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I hate when all the sick/dying critters (squirrels, bunnies, etc.) in the neighborhood crawl into my window wells to expire and I find them a week later because the smell has started to seep into my open windows. YUK! Not to mention the fact that I then have to fish them outta there. (Insert vomiting smiley here.)

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Ah, now, the reason we no longer write like Chaucer has to do, amongst other things, with the Great Vowel Shift. That indeed had a logic!

That's what I was trying to remember... The Great Vowel Shift.

What was the logic? For some reason I thought the language shifted and the peasants won out over the Queen's / King's English... kind of like what's going on now with the great apostrophe shift... ^_^

(That last bit was for you Hotplant. ;) )

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That's what I was trying to remember... The Great Vowel Shift.

What was the logic? For some reason I thought the language shifted and the peasants won out over the Queen's / King's English... kind of like what's going on now with the great apostrophe shift... ^_^

(That last bit was for you Hotplant. ;) )

^I believe that the reason we started saying vowels differently was because it was too hard to say the other way.

My linguistics professor says that some sound combinations are "too expensive" so we start pronouncing things a slightly different and lazier way--for example when we drop letters or make "having" sound like "haffing."

I will leave it to Allison to decide whether I'm right--she DOES have a more advanced English degree than the one I (almost) have. :lol:

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Today's Pet Peeve... Vegetarians and Vegans.

To those vegans and vegetarians on this board, I mean no offense. Y'all don't annoy me.

So, I was at the store checking out steak for a london broil when a vegan pops up behind me and asks me why I contribute to the killing of animals. Needless to say, after a stupid argument, I grabbed my steak and walked off, leaving the vegan yelling after me calling me a murderer...

Now, I could go on a tirade, but Carlos Mencia says it much better then I could (despite the fact that he probably lifted this from somebody else):


No offense taken :) But I think it's fanatics that are the problem B) I hate fanatics....I'll do my thing, you do yours, I won't try to force you to think like me and please...do the same for me. That is just plain rude, I can't BELIEVE someone would do that to you in the grocery store!!

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^I believe that the reason we started saying vowels differently was because it was too hard to say the other way.

My linguistics professor says that some sound combinations are "too expensive" so we start pronouncing things a slightly different and lazier way--for example when we drop letters or make "having" sound like "haffing."

I will leave it to Allison to decide whether I'm right--she DOES have a more advanced English degree than the one I (almost) have. :lol:

Ah, that makes sense. But let's not say lazy, let's say efficient... :)

Allsion, I'd love to hear more, I'd have to dig out my old text book otherwise, and I'm too lazy busy...

Seems we have a loose vowell movement here :o

Messy :D


I hate when that happens.

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Well, my dear, more people have mothers than have fathers. In fact, 31% of all births annually in the U.S. are to unwed mothers. Look it up if you don't believe me. To me, that indicates a problem with the male population, in that perhaps they aren't stepping up to be the fathers...I don't believe it is all the women's fault. And if they don't want to push their kids to celebrate someone who is little more than a sperm donor, why should they have to?

It could be a problem with the male population and it also could be a problem with women not picking the right men to have kids with or even to have sex with.

There are plenty of lousy mothers out there too.

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No offense taken :) But I think it's fanatics that are the problem B) I hate fanatics....I'll do my thing, you do yours, I won't try to force you to think like me and please...do the same for me. That is just plain rude, I can't BELIEVE someone would do that to you in the grocery store!!

Definitely a fanatic. That's why I added the "no offense" disclaimer. I know not all vegans and vegetarians are like that. But the people who are just piss me off quite a bit. It's like "you know what? I eat meat. Why? because God told me to. Now shut up and leave me alone." I actually used that line at the store. That was the last thing I said before the vegan called me a murder while I was walking away.

But I agree with you completely. I respect vegetarians and vegans and I'd never tell you guys that you're making a mistake by not eating meat. It's your prerogative to eat what you want and it doesn't affect me, so God bless you and whatever you eat.


