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Pet Peeves


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^Oh no. I understand your feelings.

Though I have never lived near any of the kids I work with, I totally understand the reasons behind that rule. As a teacher, it's not okay to invite kids into your home, so it's logical to me.

Not only can it be dangerous for your reputation (what if someone decides that something strange is going on?), it can be dangerous for the kids--emotionally.

The school district I work for has another rule that is kind of dumb, but I know why it's in place: never give a student a ride in your car. I'm sure there's a few loopholes--like permission slips, etc., but it's supposed to give teachers and other staff memebers a protection against giving the kids who live in your neighborhood rides to and from school; it also serves as prevention of being sued in case of an accident.

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:console: I'm so sorry to hear that. It's just beyond words when such a senseless act happens, especially when it hits so close to home. Do they know who was responsible?

Yes, it was a former student, who shot himself afterwards. I just can't get it...friends of mine know people who are on this school! I was in a weird mood the whole day, and in PE this afternoon I broke down crying (wasn't the only reason, but the biggest one) it was the worst school shooting in the history of Germany...the guy came as close as 5 km to our school on his escape! We're all shocked here...

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Reality tv shows are not reality. The people perform for the cameras. None of it would be as dramatic if the cameras were not around.

Absolutely not what I meant. First you criticize people who watch reality shows and then you say that you doubt you could learn anything from novels. Yes, reality shows are stupid, but your attitude towards literature could be seen as equally ignorant. Hypocrite.

That's my pet peeve: hypocrites.

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Kat! I'm sorry. I'm sure that is not fun at all.

The worst thing about it is that it's almost impossible to get rid of it. Somne people say garlic would help me, but what about my social life?


(I wonder whether recommending historical fiction would be off-base? Of course it would because he's had some refute for it. )

Yes, they are too romanic. Everything except bare, cold facts is romantic and sappy.

Orwell's are probably the most romantic books of all.

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Yes, it was a former student, who shot himself afterwards. I just can't get it...friends of mine know people who are on this school! I was in a weird mood the whole day, and in PE this afternoon I broke down crying (wasn't the only reason, but the biggest one) it was the worst school shooting in the history of Germany...the guy came as close as 5 km to our school on his escape! We're all shocked here...

A horrible story, and it has created interest here, because of the debate over why previous to this story these type of incidents seemed to be almost always be occurring in the U.S..

But I think a pet peeve is usually considered to be a personal annoyance at something that is not always so distained or noticed by most other people?

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Yes, it was a former student, who shot himself afterwards. I just can't get it...friends of mine know people who are on this school! I was in a weird mood the whole day, and in PE this afternoon I broke down crying (wasn't the only reason, but the biggest one) it was the worst school shooting in the history of Germany...the guy came as close as 5 km to our school on his escape! We're all shocked here...

It's terrible. I don't know how someone so young can do such a heinous thing. It's so senseless :(

In Britain we've been mostly dealing with the cowardly acts of violence in Northern Ireland. On Saturday two British (note: British, not Irish) soldiers were shot dead on their army barrack, hours before they were due to go to Afghanistan. To serve their country - including NI. 60 rounds were fired, injuring four other people, two of them pizza men. And who should claim responsibility? The Real IRA.

On Monday a policeman on duty went to answer a distressed woman's call, only to be shot in his car. They were laying in wait. Who should claim responsibility? The Continuity IRA.

Fuck, you'd think this shit had ended, yet it seems some retared offshoot doesn't want peace. The CIRA has stated that they'd keep on killing until every British soldier has left NI. Nice. Hopefully, the desire for peace in Northern Ireland will prevail and that these scumbags will get what they deserve.

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A horrible story, and it has created interest here, because of the debate over why previous to this story these type of incidents seemed to be almost always be occurring in the U.S..

But I think a pet peeve is usually considered to be a personal annoyance at something that is not always so distained or noticed by most other people?

