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Band Of Brothers

Del Zeppnile

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My immediate and extended family have a long history of serving they're country. My father and his six brother's volunteered for duty during WWII and were all fortunate to make it back. Quite an amazing story considering they all saw action. My extended family have a long history with the Marine Corp and like wise they have all, so far, returned home safely. My nephew is in Iraq and there isn't a day go by that we don't think about he and his.. Band Of Brother's.. Serving ones country

is honorable and selfless and I think that all of us owe a debt of gratitude to all that are doing so now and to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our liberty and freedom

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All well and good.................but personally I would rather see a 'band of brothers' type series featuring, say, German troops fighting through years on the Russian front but I know that will never happen but it would make a far more fascinating story. Imagine following German troopers going through Barbarossa, Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, Bagration, Berlin etc etc etc????? Wow, what a story THAT would be. :blink::o

I think it's about time we got to know about WW2 via 'other' perspectives. There were normal everyday people on ALL sides.

Absolutely! What a story that would be.

Let's face it: The German military was superior to anything else on the planet. I've read quite a bit about the war, and I have to admire those guys.

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All well and good.................but personally I would rather see a 'band of brothers' type series featuring, say, German troops fighting through years on the Russian front but I know that will never happen but it would make a far more fascinating story. Imagine following German troopers going through Barbarossa, Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, Bagration, Berlin etc etc etc????? Wow, what a story THAT would be. :blink::o

I think it's about time we got to know about WW2 via 'other' perspectives. There were normal everyday people on ALL sides.

Its worth giving Sven Hassell's books a look.

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have to write this, about my dads brother. he enlisted in the us navey at the age og 16. then enlisted in the USMC and was sent o vietnom. he did 2 combat tours. the company machine gunner, he was first in and last out. he became a legend. he was the old man of the out fit at 22. he told a buddy he was not going to make it. he was killed in an ambush. in 1967. 2 weeks before his discharge. i watch these movies and feel every monent. i was in 4th grade. it hurts till this day.

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Check out Clint Eastwood's Flag of Our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima. He covers the American soldier's perspective in Flag, then the Japanese solder's perspective in Letters.

Though there is an old adage that history is written through the conquerors' eyes.

Yup, seen them both. Good films. I like. A refreshing take.

Stalingrad is another. Then there is Das Boot. Plus there is an old 1977 movie called Cross Of Iron with James Coburn and James Mason.


Its worth giving Sven Hassell's books a look

Read them all. I have the whole set. I haven't read them for years and now that you reminded me I might have to read them again. They are pretty funny too.

Guy Sager's The Forgotten Soldier is a classic form the 'other' perspective.

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Absolutely! What a story that would be.

There wouldn't have been many that went through the whole shibang from Barbarossa to Berlin but there were at least some.

Let's face it: The German military was superior to anything else on the planet. I've read quite a bit about the war, and I have to admire those guys.

They took on most of the world......and almost pulled it off. Only the combined might of the Soviet Union, U.S.A, British Commonwealth and others stopped them.

To be able to even put on something like the Ardennes attack or Spring Awakening after 5 years of bloody fighting was incredible in itself.

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Read them all. I have the whole set. I haven't read them for years and now that you reminded me I might have to read them again. They are pretty funny too.

Guy Sager's The Forgotten Soldier is a classic form the 'other' perspective.

I liked all of the SH books too. Still have them. A long time since I read them though.

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I served in Iraq, which most people are disconnected from.

They don't even realize a real war is going on.

Hopefully, one day, they get this story right, and document it.

Never stop letting people know what the real story is.

You are the real American Superhero.

Thank you for your service Drunk.

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Never stop letting people know what the real story is.

You are the real American Superhero.

Thank you for your service Drunk.

The interesting thing about Band of Brothers is how much of the story is censored by the government, even today in what we consider a "free society." Our government doesn't want us to know the horrible casualties of war, so they manipulate the truth. Almost as if history was stricken from the scroll. I hope we have real seekers of truth, because so many historians gloss over the little details of battles. Someday, those mysteries will be solved.

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The interesting thing about Band of Brothers is how much of the story is censored by the government, even today in what we consider a "free society." Our government doesn't want us to know the horrible casualties of war, so they manipulate the truth. Almost as if history was stricken from the scroll. I hope we have real seekers of truth, because so many historians gloss over the little details of battles. Someday, those mysteries will be solved.

Which underscores why we need to remember those men (and women) who have served. Regardless of what those in power choose to tell us about what happened.

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Which underscores why we need to remember those men (and women) who have served. Regardless of what those in power choose to tell us about what happened.

So true, Del. We mussn't remember one single person's "history" -- we need to remember EVERY story is what makes this such a great and powerful place. Many came before us and paid the price of building this dream and fighting the Hitlers and facists in their varied guises over time. And like someone said, every day that passes, one more storyteller goes to the grave. :(

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So true, Del. We mussn't remember one single person's "history" -- we need to remember EVERY story is what makes this such a great and powerful place. Many came before us and paid the price of building this dream and fighting the Hitlers and facists in their varied guises over time. And like someone said, every day that passes, one more storyteller goes to the grave. :(

Thank God there are still people left who have stood up to the facists asshole bastards and are still with us to tell about it.

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Thank God there are still people left who have stood up to the facists asshole bastards and are still with us to tell about it.

:) Agreed....somebody has to help the media see through the hyperbole that surrounds wartime, and see that the fighting is done by people just like you and me.

Well done.

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Both of my grandfathers fought in World War II and neither of them are still with us. One of them died before I was born and the other died when I was two. I love hearing my mom's dad's war stories in particular. Some of them are really funny and the comraderie present back then is so refreshing to hear about.

RIP, guys.

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Excellent thread, great posts from everyone.

Freedom isn't 'free' and many have paid the price for it.

Related to this theme is one of my favorite parts of the film Patton. The part where the general is being removed from the front lines and he laments that there is still a part for him to play in the war against the Nazi tyrants, and he evokes this prayer from the bible (Psalm 63)

O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;

To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary.

Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.

Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name.

My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips:

When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches.

Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice.

My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me.

But those that seek my soul, to destroy it, shall go into the lower parts of the earth.

They shall fall by the sword: they shall be a portion for foxes.

But the king shall rejoice in God; every one that sweareth by him shall glory: but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped.

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Thank God there are still people left who have stood up to the facists asshole bastards and are still with us to tell about it.

Well even back then they were in the minority. Look at how many nations DIDN'T stand up to the Fascists and Nazis and turned the other cheek....or even joined them. Even the Soviet Union was happy to take half of Poland alongside Hitler before he turned on them.

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Well even back then they were in the minority. Look at how many nations DIDN'T stand up to the Fascists and Nazis and turned the other cheek....or even joined them. Even the Soviet Union was happy to take half of Poland alongside Hitler before he turned on them.

This thread is not about the nations who fought or didn't fight the wars, it is about those who served.

Heroes like:

Marine Benjamin K. Worth

2nd Lt. Samuel Nedjamic

Pfc. Patrick D. Dass

Sgt. Joe Monanoma

Cpl. Vijay Kirneh

For every soldier, seaman and every pilot who has been through the storm of battle

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This thread is not about the nations who fought or didn't fight the wars, it is about those who served.

Actually, I thought the thread was also about the t.v series Band of Brothers.

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