New Pet Peeve of today... High gas price apologists who use a phrase similar to "Americans don't know what high gas prices are. The rest of the world has it way worse."

You know what? Fuck you. Do I drive overseas? Do I pay for gas overseas? NO! I live in the USA, I drive in the USA, and I get my gas in the fucking USA! So you know what, as an American citizen, I don't give a flying fuck about the gas prices in "the rest of the world." That's their problem. I got my own problems to deal with without having to think of some other country's gas prices. And I think we here in the USA are paying way too much for gas. In fact, when gas got up to $1.00 here, we started paying too much. Shoulda never gone over $0.75 and, maybe, one day, we'll see that nice, low price again (or maybe I should stop dropping this acid... :D). But I'm sorry. I don't give a fuck what the gas prices are over in Madagascar or wherever, 'cause I don't live there, drive there, or pay for my gas from there. The only gas prices I give a shit about are America's, and they are way too expensive, period, end of subject.

I will say this, however. If anyone has even an inkling of a right to complain about Americans complaining about gas prices, it's "the rest of the world." So my tirade is not directed at y'all. It's the Americans who like to spin this yarn that piss me off.

Edited by Nathan
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Fuuuuuck! Just because you don't go home with someone immediately, doesn't mean you aren't interested. Besides--If she was that kind of woman you wouldn't have liked her anyway, because you don't like that. But with you, it's always "damned if you do, damned if you don't". When she was flirting like crazy with you, maybe she was hoping that by showing that she was definately interested, you would make some sort of move....ever think of that?? Of course you didn't. Because you're You.

I didn't want her to go home with me immediately. :o Just wanted her to make it clear that she wanted to exchange numbers or something. Flirting isn't clear enough.

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I didn't want her to go home with me immediately. :o Just wanted her to make it clear that she wanted to exchange numbers or something. Flirting isn't clear enough.

Did you get her number Spats?

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I didn't want her to go home with me immediately. :o Just wanted her to make it clear that she wanted to exchange numbers or something. Flirting isn't clear enough.

Why. Are you that stupid?

Why does she have to make it clear? flirting is clear. At least, it's the clearest you're gonna get. you see, spats, as we keep saying, she made teh first move. It was your turn, and you blew it. Ever heard of dancing? Exact same thing.

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Why. Are you that stupid?

Why does she have to make it clear? flirting is clear. At least, it's the clearest you're gonna get. you see, spats, as we keep saying, she made teh first move. It was your turn, and you blew it. Ever heard of dancing? Exact same thing.

Flirting to me is not clear. I think if you ask some women here they will tell you they have flirted with guys but not because they wanted to hook up with them. Just because they enjoy flirting. Lots of women like to do it just for the fun of it. More then once back in the day when i was younger and more agressive a girl would flirt with me and then when i tried to follow it up she said she already had a boyfriend or just didn't like me in that way. So i ended up being embarrassed. Flirting to me is not a sure sign that a woman wants you. It can lead to mixed signals. And i guess it depends on how good the girl is at flirting.

I want a woman who just says what she wants and goes after it. Just be honest. No game playing. How can you not respect a person like that.

There is another pet peeve. Not being honest or straighforward.

And i am not really big on dancing.

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No offense taken :) But I think it's fanatics that are the problem B) I hate fanatics....I'll do my thing, you do yours, I won't try to force you to think like me and please...do the same for me. That is just plain rude, I can't BELIEVE someone would do that to you in the grocery store!!

Yeah I agree I hate that but I have to tell you if that were done to Me the Redneck in Me would come and I would introduce Him to the steak many times .Then I would not need tenderizer.People dont do those kinds of things to Me for some reason.Take care sorry to interupt .