Sure...but I didn't know where else to put it. This was the only place I could think of...

longdistancewinner: the happenings in NI are so horrible! We talked about this subject in school earlier that year, and it sounded as if it was past...it is aweful!

Maybe we should have an extra thread for our wish for peace and against violence?

good night, everyone!

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I woke up this morning to my child screaming crying because his ear hurt. This is a kid who can fall down and scrape his knee and not shed a tear. So I knew it was not good-stayed home from work and took him to the Dr....sure enough, he's got a major ear infection! Luckily, the Dr. prescribed some pain drops to put in his ear for the first day or so, until the antibiotic starts helping out.

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I woke up this morning to my child screaming crying because his ear hurt. This is a kid who can fall down and scrape his knee and not shed a tear. So I knew it was not good-stayed home from work and took him to the Dr....sure enough, he's got a major ear infection! Luckily, the Dr. prescribed some pain drops to put in his ear for the first day or so, until the antibiotic starts helping out.

That's a sore one Bonnie . My youngest had ear problems as a child and it was so hard on him. Frustrating as a parent because there was so little you could do when the pain arrived. I hated to see him in such agony

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I woke up this morning to my child screaming crying because his ear hurt. This is a kid who can fall down and scrape his knee and not shed a tear. So I knew it was not good-stayed home from work and took him to the Dr....sure enough, he's got a major ear infection! Luckily, the Dr. prescribed some pain drops to put in his ear for the first day or so, until the antibiotic starts helping out.

Aw, I'm sorry, I hope he feels better soon! :(

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A pet peeve of mine is the phrase "In terms of". :angry: My broadcasting teacher at school tends to constantly repeat this phrase over and over again every single day! I couldn't tell you how many times a day he says this. It absolutely drives me nuts much like some other phrases he repeats such as "In terms of" and "you know". :angry::angry::angry:

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It's terrible. I don't know how someone so young can do such a heinous thing. It's so senseless :(

In Britain we've been mostly dealing with the cowardly acts of violence in Northern Ireland. On Saturday two British (note: British, not Irish) soldiers were shot dead on their army barrack, hours before they were due to go to Afghanistan. To serve their country - including NI. 60 rounds were fired, injuring four other people, two of them pizza men. And who should claim responsibility? The Real IRA.

On Monday a policeman on duty went to answer a distressed woman's call, only to be shot in his car. They were laying in wait. Who should claim responsibility? The Continuity IRA.

Fuck, you'd think this shit had ended, yet it seems some retared offshoot doesn't want peace. The CIRA has stated that they'd keep on killing until every British soldier has left NI. Nice. Hopefully, the desire for peace in Northern Ireland will prevail and that these scumbags will get what they deserve.

I had the distinct impression when I visited Ireland in 2007 and 2008 that as soon as the prosperity waned in the country, then the violence would arise again. It was simmering under the surface, specifically in Northern Ireland. The Celtic Tiger is meowing and with joblessness and poverty comes violence. When the young men of the country are preoccupied with working and making money, they don't have the time to spend worrying about the British rule of Northern Ireland. But as soon as they are unemployed and idle, they dwell on the old differences and become violent again. It's not necessarily the Catholics vs. the Protestants, but the native Irish people (who are Catholic) vs. the British (who are Protestant). It was home rule vs. foreign rule, but now the violence is to get the British government out of Northern Ireland.

When I visited Derry and Belfast in 2007, the people still held the same old prejudices, you could tell by the things that they said. It was just suppressed as to not threaten the prosperity. It is ingrained in their heritage, and throughout history the two sides have had periods of war and then periods of peace and then wars again. I don't think that the peace will ever last, based on past history.

It is so sad, as I love Ireland and the Irish people, and could see myself living there. I pray for them that this violence will not escalate and that the peace may last forever.

