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Pet Peeves


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We will forgive you this time love....just don't do it again :):) Where's Mandy our english police at?

I'm not the Engnlish police!

I make my fair share of mistakes---I saw the other day that I used the word "live" instead of "life" in a post somewhere. I don't remember where, so it's still out there uncorrected. :D

and Mr. Hickory Man, I did go and read. Until I fell asleep and woke with a book in my hand. :D :D

Edited by manderlyh
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She's on her way to dissect this sentence


Boink: As long as she leaves "Mr Farty Pants," at home no problem. Earthlings don't dissect aleins do you?

Splits: They love aleins, news says they are putting up some sort of fences, run fast, run fast, fart squirt.

Boink: Oh no, kinda figures, STFU Splits, your just like "Spats."

Splits: Don't you dare, I love being a bitch, I will bite your boinky ankles and poop in your shoes, just wait, run hide, run run, fart squirt. Send me an German Shepard, I'll show you...

Boink: Remember how I adjust attitudes ok?

Splits: Ohhh no not the ray gun which sends me into a realm where ABBA is played 24/7, lick lick, run run, fart squit.


Boink: Har you were warned, I will bring you back later.

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Boink: As long as she leaves "Mr Farty Pants," at home no problem. Earthlings don't dissect aleins do you?

Splits: They love aleins, news says they are putting up some sort of fences, run fast, run fast, fart squirt.

Boink: Oh no, kinda figures, STFU Splits, your just like "Spats."

Splits: Don't you dare, I love being a bitch, I will bite your boinky ankles and poop in your shoes, just wait, run hide, run run, fart squirt. Send me an German Shepard, I'll show you...

Boink: Remember how I adjust attitudes ok?

Splits: Ohhh no not the ray gun which sends me into a realm where ABBA is played 24/7, lick lick, run run, fart squit.


Boink: Har you were warned, I will bring you back later.


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I was going to ask "WTF?"

Boink: I thought Splits was annoying everyone so I sent her into exhile. As far as the poster (paper) of that black thing? I do know in western Fla, like Tampa it would make perfectly good sense. They get 2/3 of their water from the sea. Ugly helmet on that caped thing though, looks like a huge fly.

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Here is my latest pet peeve and it happened again last night.. Me and some buddies were at an event and there were some good looking women there. And as it's wrapping up a pretty girl there is flirting like crazy with me and then it just goes nowhere and her and her girlfriends leave. What is the point???? :o If you have no intention of hooking up with someone don't flirt like that with the person. This girl had my hopes up and then nothing. What a letdown. It's happened a couple times recently. It's not a nice thing to do and it's frustrating. If you have no interest in someone, don't act like you do.

Also, when you are in the washroom, wash your damn hands afterward!!! :o I see people leaving the public washrooms all the time without washing their hands!! I feel sorry for anyone shaking their hands that day.

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Welcome to the real world! Girls have been teasing men at bars and other places forever. You should have seen what the old disco dance bars were like. We used to wait until it was dark with the music on full blast and pinch them in the tush! They never would know who pinched them of course. Payback! :o

I realize it happens all the time. There are tons of women that love to tease. Does not make it right though. I should have known better than to have fallen for it. I don't usually don't fall into the trap. But they should not do it in the first place.

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I realize it happens all the time. There are tons of women that love to tease. Does not make it right though. I should have known better than to have fallen for it. I don't usually don't fall into the trap. But they should not do it in the first place.

Ask them if you can call them, if they give you a number you have a chance, if they don't don't waste your time and say SEEYA :)

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Here is my latest pet peeve and it happened again last night.. Me and some buddies were at an event and there were some good looking women there. And as it's wrapping up a pretty girl there is flirting like crazy with me and then it just goes nowhere and her and her girlfriends leave. What is the point???? :o If you have no intention of hooking up with someone don't flirt like that with the person. This girl had my hopes up and then nothing. What a letdown. It's happened a couple times recently. It's not a nice thing to do and it's frustrating. If you have no interest in someone, don't act like you do.

