work? How many teens in this day and age havent seen internet porn or just look at half the shit on cable. I dont get it. Is it the FCC???

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Debra Lafave's (girl arrested for sex with student) husband is on the news ALL the time, like he is some sort of expert.

Why are they talking to this clown?

This guy is milking this situation so bad. He thinks he's a professional commentator now or something, and he even wrote a book.

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I am REALLY peeved about something. In the last week or 2 I've noticed that ice cream containers that used to be 1/2 gallon have gotten smaller; at least Breyers and Edys have. What's up with that? :unsure: Don't mess with my ice cream.... :angry:

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I can't stand people with no sense of humor.

Okay... I have a friend, name of Tim (side-note, whenever I see him, I call him "Tim-may" [<- that's the pronunciation] after the character on South Park because we're both fans, he moreso then me, though) who... well... folks... he's an Aryan. Not only is his ancestry both German and Swedish, but he's tall, he's got blond hair and blue eyes, and he's strong and muscular. He's also seriously funny and very smart, both book and street. Oh yeah... he is Christian. On the other hand, while I'm about as tall as him, I have brown hair, brown eyes, not muscular yet, not as street-smart and I'm sorta slow... I'm also Jewish.

The two of us are very good friends, but we go off on each other (jokingly) all the time. I'll call him a Nazi, Hitler-worshipper, etc, and he'll turn around and call me a kike, etc, etc, etc. Of course, we don't mean any of it. It's all just fun and games.

Well, one day, he dropped a penny and told me to pick up it, so I turned to him and said "you pick it up Hitler's ball-licker." In response, he did the Nazi salute and yelled "Heil Hitler's balls!" Most people around us (pretty much those who know us) started laughing. But one older guy (no clue if he was Jewish or not) we didn't recognize turned around and just went off on Timmy. Fucking retarted, too. It was ridiculous. I told the guy that I was Jewish and it didn't bother me because I knew Tim was joking. I told the guy we go back and forth like that all the time. Then this fool turned on me and said I should have more respect for my culture and I should never joke about those murderous Nazi's, etc, etc, etc. We just walked away, but it pissed me off.

Look... I lost a great-grandfather to the Holocaust and my great-grandmother who died when I was 3 survived it. The stories of the evil there are in my Dad's family to this day. We have a picture of a group of Jews in Auschwitz, where both were held and her husband was killed, that she stole because it's the only picture of him there is. So I do know the horror's of the Holocaust and I do hold a reverence for that evil period in the history of my people. But for God's sake learn to laugh! Everything, no matter what, should be laughed at, because if you can't laugh at whatever life throws at you, then your life is just a dull, bleak, dreary void.

I mean, seriously... there's a group of us at synagogue who go off on each other all the time. If you didn't know we were Jewish you'd think we were the most antisemitic people in the world. We're worse then Timmy and I are. We do it because, to us, at least, it's funny.

Hell... Timmy, who lost his father, both his maternal grandparents, and his girlfriend to 9/11 has a whole comedy routine about the day, which disses even the victims, that everybody finds funny, except, apparently for some people who were NOT personally affected by the tragedy. Not because he doesn't respect it or hold that day as a sad and reverent day, but because Timmy believes laughter is the best medicine and it's how he, I, and many of our friends get over true grief.

I almost lost my Uncle on 9/11. He barely got out of the first tower, yet somehow managed to get away with nothing worse then a minor scratch... fixed with Neosporn and a small bandage. Another one of our friends also survived the second tower by riding down on one of the large pieces of falling debris, and, unfortunately, though alive, he came out of it with two severely broken legs, a broken arm, a broken rib, a severely sprained neck... he still needs crutches to walk. Both of them love Timmy's routine... they think it's hilarious.

Learn to laugh! At everything! Laughter is the best medicine. It is laughter that will help you feel better. It is laughter that will move you along, and give you a long life. It is laughter that will keep you happy in the most depressing of times. It is laughter that will light up the dark.

For God's sake learn to laugh!

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I'm sorry dude, but that shit ain't funny.

I'm really sorry you feel that way. But to us it is funny. I mean, as far as 9/11, if first-hand and second-hand victims can laugh at it, then so can people who weren't effected at all.

