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1 in 4 Amercian Teenage Girls are Diseased

The Rover

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I don't think it's paranoia as much as it is sensible prevention.

You wouldn't think using a condom is paranoid, and giving kids vaccines for other common diseases isn't paranoid either.

Jeeez - talk about misrepresenting what I said.

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I don't know if I can believe those numbers. That sounds a little ridiculous.

Luckily, I have never gotten an STD

This demands a new thread for people to talk about their STD's. Cause I am sure there are people on thsi board that have had them!

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What about statistics on how many boys & men have STDs?! It's probably even worse.

EDIT: sorry! I had not read page 2 where Hotplant already asked this question...

Anyway, this latest news out today (is it Sexual Diseases Week and nobody told me?!) includes men:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. syphilis rate rose for the seventh straight year in 2007, driven by a continued surge in cases among homosexual and bisexual men, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Wednesday.

Since 2000, when the national syphilis rate sank to a low of 2.1 per 100,000 people after a decade of progress in the 1990s, the rate has soared by 76 percent, the CDC reported.

Homosexual and bisexual men accounted for 64 percent of syphilis cases in 2007, up from about 5 percent in 1999.

Edited by FireOpal
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Yes, parents should be the ones educating their children about sex and other worldly things, but most parents view school as an 8-hour babysitter, and they feel it's the schools' job to educate them on this subject.

I went to Catholic school, but we didn't get abstinence-only education. The school realized they needed to get with the times and offered an actual sexual education class.

That is a great point, but there are children who feel as if they have no connection with their parents and seek rebellion fervently. It may not be the idyllic situation, but it is a significant factor.

The means are already there; the protection is for if it actually happens. I've just never been of the crowd who thinks supplying condoms makes kids have sex, or more sex. It's a part of the whole package (so to speak) of sex education. Believe it or not, this has not been an awkward subject between me and my teenaged daughter. It's been a subject for open discussion from the beginning. It seems to me that the teen pregnancies and stds occur most where the subject is closed.

I do believe in parent-child interaction. I believe it's wonderful when the parent and child have a strong bond and are open with each other. Sadly, there are relationships which are not close at all. For example, my mom and I are distant as can be. It accumulated after years, but I feel as if I can't talk to my mom about any personal issues. It's a shame, I know, but it's the grotesque truth. I have to rely on my friends for such circumstances.

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That is a great point, but there are children who feel as if they have no connection with their parents and seek rebellion fervently. It may not be the idyllic situation, but it is a significant factor.

I do believe in parent-child interaction. I believe it's wonderful when the parent and child have a strong bond and are open with each other. Sadly, there are relationships which are not close at all. For example, my mom and I are distant as can be. It accumulated after years, but I feel as if I can't talk to my mom about any personal issues. It's a shame, I know, but it's the grotesque truth. I have to rely on my friends for such circumstances.

I'm sorry to hear that. What about a school counselor? Or a free teen clinic? They have a lot of good information and you can see them confidentially.

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I'm sorry to hear that. What about a school counselor? Or a free teen clinic? They have a lot of good information and you can see them confidentially.

I was thinking of that. I, as a high school student, don't want to deal with sex currently in any form. In college, circumstances will likely change. I do want to seek advice to make it as safe as possible at the counseling they provide.

Thanks for your support :)

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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I was thinking of that. I, as a high school student, don't want to deal with sex currently in any form. In college, circumstances will likely change. I do want to seek advice to make it as safe as possible at the counseling they provide.

Thanks for your support :)

You are a smart girl :)

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I was thinking of that. I, as a high school student, don't want to deal with sex currently in any form. In college, circumstances will likely change. I do want to seek advice to make it as safe as possible at the counseling they provide.

Thanks for your support :)

As a rule of thumb guys will tell you anything to get in the sack. Personally I didn't press as hard as alot of guys but I had my moments. It's human nature for guys to persue, just always have a way out until YOU feel it's right.

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You are a smart girl :)

Thank you very much :D You made me a very happy lady today :)

As a rule of thumb guys will tell you anything to get in the sack. Personally I didn't press as hard as alot of guys but I had my moments. It's human nature for guys to persue, just always have a way out until YOU feel it's right.

Thank you very much as well. I am well aware of the fact that some guys rapaciously try to do that. They are starting right now, in fact. :blink:

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Oh yeah..........

Guys can be bad, really bad. I know some extremely manipulative, compulsive liars, that always get in the girl's pants. It's scary.

It sucks to have to be in fear of men, or be paranoid, but you have to be.

Best thing you can do is make a guy wait...........for months. If he likes you for real, he will stay.

Because once you give it up to him, he usually doesn't want much to do with you afterward.

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Oh yeah..........

Guys can be bad, really bad. I know some extremely manipulative, compulsive liars, that always get in the girl's pants. It's scary.

It sucks to have to be in fear of men, or be paranoid, but you have to be.

Best thing you can do is make a guy wait...........for months. If he likes you for real, he will stay.

Because once you give it up to him, he usually doesn't want much to do with you afterward.

Except the one you should be with; that one loves you anyway. It's best to be a little picky about which one you trust.

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despite the stereotypes, girls are more sexually active than boys. when i was in school

most guys were wishing they could have sex but they couldn't get any. the girls however

would pick from a small pool of guys to trade off with. it makes since how once one girl

or guy got an std it would be spread quickly among the female population. solution: shut down high school football programs.

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High school girls are like bees. When a Bee gets attacked, it spays a scent on the agressor, so other bees know who is good and who is bad. When a guy bangs a girl, he gets the scent and all of the other girls now know who to screw. The side effect is that it makes the guy an asshole.

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Gross...use a condom, people! You don't sit next to the sniffling, sneezing person on the bus unless you have to, so why would you intentionally expose yourself to that kind of disease? And seriously, I would think that you'd get more play in the future if you didn't have any STDs, so if nothing else, think about your future sex life!

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In my school years the attractive teenage girls only hooked up with the popular sports guys, etc. Those guys got most of the action. I was somewhere in the middle of the pack. So guys in that zone had no chance with the hotties. You had to settle for the plainer girls and if you had no interest in those girls you were not getting any action at all. Those school years are a real shallow time.

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In my school years the attractive teenage girls only hooked up with the popular sports guys, etc. Those guys got most of the action. I was somewhere in the middle of the pack. So guys in that zone had no chance with the hotties. You had to settle for the plainer girls and if you had no interest in those girls you were not getting any action at all. Those school years are a real shallow time.

The irony is stunning.

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