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Keith Richards "Slated" the Led Zeppelin Reunion


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All I know is that the Stones have always been a band I can listen to, but not look at too much. :lol:

Indeed! And I can't even seriously watch the stones perform, they make me laugh. they have some good tunes, but I've never understand the appeal to them as individual people...

then again I am just terribly biased to LZ....and I like it that way. :rolleyes:

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I think I'll wait to read what he actually said & the context in which the comments are made. Not that I'm a Keith lover or defender; I like the Stones (not a huge fan but they created some great songs) but I want to read exactly why he was so critical. I won't lose sleep over it 'cause it's just his opinion.


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The Stones went to shit firstly after Brian Jones died and then finally when Mick Taylor left.

Bill Wyman wised up and left and that completed the exercise.

Oh yeah and what a role model Richards is to all the kids.

And no I haven't said anything in the past to piss him off.

Keith is not supposed to be a role model to kids anyway...

-- People needs to cool down a bit. You're taking everything way too seriously. It's only fucking Rock N Roll and Keith got his opinion, Robert's got his own, I got mine and you got yours... Rock music's not serious, that's the reason it was made for... Rebellion not Convention. --


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I believe Mr. Human Riff used this word as a verb with meaning of it to schedule or designate; to enter on a list. Or maybe Keef is fucking jealous.

Jealous of what?

He's The Human Riff, his bank account has more money than every member of LZ put together... He's a walking Legend/Icon... Whadja want more?!!!


Edited by Charles_Obscure
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:lol:Rule # 1 - Do not take seriously anything that Keith Richards or Robert Plant may say.

That is a very good point! :D I forget that sometimes. About 5 years ago, there was a show on pbs about Fender guitars, and a bunch of famous guitarists were interviewed. Keith Richards was saying how he hated it when people smashed their guitars. He said, "I'd sooner kill a man." They way he said it made me bust out laughing. He's a character, alright.

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Here's the history of the Rolling Stones, the Who and Led Zeppelin slamming each other as I know it.

  • According to Mojo or Classic Rock, back in the `70's Keith said something about Jimmy having "two clueless Ernies from the Midlands playing with him." That was a slam on Robert and Bonham, of course.

  • In 1986 in the Guitar World tribute to Jimmy Page Keith says, "Jimmy's the best. Now, Zeppelin I never cared for, all those histrionics. The Who, either. Sorry chaps and all, but piss on `em. I could never get along in a band like that with a posing, posturing lead singer." Like Mick Jagger doesn't pose and posture?!

  • In Rolling Stone about 1989 during the Who reunion tour Pete Townshend famously made some offhand remark about "the gross, disgusting object that was Led Zeppelin." In Pete's vernacular "gross" and "disgusting" aren't neccesarily insults, though.

  • Robert Plant recently said in an interview that the Rolling Stones looked like bored old men, but at least touring gave them something to do. At the same time he was taped at a record biz party in London happily singing and dancing along to "Under My Thumb" and seemed to know all the words.

  • Pete Townshend said he thought Led Zeppelin reforming was going to be world-shaking. It appeared he suddenly liked Zeppelin.

  • Pete then did a turnabout on the eve of the 02 show when he was to be a "warm up" act and said, "The only thing I'll be warming up that evening will be some mince pies at home." I really think his ego couldn't allow him to be Led Zeppelin's opening act, even as a solo act.

  • Jimmy said, "There was no competition (to the Stones or the Who). You find out you're selling more records, more tickets, and playing longer shows -- what's the competition?"

Now Keith has slammed Led Zeppelin again. Sorry, Keith, you made some great records, but I've seen Robert & Jimmy and the Who but I've never seen you!

Edited by Tadpole in a Jar
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Jealous of what?

He's The Human Riff, his bank account has more money than every member of LZ put together... He's a walking Legend/Icon... Whadja want more?!!!


