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What about most bizarre Zep moments?


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  • 3 years later...

I just went back and for the first time read my account on the Timline of my concert of 5/30/1977 in Landover MD. I am surprised nobody here on this thread mentioned the bottle rocket that was launched on the stage at that concert? At first I was wondering if it was part of the act. I now realize, with help of the Ocean (who I have not seen here in ages) that it was not. I was no aware they were playing the next night in Carolina. We knew when we were there that they had not played the night before. So we were very happy to know this, that they would not be tired I guess. My account now is I believe third in order. I thought I had posted the first account of that night but maybe not? I posted my account of the event in 2007. 30 yrs after I saw them.

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I just went back and for the first time read my account on the Timline of my concert of 5/30/1977 in Landover MD. I am surprised nobody here on this thread mentioned the bottle rocket that was launched on the stage at that concert? At first I was wondering if it was part of the act. I now realize, with help of the Ocean (who I have not seen here in ages) that it was not. I was no aware they were playing the next night in Carolina. We knew when we were there that they had not played the night before. So we were very happy to know this, that they would not be tired I guess. My account now is I believe third in order. I thought I had posted the first account of that night but maybe not? I posted my account of the event in 2007. 30 yrs after I saw them.

I'd highly recommend the newly released soundboard of 5/30 to anyone...but I think you especially would cherish it, since you were there. Rob mentions the bottle rocket incident a few times - he doesn't actually use the words "bottle rocket" but you can tell what he's talking about. He's remarkably good humored about it.

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Aside from Page having a firecracker lobbed at him in Vienna in 1980 while he was trying to play "White Summer", there is also the incident in Louisville in 1977 where some yahoo threw a bottle at the stage, hitting Jimmy's guitar. This can clearly be heard on the audience recording, right after "Ten Years Gone".

An in depth discussion of this incident, pictures and all, can be found in this thread:

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^^^ And as long as I'm on the "bizarre" thread, I think I'd add March 21, 1975. Some of you may know this story better than me, but apparently, earlier in the day, before the show, a fan had given a guitar to Jimmy as a gift. Well, it turns out the guitar was stolen, and somebody turned up at the show, trying to get it back (this is the famous Seattle Supersonic show). There was some heated discussion offstage during the performance, and after one of the songs Robert mentions that JImmy is really angry...or he's "having a fit" or something. Rob tried to make light of it, but he sounded a little uneasy. I don't know how it all got worked out, but it was a little weird. Great show, though.

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A curious little that happened during Plant's Now and Zen tour in 1988 at the Royal Court Theatre, Liverpool. During one of the songs Plant started doing this wierd little dance and was singing "Loo Loo Loo". A signal to the band that he needed a piss, so the band go into this little jam thing and off trots Bobby to take his much needed piss.

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March 27, 1975 LA Forum

For some reason, Linda Lovelace is brought out to introduce the band. I only knew of her and "Deep Throat" from reading about it in the newspaper, but was too young to have seen it or any porn for that matter. But I'd already lost my virginity by then, anyway, so looking for porn was not a priority in my life.

So she comes out and doesn't really say much...just "I'd like to introduce...Led Zeppelin." Doesn't even mention their names like the emcees at Earl's Court. She didn't even look all that pretty.

What was the point? Whose idea was this? At least JJ Jackson made sense as he'd been a supporter of the band from the beginning and was a beloved L.A. radio dj. He even introduced the band at their 1970 Forum concert.

I always thought of Linda Lovelace as a 'cocaine moment'...somebody tooted too much snow and thought "wouldn't it be far out to have the star of Deep Throat introduce the band?"

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A curious little that happened during Plant's Now and Zen tour in 1988 at the Royal Court Theatre, Liverpool. During one of the songs Plant started doing this wierd little dance and was singing "Loo Loo Loo". A signal to the band that he needed a piss, so the band go into this little jam thing and off trots Bobby to take his much needed piss.

:hysterical: That's hilarious! I wish someone had video.

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I like this thread.

I tried several searches for a photo that I've seen posted, but couldn't find it just now.

There are some photos of a woman on the stage who appears to be dancing, Robert going toward her with his arms out. Looks like a large outdoor stadium show, possibly 1977. Does anyone know why she was on the stage? Was she part of the show?

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I like this thread.

I tried several searches for a photo that I've seen posted, but couldn't find it just now.

There are some photos of a woman on the stage who appears to be dancing, Robert going toward her with his arms out. Looks like a large outdoor stadium show, possibly 1977. Does anyone know why she was on the stage? Was she part of the show?

It happened at the Day on the Green shows at Oakland-Alameda Coliseum July 23-24 1977. Not sure if she danced at both shows or only one. I have the picture somewhere but I'm watching football...I'll track it down after the games.

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March 27, 1975 LA Forum

For some reason, Linda Lovelace is brought out to introduce the band. [...]

What was the point? Whose idea was this? At least JJ Jackson made sense as he'd been a supporter of the band from the beginning and was a beloved L.A. radio dj. He even introduced the band at their 1970 Forum concert.

I always thought of Linda Lovelace as a 'cocaine moment'...somebody tooted too much snow and thought "wouldn't it be far out to have the star of Deep Throat introduce the band?"

I agree - she probably knew some people in the entourage.

I think she was cute, if not beautiful, btw. And a sad story, ultimately.

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It happened at the Day on the Green shows at Oakland-Alameda Coliseum July 23-24 1977. Not sure if she danced at both shows or only one. I have the picture somewhere but I'm watching football...I'll track it down after the games.

So it was a planned thing then....I wasn't sure if it was that or if she jumped on the stage and they let her be for a bit.


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It happened at the Day on the Green shows at Oakland-Alameda Coliseum July 23-24 1977. Not sure if she danced at both shows or only one. I have the picture somewhere but I'm watching football...I'll track it down after the games.

Bump for Strider...I'd love to see that picture if you can track it down!

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Awesome...thanks, guys!

Do ya think anybody would be able to get away with doing something like that at a show today? Probably not...I reckon Mark David Chapman and -especially- the Damageplan shootings sadly put paid to that level of fan interaction. Even though all that girl was doing was dancing.

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Those are great Strider, not sure if I have ever seen the last one.

Someone mentioned she was dancing on JPJ's piano during "No Quarter"...must have taken quite a bit of focus on his part :) .

Edit to add: with the way Robert moved on stage, how in the world did he not split those pants?

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I'd highly recommend the newly released soundboard of 5/30 to anyone...but I think you especially would cherish it, since you were there. Rob mentions the bottle rocket incident a few times - he doesn't actually use the words "bottle rocket" but you can tell what he's talking about. He's remarkably good humored about it.

Where could I possible find this?

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Those are great Strider, not sure if I have ever seen the last one.

Someone mentioned she was dancing on JPJ's piano during "No Quarter"...must have taken quite a bit of focus on his part :) .

Edit to add: with the way Robert moved on stage, how in the world did he not split those pants?

Yeah, the material in those pants must have had a lot of give, or stretch, in them.

Anyway, those photos show that it was at the second show on July 24, 1977 that she danced on stage.

You can also see what Robert would do during the No Quarter piano solo...he'd go off and have a smoke.

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Not bizarre, but cool, during the the WLL medley in Boston 1970 as Plant is teasing everyone with the Let that Boy Boogie section, someone in the audience yells out, "COME ON DO IT, YEAH DO IT," and Plants responds "I do it every night!" The crowd goes nuts and the band launches into the Boogie jam. A great spontaneous moment.

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