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Is Hockey as big as football in America? It isn't a huge sport here but I think it should be! We have a good female team...

Before the lockout, hockey had a relatively good audience. They were on ESPN and quite a few games were televised on NBC. However said lockout really fucked the fans over, they lost the contract with ESPN and the ratings started to slide. I guess it depends where you are. I grew up in Chicago and am a huge Red Wings fan, and both Chicago and Detroit have great hockey histories. Other places that have teams that are relatively new, not so much.

Now, football is a huge sport here.....just look at the Super Bowl! Companies pay top dollar for advertisements during the game and the Halftime performers are always the creme de la creme of the music world. If you were talking about soccer though......I don't think anything will make soccer here what it is in England the rest of Europe, and especially Latin/South America.

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Believe it or not they have a pretty big hockey following here. We had a semi-pro team that always sold out "The Brass" but when the NBA Hornets came to town they didn't have a place to play any longer so out they went. BTW I'm a Bruins Fan :D

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I was merely using those two cities as examples. The original 6 teams (Chicago, Detroit, Boston, New York, Montreal and Toronto) and then a select other group of cities have always had great turnout no matter what.

Basically, any place north of the Mason-Dixon line and near water has a good hockey base. Dallas surprisingly, is an exception. I know a couple people who live there and they say that Stars games always sell well and they have a great presence there.

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I was merely using those two cities as examples. The original 6 teams (Chicago, Detroit, Boston, New York, Montreal and Toronto) and then a select other group of cities have always had great turnout no matter what.

Basically, any place north of the Mason-Dixon line and near water has a good hockey base. Dallas surprisingly, is an exception. I know a couple people who live there and they say that Stars games always sell well and they have a great presence there.

I agree with your statement. For the most part I think the NHL brass has spent way too much time trying to sell the game in cities that are not up on their hockey when in fact, they should have been looking at markets where the game is already big. Both Seattle and Portland regularily get great crowds to watch Junior hockey as do many other cities in both the US and Canada that don't already have NHL franchises. That's where the league should be looking. I mean our junior team the Vancouver Giants average 12,000 / game and quite often sell out ( 16,000 ) the old Pacific Coliseum. The Portland Winterhawks have been averaging 10,000 for almost 30yrs. now. We're talking a lot of hockey fans in a relatively close area and the same can be said all across the northern half of the Mason Dixon. The game can sell itself in these areas and I for one would just like to see the league use some common sense when picking new cities for franchises. If the game is good and the fans are going then a TV contract will be there. There is no need to be in cities that can't identify with the game. The league looks bad to sponsors when these franchises get moved or are struggling to fill seats

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You would think Seattle or Portland would get a team? But Kansas City seems to be the next city that will get one according to Mr Bettman. Wednesday night is the beginning of life without Thomas Vanek. :boohoo:

Well Seattle has just lost it's NBA team because of arena concerns. I think if the NHL had expanded to Seattle earlier, a new arena would have come and, the fine folks in Seattle would be watching both the NHL and NBA. It could still happen down the road and I hope it does. Seattle is a great sports town and did not lose the Sonics because of attendance issues.

Portland has the arena

I guess the real question for anyone thinking about getting a franchise is , can they do buisness with a fool like Bettman ? I'm guessing their answer is ..no

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Hey Ally and Rorer. Vanek had surgery today. Broken jaw. Out a month. Be honest. Do you think the Sabres make the playoffs without him for a month? I am optomistic, especially because of where we are now. But it is a big big loss.

I saw that hit to the face the other night. Sorry Yuk.

I believe they should be able to compete without him.One guy does not a team make.Granted he is a star player but good teams rally around such adversities!We'll see how good Buffalo really is,eh?

That's probably 10 to 14 games I'm guessing.Looks like 4 to 5 tough ones.

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Hey Ally and Rorer. Vanek had surgery today. Broken jaw. Out a month. Be honest. Do you think the Sabres make the playoffs without him for a month? I am optomistic, especially because of where we are now. But it is a big big loss.

The Sabres have some depth.Yes you don't just replace a player like Vanek. I think they will make the playoffs without much trouble. As I said before they are the sleeper in the east. Don't forget that Toronto, Ottawa, Islanders, thrashers and Tampa are all in the east. I almost forgot...Go Leafs Go

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I have not posted here for a few days because I was mad at that Brian Burke and the coach of the Leafs (Wilson..I think that's his name) for the way they were talking about Vesa Toskala's goal tending...Well I guess Vesa showed them....with the win last weekend against Montreal :P


Juliet :cheer:

PS Oh Yukon......thanks for your comment that I was missed here...as far as the other comment about my age....I've gone through all the stages of grieving (denial, anger, sadness, acceptance) so I can handle your comment...just don't expect a Valentine :lol:

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That's Brian Burkes style. He ruffles a lot of feathers but he get's things done. He know's that in order for the Leafs to be a force then he has to create an identity for the team. It's his way or the highway and believe me, anyone who he thinks is good and can play better than they are, will hear about it. He is a fair guy though and, he won't pound on players that haven't got ability.