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Flirting to me is not clear. I think if you ask some women here they will tell you they have flirted with guys but not because they wanted to hook up with them. Just because they enjoy flirting. Lots of women like to do it just for the fun of it. More then once back in the day when i was younger and more agressive a girl would flirt with me and then when i tried to follow it up she said she already had a boyfriend or just didn't like me in that way. So i ended up being embarrassed. Flirting to me is not a sure sign that a woman wants you. It can lead to mixed signals. And i guess it depends on how good the girl is at flirting.

I want a woman who just says what she wants and goes after it. Just be honest. No game playing. How can you not respect a person like that.

There is another pet peeve. Not being honest or straighforward.

And i am not really big on dancing.

IOW all the rest of the single guys would be stuffing male into her box besides you?


Edit: Most girls figure if you wont make a move, your rejecting them or do not want them. You insulted the poor girl by not doing something. Compliment her and ask if you can call her next time spatster.

That's all I have to say on it, next time get a number.

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Flirting to me is not clear. I think if you ask some women here they will tell you they have flirted with guys but not because they wanted to hook up with them. Just because they enjoy flirting. Lots of women like to do it just for the fun of it. More then once back in the day when i was younger and more agressive a girl would flirt with me and then when i tried to follow it up she said she already had a boyfriend or just didn't like me in that way. So i ended up being embarrassed. Flirting to me is not a sure sign that a woman wants you. It can lead to mixed signals. And i guess it depends on how good the girl is at flirting.

I want a woman who just says what she wants and goes after it. Just be honest. No game playing. How can you not respect a person like that.

There is another pet peeve. Not being honest or straighforward.

And i am not really big on dancing.

Well, next time you are in this situation, this is what you do:

First, say "You're pretty cool. Do you want to hang out sometime?" If she asks what you want to do, tell her "Oh, I don't know, maybe go to [your favorite restaurant] after work sometime? They have really good [menu item]." And if she says ok, then ask for her number AND give her your number. Then you say "Great! Give me a call when you are free to go."

Relatively painless, right?

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Well, next time you are in this situation, this is what you do:

First, say "You're pretty cool. Do you want to hang out sometime?" If she asks what you want to do, tell her "Oh, I don't know, maybe go to [your favorite restaurant] after work sometime? They have really good [menu item]." And if she says ok, then ask for her number AND give her your number. Then you say "Great! Give me a call when you are free to go."

Relatively painless, right?

I can only think of one person who might not want to take that advice.

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Well, next time you are in this situation, this is what you do:

First, say "You're pretty cool. Do you want to hang out sometime?" If she asks what you want to do, tell her "Oh, I don't know, maybe go to [your favorite restaurant] after work sometime? They have really good [menu item]." And if she says ok, then ask for her number AND give her your number. Then you say "Great! Give me a call when you are free to go."

Relatively painless, right?

Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie. Haven't you figured it out, yet? This is simply too much work for spats. The woman should be doing all of that, while he just sits there and says "yes" or "no." Why? Because if they aren't doing that, then they aren't being clear, and spats doesn't like that... you know... spats doesn't like having to make a fucking move.

Seriously, spats... you should find a school that offers a class in dating. Because, honestly, you have no damn clue how to get a girl. And no offense, but I'm sick of the BS about how you've supposedly gotten women who were "cool." It seems quite obvious to me the only women you've ever hooked up with are ditzy, vapid airheads, and if you truly think they weren't, that says quite a lot of bad things about your own intelligence.

Why do I say that? Simple.

The only women I have ever met who were 'clear" in what they've wanted (ie; your number) are stupid women (generally blonds... because, let's be honest... the stereotype of the vapid blond is true for at least 50% of 'em) with no sense of, well, anything at all. We're talking the kind of women who will stare at a juice carton because it says "concentrate." In my experience, spats, those are the only women who fit this "mold" you seem to like. So I can only assume you like them because they are "clear," which, BTW, translates into "easy."

Most of the women who fit your "personality mold," however, play to hard-to-get. They aren't going to tell you that they want your number. They are just going to flirt with you, and you have to take the risk and make the offer.