Fuuuuuck! Just because you don't go home with someone immediately, doesn't mean you aren't interested. Besides--If she was that kind of woman you wouldn't have liked her anyway, because you don't like that. But with you, it's always "damned if you do, damned if you don't". When she was flirting like crazy with you, maybe she was hoping that by showing that she was definately interested, you would make some sort of move....ever think of that?? Of course you didn't. Because you're You.

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Here is my latest pet peeve and it happened again last night.. Me and some buddies were at an event and there were some good looking women there. And as it's wrapping up a pretty girl there is flirting like crazy with me and then it just goes nowhere and her and her girlfriends leave. What is the point???? :o If you have no intention of hooking up with someone don't flirt like that with the person. This girl had my hopes up and then nothing. What a letdown. It's happened a couple times recently. It's not a nice thing to do and it's frustrating. If you have no interest in someone, don't act like you do.

spats, here's a piece of advice I truly hope you heed.

By flirting with you, she's made the first move. Now it's your turn. Make the second move. get her number. Don't expect her to give it to you. You are supposed to ask. It's called making moves. She made the first move. She started flirting with you. So it's up to you to make the second move.

Ever heard of dancing? Same damn thing. It takes two.

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Here is my latest pet peeve and it happened again last night.. Me and some buddies were at an event and there were some good looking women there. And as it's wrapping up a pretty girl there is flirting like crazy with me and then it just goes nowhere and her and her girlfriends leave. What is the point???? :o If you have no intention of hooking up with someone don't flirt like that with the person. This girl had my hopes up and then nothing. What a letdown. It's happened a couple times recently. It's not a nice thing to do and it's frustrating. If you have no interest in someone, don't act like you do.

Scenario one: she was ineterested in you and obviously made the first move, but you waited to long take it to the next level.

Scenario two: she was ineterested, but in talking to you she decided she wasn't going to worry about leaving without knowing if she'll see you again.

This stuff happens....quit blaming womankind.

Edited by Hickory Man
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Thanks paul, I havent been there for a while, its not to far from where i live :)

Wow, you live in a gorgeous place! We were there last summer and got to run around Raglan Castle all by ourselves, we got there early one morning. What a great place.

Today's peeve: last night I attended a high school graduation. Each graduating spoiled brat was treated like a rock star all night long. The school did a 30 minute slide show including pictures of each student as a toddler, a young person, and a grown teenager... which actually was kind of cool. But every time someone's picture came up, you'd a thunk Elvis had walked into the room. And when they actually stood to get their diplomas the place would erupt with joy and celebration.

OK, so my peeve is that I never got treated like that when I was a kid! <_<

(The music absoultely sucked all night long, although they did play "Good Times Bad Times" as part of the slide-show medley. And I spotted one kid in a HOTH tee shirt. Zeppelin is alive at the local high school...)

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More info about what "it just goes nowhere" is needed to comment.

Edited to add: does that sentence make sense?

Uncle Bill, you left out the word "means," as follows:

More info about what "it just goes nowhere" means is needed to comment.

English Police, are you available for comment? :D

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In case you don't already know...I'm peeved I'm not in Asheville tonight

Damn and I know who'll be rubbing it in soon too!!!! :angry: !!!!!!!

My only solace is knowing Robert will be treated with the kindest of southern hospitality today, well now tonight.

Have fun you fuckers in Asheville! :angry::D:D

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In case you don't already know...I'm peeved I'm not in Asheville tonight

Damn and I know who'll be rubbing it in soon too!!!! :angry: !!!!!!!

My only solace is knowing Robert will be treated with the kindest of southern hospitality today, well now tonight.

Have fun you fuckers in Asheville! :angry::D:D

I share in your aggravation. Especially since it's four and a half hours away.

My solace is I get to see them in a few weeks! :D

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