But the girls like Planty Pants more- always have, and always will. :P

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Well here's what 'ole jealous-green-skin-leather-face big-mouth walking skeleton Richards said about the Zep reunion..


Here's the Zep excerpt...


In the interview, he also belittled Led Zeppelin's December one-off reunion gig, telling Uncut: "They had one? Well, well done Jimmy (Page) and Robert (Plant). F**k off. Stairway To Heaven don't make it for me, baby."


What a jealous asshole! As if the Stones had any song ever NEAR the quality of STH, let alone any Zep song, he wishes he could write, play, and produce a song or guitar solo that great! Laughable. He's jealous because he knows Zeppelin KILLED the Stones musically and outsold them 3 times over, plus he knows Zep have more talent in the tips of their you-know-what than the Stones have in their whole organization, and could create the buzz they did with just one reunion show. You better believe he knows it. He knows live Zep could improv circles around him and his gay, lame overrated band, it's classic professional jealousy. Kashmir alone wipes the whole Stones catalog of stale filler off the map without even trying. But that's what the asshole Richards is all about, he puts people down and is famous for being one of the biggest-mouthed assholes in the industry. He also put down Elton John (who again, has more talent in his hair weave than the Stones ever had), he said "Elton's only credit to the human race is writing songs about dead blondes", after he did the remake of Candle in The Wind for princess diana. Real class act! The Stones are relics that sound and look like relics, Zeppelin was fresher and better at the O2 alone than the Stones have ever been. Richards once confessed that he had it in for Zeppelin because he was miffed that Zeppelin was bigger than The Who or The Stones. Keith Richards is pompous jerkoff, but hey we expect that out of him, it's actually pretty hilarious.

Edited by Tea41
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We can wait breathlessly for the interview in Uncut but meanwhiile....

Link to AFP article

Addressing Jagger's on-stage presence, Richards told the magazine, "Excuse me while I laugh. He's a bit vain, let's put it like that," before adding: "We want a vain bloke up there, don't we? Meanwhile, the band can go to work. Vanity will not carry a band. But a band can carry vanity."

:lol: I daresay that's true. I always thought that onstage Mick looked like a little rooster strutting about.

I do like that bit about vanity. (Well, obviously I like it if I put it in bold). B)

In the interview, he also belittled Led Zeppelin's December one-off reunion gig, telling Uncut: "They had one? Well, well done Jimmy (Page) and Robert (Plant). F**k off. Stairway To Heaven don't make it for me, baby."

Aww, that's alright Keef, they may not Miss You either. :lol:

So Keith said something unkind... *shrugs* I still like the Stones...

I've read about Plant slagging on somebody or other in the past- Ian Anderson comes to mind, but I like and listen to Jethro Tull anyway.

I guess if they want to swap insults or whatever, that's fine... whatever... I'll continue to listen to whomever I want. *shrugs again*

I just hope Keef stays outta trees.

Edited by Lake of Shadows
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That is a very good point! :D I forget that sometimes. About 5 years ago, there was a show on pbs about Fender guitars, and a bunch of famous guitarists were interviewed. Keith Richards was saying how he hated it when people smashed their guitars. He said, "I'd sooner kill a man." They way he said it made me bust out laughing. He's a character, alright.

Yes, it's one of the rules of rock and roll; don't believe everything they say.

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If I read one more person accusing someone of being "jealous" because they don't like Led Zeppelin I'm going postal. It happens all the time here and it's SOOOOOOOO STUPID.

It doesn't make any sense.

"they said something negative about Zeppelin? JEALOUS! JEALOUS!"


Some people don't like their music. Deal with it.

What the hell does Keith Richards have to be jealous about? He's one of the greatest musicians in rock history in one of the greatest and biggest bands of all time. Yes, BIGGER than Zeppelin. Don't even try to argue with it, it's true. He's not jealous. He just doesn't like the band.

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We can wait breathlessly for the interview in Uncut but meanwhiile....

Link to AFP article

:lol: I daresay that's true. I always thought that onstage Mick looked like a little rooster strutting about.