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Christ, here we go again. A committee of people trying to bang some sense into Captain Dipshit. You're all wasting your time people. If he told his flirting story to 100 people, 100 people would all have the same take on it that you do- "she was showing you she was interested, it was your turn to go up and talk to her, you blew it". And Spats will tell all 100 people that they're wrong, he shouldn't have to do that. End result? Spats is alone. But he didn't blow it. Same story, different day.

Have fun everyone, you might as well be trying to teach a donkey to play the violin.

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IOW all the rest of the single guys would be stuffing male into her box besides you?


Edit: Most girls figure if you wont make a move, your rejecting them or do not want them. You insulted the poor girl by not doing something. Compliment her and ask if you can call her next time spatster.

That's all I have to say on it, next time get a number.

If women truly think like that that their thoughts on men and dating are completely whacked. Men aren't some one demensional robot who hit on any pretty girl they see and don't worry about getting rebuffed or anything like that. Guys have concerns about that stuff ya know.

If i insulted her by not being Mr.Macho and asking her out that's her tough luck. I am not a mind reader. I don't want to be having to guess what is going on in her head. Life is too short for that. I aways speak my mind and say what i want or don't want.

I just want honesty.

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Christ, here we go again. A committee of people trying to bang some sense into Captain Dipshit. You're all wasting your time people. If he told his flirting story to 100 people, 100 people would all have the same take on it that you do- "she was showing you she was interested, it was your turn to go up and talk to her, you blew it". And Spats will tell all 100 people that they're wrong, he shouldn't have to do that. End result? Spats is alone. But he didn't blow it. Same story, different day.

Have fun everyone, you might as well be trying to teach a donkey to play the violin.

You have never had a girl flirt with you and think she was interested and she really wasn't and you wound up with egg on your face? I am just saying that just because they are flirting with you does not mean they want you.

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Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie. Haven't you figured it out, yet? This is simply too much work for spats. The woman should be doing all of that, while he just sits there and says "yes" or "no." Why? Because if they aren't doing that, then they aren't being clear, and spats doesn't like that... you know... spats doesn't like having to make a fucking move.

Seriously, spats... you should find a school that offers a class in dating. Because, honestly, you have no damn clue how to get a girl. And no offense, but I'm sick of the BS about how you've supposedly gotten women who were "cool." It seems quite obvious to me the only women you've ever hooked up with are ditzy, vapid airheads, and if you truly think they weren't, that says quite a lot of bad things about your own intelligence.

Why do I say that? Simple.

The only women I have ever met who were 'clear" in what they've wanted (ie; your number) are stupid women (generally blonds... because, let's be honest... the stereotype of the vapid blond is true for at least 50% of 'em) with no sense of, well, anything at all. We're talking the kind of women who will stare at a juice carton because it says "concentrate." In my experience, spats, those are the only women who fit this "mold" you seem to like. So I can only assume you like them because they are "clear," which, BTW, translates into "easy."

Most of the women who fit your "personality mold," however, play to hard-to-get. They aren't going to tell you that they want your number. They are just going to flirt with you, and you have to take the risk and make the offer.

My ex girlfriends were not stupid, easy blond girls. Seriously. I don't think it's right to say that women who play hard to get and sit and wait for the guy to come to them are on a higher level than women who will approach a guy she is interested in. I think the women that go after what they want are cooler because they bypass all the game playing. And they more honest about what they want.

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Well, next time you are in this situation, this is what you do:

First, say "You're pretty cool. Do you want to hang out sometime?" If she asks what you want to do, tell her "Oh, I don't know, maybe go to [your favorite restaurant] after work sometime? They have really good [menu item]." And if she says ok, then ask for her number AND give her your number. Then you say "Great! Give me a call when you are free to go."

Relatively painless, right?

That doesn't sound horrible but i don't even know if that's what she wanted. I have had to many mixed signals in the past when it comes to flirting.

Here is a pet peeve. People who give mixed signals with their flirting.

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