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Hey Juliet, Im 51 so dont feel bad. Thanks for the vote of confidence slagfarmer. to all my friends, Ally, and the rest, my computer is in the shop so you all get a break from my ignorance for a night. I just stopped at a library to post this. Life without Vanek starts tomorrow. Lindy may put Roy, Stafford and Connelly on one line. That one may be deadly. GO SABRES!! And GO LEAFS tonight! :nhl_checking:


Oh..that is so sweet to wish the Leafs win...unfortunately they did not last eve...

Even though The Leafs are rivals they are in the same divison as The Sabres...I have acepted that The Leafs will not make the playoffs so I hope The Sabres win in the Eastern division instead..

Hope your computer gets better soon...

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We've got Florida tonight.We need this win!

Looks like Ottawa took it to ya last night Yuk.Gotta watch those bottomfeeders,they like to bite sometimes. :o

Yep, teams like Ottawa could decide who makes the playoffs. Florida won't be easy

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Nice to see you back Yukon ! Who do you think the Sabres will be after in a trade. Any rumors ?

I keep hearing that the Canucks are after Bouwmeester and Gaborik. Apperently we are willing to give up the Sedin Sisters

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Hey Ally. I got this computer fixed, now have a ton of speed. Anyway, no rumours but after last nights debacle Mike Robataille fit to be tied. Not happy with Buffalo's performance. Miller was pissed too. Ottawa ran him 5 times. Were only called for 3 of them. Deliberatley ran the goalie, and when Butler knocked over one of the Senators after, he got a penalty. Pure bullshit officiating. What Buffalo needs is to get back the injured. Sekera I think may be back Friday. Afinagenov is probably high on Buffalo's to be traded list. We need Gausted and Tallinder back too. We must live without Vanek for three weeks at least. Tough to lose someone like him. I dont know what they would be willing to shell out financially? I wish they could grab Gionta if he truly is to be traded by the Devils. That is one rumour. But I think a stay home, clear out the crease defenseman would be better for the Sabres. They can score, when they get the injured back, they will score. And Miller is playing well. Fridays game against the Sharks will be interesting. :nhl:

At last check. Florida 5 Carolina 0. Join the party Rorer. That will teach you to talk smack now wont it Rorer? :D

Just got great news. Sekera back for the Sharks game on Friday. Buffalo needs him. Back to Portland for Weber.

Yeah,Karma has a way of sorting that shit out,doesn't it? :o;)

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Let me garantee this, Boston Bruins 2009 Stanley Cup Champions!

First time since 1972.

There is still quite a long way to go in the season to predict the champion...who did they beat and in how many games? Yes they are the class of the east, but lets see how it plays out before they get sized for there rings!! :D

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There is still quite a long way to go in the season to predict the champion...who did they beat and in how many games? Yes they are the class of the east, but lets see how it plays out before they get sized for there rings!! :D

Oh I agree but I am quite good with sports bets, such as never having been wrong except the 2003 ALCS although I was redeemed in 2004. Even in Super Bowl 42 I bet the Giants would win. But I could be wrong now of course...but I don't think I am. :P

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Sorry ass Rangers are getting served up at home by the Flyers. Put a fork in their overcooked asses! Sabres are on the rise. Montreal and Rangers are falling apart. Hope Vancouver beats the hell out of them tonight. GO SABRES!!!!!! :nhl:

So do I :D The Habs will have a large following at GM Place tonight. Whenever they or the Leafs come to town there is alway's a mixed crowd at the games. This goes back to the old original six day's as well as all the easterners who have moved out west to God's Country over the last 30 yrs.

It makes for quite an atmosphere

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Yes the Leafs beat the Pens AGAIN!!! Whats up with that? Go Leafs Go!!! :D


I started to watch the game but turned it off when the score was 2-0 for The Pens..

Since SNL absolutely sucked..(The Jonas Bothers were the musical guests), I turned to see the final score...I thought i was seeing things..but slagfarmer has confirmed The Leafs won..


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Montreal are kind of like the NY Yankees of hockey, without the money. But there days of glory are long behind them. Vancouver can win this game tonight. I hope they do and I hope the Sabres dont have a let down after an emotional win over the Sharks. Carolina has lost 5 straight in Buffalo. But they must be feeling a bit down after their recent struggles. Time for us to bury them and then worry about the Flyers and Devils. I would still feel better having Vanek. I dont know what is up with Afinagenov. If he had Connellys hands he would be another Gretsky with his skating ability. I wonder if you guys would be interested in him Ally? He has speed to kill. Just needs to learn how to finish. I still think he can be a big help to a team. If I were Vanvouver Id think about going after him?

Wish I had center ice. N Jersey and San Jose are tied at 2-2 in first period. Looks like a great hockey game!!

Well, a couple of things about us making a move for Afinagenov. I think anyone who was interested in signing him would probably do so in the off season. Most teams need to make a serious move with an on form player at this stage of the season. That's not saying that he isn't good but he is struggling this year. Besides if we were to try and make a deal... who would you want in return ? Don't say Luongo :D

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