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A pet peeve of mine is the phrase "In terms of". :angry: My broadcasting teacher at school tends to constantly repeat this phrase over and over again every single day! I couldn't tell you how many times a day he says this. It absolutely drives me nuts much like some other phrases he repeats such as "In terms of" and "you know". :angry::angry::angry:

my calc teacher uses odd words too, only she makes them up... like fiddlyfart and crappydoodle and quizzy poo.

Sometimes I could almost swear I was in the first grade; but as annoying as it is it can be refreshing among the integrals and derivatives and vectors

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my calc teacher uses odd words too, only she makes them up... like fiddlyfart and crappydoodle and quizzy poo.

Sometimes I could almost swear I was in the first grade; but as annoying as it is it can be refreshing among the integrals and derivatives and vectors

I had a calc teacher who would begin each day's class with asking which students wanted to be "seives" or "sponges". It was automatic - as was the daily occurrence of his fly being open, or a length of toilet paper seen hanging from the back of his pants.

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seeing the octuplet mom on tv with her octpuplets.

:yesnod: :yesnod: Thank god for the remote!!

A HUGE pet peeve of mine is when people mis-pronounce or misspell my name!!

It's M-E-L-A-N-I-E, not Melany, Melony, Melodie, Melaine, Melendie, etc. So irritating! :angry:

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:yesnod: :yesnod: Thank god for the remote!!

A HUGE pet peeve of mine is when people mis-pronounce or misspell my name!!

It's M-E-L-A-N-I-E, not Melany, Melony, Melodie, Melaine, Melendie, etc. So irritating! :angry:

melany could just be a new yauk accent and melendie could be at a chinese take out place.

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My last name is long and foreign (German), so I've gotten all manner of spelling and pronunciations over the years. My first name is easy enough, but hoo boy.....sometimes I wish my mom met a guy with a shorter last name. LOL

Hi 'Electrophile'

You think you have a long surname, this is mine.

Daniel Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, what a mouthfull. :hysterical:

Regards, Danny L

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My last name is long and foreign (German), so I've gotten all manner of spelling and pronunciations over the years. My first name is easy enough, but hoo boy.....sometimes I wish my mom met a guy with a shorter last name. LOL

I'm the opposite. I have a four-letter surname, but the worst first name. Hardly anyone, save close family and friends, say it right and it annoys the hell out of me. It's not even that complicated to say or spell, yet people automatically pronounce my name as something else.

Gah! If only ma and pa had stuck with their original choice, as intended...

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I woke up this morning to my child screaming crying because his ear hurt. This is a kid who can fall down and scrape his knee and not shed a tear. So I knew it was not good-stayed home from work and took him to the Dr....sure enough, he's got a major ear infection! Luckily, the Dr. prescribed some pain drops to put in his ear for the first day or so, until the antibiotic starts helping out.

Ugh. I hope he starts feeling better soon!

I get ear infections quite a bit. They DO hurt like hell, and I'm not a wuss when it comes to pain either...(and I'm an adult). <_<

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^my ear infections usually start with allergy related sinus issues. I'm not sure it they would help me, but who knows with others.

seeing the octuplet mom on tv with her octpuplets.

My sister told me today that she heard that she's gotten enough money that's been donated to build a brand new house. How's that for supporting herself?

(makes me want to puke...on her)

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She's a nut. Underneath it all she is trying to compensate for being an only child when she was growing up herself. Six wasn't enough for some reason, and she wanted one more, but wound up with eight more. She's accepted the offer of help from a volunteer group in caring for the babies I think I remember reading somewhere. I guess it was too quiet around her house when she was a child, and now she's making up for it.

Her father recently bought a house for her I read today. Maybe they are thinking about remodeling and upgrading the house to accommodate fourteen chldren. Wow, that is a bunch. It can be done. I have known a couple of families who had that many. But they had both parents as well, and there was never a dull moment. Plus, the kids were staggered in ages because their mothers did not give birth to them all at once. And by the time the youngest was born, the oldest had moved out of the house.

I can imagine the sibiling rivalry the first six children will experience when the other eight come home.

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