I do like that bit about vanity. (Well, obviously I like it if I put it in bold). B)

Aww, that's alright Keef, they may not Miss You either. :lol:

So Keith said something unkind... *shrugs* I still like the Stones...

I've read about Plant slagging on somebody or other in the past- Ian Anderson comes to mind, but I like and listen to Jethro Tull anyway.

I guess if they want to swap insults or whatever, that's fine... whatever... I'll continue to listen to whomever I want. *shrugs again*

I just hope Keef stays outta trees.

Well put LOS! So Keith is critical: WHO CARES!!! It's one person's opinion and one person's opinion is not ruin my love of Led Zeppelin's music. He says Nay; I say YAH!!!! :cheer:

And just because Keith may be critical of LZ doesn't mean I go hating on the Stones. As I said earlier, I'm a fan-albeit not a huge one but I still like their music.

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If I read one more person accusing someone of being "jealous" because they don't like Led Zeppelin I'm going postal. It happens all the time here and it's SOOOOOOOO STUPID.

It doesn't make any sense.

"they said something negative about Zeppelin? JEALOUS! JEALOUS!"


Some people don't like their music. Deal with it.

What the hell does Keith Richards have to be jealous about? He's one of the greatest musicians in rock history


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:rolleyes: Based on what?

Not that sales are everything, but while we're on the subject, here are some facts straight from riaa.com.....Some of these sales are staggering, i.e. Led Zeppelin, Eagles, Streisand, Elton, ACDC, Garth Brooks, etc. Zeppelin is 4th with 111.5, not too shabby.

Artist Certified Units in Millions (U.S. only)










AC/DC 69












U2 50.5



Ends are meeting like a sonofabitch in these households!

Edited by Tea41
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:rolleyes: Based on what?


based on the fact that they are obviously bigger.

Get over the Zeppelin bias and actually think about it.

Christ, people pretty much hear about The Rolling Stones from the moment they get out of the womb.

They have more songs that are more recognizable to more people around the world, whether they are music fans or not. And not just recognizable as songs, but as Rolling Stones songs.

I've read about The Rolling Stones in freakin' elementary school history books. The same can't be said about Led Zeppelin.

There are people who if you said the name "Robert Plant" or showed them a picture of his face wouldn't know who he was and you'd have to explain "He's the singer for Led Zeppelin" (even people who HAVEN'T been living under a rock their whole lives) But if you say the name "Mick Jagger" or show someone a picture, they WILL know who he is.

The Rolling Stones are bigger. You don't have to like it, but it's true.

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based on the fact that they are obviously bigger.

Get over the Zeppelin bias and actually think about it.

Christ, people pretty much hear about The Rolling Stones from the moment they get out of the womb.

They have more songs that are more recognizable to more people around the world, whether they are music fans or not. And not just recognizable as songs, but as Rolling Stones songs.

I've read about The Rolling Stones in freakin' elementary school history books. The same can't be said about Led Zeppelin.

There are people who if you said the name "Robert Plant" or showed them a picture of his face wouldn't know who he was and you'd have to explain "He's the singer for Led Zeppelin" (even people who HAVEN'T been living under a rock their whole lives) But if you say the name "Mick Jagger" or show someone a picture, they WILL know who he is.

The Rolling Stones are bigger. You don't have to like it, but it's true.

The 2 most important factors are album sales and ticket sales. Zeppelin was only around for 12 years and still managed to outsell the Stones almost 2 to 1. They're tied with the Beatles as the only 2 groups with 4 Diamond Awards. The Stones have 1. When both groups were touring, Zeppelin consistently outsold them. After beating the Beatles record, Zeppelin broke their own records. If Zeppelin were to tour today, it would be the biggest tour of all time. For all the publicity the Stones generate, they've rarely been able to lay claim as the top group in the world. The Beatles ruled the 60s, Zeppelin the 70's, U2 the late 80s and 90s.

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