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Pet Peeves


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Wow... are we now cracking down on criticism of the band? The discussion was perfectly legit and very much in context in the thread and the forum...

Guess I better watch my Plant-bashing... that might get me jailed... :huh::angry:

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Wow... are we now cracking down on criticism of the band? The discussion was perfectly legit and very much in context in the thread and the forum...

Guess I better watch my Plant-bashing... that might get me jailed... :huh::angry:

Sorry. This was a pretty pathetic post and I withdraw it. Obviously there are rules in place and they must be followed and I have no problem with this. No excuse for the quoted post other then bad judgment on my part. I apologize.

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Since hitting my 40's each year gets more torturous to sleep. sad.gif

So my pet peeve:

HORMONES!! angry.gif

No comments necessary. wink.gif

hi everyone :wave:

i am the same. :( i can't remember the last time i slept for more than about 4 hours straight. and to add to it, there is what i call the " jim carey " syndome.... when nature calls. i will be having a lovely sleep and get woken up by my damn bladder. how frustrating! doesn't seem to matter that i haven't had ANYTHING to drink for hours before bed, i always have to make that trip down the hall ..... :rolleyes:

and dzldoc, i have always believed that what your mother said is true. since my first child was born, i hear the slightest noises, which is nice when they are young, but HEY! I DON'T NEED THAT ANYMORE!!! lol :slapface::P

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Makes sense to me, Charles.

But why can't we sleep better when the babies grow up and leave home and go to college? laugh.gif

Yup. I sleep much more fitfully than my boyfriend. When I'm outthough, I'm out. There are times when I'm just dead to the world, butmost of the time, I can wake at the drop of a pin.

Wow...are we now cracking down on criticism of the band? The discussion wasperfectly legit and very much in context in the thread and the forum...

Guess I better watch my Plant-bashing... that might get me jailed... :huh::angry:


Nah. There's a lot of Plant-bashing around here. ;)

I HATE those new Airwick commercials. They're feakin' stupid as hell.

You know, the ones where the ladies are like, "well, hello there," and "I knew you'd be waiting."

UGH! Makes me want to scream!

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My job now consist of data entry, data entry and more data entry. It seems I have to account for everything by entering it on the computer printing a hard copy out, and logging in my journal that I signed it over to my supervisor. That reminds me I have to input my attendance that I took manually into a Student Reporting Database. See you

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My job now consist of data entry, data entry and more data entry. It seems I have to account for everything by entering it on the computer printing a hard copy out, and logging in my journal that I signed it over to my supervisor. That reminds me I have to input my attendance that I took manually into a Student Reporting Database. See you

Oh no.

So much for getting to work with the kids, eh?

I sub for special ed a lot, and though it's an easy day, I don't like it much because the paraprofessionals always run the joint. That tells EVERYONE a LOT about how our special education teachers do not get too much contact time with their kids.

It's all IEP's, recording behavior, test scores, etc.

Just throw the computer out the window! DO IT!

:computertrash::computertrash: :computertrash:

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Just throw the computer out the window! DO IT!

:computertrash::computertrash: :computertrash:

I've never done that,but I once beat the living shit out of one with a hammer.....

I pummeled it to shreds....when the claw-hammer I was using wasn't cuttin' it,I grabbed a fucking mallet.

It was foolish,irresponsible,wasteful,bad judgment,and frankly just dumb.

But,you know what?
















It sho felt fine!!!!


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Spammers get more and more pathetic each and every second of each and every day.

I just right now deleted the oddest email ever...

It was sent from a "Fred Jones". The subject line said "Hey Nathan! It's Leslie. Remember me?"

The body of the email (I just had to read it) said:

I had SO MUCH FUN making that video last night. We went for hours! I'd love to do it again. Contact me here...

[insert link to random retarded adult dating porn site here]

Really? We made a video? And last night? How is it that my body is doing things I'm not privy to?

And speaking of... isn't Fred Jones a guy's name? Is that your boyfriend, Leslie? Were you cheating on him, with me, without either of us knowing? Do I need to contact him and tell him that you made a video with my mind-less body? And are you really stupid enough to be emailing me from your boyfriend's account after you just cheated on him... with me... without the knowledge of either of us?

And where can I find this supposed video? I certainly don't have it.

Seriously, "Leslie"... explain this to me. I'm very confused, here...


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A friend of mine once compiled a list of spam headlines from her inbox that she posted on her blog. Of course there was the obligatory Nigerian scam one but this was the hands down winner:


Hell, it even inspired this piece of artwork:


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That's why I don't make 'To-Do'lists.


My works all done....


See, I'm Polish. We have this motto: If everything seems to be going well, you've overlooked something. B)

That's why there's also a to-drink list. Funny how the counting on that one also gets skewed after a while :P

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Yup - every time I do a to, more do's get added :blink:


We must have gotten our wands from the same place - and yes, I just read an article about the last HP movie. I am not ashamed!

(quoted separately from response to Babs to...yup, increase my post count...WOOT!)

Babs, you're lagging. Your neck's going to be awfully sore in trying to catch up to Nine's count :notworthy::yesnod:

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