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Maybe I don't understand the psychosis one would need to have to find 9/11 and the Holocaust even remotely funny or worthy of being joked about. My grandparents fled Denmark to escape Nazi occupation and if my grandfather was still alive and he heard you and your buddy joking about it, he would have punched you in the face.

9/11, the Holocaust.....NOT FUNNY. There is no humor in mass amounts of people dying because of someone else's mental imbalance. That's just sick.

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Maybe I don't understand the psychosis one would need to have to find 9/11 and the Holocaust even remotely funny or worthy of being joked about. My grandparents fled Denmark to escape Nazi occupation and if my grandfather was still alive and he heard you and your buddy joking about it, he would have punched you in the face.

9/11, the Holocaust.....NOT FUNNY. There is no humor in mass amounts of people dying because of someone else's mental imbalance. That's just sick.

Of course there's no humor in the tragedies... that's what the humor is for: getting over the depression.

For one thing, we don't actually joke about the Holocaust. I can him a Nazi and Hitler-worshipper as a dis, and in turn he'll dis Nazi's and Hitler by acknowledging it in a bad way and then make fun of me.

As far as 9/11, I'll quote myself:

As far as 9/11, if first-hand and second-hand victims can laugh at it, then so can people who weren't effected at all.
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OK, I get that some people think that nothing is off-limits, and some comedians have made careers out of being controversial and joking about taboo subjects, but help me out here...how could anything even remotely funny be gleaned from 9/11? What could possibly be worth joking about? Help me understand where the "hidden gems" of humor are in that whole tragedy? The only thing I could think of that one could joke about, is ripping on the hijackers for being dickheads, but that's about it...

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OK, I get that some people think that nothing is off-limits, and some comedians have made careers out of being controversial and joking about taboo subjects, but help me out here...how could anything even remotely funny be gleaned from 9/11? What could possibly be worth joking about? Help me understand where the "hidden gems" of humor are in that whole tragedy? The only thing I could think of that one could joke about, is ripping on the hijackers for being dickheads, but that's about it...

It's pretty much the hijackers... also there's a joke in it based on a rumor (untrue) that one of the planes was hijacked with plastic utensils. Another one has to do with the failure of certain people to see the warning signs... for example... many of the terrorists went to flight school right here in America. Plus a little bit of riffing on Clinton and Bush thrown in as well.

The only real joke involving the victims is one in which there's heros and bad guys, and the victims are the heros.

Oh yeah, and a small part devoted to 9/11-fetishist Rudy Giuliani.

Edited by Nathan
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Here's the difference, to me...Weeks after 9/11, they had the benefit Concert For New York. There were bands and comedians who performed, and it was seen as a diversion from the sadness of 9/11. Yes, people had to laugh and enjoy something in order to be able to move on. To laugh at something else in order to get through the tragedy is one thing...to laugh at the tragedy is another. So which is it that you are doing?

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Here's the difference, to me...Weeks after 9/11, they had the benefit Concert For New York. There were bands and comedians who performed, and it was seen as a diversion from the sadness of 9/11. Yes, people had to laugh and enjoy something in order to be able to move on. To laugh at something else in order to get through the tragedy is one thing...to laugh at the tragedy is another. So which is it that you are doing?

See my post above yours.

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Obviously you failed to read my response to Matt.

Oh no, I read it. I don't find this shit funny at all. I have friends who lost parents, my mother lost a friend who worked for Cantor-Fitzgerald....this shit isn't funny to me and it shouldn't be funny to anyone else. Like I said, you'd have to be a sick individual to find humor in events as horrifying as 9/11 and the Holocaust.

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Oh no, I read it. I don't find this shit funny at all. I have friends who lost parents, my mother lost a friend who worked for Cantor-Fitzgerald....this shit isn't funny to me and it shouldn't be funny to anyone else. Like I said, you'd have to be a sick individual to find humor in events as horrifying as 9/11 and the Holocaust.

No, you didn't read it, and your post here proves that. He makes fun of the Hijackers, Bush, Clinton (Jr.), Giuliani, and the lack of foresight pre-9/11. Not the event itself, but the stuff around it.

And we don't make fun of the Holocaust. We make fun of Nazi's.

So I say again, you failed to read.

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